2010-01-31 |
Zaggran | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Drukor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jenocyde | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Searia | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Silibac | Living Crystal Ring
| Warrens |
Xroxfist | Tyranont Articulation Ring
| Warrens |
2010-01-28 |
Drukor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zaggran | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Steel | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Furyfighting | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Zontar | Shield of Pure Discord
| Discord Tower |
Minimout | Chaotic Bloodthirst Band
| Discord Tower |
Zarysto | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zaggran | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jenocyde | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Totlc | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Zarysto | Bloodthirst Cloak of Sorrow
| Discord Tower |
Jairee | Grotesque Bazu Head Fetish
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Gem Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Totlc | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Zontar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Drukor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kanuk | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Jennre | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Darkteror | Corrupted Soul Piercer
| Discord Tower |
Hilachant | Death Studded Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Zontar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zaggran | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Drukor | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Searia | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Ohunk | Timestealer's Mantle
| Discord Tower |
Xroxfist | Scryer's Loop
| Discord Tower |
Zarysto | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zarysto | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zontar | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Lydine | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Jennre | Hexxt Shredder\'s Mace
| Discord Tower |
Vonkid | Captured Puresoul Charm
| Discord Tower |
Grokke | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zaggran | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Totlc | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Lostin | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Kanuk | Murkglider Skin Cape
| Discord Tower |
Ohunk | Runed Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Drukor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Steel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Grokke | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Silibac | Ooze Ward
| Discord Tower |
Baidas | Lifeshriek
| Discord Tower |
2010-01-25 |
Darkteror | Brilliantly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shard
| Brells Rest |
Morrbidd | Brilliantly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shard
| Brells Rest |
Searia | Brilliantly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shard
| Brells Rest |
Baulz | Brilliantly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shard
| Brells Rest |
Zykon | Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay (T6 wrist)
| Brells Rest |
Nizdazen | Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay (T6 wrist)
| Brells Rest |
Grokke | Bloodied Crook of Wrath
| Brells Rest |
Cylest | Hardened Skin Band
| Brells Rest |
2010-01-21 |
Zaggran | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zontar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lostin | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Praxis | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Furyfighting | Chaotic Ritual Cowl
| Discord Tower |
Drukor | Eternity Edge Band
| Discord Tower |
Steel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Naellaria | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Totlc | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Lydine | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Hoodfolks | Pauldrons of Endless War
| Discord Tower |
Silibac | Soulsunder
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Richardeoron | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Steel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zaggran | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rot | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Grokke | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Xroxfist | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Jenocyde | Death Studded Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Lydine | Phyro Ring of Pain
| Discord Tower |
Zaggran | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Grokke | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Steel | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Silibac | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Praxis | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Naellaria | Timeworn Pain
| Discord Tower |
Totlc | Head Scryer's Sash of Timegazing
| Discord Tower |
Zaggran | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lydine | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Searia | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Drukor | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Furyfighting | Hexxt Shredder\'s Mace
| Discord Tower |
Rayer | Deepsea Ice Stud
| Discord Tower |
Steel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lydine | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Reeaver | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Darkteror | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Balfor | Triskixx the Sweeper
| Discord Tower |
Jenocyde | Nightside Gem Earring
| Discord Tower |
Zaggran | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Naellaria | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Abiel | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Minimout | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Grokke | Darkheart Earring
| Discord Tower |
Mencius | Ironwood Wand
| Discord Tower |
2010-01-17 |
Grokke | Brilliantly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shard
| Brells Rest |
Searia | Brilliantly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shard
| Brells Rest |
Raskas | Brilliantly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shard
| Brells Rest |
Abiel | Brilliantly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shard
| Brells Rest |
Solaman | Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay (T6 wrist)
| Brells Rest |
Pwning | Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay (T6 wrist)
| Brells Rest |
Reeaver | Sabertooth Shoulderguards
| Brells Rest |
Mencius | Bloody Symbol of the Initiate
| Brells Rest |
2010-01-14 |
Zaggran | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sertandeathx | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Abiel | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Sertandeathx | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Jennre | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Xroxfist | Cloak of the Thrice-Born
| Discord |
Reeaver | Transcendent Boneleaf Earring
| Discord |
Jennre | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Totlc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Furyfighting | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Baldbum | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Furyfighting | Sigil of Pain
| Discord |
Rot | Mask of Dark Tidings
| Discord |
Zaggran | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Totlc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Furyfighting | Curator's Treasure
| Rathe Chamber |
Zykon | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Reeaver | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Kanuk | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Grokke | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Furyfighting | Corpse Hook
| Discord |
Darkteror | Dark-Ringed Cape
| Discord |
2010-01-13 |
Sertandeathx | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Garibay | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Hagorn's Gem of Fortification
| Toskirakk |
Searia | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Grokke | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Baldbum | Tyranont Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
Iszackk | Living Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
2010-01-12 |
Hoodfolks | Brilliantly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shard
| Brells Rest |
Grokke | Brilliantly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shard
| Brells Rest |
Lostin | Brilliantly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shard
| Brells Rest |
Baidas | Brilliantly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shard
| Brells Rest |
Zuuz | Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay (T6 wrist)
| Brells Rest |
Iszack | Palladium Encrusted Carpal Clay (T6 wrist)
| Brells Rest |
Vahlaura | Girdle of Unending Strife
| Brells Rest |
Tobynn | Hardened Skin Band
| Brells Rest |
2010-01-11 |
Baldbum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Garibay | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kanuk | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Jlaor | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Xroxfist | Chaotic Ritual Cowl
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Fateslayer
| Discord Tower |
Garibay | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Totlc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Silibac | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Baulz | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Lostin | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Searia | Amulet of the Dark Origin
| Discord Tower |
Garibay | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Nizdazen | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Sertandeathx | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Garibay | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Praxis | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Grokke | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Jlaor | Timeworn Pain
| Discord Tower |
Kanuk | Head Scryer's Sash of Timegazing
| Discord Tower |
Naellaria | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Grokke | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Praxis | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Searia | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Lostin | Captured Puresoul Charm
| Discord Tower |
Garibay | Cryostasis Fragment Ring
| Discord Tower |
Garibay | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jennre | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Richardeoron | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Darkteror | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Baulz | Triskixx the Sweeper
| Discord Tower |
Baulz | Distorted Face Mask
| Discord Tower |
Garibay | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Totlc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Minimout | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Grokke | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Silibac | Darkheart Earring
| Discord Tower |
Totlc | Bonecrasher
| Discord Tower |
2010-01-06 |
Totlc | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Totlc | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Totlc | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Kanuk | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Sertandeathx | Buckler of Defeated Champions
| Discord |
Darkteror | Kiriski's Girdle of Faith
| Rathe Chamber |
2010-01-05 |
Sertandeathx | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sertandeathx | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sertandeathx | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
Darkteror | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Grokke | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Silibac | Flame Emblazoned Spaulders
| Discord |
Grokke | Ache
| Discord |
2010-01-04 |
Kanuk | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Kanuk | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Searia | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Grokke | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Jennre | Tyranont Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
Silibac | Tyranont Articulation Ring
| Warrens |
2010-01-03 |
Steel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kanuk | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Grokke | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Reeaver | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Praxis | Blood Bead Talon Cord
| Discord Tower |
Silibac | Eternal Gaze Mask
| Discord Tower |
Lydine | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kanuk | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Searia | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Lydine | Pauldrons of Endless War
| Discord Tower |
Xroxfist | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Darkteror | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Jenocyde | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Kanuk | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayzs | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baulz | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Lostin | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Hoebo | Fleshwrap Cloak of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Abiel | Phyro Ring of Pain
| Discord Tower |
Searia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Darkteror | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lydine | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
Silibac | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Reeaver | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Praxis | Timestealer\'s Mask
| Discord Tower |
Euri | Head Scryer's Sash of Timegazing
| Discord Tower |
Rayzs | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayzs | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Darkteror | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Kutya | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Saria | Diamond Feather Mask
| Discord Tower |
Xroxfist | Hexxt Chitinbreaker's Lessonteacher
| Discord Tower |
Searia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kanuk | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jennre | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Lydine | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Triskixx the Sweeper
| Discord Tower |
Zontar | Blackstone Encrusted Belt
| Discord Tower |
Darkteror | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lydine | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Grokke | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Ohunk | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Minimout | Ring of Teeth
| Discord Tower |
Kanuk | Shroud of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
2009-12-30 |
Baldbum | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Kanuk | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Reeaver | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Drukor | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Abiel | Nexiont Shell Shield
| Warrens |
Totlc | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
2009-12-29 |
Totlc | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Drukor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Searia | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Grokke | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Abiel | Maul of Dire Intent
| Discord |
Darkteror | Coruscite Band of Vigilence
| Discord |
2009-12-28 |
Darkteror | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Darkteror | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Morrbidd | Worldslayer Blessed Crystal
| Discord |
Baldbum | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Redius | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Audrauis | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Kanuk | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Lydine | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Banniz | Itch
| Discord |
Morrbidd | Sash of the Pox-Blessed
| Discord |
2009-12-27 |
Totlc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baldbum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Silibac | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Xroxfist | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Darkteror | Shield of Pure Discord
| Discord Tower |
Balfor | Fateslayer
| Discord Tower |
Totlc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kanuk | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baldbum | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Darkteror | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Reeaver | Dead Eye Lover's Band
| Discord Tower |
Quuq | Pauldrons of Endless War
| Discord Tower |
Reeaver | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Darkteror | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baldbum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zuuz | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Reeaver | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Praxis | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Darkteror | Vile Torturer\'s Earring
| Discord Tower |
Grokke | Fleshwrap Cloak of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Kanuk | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kanuk | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Totlc | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Silibac | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Grokke | Time's Sundering
| Discord Tower |
Demeraudes | Timeworn Pain
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kanuk | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Praxis | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Grokke | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Jenocyde | Diamond Feather Mask
| Discord Tower |
Silibac | Hexxt Shredder\'s Mace
| Discord Tower |
Baldbum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kanuk | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Jenocyde | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Darkteror | Millennial Runestone
| Discord Tower |
Grokke | Runed Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Kanuk | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kanuk | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ohunk | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Baulz | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Lonn | Ironwood Wand
| Discord Tower |
Searia | Shroud of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
2009-12-23 |
Totlc | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Baldbum | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Xroxfist | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Jennre | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Darkteror | Buckler of Defeated Champions
| Discord |
Xroxfist | God Ender
| Discord |
2009-12-22 |
Totlc | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Kanuk | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Silibac | Ksathrax's Amber
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Redius | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Silibac | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Searia | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Silibac | Corpse Hook
| Discord |
Reeaver | Sash of the Pox-Blessed
| Discord |
2009-12-21 |
Searia | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zontar | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Darkteror | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Reeaver | Brekt\'s Fanatical Cloak
| Warrens |
Jenocyde | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Kanuk | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Morrbidd | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Baulz | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Zontar | Living Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
Kanuk | Living Crystal Ring
| Warrens |
2009-12-20 |
Kanuk | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Totlc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kutya | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Baulz | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Darkteror | Chaotic Ritual Cowl
| Discord Tower |
Morrbidd | Eternity Edge Band
| Discord Tower |
Darkteror | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Searia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Silibac | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Lydine | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Jenocyde | Dead Eye Lover's Band
| Discord Tower |
Nizdazen | Heart Claw
| Discord Tower |
Jenocyde | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Baulz | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Kanuk | Merciless Visage of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Ohunk | The Keen Edge of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Kanuk | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Deezy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Reeaver | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Xroxfist | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Searia | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Kanuk | Timeworn Pain
| Discord Tower |
Lydine | Scryer's Loop
| Discord Tower |
Totlc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baldbum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Silibac | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Baldbum | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Totlc | Cryostasis Fragment Ring
| Discord Tower |
Audrauis | Diamond Feather Mask
| Discord Tower |
Kanuk | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lydine | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baldbum | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
Totlc | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Baulz | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Searia | Murkglider Skin Cape
| Discord Tower |
Reeaver | Krattk the Lion Tamer
| Discord Tower |
Totlc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lydine | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ohunk | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Ashlei | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Darkteror | Redeye
| Discord Tower |
Xroxfist | Darkheart Earring
| Discord Tower |
2009-12-18 |
Totlc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Totlc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Morrbidd | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Searia | Krisz\'s Ring
| Discord Tower |
Totlc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baldbum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ohunk | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Horrorskin Belt
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Baldbum | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Searia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Drukor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Reeaver | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Balfor | Exxten Stone Ring
| Discord Tower |
Baldbum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baldbum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ohunk | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Baulz | Slaveworn Splint
| Discord Tower |
Searia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baldbum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Adamkadmon | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Permafrost Ring
| Discord Tower |
Searia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Totlc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lydine | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Abiel | Mantle of Strategy
| Discord Tower |
Totlc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Totlc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baulz | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Ohunk | Discordling Honor Badge
| Discord Tower |
2009-12-14 |
Adamkadmon | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Totlc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Deezy | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Praxis | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Reeaver | Mask of Dark Tidings
| Discord |
Audrauis | Sash of Living Darkness
| Discord |
Steel | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Totlc | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Drukor | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Morrbidd | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Reeaver | Infested Death Shroud
| Discord |
Kutya | Flame Emblazoned Spaulders
| Discord |
Rot | Rallosian Casterix
| Rathe Chamber |
Searia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Searia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kutya | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Baldbum | Shredder Chain Cloak
| Warrens |
Darkteror | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rayzs | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baulz | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Morrbidd | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Coolkat | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
Abiel | Tyranont Heart
| Warrens |
2009-12-13 |
Narimx | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raszerkx | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Ohunk | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Praxis | Deathwind
| Discord Tower |
Jenocyde | Cloak of Darkest Night
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Searia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jenocyde | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Reeaver | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Feyr | Pauldrons of Endless War
| Discord Tower |
Praxis | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Narimx | Ksathrax's Amber
| Discord Tower |
Coolkat | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Coolkat | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Praxis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Praxis | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Ohunk | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Coolkat | Merciless Visage of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Drukor | Bulwark of Corruption
| Discord Tower |
Coolkat | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raszerkx | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Kutya | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Durgadin | Scryer's Loop
| Discord Tower |
Abiel | Timestealer\'s Mask
| Discord Tower |
Searia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Coolkat | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kutya | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Rayzs | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Drukor | Discord Glow Rune
| Discord Tower |
Lovelyeyes | Cryostasis Fragment Ring
| Discord Tower |
Praxis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Praxis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Audrauis | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Reeaver | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Ohunk | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Iszack | Distorted Face Mask
| Discord Tower |
Darkteror | Triskixx the Sweeper
| Discord Tower |
Coolkat | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Coolkat | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Peotic | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Kutya | Lifeshriek
| Discord Tower |
Rayx | Ooze Ward
| Discord Tower |
2009-12-07 |
Rayzs | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Imissed | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Jenocyde | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Rubinia | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Kutya | Tyranont Charged Spike
| Warrens |
Reeaver | Living Crystal Beads
| Warrens |
Coolkat | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayzs | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jenocyde | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Reeaver | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Kaixx | Cryostasis Fragment Ring
| Discord Tower |
Morrbidd | Diamond Feather Mask
| Discord Tower |
Steel | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
Steel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayzs | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Peotic | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Smallbean | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Lonn | Nightside Gem Earring
| Discord Tower |
Abiel | Triskixx the Sweeper
| Discord Tower |
Rayzs | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayzs | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Vahlaura | Lifeshriek
| Discord Tower |
Zontar | Dreadskin Cape
| Discord Tower |
2009-12-03 |
Cenlay | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cenlay | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Morrbidd | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Abiel | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Chaotic Bloodthirst Band
| Discord Tower |
Reeaver | Cloak of Darkest Night
| Discord Tower |
2009-12-02 |
Cenlay | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayzs | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Corboy | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Reeaver | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Morrbidd | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Jenocyde | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Hoodfolks | Soulsunder
| Discord Tower |
Dorlus | Pauldrons of Endless War
| Discord Tower |
Zontar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayzs | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jenocyde | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Demeraudes | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Zontar | Corrupted Soul Piercer
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Fleshwrap Cloak of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Zelica | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zontar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Reeaver | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Morrbidd | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Mencius | Timestealer\'s Gorget
| Discord Tower |
Sraz | Head Scryer's Sash of Timegazing
| Discord Tower |
Nujo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zontar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zykon | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Morrbidd | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Abiel | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Cantard | Hexxt Shredder\'s Mace
| Discord Tower |
Rayx | Whitemetal Gorget
| Discord Tower |
Rayzs | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Nujo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Audrauis | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Jenocyde | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Rubinia | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Vahlaura | Raxtki the Skitterer Render
| Discord Tower |
Reeaver | Nightside Gem Earring
| Discord Tower |
Zelica | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayzs | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Abiel | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Morrbidd | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Demeraudes | Shroud of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Redeye
| Discord Tower |
2009-11-30 |
Rayzs | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rubinia | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Baidas | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Peotic | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Zontar | Tyranont Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
Raszerkx | Tyranont Articulation Ring
| Warrens |
Rot | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Nujo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Abiel | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Morrbidd | Discordraught Cloak
| Warrens |
2009-11-24 |
Reeaver | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Reeaver | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Machiavelli | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Sweetevill | Fireflight Charm
| SoD |
Reeaver | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Reeaver | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Reeaver | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Rubinia | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Steel | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
Rot | Tyranont Charged Spike
| Warrens |
Rubinia | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Jenocyde | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Jenocyde | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Zukanx | Discordraught Cloak
| Warrens |
2009-11-23 |
Abiel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Abiel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Peotic | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Solaman | Ensslat\'s Earring
| Discord Tower |
Morrbidd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Morrbidd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ohlook | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Feyr | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Rubinia | Third Eye Shield
| Discord Tower |
Morrbidd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rubinia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Qwenya | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Rayx | Flashstriker\'s Mantle
| Discord Tower |
Morrbidd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Morrbidd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jenocyde | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Audrauis | Permafrost Gem
| Discord Tower |
Morrbidd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Morrbidd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Machiavelli | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Morrbidd | Vitrik War Shield
| Discord |
2009-11-19 |
Reeaver | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Reeaver | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Audrauis | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Baidas | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Rayx | Darkheart Earring
| Discord Tower |
Rayx | Lifeshriek
| Discord Tower |
2009-11-18 |
Jenocyde | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jenocyde | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jenocyde | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Solaman | Taromani\'s Veil
| Discord Tower |
Reeaver | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jenocyde | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ohlook | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Tyreel | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Morrbidd | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Horrorskin Belt
| Discord Tower |
Jenocyde | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jenocyde | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Abiel | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Vahlaura | Exxten Stone Ring
| Discord Tower |
Reeaver | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Smallbean | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Peotic | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Raskas | Binding Bauble
| Discord Tower |
Reeaver | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jenocyde | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Cylest | Spawnmaster\'s Missive
| Discord |
2009-11-16 |
Jenocyde | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jenocyde | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cree | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Rubinia | Ukun Skin Shawl
| Discord Tower |
Reeaver | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Reeaver | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Audrauis | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Discordling War Mask
| Discord Tower |
Rubinia | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rubinia | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Jenocyde | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Peotic | Brekt\'s Fanatical Cloak
| Warrens |
Abiel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Morrbidd | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Feyr | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Baidas | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Morrbidd | Nexiont Shell Shield
| Warrens |
Audrauis | Living Crystal Beads
| Warrens |
2009-11-12 |
Peotic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Morrbidd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Morrbidd | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Balfor | Guardian Skull Cap
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Audrauis | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Zelica | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Peotic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Solaman | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Mastruq Hide Cloak
| Discord Tower |
Zelica | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Peotic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Peotic | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Ytta\'s Third Eye
| Discord |
2009-11-11 |
Morrbidd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Morrbidd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayx | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Durgadin | Shredder Chain Cloak
| Warrens |
Morrbidd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Morrbidd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Chimeric Stinger Earring
| Discord Tower |
Morrbidd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Morrbidd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ohlook | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Zukanx | Rustic Divine Shoulders
| Discord |
Feyr | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Baidas | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Dorlus | Tyranont Charged Spike
| Warrens |
Abiel | Living Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
Morrbidd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rubinia | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Morrbidd | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Abiel | Mastruq Hide Cloak
| Discord Tower |
2009-11-05 |
Abiel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Abiel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Abiel | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Zanko | Discord Rider Shield
| Discord |
Abiel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Abiel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Abiel | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Iszack | Husk Bone Ring
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
2009-11-04 |
Rubinia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rubinia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zukanx | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Baradd | Grlax\'s Belt
| Discord Tower |
Demeraudes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Demeraudes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rot | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Cylest | Ytta\'s Third Eye
| Discord |
Zykon | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Keizersoze | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raszerkx | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Balfor | Wavekiller Ring
| Discord Tower |
Rubinia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Demeraudes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zarysto | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Tyreel | Ikaav Tail Segment
| Discord Tower |
Speedfreak | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rubinia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rubinia | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Demeraudes | Vitrik War Shield
| Discord |
2009-11-03 |
Rubinia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rubinia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayx | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Audrauis | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Baidas | Tyranont Charged Spike
| Warrens |
Abiel | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
Rubinia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Demeraudes | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Solaman | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Rubinia | Brekt\'s Fanatical Cloak
| Warrens |
2009-11-02 |
Qaquarius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rubinia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Abiel | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Rubinia | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Goatflesh | Shield of Pure Discord
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Fateslayer
| Discord Tower |
Abiel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rubinia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rubinia | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Qaquarius | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Vuncar | Soulsunder
| Discord Tower |
Baidas | Pauldrons of Endless War
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Keizersoze | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rubinia | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Rubinia | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Audrauis | Shawl of Discordant Incantations
| Discord Tower |
Abiel | Corrupted Soul Piercer
| Discord Tower |
Rubinia | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Rubinia | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Feyr | Timestealer\'s Mask
| Discord Tower |
Abiel | Blade of Far Sight
| Discord Tower |
Rubinia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rubinia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Abiel | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Rubinia | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Hagot | Flashstriker's Great Mace
| Discord Tower |
Rubinia | Diamond Feather Mask
| Discord Tower |
Audrauis | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rubinia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rubinia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rubinia | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Rayx | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Rubinia | Murkglider Skin Cape
| Discord Tower |
Cree | Runed Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Rubinia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rubinia | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raskas | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Iszack | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Shroud of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Lifeshriek
| Discord Tower |
2009-10-29 |
Leenyne | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Leenyne | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Leenyne | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Vonkid | Reflection of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Keizersoze | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Keizersoze | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raszerkx | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Rayx | Husk Bone Ring
| Discord Tower |
Cree | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rot | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
2009-10-28 |
Rot | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rot | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Klarien | Worldslayer Blessed Crystal
| Discord |
Machiavelli | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Exxten Stone Ring
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rot | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balsix | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Hoodfolks | Binding Bauble
| Discord Tower |
Rayer | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Keizersoze | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Grayl | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Vahlaura | Bazu Bone Collar
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
Rayer | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Keizersoze | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rot | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Solaman | Ukun Skin Shawl
| Discord Tower |
Sweetevill | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cree | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Durgadin | Discordling Honor Badge
| Discord Tower |
2009-10-27 |
Shaman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hilachant | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hilachant | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Goatflesh | Mastruq Hide Cloak
| Discord Tower |
Hilachant | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hilachant | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Tyreel | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Audrauis | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Shaadowzs | Tyranont Charged Spike
| Warrens |
Issack | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
Rayer | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayer | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Keizersoze | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Cree | Slaveworn Splint
| Discord Tower |
Rayer | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayer | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Solaman | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Vitrik War Shield
| Discord |
Happy | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
2009-10-26 |
Smallbean | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayer | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zukanx | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Qaquarius | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Goatflesh | Chaotic Bloodthirst Band
| Discord Tower |
Hoodfolks | Choker of Sel\'Tak
| Discord Tower |
Rayer | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayer | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vuncar | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Slayerxx | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Tyreel | Dead Eye Lover's Band
| Discord Tower |
Helmos | Pauldrons of Endless War
| Discord Tower |
Smallbean | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Hagot | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Rayer | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayer | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kaixx | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Baidas | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Vonkid | Discordant Soulstealer's Collar
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Vile Torturer\'s Earring
| Discord Tower |
Sanchotard | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sanchotard | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sanchotard | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Baidas | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Scryer's Loop
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Timeworn Pain
| Discord Tower |
Rayer | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayer | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rot | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Issack | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Solaman | Diamond Feather Mask
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Flashstriker's Great Mace
| Discord Tower |
Sanchotard | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sanchotard | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Leenyne | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Iszack | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Voila | Nightside Gem Earring
| Discord Tower |
Zarysto | Krattk the Lion Tamer
| Discord Tower |
Helmos | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Rayer | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayer | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Crossvarc | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Bonecrasher
| Discord Tower |
Locozerker | Darkheart Earring
| Discord Tower |
2009-10-22 |
Rot | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rot | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Flippety | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Helmos | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Mencius | Taromani\'s Veil
| Discord Tower |
Flippety | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baidas | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Vahlaura | Guardian Skull Cap
| Discord Tower |
Flippety | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Balfor | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
2009-10-21 |
Rass | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rass | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Feyr | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Worn Blue Doll
| Discord Tower |
Rass | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rass | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelvic | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Cantard | Volklana\'s Ring
| Discord Tower |
Rass | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rass | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelvic | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Iszack | Permafrost Ring
| Discord Tower |
Rass | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rass | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raskas | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Mantle of Strategy
| Discord Tower |
Rass | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rass | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelvic | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Durgadin | Ikaav Neck Brace
| Discord |
2009-10-20 |
Keizersoze | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Nujo | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Machiavelli | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Helmos | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Moonsleep | Nexiont Shell Shield
| Warrens |
Slayerxx | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
Hilachant | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hilachant | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hilachant | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Jairee | Shredder Chain Cloak
| Warrens |
2009-10-19 |
Flippety | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Flippety | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Maladen | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Flippety | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Vahlaura | Chaotic Bloodthirst Band
| Discord Tower |
Solaman | Shield of Pure Discord
| Discord Tower |
Flippety | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Flippety | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Maladen | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Flippety | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Audrauis | Dead Eye Lover's Band
| Discord Tower |
Durgadin | Pauldrons of Endless War
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Gem Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Goatflesh | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Flippety | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Flippety | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelvic | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Hoodfolks | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Mencius | Bulwark of Corruption
| Discord Tower |
Kuroiokami | Fleshwrap Cloak of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Flippety | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Flippety | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Maladen | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Leenyne | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Sraz | Scryer's Loop
| Discord Tower |
Flippety | Painbook of Mysteries
| Discord Tower |
Flippety | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Flippety | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Maladen | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Flippety | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Kelvic | Cryostasis Fragment Ring
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Discord Glow Rune
| Discord Tower |
Flippety | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Flippety | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelvic | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Flippety | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Solaman | Krattk the Lion Tamer
| Discord Tower |
Hoodfolks | Blackstone Encrusted Belt
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rass | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rass | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Goatflesh | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Tongue of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
Jairee | Redeye
| Discord Tower |
2009-10-15 |
Zelica | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zelica | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sirren | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Audrauis | Krisz\'s Ring
| Discord Tower |
Zelica | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zelica | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zukanx | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Baradd | Bloodstone Dangle
| Rathe Chamber |
Balfor | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
2009-10-14 |
Zelica | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zelica | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayx | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Grlax\'s Belt
| Discord Tower |
Zelica | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zelica | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Audrauis | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Nizdazen | Third Eye Shield
| Discord Tower |
Smallbean | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Smallbean | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zukanx | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Shredder Chain Cloak
| Warrens |
Rezzya | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Smallbean | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Smallbean | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cree | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Lonn | Ageless Lantern
| Discord Tower |
Smallbean | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Smallbean | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sanchotard | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Vitrik War Shield
| Discord |
2009-10-13 |
Rass | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rass | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rayx | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Machiavelli | Tyranont Charged Spike
| Warrens |
Machiavelli | Hollow Tyranont Tooth
| Warrens |
Rass | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rass | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Baidas | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Shredder Chain Cloak
| Warrens |
2009-10-12 |
Zukanx | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zukanx | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sanchotard | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Baidas | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Rayx | Deathwind
| Discord Tower |
Audrauis | Shield of Pure Discord
| Discord Tower |
Zukanx | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Smallbean | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baidas | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Crossvarc | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Iszack | Soulsunder
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Amulet of the Dark Origin
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Durgadin | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Zanko | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Smallbean | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Smallbean | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Smallbean | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Crossvarc | Vile Torturer\'s Earring
| Discord Tower |
Voight | Death Studded Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Smallbean | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Smallbean | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Hoodfolks | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Zelica | Timeworn Pain
| Discord Tower |
Balsix | Blade of Far Sight
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Worldslayer Blessed Crystal
| Discord |
Zukanx | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zukanx | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayer | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Issack | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Hagot | Whitemetal Gorget
| Discord Tower |
Webee | Cryostasis Fragment
| Discord Tower |
Zelica | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zelica | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Webee | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Machiavelli | Distorted Face Mask
| Discord Tower |
Iszack | Runed Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Zelica | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zelica | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Helmos | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Cantard | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Hitmaker | Dreadskin Cape
| Discord Tower |
Tyreel | Ironwood Wand
| Discord Tower |
2009-10-08 |
Adaur | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Adaur | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tyreel | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Demeraudes | Discordraught Cloak
| Warrens |
Rot | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Machiavelli | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Adaur | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Adaur | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Iszack | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Tenndxx\'s Charm
| Discord |
Demeraudes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Demeraudes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Adaur | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Volklana\'s Ring
| Discord Tower |
2009-10-07 |
Adaur | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Adaur | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Audrauis | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Cree | Permafrost Ring
| Discord Tower |
Demeraudes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Demeraudes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Klarien | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Solaman | Ikaav Tail Segment
| Discord Tower |
Demeraudes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Demeraudes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Adaur | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Happy | Ikaav Neck Brace
| Discord |
2009-10-06 |
Speedfreak | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Kelvic | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Demeraudes | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Machiavelli | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Vargo | Spellbound Earloop
| Rathe Chamber |
Keizersoze | Shawl of the Voice
| Rathe Chamber |
Demeraudes | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Balsix | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Kelvic | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Kelvic | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Balfor | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Ashlei | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Vargo | Living Crystal Beads
| Warrens |
Kelvic | Nexiont Shell Shield
| Warrens |
Demeraudes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelvic | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Adaur | Mastruq Hide Cloak
| Discord Tower |
2009-10-05 |
Baidas | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baidas | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raszerkx | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Mamael | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Cylest | Shield of Pure Discord
| Discord Tower |
Balfor | Chaotic Bloodthirst Band
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Kelvic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelvic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Demeraudes | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Audrauis | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Hilachant | Bloodthirst Cloak of Sorrow
| Discord Tower |
Shadowz | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Goatflesh | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Kelvic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelvic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Feyr | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Audrauis | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Rayx | Fleshwrap Cloak of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Slayerxx | Corrupted Soul Piercer
| Discord Tower |
Kelvic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baidas | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Demeraudes | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Demeraudes | Painbook of Mysteries
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Head Scryer's Sash of Timegazing
| Discord Tower |
Kelvic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baidas | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelvic | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Demeraudes | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Flashstriker's Great Mace
| Discord Tower |
Machiavelli | Whitemetal Gorget
| Discord Tower |
Kelvic | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Kelvic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Demeraudes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Solaman | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Mencius | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Triskixx the Sweeper
| Discord Tower |
Speedfreak | Millennial Runestone
| Discord Tower |
Demeraudes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Demeraudes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Hagot | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Kuroiokami | Redeye
| Discord Tower |
Baidas | Dreadskin Cape
| Discord Tower |
2009-10-01 |
Kelvic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelvic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelvic | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Adaur | Discord Rider Shield
| Discord |
Kelvic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelvic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Speedfreak | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Ashlei | Bloodstone Dangle
| Rathe Chamber |
Rezzya | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Ksathrax's Amber
| Discord Tower |
Kelvic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelvic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Solaman | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Iszack | Worn Blue Doll
| Discord Tower |
2009-09-30 |
Klarien | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Baidas | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baidas | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baidas | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Raskas | Towerguard Protector
| Discord Tower |
Baidas | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baidas | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Flame Hardened Ring
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Audrauis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Audrauis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Voight | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Talaminy | Resonance Ring
| Discord Tower |
Audrauis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Audrauis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baidas | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Tyreel | Vitrik War Shield
| Discord |
2009-09-29 |
Audrauis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Audrauis | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Keizersoze | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Klarien | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Baidas | Capu-Tuk, the Painstriker
| Rathe Chamber |
Rayx | Adornment of the Sapphire Gaze
| Rathe Chamber |
Machiavelli | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Rot | Spellbound Earloop
| Rathe Chamber |
Baidas | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baidas | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Helmos | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Baidas | Living Crystal Ring
| Warrens |
Issack | Living Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
Audrauis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Audrauis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Audrauis | Brekt\'s Fanatical Cloak
| Warrens |
2009-09-28 |
Audrauis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Audrauis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Leenyne | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Dorlus | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Deathwind
| Discord Tower |
Talaminy | Eternal Gaze Mask
| Discord Tower |
Audrauis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Audrauis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Audrauis | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Hoodfolks | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Grotesque Bazu Head Fetish
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Leg of Diabolic Writs
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Audrauis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Audrauis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Mamael | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Kaixx | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Hoodfolks | Vile Torturer\'s Earring
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Shawl of Discordant Incantations
| Discord Tower |
Voight | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Audrauis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Audrauis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Feyr | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Feyr | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Painbook of Mysteries
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Time's Sundering
| Discord Tower |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Shadowz | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Leenyne | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Cryostasis Fragment Ring
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Deepsea Ice Stud
| Discord Tower |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Audrauis | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Audrauis | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Audrauis | Krattk the Lion Tamer
| Discord Tower |
Rayx | Distorted Face Mask
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Audrauis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Audrauis | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redius | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Jairee | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Machiavelli | Redeye
| Discord Tower |
Feyr | Dreadskin Cape
| Discord Tower |
2009-09-24 |
Hilachant | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hilachant | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Adaur | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Raskas | Horrorskin Belt
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Redius | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
2009-09-23 |
Machiavelli | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hilachant | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balsix | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Hilachant | Umkas Counting Necklace
| Discord Tower |
Machiavelli | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Machiavelli | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rot | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Boulderbane | Slaveworn Splint
| Discord Tower |
Solaman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Solaman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Leenyne | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Machiavelli | Flashstriker\'s Mantle
| Discord Tower |
Solaman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Solaman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Keizersoze | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Mencius | Ukun Skin Shawl
| Discord Tower |
Solaman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Solaman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Ukun Rawhide Belt
| Discord |
2009-09-22 |
Solaman | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Feyr | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rot | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Slayerxx | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Rot | Shawl of the Voice
| Rathe Chamber |
Grayl | Spellbound Earloop
| Rathe Chamber |
Pwning | Crystal Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
Keizersoze | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Issack | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Solaman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Solaman | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Goatflesh | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Rayx | Tyranont Articulation Ring
| Warrens |
Rayx | Tyranont Charged Spike
| Warrens |
Redius | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
2009-09-21 |
Zanko | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Feyr | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Keizersoze | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Dorlus | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Chaotic Bloodthirst Band
| Discord Tower |
Brradam | Shield of Pure Discord
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Shiftie | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Nujo | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Sanchotard | Bloodthirst Cloak of Sorrow
| Discord Tower |
Boulderbane | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Feyr | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Feyr | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sraz | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Feyr | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Saikara | Fleshwrap Cloak of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Ivorystar | The Keen Edge of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Feyr | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Feyr | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vour | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Vour | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Hagot | Timestealer's Mantle
| Discord Tower |
Helmos | Scryer's Loop
| Discord Tower |
Feyr | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Feyr | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sanchotard | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Kaixx | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Aoidos | Captured Puresoul Charm
| Discord Tower |
Sraz | Cryostasis Fragment Ring
| Discord Tower |
Vargo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Grayl | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Distorted Face Mask
| Discord Tower |
Vonkid | Raxtki the Skitterer Render
| Discord Tower |
Vargo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ohlook | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Voight | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Cree | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Balsix | Dreadskin Cape
| Discord Tower |
Rayx | Redeye
| Discord Tower |
2009-09-17 |
Ohlook | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ohlook | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Pouty | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Taromani Eye
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ohlook | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Fireflight Charm
| SoD |
Rot | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
Pouty | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
2009-09-16 |
Ohlook | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ohlook | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Grayl | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Vonkid | Exxten Stone Ring
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ohlook | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kaixx | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Ashlei | Imta\'s Ring
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ohlook | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balsix | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Zanko | Flashstriker\'s Mantle
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ohlook | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Goatflesh | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Smallbean | Ixt Tail-Hair Cloak
| Warrens |
Ohlook | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ohlook | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Zykon | Discordling War Mask
| Discord Tower |
2009-09-14 |
Vargo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zarysto | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Balsix | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Machiavelli | Deathwind
| Discord Tower |
Iszack | Chaotic Ritual Cowl
| Discord Tower |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kaixx | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Neddac | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Jadenpain | Pauldrons of Endless War
| Discord Tower |
Feyr | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayx | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Neddac | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Vargo | Shawl of Discordant Incantations
| Discord Tower |
Sraz | Bulwark of Corruption
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zelica | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Dorlus | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Talaminy | Head Scryer's Sash of Timegazing
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Timestealer\'s Mask
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Zolie | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Zarysto | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Hexxt Shredder\'s Mace
| Discord Tower |
Saikara | Whitemetal Gorget
| Discord Tower |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Nujo | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Smallbean | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Murkglider Skin Cloak
| Discord Tower |
Helmos | Crystallized Blood Ring
| Discord Tower |
Vargo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vargo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redius | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Jairee | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Raskas | Redeye
| Discord Tower |
Chera | Shroud of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
2009-09-10 |
Vargo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vargo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vargo | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Cree | Steel Spinal Guard
| Discord Tower |
Tyreel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tyreel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Klarien | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Sraz | Rustic Divine Shoulders
| Discord |
2009-09-09 |
Tyreel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hilachant | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Grayl | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Deathwind
| Discord Tower |
Vargo | Cloak of Darkest Night
| Discord Tower |
Vargo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vargo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Mamael | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Brradam | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Mamael | Amulet of the Dark Origin
| Discord Tower |
Rayx | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Boulderbane | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vargo | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Rayx | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Adaur | The Keen Edge of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Mamael | Merciless Visage of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Vargo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vargo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vargo | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Rayx | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Mamael | Painbook of Mysteries
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Head Scryer's Sash of Timegazing
| Discord Tower |
Tyreel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tyreel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Shiftie | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Dorlus | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Discord Glow Rune
| Discord Tower |
Voight | Cryostasis Fragment
| Discord Tower |
Aoidos | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Aoidos | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Aoidos | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Saikara | Runed Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Balfor | Blackstone Encrusted Belt
| Discord Tower |
Saikara | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Saikara | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Kuroiokami | Darkheart Earring
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Ring of Teeth
| Discord Tower |
2009-09-03 |
Baradd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vargo | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Adaur | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Raskas | Visage of Brekt
| Discord |
Vargo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vargo | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Klarien | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Fireflight Charm
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Balfor | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Solaman | Krisz\'s Ring
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Vargo | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Vargo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayx | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Tobynn | Ixt Tail-Hair Cloak
| Warrens |
2009-09-02 |
Zanko | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zanko | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Adaur | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Jadenpain | Meteor Stone Ring
| Discord Tower |
Ninjalootz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ninjalootz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ninjalootz | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Danican | Discordraught Cloak
| Warrens |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Cylest | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Vargo | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vargo | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zarysto | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Voight | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Aoidos | Fortaskrei
| Rathe Chamber |
Elmago | Shawl of the Voice
| Rathe Chamber |
Pouty | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Rot | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Euri | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Danican | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zanko | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Durgadin | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Vargo | Living Crystal Ring
| Warrens |
Iszack | Tyranont Articulation Ring
| Warrens |
2009-09-01 |
Sweetevill | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raskas | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Zama | Ensslat\'s Earring
| Discord Tower |
Sweetevill | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Happy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sraz | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Ivorystar | Volklana\'s Ring
| Discord Tower |
Happy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Happy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Permafrost Ring
| Discord Tower |
Balthizaar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Iszack | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Boulderbane | Mask of Pixtt
| Discord Tower |
Balthizaar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Pouty | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Pearlescent Earring
| Discord Tower |
2009-08-31 |
Balthizaar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zolie | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Zelica | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Chera | Blood Bead Talon Cord
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Choker of Sel\'Tak
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ivorystar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Machiavelli | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Somlamda | Bloodthirst Cloak of Sorrow
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Grotesque Bazu Head Fetish
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rot | Curator's Treasure
| Rathe Chamber |
Ivorystar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ivorystar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Somlamda | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Iszack | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Jairee | Discordant Soulstealer's Collar
| Discord Tower |
Brradam | Vile Torturer\'s Earring
| Discord Tower |
Genloarn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Genloarn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zelica | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Time's Sundering
| Discord Tower |
Cree | Timestealer's Mantle
| Discord Tower |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Smallbean | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Beangin | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Beangin | Captured Puresoul Charm
| Discord Tower |
Rayx | Hexxt Shredder\'s Mace
| Discord Tower |
Raskas | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Genloarn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Pouty | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Hoodfolks | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Mamael | Murkglider Skin Cloak
| Discord Tower |
Genloarn | Triskixx the Sweeper
| Discord Tower |
Raskas | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Danican | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Saikara | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Baradd | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Zelica | Shroud of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Ironwood Wand
| Discord Tower |
2009-08-27 |
Happy | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Audrauis | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Pouty | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Genloarn | Tactician's Trinket
| Rathe Chamber |
Goatflesh | Fortaskrei
| Rathe Chamber |
Beangin | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Audrauis | Shawl of the Voice
| Rathe Chamber |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raskas | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Mamael | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Voodoman | Brekt\'s Fanatical Cloak
| Warrens |
Hilachant | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hilachant | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rot | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Solaman | Brekt\'s Fanatical Cloak
| Warrens |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Voight | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Hagot | Tyranont Articulation Ring
| Warrens |
Kaixx | Nexiont Shell Shield
| Warrens |
2009-08-26 |
Ivorystar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rot | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Machiavelli | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Nizdazen | Taromani\'s Veil
| Discord Tower |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Corboy | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Helmos | Horrorskin Belt
| Discord Tower |
Aoidos | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Aoidos | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Umkas Counting Necklace
| Discord Tower |
Ninjalootz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ninjalootz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ninjalootz | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Somlamda | Scryer\'s Sash
| Discord Tower |
2009-08-25 |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Cantard | Bazu Bone Collar
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ohlook | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Nizdazen | Ikaav Tail Segment
| Discord Tower |
Vargo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vargo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kuroiokami | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Neddac | Googem
| Discord Tower |
2009-08-24 |
Nizdazen | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Feyr | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zolie | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Genloarn | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Somlamda | Eternal Gaze Mask
| Discord Tower |
Ivorystar | Chaotic Bloodthirst Band
| Discord Tower |
Balthizaar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sraz | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Hagot | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Brradam | Bloodthirst Cloak of Sorrow
| Discord Tower |
Zama | Grotesque Bazu Head Fetish
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
Voodoman | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Genloarn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Feyr | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Solaman | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Iszack | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Merciless Visage of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Phyro Ring of Pain
| Discord Tower |
Feyr | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Feyr | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Feyr | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Ashlei | Head Scryer's Sash of Timegazing
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Timestealer\'s Mask
| Discord Tower |
Sraz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sraz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Genloarn | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Feyr | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Whitemetal Gorget
| Discord Tower |
Aasteroth | Cryostasis Fragment Ring
| Discord Tower |
Sraz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redrum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Genloarn | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Durgadin | Blackstone Encrusted Belt
| Discord Tower |
Hitmaker | Raxtki the Skitterer Render
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redrum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zykon | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Balfor | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Hoodfolks | Dreadskin Cape
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Redeye
| Discord Tower |
2009-08-20 |
Hilachant | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Danican | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Beangin | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Raskas | Shredder Chain Cloak
| Warrens |
Happy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rayx | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Ikaav Neck Brace
| Discord |
Seinoom | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Iszack | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Tenndxx\'s Charm
| Discord |
Seinoom | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rayx | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Happy | Meteor Stone Ring
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
2009-08-19 |
Somlamda | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Somlamda | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Insanekitty | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Lonn | Krisz\'s Ring
| Discord Tower |
Danican | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Danican | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vaell | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Hitmaker | Vangl\'s Bauble
| Discord Tower |
Somlamda | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Raszerkx | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Genloarn | Tactician's Obsidian Scimitar
| Rathe Chamber |
Hoodfolks | Crystal of the Boneknitters
| Rathe Chamber |
Raszerkx | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Zarysto | Shawl of the Voice
| Rathe Chamber |
Happy | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Ivorystar | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Boulderbane | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Hilachant | Nexiont Shell Shield
| Warrens |
Zolie | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
2009-08-18 |
Happy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Happy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tyreel | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Knen Worry Stone
| Discord |
Danican | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Danican | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zanko | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Iszack | Binding Bauble
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Wavekiller Ring
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ohlook | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Happy | Mantle of Strategy
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Curator's Treasure
| Rathe Chamber |
Danican | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Saikara | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cree | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Sweetevill | Googem
| Discord Tower |
2009-08-17 |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Happy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sraz | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Insanekitty | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Deathwind
| Discord Tower |
Solaman | Eternal Gaze Mask
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Solaman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Solaman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Shield of Eternal Chaos
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Amulet of the Dark Origin
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Rayx | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayx | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Balfor | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Danican | Shawl of Discordant Incantations
| Discord Tower |
Goatflesh | The Keen Edge of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Rayx | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayx | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Somlamda | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Balthizaar | Timestealer\'s Gorget
| Discord Tower |
Insanekitty | Time's Sundering
| Discord Tower |
Rayx | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Danican | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Chera | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Genloarn | Cryostasis Fragment
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Captured Puresoul Charm
| Discord Tower |
Somlamda | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Cantard | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Millennial Runestone
| Discord Tower |
Adaur | Raxtki the Skitterer Render
| Discord Tower |
Sraz | Ksathrax's Amber
| Discord Tower |
Somlamda | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Somlamda | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Voight | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Ironwood Wand
| Discord Tower |
Vahlaura | Dreadskin Cape
| Discord Tower |
2009-08-12 |
Somlamda | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Somlamda | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Aasteroth | Corruptor\'s Mask
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rot | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Feyr | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Volklana\'s Ring
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Somlamda | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Somlamda | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayx | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Helmos | Shredder Chain Cloak
| Warrens |
Solaman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Solaman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ivorystar | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Chimeric Stinger Earring
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
Cantard | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Somlamda | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Somlamda | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rayx | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Talaminy | Rustic Divine Shoulders
| Discord |
2009-08-11 |
Solaman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Solaman | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hilachant | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Ytta\'s Third Eye
| Discord |
Jennre | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Jennre | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Raskas | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Vitrik War Shield
| Discord |
Solaman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Solaman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Discord Rider Shield
| Discord |
Rot | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Voight | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Minimout | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zarysto | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Chera | Discordraught Cloak
| Warrens |
Voodoman | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Voodoman | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vargo | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Zama | Ixt Tail-Hair Cloak
| Warrens |
Solaman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Voodoman | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zuuz | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Voight | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Tyranont Charged Spike
| Warrens |
Klarien | Hollow Tyranont Tooth
| Warrens |
2009-08-10 |
Somlamda | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vargo | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Feyr | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Shield of Pure Discord
| Discord Tower |
Feyr | Deathwind
| Discord Tower |
Somlamda | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ivorystar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vargo | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Chera | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Cylest | Amulet of the Dark Origin
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Iszack | Curator's Treasure
| Rathe Chamber |
Machiavelli | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Vargo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ivorystar | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Balfor | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Merciless Visage of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Phyro Ring of Pain
| Discord Tower |
Vargo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Solaman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vargo | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Sweetevill | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Tobynn | Head Scryer's Sash of Timegazing
| Discord Tower |
Minimout | Timestealer's Mantle
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Vargo | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Somlamda | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Cryostasis Fragment Ring
| Discord Tower |
Jairee | Deepsea Ice Stud
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Goatflesh | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Durgadin | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Crystallized Blood Ring
| Discord Tower |
Hagot | Distorted Face Mask
| Discord Tower |
Speedfreak | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zanko | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Cree | Ring of Teeth
| Discord Tower |
Machiavelli | Darkheart Earring
| Discord Tower |
2009-08-06 |
Danican | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Feyr | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Feyr | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Kerarym | Capu-Tuk, the Painstriker
| Rathe Chamber |
Vargo | Shawl of the Voice
| Rathe Chamber |
Redius | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Corboy | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Voodoman | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Balfor | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Cantard | Discordraught Cloak
| Warrens |
Voodoman | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Voodoman | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Corboy | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Cantard | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
Vargo | Nexiont Shell Shield
| Warrens |
2009-08-05 |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Danican | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Somlamda | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Hoodfolks | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Goatflesh | Chaotic Ritual Cowl
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Eternity Edge Band
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Saikara | Leg of Diabolic Writs
| Discord Tower |
Helmos | Soulsunder
| Discord Tower |
Genloarn | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Cree | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Ivorystar | Fleshwrap Cloak of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Boulderbane | Vile Torturer\'s Earring
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Webee | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Tyreel | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Time's Sundering
| Discord Tower |
Euri | Painbook of Mysteries
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kuroiokami | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Chera | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Tobynn | Discord Glow Rune
| Discord Tower |
Ashlei | Cryostasis Fragment Ring
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Crossvarc | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Danican | Nightside Gem Earring
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Krattk the Lion Tamer
| Discord Tower |
Nizdazen | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cantard | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Durgadin | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Hitmaker | Lifeshriek
| Discord Tower |
Zykon | Ooze Ward
| Discord Tower |
2009-08-04 |
Redrum | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Redrum | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Mencius | Discordraught Cloak
| Warrens |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ivorystar | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Balfor | Reflection of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Nizdazen | Kretv Krakxt Signet
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Somlamda | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Grlax\'s Belt
| Discord Tower |
2009-08-03 |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jairee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Scryer Ytta\'s Shard
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Saikara | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redius | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Zama | Stasis-shard
| Discord Tower |
Sirren | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Drukor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Cree | Permafrost Gem
| Discord Tower |
Sirren | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zuuz | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Jairee | Ukun Rawhide Belt
| Discord |
2009-07-30 |
Voodoman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vaell | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Leenyne | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Ladicius | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Blood Bead Talon Cord
| Discord Tower |
Cantard | Choker of Sel\'Tak
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Genloarn | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Zanko | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Zama | Amulet of the Dark Origin
| Discord Tower |
Maylina | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Danican | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Voodoman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Silmare | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ivorystar | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Crazzin | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Hitmaker | Phyro Ring of Pain
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Fleshwrap Cloak of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redrum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Genloarn | Time's Sundering
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Timestealer\'s Gorget
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Genloarn | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Cryostasis Fragment
| Discord Tower |
Maylina | Captured Puresoul Charm
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redrum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Voodoman | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Nizdazen | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Danican | Krattk the Lion Tamer
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Murkglider Skin Cloak
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Iszack | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hagot | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Boulderbane | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Minimout | Darkheart Earring
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Bonecrasher
| Discord Tower |
2009-07-28 |
Vargo | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Minimout | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Lovinhugs | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Darensh | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Ivorystar | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Machiavelli | Tactician's Trinket
| Rathe Chamber |
Vargo | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Klarien | Capu-Tuk, the Painstriker
| Rathe Chamber |
Nizdazen | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Danican | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ohlook | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Zanko | Meteor Stone Ring
| Discord Tower |
Balthizaar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Vonkid | Guardian Skull Cap
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
2009-07-27 |
Silmare | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Lovinhugs | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Crazzin | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Danican | Kretv Krakxt Signet
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Drukor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Wisskerz | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Umkas Counting Necklace
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Drukor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Tyreel | Scryer\'s Sash
| Discord Tower |
Drukor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Drukor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Spawnmaster\'s Missive
| Discord |
Drukor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Drukor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Steel Spinal Guard
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Drukor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Boulderbane | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tyreel | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Goatflesh | Discordling Honor Badge
| Discord Tower |
2009-07-26 |
Redrum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Minimout | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Tyreel | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Ukun Rawhide Belt
| Discord |
Rekotgib | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Vargo | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Machiavelli | Discordraught Cloak
| Warrens |
Silmare | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Boulderbane | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Beangin | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Zykon | Discordraught Cloak
| Warrens |
Voodoman | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Silmare | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Boulderbane | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Neddac | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Leenyne | Tyranont Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
Lovinhugs | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
2009-07-25 |
Goatflesh | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Smallbean | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Seinoom | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Kaixx | Cloak of Darkest Night
| Discord Tower |
Sweetevill | Eternity Edge Band
| Discord Tower |
Tyreel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Pwning | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Maylina | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Cree | Leg of Diabolic Writs
| Discord Tower |
Baradd | Grotesque Bazu Head Fetish
| Discord Tower |
Zykon | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Silmare | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crazzin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Helmos | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Corrupted Soul Piercer
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Shawl of Discordant Incantations
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Pwning | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tyreel | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Iszack | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Zanko | Mask of Time Gazing
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Timestealer's Mantle
| Discord Tower |
Boulderbane | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Boulderbane | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Klarien | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Iszack | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Iszack | Hexxt Chitinbreaker's Lessonteacher
| Discord Tower |
Crazzin | Captured Puresoul Charm
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Iszack | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Danican | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Happy | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Aasteroth | Murkglider Skin Cloak
| Discord Tower |
Machiavelli | Runed Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Pwning | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Shiftie | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Mencius | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Talaminy | Bonecrasher
| Discord Tower |
Balfor | Dreadskin Cape
| Discord Tower |
2009-07-23 |
Pwning | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Smallbean | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Iszack | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Klarien | Tactician's Trinket
| Rathe Chamber |
Balfor | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Iszack | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Redius | Shawl of the Voice
| Rathe Chamber |
2009-07-22 |
Goatflesh | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Silmare | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Machiavelli | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Drukor | Bloodstone Dangle
| Rathe Chamber |
Speedfreak | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Goatflesh | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Aasteroth | Reflection of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Speedfreak | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Danican | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vonkid | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Vahlaura | Horrorskin Belt
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Rot | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Speedfreak | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Pwning | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raskas | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Zanko | Mastruq Hide Cloak
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Pwning | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Third Eye Shield
| Discord Tower |
2009-07-21 |
Jairee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crazzin | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Snakecharmed Earring
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jairee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Saikara | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Steel Spinal Guard
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Curator's Treasure
| Rathe Chamber |
Speedfreak | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Drukor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Nizdazen | Brekt\'s Fanatical Cloak
| Warrens |
Drukor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Silmare | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Saikara | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Tyreel | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Crazzin | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Zuuz | Shredder Chain Cloak
| Warrens |
Crossvarc | Shredder Chain Cloak
| Warrens |
Rot | Sliver of Korascian
| Toskirakk |
Vaell | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Danican | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Goatflesh | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Boulderbane | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Iszack | Living Crystal Ring
| Warrens |
Cantard | Living Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
Rot | Crystal Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
2009-07-20 |
Silmare | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Redius | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Shiftie | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Zama | Rustic Divine Shoulders
| Discord |
Sirren | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cantard | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Sycatic | Knen Worry Stone
| Discord |
Hoodfolks | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Smallbean | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Discordraught Cloak
| Warrens |
Silmare | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Florencee | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Danican | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Spawnmaster\'s Missive
| Discord |
Merci | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Hagot | Ksathrax's Amber
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
2009-07-19 |
Vaell | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Silmare | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Smallbean | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Drukor | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Speedfreak | Cloak of Darkest Night
| Discord Tower |
Jairee | Fateslayer
| Discord Tower |
Sirren | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Drukor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Zanko | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Dead Eye Lover's Band
| Discord Tower |
Voight | Heart Claw
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Voight | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Redrum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cantard | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Helmos | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Cree | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Baradd | Merciless Visage of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Zanko | The Keen Edge of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Tyreel | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Drukor | Timeworn Pain
| Discord Tower |
Cylest | Head Scryer's Sash of Timegazing
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Drukor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Machiavelli | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Cryostasis Fragment
| Discord Tower |
Speedfreak | Captured Puresoul Charm
| Discord Tower |
Sirren | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Sirren | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Drukor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Webee | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Oonagh | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Lovelyeyes | Murkglider Skin Cloak
| Discord Tower |
Ivorystar | Raxtki the Skitterer Render
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
Redrum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jairee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zykon | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Lovelyeyes | Shroud of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
Hagot | Ring of Teeth
| Discord Tower |
2009-07-16 |
Crazzin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vonkid | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Redius | Brekt\'s Fanatical Cloak
| Warrens |
Tyreel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hagot | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Balfor | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Voight | Discordraught Cloak
| Warrens |
Silmare | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Webee | Krisz\'s Ring
| Discord Tower |
Sirren | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Silmare | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Kretv Krakxt Signet
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Voodoman | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
2009-07-15 |
Zukanx | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zanko | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Cylest | Bloodstone Dangle
| Rathe Chamber |
Zykon | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Balfor | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Amory | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Neddac | Bloodstone Dangle
| Rathe Chamber |
Ashlei | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Happy | Mastruq Hide Cloak
| Discord Tower |
Machiavelli | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jairee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rezzya | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Slaveworn Splint
| Discord Tower |
Hagot | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cantard | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Shadowz | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Sycatic | Snakecharmed Earring
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Saikara | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Steel Spinal Guard
| Discord Tower |
Machiavelli | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Goatflesh | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Machiavelli | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Boulderbane | Discordling Honor Badge
| Discord Tower |
2009-07-13 |
Voight | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ivorystar | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Machiavelli | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Choker of Sel\'Tak
| Discord Tower |
Jadenpain | Chaotic Bloodthirst Band
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Shadowz | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Danican | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Dizez | Cloak of the Thrice-Born
| Discord |
Dorlus | Attendant's Collar
| Discord |
Nizdazen | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Machiavelli | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Leenyne | Kiriski's Girdle of Faith
| Rathe Chamber |
Voight | Buckler of Defeated Champions
| Discord |
Machiavelli | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Redius | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Klarien | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Sanchotard | Sash of the Pox-Blessed
| Discord |
Danican | Itch
| Discord |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Pwning | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Voight | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Klarien | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Capu-Tuk, the Painstriker
| Rathe Chamber |
Kuroiokami | Tactician's Trinket
| Rathe Chamber |
Machiavelli | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Goatflesh | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Mencius | Rallosian Casterix
| Rathe Chamber |
Voight | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hagot | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Baradd | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Zxiena | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
Klarien | Tyranont Charged Spike
| Warrens |
2009-07-12 |
Voight | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sirren | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Crossvarc | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Amulet of the Dark Origin
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Shield of Eternal Chaos
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Curator's Treasure
| Rathe Chamber |
Kelissa | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Voight | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Corboy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zuuz | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Speedfreak | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Death Studded Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Boulderbane | The Keen Edge of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Ksathrax's Amber
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Speedfreak | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tyreel | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Balfor | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Painbook of Mysteries
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Blade of Far Sight
| Discord Tower |
Cantard | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Speedfreak | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zanko | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Nizdazen | Diamond Feather Mask
| Discord Tower |
Hoodfolks | Hexxt Chitinbreaker's Lessonteacher
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redrum | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Jadenpain | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Nightside Gem Earring
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Triskixx the Sweeper
| Discord Tower |
Vahlaura | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Neddac | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Voight | Ironwood Wand
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Shroud of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
2009-07-08 |
Balfor | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Redius | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Razorblade of Scale
| Field of Scale |
Nujo | Eon Hardened Leather Leggings
| Field of Scale |
Kerarym | Iksar Commander's Belt
| Field of Scale |
Darci | Bridle of the Flying Imperial Sokokar
| Field of Scale |
Rekotgib | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Danican | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raskas | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Happy | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Shiftie | Fortaskrei
| Rathe Chamber |
Smallbean | Crystal of the Boneknitters
| Rathe Chamber |
Machiavelli | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Iszack | Spellbound Earloop
| Rathe Chamber |
Silmare | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Jairee | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Webee | Living Crystal Ring
| Warrens |
Webee | Living Crystal Ring
| Warrens |
Zelica | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
2009-07-07 |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Locozerker | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Danican | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Zanko | Deathwind
| Discord Tower |
Cylest | Cloak of Darkest Night
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Corboy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redius | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Hagot | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Mencius | Heart Claw
| Discord Tower |
Neddac | Grotesque Bazu Head Fetish
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Lovelyeyes | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Nizdazen | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Voodoman | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Talaminy | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Sycatic | Shawl of Discordant Incantations
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Phyro Ring of Pain
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Shiftie | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Webee | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Zykon | Timestealer's Mantle
| Discord Tower |
Zama | Head Scryer's Sash of Timegazing
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Voight | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Hagot | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Iszack | Hexxt Shredder\'s Mace
| Discord Tower |
Tyreel | Diamond Feather Mask
| Discord Tower |
Crossvarc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zanko | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Balfor | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Crossvarc | Triskixx the Sweeper
| Discord Tower |
Cantard | Millennial Runestone
| Discord Tower |
Iszack | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sirren | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Nizdazen | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Ironwood Wand
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Dreadskin Cape
| Discord Tower |
2009-07-06 |
Iszack | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balfor | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sabrim | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Cree | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Saikara | Ring of Forbearance
| Discord |
Iszack | Acolyte\'s Mentation Cloak
| Discord |
Durgadin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Corboy | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Hagot | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Redius | Ksathrax's Toxiferous Ring
| Discord |
Sabrim | Corpse Hook
| Discord |
Durgadin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raskas | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Ivorystar | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Danican | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Klarien | Sigil of Pain
| Discord |
Ivorystar | Kiriski's Girdle of Faith
| Rathe Chamber |
2009-07-02 |
Speedfreak | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Cree | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Jairee | Hexxt Shredder\'s Mace
| Discord Tower |
Cantard | Captured Puresoul Charm
| Discord Tower |
Speedfreak | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Speedfreak | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sirren | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Murkglider Skin Cloak
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Crystallized Blood Ring
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zuuz | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Dreadskin Cape
| Discord Tower |
Crossvarc | Redeye
| Discord Tower |
2009-06-29 |
Nizdazen | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Florencee | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sabrim | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Danican | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Beangin | Arkasluk, Tallon's Pride
| Rathe Chamber |
Ivorystar | Gurwic Torque
| Rathe Chamber |
Kelissa | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Florencee | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Klarien | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Durgadin | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Zykon | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Iszack | Tactician's Trinket
| Rathe Chamber |
Saikara | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Sanchotard | Shawl of the Voice
| Rathe Chamber |
Kelissa | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Florencee | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Oonagh | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Corboy | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Zxiena | Nexiont Shell Shield
| Warrens |
Jalaa | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
2009-06-28 |
Rekotgib | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Machiavelli | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Kelissa | Attendant's Collar
| Discord |
Drukor | Cloak of the Thrice-Born
| Discord |
Cantard | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Iszack | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Danican | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Crelborn | Mask of Dark Tidings
| Discord |
Danican | Buckler of Defeated Champions
| Discord |
Seinoom | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cantard | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Klarien | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Voododragon | Corpse Hook
| Discord |
Leenyne | Dark-Ringed Cape
| Discord |
Rot | Gem Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Ashlei | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Leenyne | Fell Dragon Scale Shield
| Kaesora Library |
Leenyne | Eon Forged Plate Helm
| Kaesora Library |
Leenyne | Eon Forged Plate Bracer
| Kaesora Library |
2009-06-27 |
Durgadin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Corboy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Iszack | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Balfor | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Machiavelli | Eternal Gaze Mask
| Discord Tower |
Boulderbane | Chaotic Bloodthirst Band
| Discord Tower |
Crossvarc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redius | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Hagot | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Cantard | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Pauldrons of Endless War
| Discord Tower |
Vahlaura | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Lonn | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Durgadin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balfor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Corrupted Soul Piercer
| Discord Tower |
Jadenpain | Discordant Soulstealer's Collar
| Discord Tower |
Zama | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Vaell | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crelborn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Speedfreak | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Timestealer\'s Mask
| Discord Tower |
Goatflesh | Time's Sundering
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Florencee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hagot | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Balfor | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Sabrim | Hexxt Shredder\'s Mace
| Discord Tower |
Angellmyst | Discord Glow Rune
| Discord Tower |
Oonagh | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Florencee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Cantard | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Cree | Distorted Face Mask
| Discord Tower |
Cylest | Crystallized Blood Ring
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crelborn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Darkheart Earring
| Discord Tower |
Zanko | Ring of Teeth
| Discord Tower |
2009-06-24 |
Beangin | Rallosian Casterix
| Rathe Chamber |
Sycatic | Faintly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hagot | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redius | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Florencee | Crystal of the Boneknitters
| Rathe Chamber |
Sabrim | Capu-Tuk, the Painstriker
| Rathe Chamber |
Danican | Spellbound Earloop
| Rathe Chamber |
Zykon | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Silmare | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Danican | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Zanko | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Kelissa | Rallosian Bloodstone Earring
| Toskirakk |
Beangin | Warspite
| Toskirakk |
2009-06-23 |
Balfor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Kuroiokami | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Cantard | Tyranont Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
Zukanx | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
Cantard | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Darci | Hagorn's Gem of Fortification
| Toskirakk |
Nizdazen | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Cantard | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Speedfreak | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Danican | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Hagot | Ring of Forbearance
| Discord |
Cree | Acolyte\'s Mentation Cloak
| Discord |
Rekotgib | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Corboy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redius | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Balfor | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Deadl | Coruscite Band of Vigilence
| Discord |
Sirren | Sash of Living Darkness
| Discord |
Raskas | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Cree | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Ladicius | Ache
| Discord |
Klarien | Flame Emblazoned Spaulders
| Discord |
Raskas | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rot | Ksathrax's Amber
| Discord Tower |
2009-06-22 |
Mencius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sirren | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Deadl | Deathwind
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Cloak of Darkest Night
| Discord Tower |
Nizdazen | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crelborn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Cantard | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Tobynn | Amulet of the Dark Origin
| Discord Tower |
Oonagh | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Voodoman | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Crelborn | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Danican | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Happy | Corrupted Soul Piercer
| Discord Tower |
Nizdazen | Death Studded Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rezzya | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Angellmyst | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Sweetevill | Painbook of Mysteries
| Discord Tower |
Hagot | Time's Sundering
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Voodoman | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Speedfreak | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Helmos | Deepsea Ice Stud
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Cryostasis Fragment
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Minimout | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Hitmaker | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Goatflesh | Runed Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Saikara | Distorted Face Mask
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crelborn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Ashlei | Bonecrasher
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Dreadskin Cape
| Discord Tower |
2009-06-16 |
Sweetevill | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Mezalok | Tactician's Obsidian Scimitar
| Rathe Chamber |
Klarien | Adornment of the Sapphire Gaze
| Rathe Chamber |
Cylest | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Balfor | Capu-Tuk, the Painstriker
| Rathe Chamber |
Sweetevill | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zykon | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Darci | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Redius | Nexiont Shell Shield
| Warrens |
Danican | Living Crystal Beads
| Warrens |
2009-06-15 |
Webee | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Happy | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Cree | Ring of Forbearance
| Discord |
Zanko | Worn Mentation Focus Idol
| Discord |
Silmare | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Happy | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sirren | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Danican | Mask of Dark Tidings
| Discord |
Zanko | Shadowed Soulblade
| Discord |
Danican | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Cantard | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Ladicius | Horned Broo Mask
| Discord |
Iszack | Corpse Hook
| Discord |
Rekotgib | Gem Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Webee | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Vonkid | Bridle of the Flying Imperial Sokokar
| Field of Scale |
Ladicius | Eon Linked Chain Coat
| Field of Scale |
Regilag | Iksar Commander's Belt
| Field of Scale |
Aoidos | Eon Forged Plate Greaves
| Field of Scale |
Nizdazen | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Slayerxx | Thersith's Dragonstrike
| Kurn's Tower |
Zmack | Eon Woven Cloth Sleeves
| Kurn\'s Tower |
Leenyne | Eon Forged Plate Gauntlets
| Kurn's Tower |
2009-06-14 |
Jadenpain | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crelborn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Speedfreak | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Nizdazen | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Talaminy | Eternity Edge Band
| Discord Tower |
Goatflesh | Choker of Sel\'Tak
| Discord Tower |
Durgadin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crelborn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Klarien | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Tobynn | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Sirren | Heart Claw
| Discord Tower |
Sabrim | Soulsunder
| Discord Tower |
Brradam | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Aasteroth | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Sweetevill | Merciless Visage of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Durgadin | Phyro Ring of Pain
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redius | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Crelborn | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Webee | Timestealer\'s Gorget
| Discord Tower |
Mencius | Scryer's Loop
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Nizdazen | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cree | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Baradd | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Speedfreak | Hexxt Shredder\'s Mace
| Discord Tower |
Balfor | Deepsea Ice Stud
| Discord Tower |
Danican | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balfor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Voodoman | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Vahlaura | Millennial Runestone
| Discord Tower |
Zanko | Raxtki the Skitterer Render
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balfor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redrum | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Machiavelli | Lifeshriek
| Discord Tower |
Tyreel | Tongue of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
2009-06-09 |
Rekotgib | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crelborn | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zanko | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Jairee | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Beangin | Capu-Tuk, the Painstriker
| Rathe Chamber |
Kelissa | Crystal of the Boneknitters
| Rathe Chamber |
Speedfreak | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Zanko | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Hitmaker | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Cantard | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Rot | Galeth\'s Greatlance
| Kithicor |
Elmago | Vacklun's Cloak
| Kithicor |
Beangin | Galeth\'s Girding
| Kithicor |
Redius | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Cantard | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Ladicius | Malarian Plaguebringer
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Webee | Polished Tsetsian Thorax
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Aoidos | Serrated Ear Spike
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Nizdazen | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Beangin | Rottrued's Backup Sticker
| Blackburrow |
Danican | Wrext Mal Mundunugu Coif
| Blackburrow |
Beangin | Rottrued Containment Ring
| Blackburrow |
2009-06-08 |
Jadenpain | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Danican | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zanko | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Crelborn | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Cloak of Darkest Night
| Discord Tower |
Boulderbane | Deathwind
| Discord Tower |
Danican | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crelborn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tyreel | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Vahlaura | Pauldrons of Endless War
| Discord Tower |
Crelborn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crelborn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Shiftie | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Cylest | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Durgadin | Corrupted Soul Piercer
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Shawl of Discordant Incantations
| Discord Tower |
Danican | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crelborn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hagot | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Nizdazen | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Painbook of Mysteries
| Discord Tower |
Happy | Blade of Far Sight
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balfor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crelborn | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Ashlei | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Cryostasis Fragment Ring
| Discord Tower |
Sweetevill | Discord Glow Rune
| Discord Tower |
2009-06-07 |
Rot | Gem Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Danican | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crelborn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Goatflesh | Triskixx the Sweeper
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Murkglider Skin Cloak
| Discord Tower |
Jadenpain | Gem Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Balfor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balfor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jairee | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Baradd | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Angellmyst | Bonecrasher
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Ooze Ward
| Discord Tower |
2009-06-06 |
Jadenpain | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Darci | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Dragonspawnkilr | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Zuuz | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Deadl | Blessed Blood Ash Spear
| Discord |
Hitmaker | Worn Mentation Focus Idol
| Discord |
Sadadi | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Darci | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Tyreel | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Crelborn | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Minimout | God Ender
| Discord |
Raskas | Sash of Living Darkness
| Discord |
Balfor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Crelborn | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Speedfreak | Ache
| Discord |
Raskas | Dark-Ringed Cape
| Discord |
Speedfreak | Curator's Treasure
| Rathe Chamber |
Sadadi | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Balfor | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Oonagh | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Kelissa | Nexiont Shell Shield
| Warrens |
Speedfreak | Living Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
Brradam | Crystal Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
2009-06-02 |
Speedfreak | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Happy | Blood Bead Talon Cord
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Eternal Gaze Mask
| Discord Tower |
Machiavelli | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hagot | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sraz | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Goatflesh | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Hitmaker | Pauldrons of Endless War
| Discord Tower |
Cree | Soulsunder
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rot | Gem Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Rekotgib | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Machiavelli | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zanko | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Durgadin | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Somlamda | Shawl of Discordant Incantations
| Discord Tower |
Kuroiokami | Vile Torturer\'s Earring
| Discord Tower |
2009-06-01 |
Klarien | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zanko | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Cylest | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Timestealer's Mantle
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Scryer's Loop
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balfor | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Helmos | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Cryostasis Fragment
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Deepsea Ice Stud
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Helmos | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Minimout | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Ashlei | Murkglider Skin Cloak
| Discord Tower |
Hagot | Triskixx the Sweeper
| Discord Tower |
Aasteroth | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
Rekotgib | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Helmos | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Boulderbane | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Sweetevill | Bonecrasher
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Tongue of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
2009-05-31 |
Sycatic | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Balfor | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Jairee | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Speedfreak | Eriak's Mask of Envy
| Rathe Chamber |
Cantard | Fortaskrei
| Rathe Chamber |
Kelissa | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Hagot | Spellbound Earloop
| Rathe Chamber |
Sycatic | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Helmos | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Hagot | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Danican | Acolyte's Mind-Sight Eye
| Discord |
Klarien | Cloak of the Thrice-Born
| Discord |
Helmos | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zuuz | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Zanko | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Speedfreak | Sash of Living Darkness
| Discord |
Redrum | Kiriski's Girdle of Faith
| Rathe Chamber |
Hiladdar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Silmare | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Goatflesh | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Cantard | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Redius | Itch
| Discord |
Zelica | Horned Broo Mask
| Discord |
Merci | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
2009-05-28 |
Lonn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Voodoman | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Klarien | Tyranont Articulation Ring
| Warrens |
Speedfreak | Tyranont Heart
| Warrens |
Jadenpain | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zuuz | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Saikara | Cloak of Darkest Night
| Discord Tower |
Drachnyen | Deathwind
| Discord Tower |
Lonn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Klarien | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cree | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Aasteroth | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Machiavelli | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Sadaan | Leg of Diabolic Writs
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Klarien | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Aasteroth | Bulwark of Corruption
| Discord Tower |
Raskas | Discordant Soulstealer's Collar
| Discord Tower |
2009-05-27 |
Jadenpain | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Klarien | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Pwning | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Happy | Mask of Time Gazing
| Discord Tower |
Florencee | Timeworn Pain
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Helmos | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Florencee | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Cryostasis Fragment
| Discord Tower |
Hitmaker | Deepsea Ice Stud
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Happy | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Zykon | Runed Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Millennial Runestone
| Discord Tower |
Maylina | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Helmos | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zama | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Balthizaar | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Brradam | Redeye
| Discord Tower |
Durgadin | Dreadskin Cape
| Discord Tower |
2009-05-23 |
Sadadi | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hagot | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Cree | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Balfor | Deathwind
| Discord Tower |
Jairee | Eternal Gaze Mask
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Helmos | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raskas | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Aasteroth | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Lonn | Bloodthirst Cloak of Sorrow
| Discord Tower |
Mencius | Dead Eye Lover's Band
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Darci | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Helmos | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Shiftie | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Baradd | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Crossvarc | Corrupted Soul Piercer
| Discord Tower |
Danican | Death Studded Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
2009-05-20 |
Rot | Hagorn's Gem of Fortification
| Toskirakk |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zama | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Pwning | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Elmago | Living Crystal Beads
| Warrens |
Raskas | Living Crystal Ring
| Warrens |
2009-05-19 |
Shiftie | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jairee | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Goatflesh | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Baradd | Timeworn Pain
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Scryer's Loop
| Discord Tower |
Lonn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Brradam | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Vahlaura | Deepsea Ice Stud
| Discord Tower |
Angellmyst | Cryostasis Fragment Ring
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Crelborn | Krattk the Lion Tamer
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Blackstone Encrusted Belt
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Diamonde | Darkheart Earring
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Redeye
| Discord Tower |
2009-05-18 |
Zuuz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Kuroiokami | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Jairee | Deathwind
| Discord Tower |
Cantard | Cloak of Darkest Night
| Discord Tower |
Tyreel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Florencee | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Cantard | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Balfor | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Crelborn | Heart Claw
| Discord Tower |
Kelissa | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Boulderbane | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zuuz | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Cantard | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Vonkid | Vile Torturer\'s Earring
| Discord Tower |
Qwenya | Merciless Visage of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
2009-05-14 |
Kelissa | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Redius | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Helmos | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Rot | Itch
| Discord |
Kelissa | Horned Broo Mask
| Discord |
Rot | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Merci | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Vonkid | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vonkid | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Raskas | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Florencee | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Hagot | Sigil of Pain
| Discord |
Hilachant | Mask of Dark Tidings
| Discord |
Kelissa | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raskas | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Goatflesh | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Cantard | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Grayl | Mindtaker
| Discord |
Redius | Acolyte's Mind-Sight Eye
| Discord |
Vonkid | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Angellmyst | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Jadenpain | Mask of Time Gazing
| Discord Tower |
Neddac | Timeworn Pain
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Maylina | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Helmos | Hexxt Shredder\'s Mace
| Discord Tower |
Ashlei | Discord Glow Rune
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kelissa | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Goatflesh | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Florencee | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Minimout | Distorted Face Mask
| Discord Tower |
Diamonde | Runed Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Klarien | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sycatic | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Saikara | Redeye
| Discord Tower |
Crazzin | Dreadskin Cape
| Discord Tower |
2009-05-13 |
Vonkid | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vaell | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Cantard | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Dragonspawnkilr | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Raskas | Eriak's Mask of Envy
| Rathe Chamber |
Hagot | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Cree | Adornment of the Sapphire Gaze
| Rathe Chamber |
Ashlei | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zykon | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Boulderbane | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Durgadin | Tyranont Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
Kelissa | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
2009-05-12 |
Maylina | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crazzin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Shiftie | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Deadl | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Deathwind
| Discord Tower |
Talaminy | Cloak of Darkest Night
| Discord Tower |
Sweetevill | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Somlamda | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Durgadin | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Leg of Diabolic Writs
| Discord Tower |
Vahlaura | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
Pouty | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Maylina | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Balthizaar | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Merciless Visage of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Lovelyeyes | Bulwark of Corruption
| Discord Tower |
2009-05-09 |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Deadl | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Boulderbane | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Crossvarc | Blade of Far Sight
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Timestealer\'s Gorget
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Shiftie | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Crossvarc | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Cree | Hexxt Chitinbreaker's Lessonteacher
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Deepsea Ice Stud
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Insanekitty | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Happy | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Blackstone Encrusted Belt
| Discord Tower |
Goatflesh | Raxtki the Skitterer Render
| Discord Tower |
Wumorf | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Wumorf | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Brradam | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Shadowz | Lifeshriek
| Discord Tower |
Vonkid | Dreadskin Cape
| Discord Tower |
2009-05-07 |
Jadenpain | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Wumorf | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Redius | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Crystal of the Boneknitters
| Rathe Chamber |
Hoodfolks | Capu-Tuk, the Painstriker
| Rathe Chamber |
Sycatic | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Cree | Capu-Tuk, the Painstriker
| Rathe Chamber |
Rot | Sliver of Korascian
| Toskirakk |
Rot | Sliver of Korascian
| Toskirakk |
Pouty | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Darci | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Brradam | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Redius | Living Crystal Ring
| Warrens |
Crossvarc | Living Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
2009-05-05 |
Wumorf | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vonkid | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Rot | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Kelsoe | Worn Mentation Focus Idol
| Discord |
Locozerker | Cloak of the Thrice-Born
| Discord |
Vonkid | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Darci | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Shiftie | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Deadl | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Vuncar | Scourge Drape of the Maelfic
| Discord |
Aasteroth | Sash of Living Darkness
| Discord |
Vonkid | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Florencee | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Wumorf | Infested Death Shroud
| Discord |
Redius | Sash of the Pox-Blessed
| Discord |
Drachnyen | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
Cantard | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
2009-05-04 |
Sycatic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jairee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Crossvarc | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Vonkid | Chaotic Bloodthirst Band
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Cloak of Darkest Night
| Discord Tower |
Tyreel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Aasteroth | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Zykon | Leg of Diabolic Writs
| Discord Tower |
Deadl | Grotesque Bazu Head Fetish
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Dragonspawnkilr | Gem Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Voodoman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vaell | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Boulderbane | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Baradd | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Balthizaar | Death Studded Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Bulwark of Corruption
| Discord Tower |
2009-05-03 |
Vonkid | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Sweetevill | Head Scryer's Sash of Timegazing
| Discord Tower |
Sycatic | Timestealer\'s Gorget
| Discord Tower |
Sycatic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Goatflesh | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Deadl | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Redius | Diamond Feather Mask
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Cryostasis Fragment Ring
| Discord Tower |
Crossvarc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zuuz | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Cantard | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Sraz | Murkglider Skin Cloak
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Runed Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vaell | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sadaan | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Lonn | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Shroud of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
Oonagh | Lifeshriek
| Discord Tower |
2009-05-02 |
Shiftie | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cree | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Cree | Spellbound Earloop
| Rathe Chamber |
Zuuz | Crystal of the Boneknitters
| Rathe Chamber |
Cree | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Minimout | Spellbound Earloop
| Rathe Chamber |
Crossvarc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Silmare | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Sadaan | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Wumorf | Living Crystal Ring
| Warrens |
Cree | Tyranont Articulation Ring
| Warrens |
Rot | Rallosian Casterix
| Rathe Chamber |
Zuuz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Dragonspawnkilr | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Florencee | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Band of Past Lives
| Toskirakk |
Smallbean | Rallosian Bloodstone Earring
| Toskirakk |
Wumorf | Gem of the Thaumatox Shard
| Toskirakk |
Corboy | Dimly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Cantard | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Zykon | Gem of the Thaumatox Shard
| Toskirakk |
Rot | Elegant Defiant Goshenite
| Toskirakk |
2009-04-30 |
Vonkid | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Cantard | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Durgadin | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Dragonspawnkilr | Worn Mentation Focus Idol
| Discord |
Ladicius | Cloak of the Thrice-Born
| Discord |
Zuuz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Dorlus | Scourge Drape of the Maelfic
| Discord |
Corboy | Sigil of Pain
| Discord |
Corboy | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Vonkid | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Cantard | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Vaell | Itch
| Discord |
Vuncar | Horned Broo Mask
| Discord |
Kuroiokami | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Darci | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rot | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
2009-04-28 |
Redrum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zama | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Neddac | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Lonn | Eternal Gaze Mask
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Eternity Edge Band
| Discord Tower |
Crossvarc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vonkid | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Pauldrons of Endless War
| Discord Tower |
Happy | Shield of Eternal Chaos
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Vonkid | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Insanekitty | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Minimout | Fleshwrap Cloak of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Ashlei | Bulwark of Corruption
| Discord Tower |
2009-04-27 |
Vonkid | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rezzya | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Deadl | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Ashlei | Timeworn Pain
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Scryer's Loop
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redrum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Cantard | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Zykon | Flashstriker's Great Mace
| Discord Tower |
Balthizaar | Diamond Feather Mask
| Discord Tower |
Cylest | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Balthizaar | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Oonagh | Distorted Face Mask
| Discord Tower |
Sadaan | Runed Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Baradd | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Kuroiokami | Lifeshriek
| Discord Tower |
Sweetevill | Shroud of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
2009-04-26 |
Tobynn | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Cantard | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Jairee | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Lonn | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Shadowz | Tyranont Articulation Ring
| Warrens |
Smallbean | Nexiont Shell Shield
| Warrens |
Rot | Sliver of Korascian
| Toskirakk |
Zuuz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cantard | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Beangin | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Durgadin | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Rot | Lance of the Ward
| Toskirakk |
Dorlus | Rallosian Bloodstone Earring
| Toskirakk |
Corboy | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rot | Sliver of Korascian
| Toskirakk |
Rot | Sliver of Korascian
| Toskirakk |
Vonkid | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
2009-04-25 |
Hitmaker | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Zuuz | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Zolie | Flesh Scourge
| Discord |
Florencee | Attendant's Collar
| Discord |
Vonkid | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zama | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Llayena | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Minimout | Sigil of Pain
| Discord |
Angellmyst | Scourge Drape of the Maelfic
| Discord |
Cantard | Curator's Treasure
| Rathe Chamber |
Cantard | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Ksathrax's Toxiferous Ring
| Discord |
Cantard | Ache
| Discord |
2009-04-23 |
Helmos | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Helmos | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Angellmyst | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Rekotgib | Eternal Gaze Mask
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Blood Bead Talon Cord
| Discord Tower |
Jadenpain | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Lovelyeyes | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Soulsunder
| Discord Tower |
Tyreel | Heart Claw
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Curator's Treasure
| Rathe Chamber |
Silmare | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Wumorf | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Wumorf | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Death Studded Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Qwenya | Bulwark of Corruption
| Discord Tower |
2009-04-21 |
Qwenya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vonkid | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Happy | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Cylest | Timeworn Pain
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Blade of Far Sight
| Discord Tower |
Vonkid | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Aasteroth | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Neddac | Cryostasis Fragment Ring
| Discord Tower |
Helmos | Captured Puresoul Charm
| Discord Tower |
Cantard | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cantard | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Insanekitty | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Drachnyen | Raxtki the Skitterer Render
| Discord Tower |
Baradd | Murkglider Skin Cloak
| Discord Tower |
Cantard | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cantard | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Silmare | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Dreadskin Cape
| Discord Tower |
Minimout | Lifeshriek
| Discord Tower |
2009-04-20 |
Cantard | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raskas | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Locozerker | Maul of Dire Intent
| Discord |
Aasteroth | Scourge Drape of the Maelfic
| Discord |
Qwenya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Redrum | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Raskas | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Cloak of the Thrice-Born
| Discord |
Ladicius | Attendant's Collar
| Discord |
Florencee | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Cantard | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Boulderbane | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Helmos | Tunare's Tear
| Discord |
Lonn | Ksathrax's Toxiferous Ring
| Discord |
2009-04-19 |
Vonkid | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cantard | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Nujo | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Neddac | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Cylest | Crystal of the Boneknitters
| Rathe Chamber |
Boulderbane | Tactician's Obsidian Scimitar
| Rathe Chamber |
Kelsoe | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Shadowz | Adornment of the Sapphire Gaze
| Rathe Chamber |
Zuuz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Baradd | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Cantard | Tyranont Charged Spike
| Warrens |
Bumelcex | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
Florencee | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rot | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Rot | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Crossvarc | War-touched Pauldrons of Zek
| Toskirakk |
Crossvarc | Lance of the Ward
| Toskirakk |
Goatflesh | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rot | Orb of Delvers' Overzeal
| Toskirakk |
Merci | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
2009-04-18 |
Vonkid | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Zykon | Chaotic Bloodthirst Band
| Discord Tower |
Llayena | Cloak of Darkest Night
| Discord Tower |
Qwenya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Helmos | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Durgadin | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Pauldrons of Endless War
| Discord Tower |
Sadaan | Soulsunder
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Gem Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Merci | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Brradam | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Saikara | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Ashlei | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Death Studded Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Bulwark of Corruption
| Discord Tower |
2009-04-16 |
Vahlaura | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Qwenya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zykon | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Deadl | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Helmos | Timestealer\'s Mask
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Scryer's Loop
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Wumorf | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Florencee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Diamond Feather Mask
| Discord Tower |
Florencee | Cryostasis Fragment
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Qwenya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Silmare | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Lovelyeyes | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Happy | Millennial Runestone
| Discord Tower |
Minimout | Runed Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Voight | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Florencee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crazzin | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Drachnyen | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Darkheart Earring
| Discord Tower |
Zama | Redeye
| Discord Tower |
2009-04-14 |
Talaminy | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Saikara | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Boulderbane | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Smallbean | Horned Broo Mask
| Discord |
Helmos | Infested Death Shroud
| Discord |
Crossvarc | Ksathrax's Amber
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Merci | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Vonkid | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Locozerker | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Durgadin | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Cantard | Sash of Living Darkness
| Discord |
Shadowz | God Ender
| Discord |
Jairee | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Sraz | Cloak of the Thrice-Born
| Discord |
Helmos | Attendant's Collar
| Discord |
Florencee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Ladicius | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Crazzin | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Crossvarc | Eriak's Mask of Envy
| Rathe Chamber |
Dorlus | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Maylina | Crystal Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
Cantard | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Ohlook | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Drachnyen | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Maylina | Tyranont Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
Diamonde | Hollow Tyranont Tooth
| Warrens |
Hiladdar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Florencee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Pouty | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Maylina | Warspite
| Toskirakk |
Rekotgib | Bloodrage Carcanet
| Toskirakk |
Rot | Sliver of Korascian
| Toskirakk |
Rot | Orb of Delvers' Overzeal
| Toskirakk |
Oonagh | Rallosian Casterix
| Rathe Chamber |
Corboy | Dimly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Raskas | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Voodoman | Gem of the Thaumatox Shard
| Toskirakk |
2009-04-13 |
Vonkid | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Brradam | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Jairee | Chaotic Bloodthirst Band
| Discord Tower |
Zama | Eternal Gaze Mask
| Discord Tower |
Voight | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Diamonde | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Heart Claw
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Shiftie | Curator's Treasure
| Rathe Chamber |
Florencee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Florencee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Sycatic | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Bulwark of Corruption
| Discord Tower |
Wumorf | Merciless Visage of Discord
| Discord Tower |
2009-04-11 |
Zuuz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Florencee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Oonagh | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Diamonde | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Talaminy | Scryer's Loop
| Discord Tower |
Voight | Timestealer\'s Gorget
| Discord Tower |
Llayena | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Silmare | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Isloz | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Captured Puresoul Charm
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Hexxt Chitinbreaker's Lessonteacher
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Wumorf | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Pouty | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Jadenpain | Millennial Runestone
| Discord Tower |
Deadl | Triskixx the Sweeper
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rezzya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raskas | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Minimout | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Cylest | Shroud of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Ring of Teeth
| Discord Tower |
2009-04-07 |
Vahlaura | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Jairee | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Ladicius | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Kelsoe | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Raszerkx | Tactician's Obsidian Scimitar
| Rathe Chamber |
Hilachant | Shawl of the Voice
| Rathe Chamber |
Shadowz | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Cantard | Spellbound Earloop
| Rathe Chamber |
Sraz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Raskas | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Minimout | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Helmos | Living Crystal Ring
| Warrens |
Smallbean | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
Tyreel | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Florencee | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Helmos | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Diamonde | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Rot | Muramite Ring of Influence
| Toskirakk |
Helmos | Rallosian Bloodstone Earring
| Toskirakk |
Smallbean | Gem of the Thaumatox Shard
| Toskirakk |
Voodoman | Crystal Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
Merci | Faintly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rot | Sliver of Korascian
| Toskirakk |
Merci | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
2009-04-06 |
Sycatic | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Insanekitty | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Minimout | Cloak of the Thrice-Born
| Discord |
Crazzin | Attendant's Collar
| Discord |
Drachnyen | Ksathrax's Amber
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Lonn | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Florencee | Buckler of Defeated Champions
| Discord |
Isloz | Coruscite Band of Vigilence
| Discord |
Insanekitty | Gem Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Rezzya | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rezzya | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Qwenya | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Smallbean | Infested Death Shroud
| Discord |
Crelborn | Ksathrax's Toxiferous Ring
| Discord |
2009-04-05 |
Rezzya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rezzya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Saikara | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Balthizaar | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Vonkid | Deathwind
| Discord Tower |
Tobynn | Shield of Pure Discord
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Helmos | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Pwning | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Ashlei | Amulet of the Dark Origin
| Discord Tower |
Zykon | Soulsunder
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Drachnyen | Gem Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Rezzya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rezzya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vaell | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Sadaan | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Zama | Vile Torturer\'s Earring
| Discord Tower |
Sycatic | Death Studded Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Florencee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zykon | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Drachnyen | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Sraz | Painbook of Mysteries
| Discord Tower |
Neddac | Scryer's Loop
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Helmos | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Aasteroth | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Mencius | Nightside Gem Earring
| Discord Tower |
Deadl | Raxtki the Skitterer Render
| Discord Tower |
2009-04-04 |
Rezzya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Helmos | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jairee | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Jadenpain | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Tobynn | Cryostasis Fragment Ring
| Discord Tower |
Sycatic | Diamond Feather Mask
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vonkid | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Sraz | Shroud of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
Oonagh | Ring of Teeth
| Discord Tower |
2009-04-02 |
Sycatic | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Helmos | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Brradam | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Crelborn | Muramite Ring of Influence
| Toskirakk |
Cantard | War-touched Pauldrons of Zek
| Toskirakk |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rot | Faintly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Jennre | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Crelborn | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Rekotgib | Earthgem Band
| Rathe Chamber |
Helmos | Woljnar, Mask of Zek
| Rathe Chamber |
Rot | Dimly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Neddac | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Cylest | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Fortaskrei
| Rathe Chamber |
Rot | Shawl of the Voice
| Rathe Chamber |
Darci | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Crelborn | Shawl of the Voice
| Rathe Chamber |
Sycatic | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rezzya | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Shadowz | Tyranont Charged Spike
| Warrens |
Maylina | Living Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
Merci | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
2009-03-31 |
Voight | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Minimout | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Boulderbane | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Talaminy | Shield of Pure Discord
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Chaotic Bloodthirst Band
| Discord Tower |
Florencee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Voodoman | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Hitmaker | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Raskas | Shield of Eternal Chaos
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Leg of Diabolic Writs
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Corboy | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rot | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Baradd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Painbook of Mysteries
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Blade of Far Sight
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Jadenpain | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raskas | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Drachnyen | Triskixx the Sweeper
| Discord Tower |
Sweetevill | Murkglider Skin Cloak
| Discord Tower |
2009-03-30 |
Baradd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Corboy | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Baradd | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Jennre | Ache
| Discord |
Crelborn | Sash of the Pox-Blessed
| Discord |
Redrum | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Baradd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Kuroiokami | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Deadl | Kiriski's Girdle of Faith
| Rathe Chamber |
Crossvarc | Buckler of Defeated Champions
| Discord |
Baradd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Boulderbane | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Vaell | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Rot | Flesh Scourge
| Discord |
Crelborn | Transcendent Boneleaf Earring
| Discord |
Pouty | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
2009-03-29 |
Brradam | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Yagher | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Locozerker | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Ashlei | Merciless Visage of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Vile Torturer\'s Earring
| Discord Tower |
Sraz | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Diamonde | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Helmos | Hexxt Chitinbreaker's Lessonteacher
| Discord Tower |
Vahlaura | Captured Puresoul Charm
| Discord Tower |
Baradd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Hitmaker | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Zykon | Ring of Teeth
| Discord Tower |
Zama | Shroud of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
2009-03-28 |
Neddac | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jairee | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Vonkid | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Sadaan | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Helmos | Crystal of the Boneknitters
| Rathe Chamber |
Redrum | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Shiftie | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Sycatic | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vaell | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Nexiont Shell Shield
| Warrens |
Minimout | Hollow Tyranont Tooth
| Warrens |
Minimout | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Baradd | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Silmare | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Cantard | Warspite
| Toskirakk |
Hoodfolks | Fettershard
| Toskirakk |
Brradam | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Kuroiokami | Crystal Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
2009-03-26 |
Voight | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Saikara | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Oonagh | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Shield of Eternal Chaos
| Discord Tower |
Brradam | Heart Claw
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Shiftie | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
Sadadi | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sadaan | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Locozerker | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Mask of Time Gazing
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Timeworn Pain
| Discord Tower |
Vonkid | Ksathrax's Amber
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Cylest | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Distorted Face Mask
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Crystallized Blood Ring
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Durgadin | Ksathrax's Amber
| Discord Tower |
2009-03-24 |
Redrum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Isloz | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Diamonde | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Maylina | Blood Bead Talon Cord
| Discord Tower |
Zykon | Choker of Sel\'Tak
| Discord Tower |
Minimout | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redrum | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Mencius | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Discordant Soulstealer's Collar
| Discord Tower |
Deadl | The Keen Edge of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Corboy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Durgadin | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Captured Puresoul Charm
| Discord Tower |
Minimout | Hexxt Shredder\'s Mace
| Discord Tower |
Voight | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Hitmaker | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Diamonde | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zama | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Neddac | Bonecrasher
| Discord Tower |
Boulderbane | Darkheart Earring
| Discord Tower |
2009-03-23 |
Jairee | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Florencee | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Cylest | Staff of the Hamahiru
| Rathe Chamber |
Zuuz | Earthgem Band
| Rathe Chamber |
Rot | Gem of the Thaumatox Shard
| Toskirakk |
Rot | Sliver of Korascian
| Toskirakk |
Voight | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Cantard | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Bhanzaii | Tactician's Trinket
| Rathe Chamber |
Bhanzaii | Spellbound Earloop
| Rathe Chamber |
Bhanzaii | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Insanekitty | Adornment of the Sapphire Gaze
| Rathe Chamber |
Sadadi | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tyreel | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Happy | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Zarysto | Living Crystal Beads
| Warrens |
Kuroiokami | Tyranont Charged Spike
| Warrens |
Insanekitty | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Insanekitty | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Neddac | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tyreel | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Florencee | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Cylest | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Euri | Rallosian Bloodstone Earring
| Toskirakk |
Bhanzaii | Warspite
| Toskirakk |
Oonagh | Gem of the Thaumatox Shard
| Toskirakk |
Angellmyst | Gem of the Thaumatox Shard
| Toskirakk |
Vonkid | Faintly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Insanekitty | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
2009-03-22 |
Vahlaura | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jairee | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Ache
| Discord |
Furiouss | Sash of the Pox-Blessed
| Discord |
Angellmyst | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Merci | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Sadaan | Sigil of Pain
| Discord |
Florencee | Scourge Drape of the Maelfic
| Discord |
Sadadi | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Pouty | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Cantard | Worn Mentation Focus Idol
| Discord |
Helmos | Cloak of the Thrice-Born
| Discord |
2009-03-21 |
Voight | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redrum | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Jadenpain | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Yagher | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Balthizaar | Heart Claw
| Discord Tower |
Hitmaker | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rot | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Qwenya | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Hitmaker | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Sweetevill | Timeworn Pain
| Discord Tower |
Raskas | Blade of Far Sight
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Neddac | Murkglider Skin Cloak
| Discord Tower |
Zama | Crystallized Blood Ring
| Discord Tower |
Oonagh | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
2009-03-19 |
Redrum | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zykon | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Mencius | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Florencee | Cloak of Darkest Night
| Discord Tower |
Sycatic | Eternity Edge Band
| Discord Tower |
Raskas | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Voight | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Minimout | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Fleshwrap Cloak of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Phyro Ring of Pain
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raskas | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Voodoman | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Boulderbane | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Flashstriker's Great Mace
| Discord Tower |
Neddac | Discord Glow Rune
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Ksathrax's Amber
| Discord Tower |
Raskas | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Florencee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Aasteroth | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Dreadskin Cape
| Discord Tower |
Diamonde | Ring of Teeth
| Discord Tower |
2009-03-18 |
Tyreel | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Bhanzaii | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Redrum | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Rot | Muramite Ring of Influence
| Toskirakk |
Vonkid | Bloodrage Carcanet
| Toskirakk |
Maylina | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rot | Sliver of Korascian
| Toskirakk |
Durgadin | Gem Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
Tyreel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zykon | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Cantard | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Vaell | Adelstone Earring
| Rathe Chamber |
Brradam | Bodenweave Cloak
| Rathe Chamber |
Vonkid | Crystal Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
Hitmaker | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Khallus | Tactician's Obsidian Scimitar
| Rathe Chamber |
Durgadin | Eriak's Mask of Envy
| Rathe Chamber |
Lovelyeyes | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Oonagh | Adornment of the Sapphire Gaze
| Rathe Chamber |
Raskas | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Qwenya | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Pwning | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Florencee | Living Crystal Ring
| Warrens |
Vaell | Living Crystal Beads
| Warrens |
2009-03-16 |
Zama | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Voight | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zykon | Bridle of the Flying Imperial Sokokar
| Field of Scale |
Locozerker | Eon Linked Chain Coat
| Field of Scale |
Cantard | Eon Forged Plate Boots
| Field of Scale |
Cantard | Eon Forged Plate Greaves
| Field of Scale |
Zama | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Voight | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Voodoman | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Sycatic | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Helmos | Corpse Hook
| Discord |
Durgadin | Dark-Ringed Cape
| Discord |
Sycatic | Worldslayer Blessed Crystal
| Discord |
Voodoman | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Voight | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Voight | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Crossvarc | Kiriski's Girdle of Faith
| Rathe Chamber |
Locozerker | Sigil of Pain
| Discord |
Voight | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Isloz | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Baradd | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Helmos | Flesh Scourge
| Discord |
Oonagh | Acolyte\'s Mentation Cloak
| Discord |
2009-03-15 |
Tyreel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crazzin | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Maylina | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Leg of Diabolic Writs
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Silmare | Ksathrax's Amber
| Discord Tower |
Tyreel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Vonkid | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Blade of Far Sight
| Discord Tower |
Lonn | Timestealer\'s Gorget
| Discord Tower |
Neddac | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jairee | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Angellmyst | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Zama | Murkglider Skin Cloak
| Discord Tower |
Isloz | Raxtki the Skitterer Render
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
2009-03-14 |
Rezzya | Cloak of Darkest Night
| Discord Tower |
Vahlaura | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vaell | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Fateslayer
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Oonagh | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Minimout | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Corrupted Soul Piercer
| Discord Tower |
Iwakura | Shawl of Discordant Incantations
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sycatic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Boulderbane | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Insanekitty | Flashstriker's Great Mace
| Discord Tower |
Hitmaker | Captured Puresoul Charm
| Discord Tower |
Voight | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Voodoman | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Bonecrasher
| Discord Tower |
Neddac | Shroud of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
2009-03-12 |
Voight | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Insanekitty | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Sadadi | Woljnar, Mask of Zek
| Rathe Chamber |
Voodoman | Bodenweave Cloak
| Rathe Chamber |
Raskas | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Voodoman | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Insanekitty | Tactician's Obsidian Scimitar
| Rathe Chamber |
Phisto | Tactician's Trinket
| Rathe Chamber |
Zama | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Deadl | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Voight | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Insanekitty | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Woest | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Pendant of Reflection
| Toskirakk |
Hiladdar | Rallosian Bloodstone Earring
| Toskirakk |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Raskas | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Happy | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Tulaz | Tyranont Heart
| Warrens |
Jadenpain | Living Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
2009-03-10 |
Maylina | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jairee | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Brradam | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Kuroiokami | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Amulet of the Dark Origin
| Discord Tower |
Brradam | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Darci | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Maylina | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vonkid | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Voight | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Smallbean | Painbook of Mysteries
| Discord Tower |
Crazzin | Scryer's Loop
| Discord Tower |
Tyreel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tyreel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Maylina | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Locozerker | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Boulderbane | Raxtki the Skitterer Render
| Discord Tower |
Tobynn | Murkglider Skin Cloak
| Discord Tower |
2009-03-09 |
Zama | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Raskas | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Iwakura | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Deadl | Dark-Ringed Cape
| Discord |
Locozerker | Infested Death Shroud
| Discord |
Talaminy | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Diamonde | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Mencius | Mask of Dark Tidings
| Discord |
Locozerker | Sash of Living Darkness
| Discord |
Mencius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zykon | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Neddac | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Merci | Cloak of the Thrice-Born
| Discord |
Zuuz | Attendant's Collar
| Discord |
Vaell | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Locozerker | Ksathrax's Amber
| Discord Tower |
Tyreel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Voight | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Oonagh | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Deathwind
| Discord Tower |
Maylina | Eternal Gaze Mask
| Discord Tower |
Vahlaura | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zama | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Happy | Phyro Ring of Pain
| Discord Tower |
Mencius | Death Studded Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Raskas | Gem Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Redrum | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
2009-03-08 |
Vahlaura | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vaell | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Oonagh | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Cylest | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Crazzin | Hexxt Chitinbreaker's Lessonteacher
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Diamond Feather Mask
| Discord Tower |
Vahlaura | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tyreel | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Darkheart Earring
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Ring of Teeth
| Discord Tower |
2009-03-07 |
Talaminy | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Voodoman | Shawl of the Voice
| Rathe Chamber |
Jadenpain | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Boulderbane | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Lovelyeyes | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Voodoman | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Euri | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
Cylest | Nexiont Shell Shield
| Warrens |
Sadadi | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Baradd | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Rallosian Bloodstone Earring
| Toskirakk |
Lonn | Muramite Ring of Influence
| Toskirakk |
Aasteroth | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Iwakura | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Tobynn | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Rot | Muramite Ring of Influence
| Toskirakk |
Aasteroth | Fettershard
| Toskirakk |
Rot | Gem Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
2009-03-05 |
Balthizaar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Isloz | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Maylina | Pauldrons of Endless War
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Oonagh | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Brradam | Curator's Treasure
| Rathe Chamber |
Balthizaar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Minimout | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Iwakura | Timestealer\'s Gorget
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Mask of Time Gazing
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sycatic | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Redrum | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Sadaan | Distorted Face Mask
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Raxtki the Skitterer Render
| Discord Tower |
2009-03-03 |
Vaell | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rezzya | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Ohlook | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Balthizaar | Shawl of Discordant Incantations
| Discord Tower |
Jadenpain | Corrupted Soul Piercer
| Discord Tower |
Talaminy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vaell | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Hitmaker | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Sadaan | Hexxt Chitinbreaker's Lessonteacher
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Captured Puresoul Charm
| Discord Tower |
Talaminy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Maylina | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Shroud of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Lifeshriek
| Discord Tower |
2009-03-02 |
Talaminy | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Maylina | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Cylest | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Tulaz | Living Crystal Ring
| Warrens |
Deadl | Living Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rot | Gem Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
Talaminy | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zama | Bridle of the Flying Imperial Sokokar
| Field of Scale |
Lovelyeyes | Eon Forged Plate Breastplate
| Field of Scale |
Shiftie | Eon Forged Plate Greaves
| Field of Scale |
Rot | Eon Forged Plate Boots
| Field of Scale |
Neddac | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Brradam | Sigil of Dark Rituals
| Toskirakk |
Lovelyeyes | Pendant of Reflection
| Toskirakk |
Sadadi | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Deadl | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Maie | Warspite
| Toskirakk |
Oonagh | Bloodrage Carcanet
| Toskirakk |
Jairee | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Jairee | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
2009-03-01 |
Talaminy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rezzya | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Merci | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Durgadin | Tunare's Tear
| Discord |
Saikara | Flame Emblazoned Spaulders
| Discord |
Tulaz | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Tulaz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Crazzin | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Shiftie | Sash of Living Darkness
| Discord |
Balthizaar | Mask of Dark Tidings
| Discord |
Talaminy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Woest | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Locozerker | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Vaell | Transcendent Boneleaf Earring
| Discord |
Rot | Flesh Scourge
| Discord |
Rot | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zuuz | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Isloz | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Kelsoe | Krossmaul
| Rathe Chamber |
Jairee | Earthbound Cinch
| Rathe Chamber |
Aasteroth | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Kuroiokami | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Somlamda | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Rot | Tactician's Trinket
| Rathe Chamber |
Boulderbane | Fortaskrei
| Rathe Chamber |
Aasteroth | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Corboy | Adornment of the Sapphire Gaze
| Rathe Chamber |
2009-02-28 |
Talaminy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redrum | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Euri | Shield of Pure Discord
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Chaotic Bloodthirst Band
| Discord Tower |
Talaminy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vaell | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Balthizaar | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Jairee | Pauldrons of Endless War
| Discord Tower |
Vonkid | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
Voodoman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tulaz | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Sadaan | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Timestealer's Mantle
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Mask of Time Gazing
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Talaminy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crazzin | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Diamonde | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Raskas | Triskixx the Sweeper
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Distorted Face Mask
| Discord Tower |
2009-02-26 |
Sweetevill | Cryostasis Fragment
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Maylina | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Pwning | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Isloz | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Shiftie | Corrupted Soul Piercer
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Discordant Soulstealer's Collar
| Discord Tower |
Euri | Worldslayer Blessed Crystal
| Discord |
Voodoman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Woest | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Raskas | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Whitemetal Gorget
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Oonagh | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Esero | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Oonagh | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Cylest | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Deadl | Darkheart Earring
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Lifeshriek
| Discord Tower |
2009-02-24 |
Tobynn | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Ashlei | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
Angellmyst | Nexiont Shell Shield
| Warrens |
Webee | Gem of the Thaumatox Shard
| Toskirakk |
Lonn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Qwenya | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Shiftie | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Earthgem Band
| Rathe Chamber |
Kelsoe | Woljnar, Mask of Zek
| Rathe Chamber |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Tulaz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Minimout | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Maylina | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Sraz | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Somlamda | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Llayena | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Rot | Adelstone Earring
| Rathe Chamber |
Drukor | Earthbound Cinch
| Rathe Chamber |
Sadaan | Krossmaul
| Rathe Chamber |
Drukor | Earthgem Band
| Rathe Chamber |
Voight | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Qwenya | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Corboy | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Zykon | Adornment of the Sapphire Gaze
| Rathe Chamber |
Ladicius | Capu-Tuk, the Painstriker
| Rathe Chamber |
Durgadin | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Locozerker | Adornment of the Sapphire Gaze
| Rathe Chamber |
2009-02-23 |
Sadadi | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Qwenya | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Somlamda | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Boulderbane | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Vonkid | Band of Past Lives
| Toskirakk |
Shiftie | War-touched Pauldrons of Zek
| Toskirakk |
Diamonde | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Iwakura | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Deadl | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Regilag | Band of Past Lives
| Toskirakk |
Cylest | Rallosian Bloodstone Earring
| Toskirakk |
Cylest | Sliver of Korascian
| Toskirakk |
Balthizaar | Sliver of Korascian
| Toskirakk |
Webee | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Maylina | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zama | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Sirren | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Sycatic | Ksathrax's Toxiferous Ring
| Discord |
Aasteroth | Tunare's Tear
| Discord |
Shiftie | Gem Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Jairee | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Hiladdar | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Tulaz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Euri | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Tyreel | Infested Death Shroud
| Discord |
Lovelyeyes | Horned Broo Mask
| Discord |
Brradam | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Talaminy | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Qwenya | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Voight | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Redrum | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Scourge Drape of the Maelfic
| Discord |
Boulderbane | Shadowed Soulblade
| Discord |
Webee | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vonkid | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Transcendent Boneleaf Earring
| Discord |
Vuncar | Flesh Scourge
| Discord |
2009-02-22 |
Qwenya | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sraz | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Sycatic | Bridle of the Flying Imperial Sokokar
| Field of Scale |
Rot | Ganak's Scaled Belt
| Field of Scale |
Vuncar | Eon Hardened Leather Tunic
| Field of Scale |
Lovelyeyes | Eon Forged Plate Boots
| Field of Scale |
Voodoman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rezzya | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Jairee | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Webee | Eternal Gaze Mask
| Discord Tower |
Hitmaker | Blood Bead Talon Cord
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Llayena | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Qwenya | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Pauldrons of Endless War
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Skulltutor
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Corboy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zuuz | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Balthizaar | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Zykon | Scryer's Loop
| Discord Tower |
Zama | Timeworn Pain
| Discord Tower |
Yagher | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Sraz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Sycatic | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Woest | Triskixx the Sweeper
| Discord Tower |
Durgadin | Millennial Runestone
| Discord Tower |
2009-02-21 |
Rot | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
Sraz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Ashlei | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | The Keen Edge of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Tobynn | Merciless Visage of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Vahlaura | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sraz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Woest | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Saikara | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Discord Glow Rune
| Discord Tower |
Phisto | Hexxt Chitinbreaker's Lessonteacher
| Discord Tower |
Sraz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Balthizaar | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Bonecrasher
| Discord Tower |
Jadenpain | Dreadskin Cape
| Discord Tower |
2009-02-19 |
Tulaz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Crazzin | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Diamonde | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Oonagh | Tyranont Articulation Ring
| Warrens |
Darci | Tyranont Charged Spike
| Warrens |
Lovelyeyes | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Llayena | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Sirren | Living Crystal Ring
| Warrens |
Amonia | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
Tulaz | Rallosian Casterix
| Rathe Chamber |
Sycatic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Voight | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Shiftie | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Deadl | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Cylest | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Woest | Iron Mask of Precision
| Rathe Chamber |
Ladicius | Arkasluk, Tallon's Pride
| Rathe Chamber |
Shaadowzs | Krossmaul
| Rathe Chamber |
Smallbean | Earthbound Cinch
| Rathe Chamber |
Sadadi | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Boulderbane | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Woljnar, Mask of Zek
| Rathe Chamber |
Qwenya | Earthbound Cinch
| Rathe Chamber |
Corboy | Crystal Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
Hitmaker | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Locozerker | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Minimout | Tactician's Trinket
| Rathe Chamber |
Isloz | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Maylina | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Mencius | Shawl of the Voice
| Rathe Chamber |
Redrum | Gem Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
2009-02-18 |
Sraz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sraz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Locozerker | Eon Linked Chain Gauntlets
| Kurn's Tower |
Lovelyeyes | Eon Forged Plate Vambraces
| Kurn's Tower |
Yagher | Tower Champion's Shield
| Field of Scale |
Euri | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Sraz | Vacklun's Cloak
| Kithicor |
Darci | Bloodwood Bow
| Kithicor |
Sadaan | Lord Tephys' Keepsake
| Kithicor |
Euri | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Boulderbane | Malarian Plaguebringer
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Rot | Knotted Plague Strand Choker
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Derail | Malarian Spittle Pendant
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Euri | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Derail | Rottrued's Enforcer
| Blackburrow |
Minimout | Rottrued Containment Ring
| Blackburrow |
Lovelyeyes | Wrext Mal Citizen\'s Insignia
| Blackburrow |
2009-02-17 |
Sadadi | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sycatic | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Eternity Edge Band
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Chaotic Ritual Cowl
| Discord Tower |
Sraz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Maylina | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Jadenpain | Grotesque Bazu Head Fetish
| Discord Tower |
Balthizaar | Bloodthirst Cloak of Sorrow
| Discord Tower |
Maylina | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zykon | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Diamonde | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Durgadin | Blade of Far Sight
| Discord Tower |
Crazzin | Timestealer\'s Mask
| Discord Tower |
Tulaz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Redrum | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Lonn | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Triskixx the Sweeper
| Discord Tower |
Qwenya | Murkglider Skin Cloak
| Discord Tower |
2009-02-16 |
Cylest | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Webee | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Locozerker | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Jairee | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Kuroiokami | Pendant of Reflection
| Toskirakk |
Qwenya | Rallosian Bloodstone Earring
| Toskirakk |
Corboy | Faintly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Voodoman | Orb of Delvers' Overzeal
| Toskirakk |
Rot | Sliver of Korascian
| Toskirakk |
Talaminy | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zuuz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Durgadin | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Ohlook | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Tyreel | Muramite Ring of Influence
| Toskirakk |
Sadadi | Rallosian Bloodstone Earring
| Toskirakk |
Happy | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Phisto | Rallosian Casterix
| Rathe Chamber |
Ladicius | Orb of Delvers' Overzeal
| Toskirakk |
Pouty | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Oonagh | Crystal Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
Euri | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Darci | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Baradd | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Sash of the Pox-Blessed
| Discord |
Zuuz | Tunare's Tear
| Discord |
Cylest | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sraz | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Llayena | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Ache
| Discord |
Voodoman | Ksathrax's Toxiferous Ring
| Discord |
Corboy | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Sraz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Oonagh | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Corboy | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Lonn | Buckler of Defeated Champions
| Discord |
Tulaz | Kiriski's Girdle of Faith
| Rathe Chamber |
Cylest | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vonkid | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Maylina | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Phisto | Acolyte\'s Mentation Cloak
| Discord |
Locozerker | Ring of Forbearance
| Discord |
Pouty | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
2009-02-15 |
Tulaz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Neddac | Bulwark of Corruption
| Discord Tower |
Voight | Shawl of Discordant Incantations
| Discord Tower |
Brradam | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Sycatic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Pouty | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Hitmaker | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Hexxt Chitinbreaker's Lessonteacher
| Discord Tower |
Zama | Discord Glow Rune
| Discord Tower |
Sycatic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sirren | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Iwakura | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Brradam | Ironwood Wand
| Discord Tower |
Ashlei | Shroud of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
2009-02-14 |
Webee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Redrum | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Lonn | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Euri | Crystal of the Boneknitters
| Rathe Chamber |
Oonagh | Capu-Tuk, the Painstriker
| Rathe Chamber |
Woest | Spellbound Earloop
| Rathe Chamber |
Sirren | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Crystal Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
Sadadi | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Goatflesh | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Earthbound Cinch
| Rathe Chamber |
Hiladdar | Earthgem Band
| Rathe Chamber |
Deadl | Arkasluk, Tallon's Pride
| Rathe Chamber |
Cylest | Woljnar, Mask of Zek
| Rathe Chamber |
Zuuz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Kluvwen | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zuuz | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Webee | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Tulaz | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Pouty | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Sirren | Bodenweave Cloak
| Rathe Chamber |
Shiftie | Gurwic Torque
| Rathe Chamber |
Shiftie | Staff of the Hamahiru
| Rathe Chamber |
Aasteroth | Staff of the Hamahiru
| Rathe Chamber |
Redrum | Dimly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rot | Gem Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
Tulaz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Iwakura | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Minimout | Tyranont Charged Spike
| Warrens |
Lovelyeyes | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
2009-02-12 |
Sycatic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Tulaz | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Brradam | Eternal Gaze Mask
| Discord Tower |
Kluvwen | Fateslayer
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Webee | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Vonkid | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Crazzin | Soulsunder
| Discord Tower |
Iwakura | Bloodthirst Cloak of Sorrow
| Discord Tower |
Webee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Sadaan | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Cylest | Painbook of Mysteries
| Discord Tower |
Locozerker | Time's Sundering
| Discord Tower |
Sadaan | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sycatic | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Euri | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Runed Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Sirren | Nightside Gem Earring
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
2009-02-11 |
Vahlaura | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Cylest | Band of Past Lives
| Toskirakk |
Locozerker | Bloodrage Carcanet
| Toskirakk |
Rot | Gem Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
Brradam | Gem of the Thaumatox Shard
| Toskirakk |
Ashlei | Gem of the Thaumatox Shard
| Toskirakk |
Diamonde | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Maylina | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Kuroiokami | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Durgadin | Band of Past Lives
| Toskirakk |
Vaell | Sigil of Dark Rituals
| Toskirakk |
Zama | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Voodoman | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Sycatic | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sycatic | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rot | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
Pwning | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Pouty | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Saikara | Sigil of Pain
| Discord |
Jadenpain | Coruscite Band of Vigilence
| Discord |
Sweetevill | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Voodoman | Bridle of the Flying Imperial Sokokar
| Field of Scale |
Rot | Eon Linked Chain Boots
| Field of Scale |
Rot | Eon Linked Chain Coat
| Field of Scale |
Woest | Eon Linked Chain Leggings
| Field of Scale |
2009-02-10 |
Webee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Rezzya | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Fleshwrap Cloak of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Sweetevill | Bulwark of Corruption
| Discord Tower |
Sadaan | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Sraz | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
Darci | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Tulaz | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Durgadin | Gem Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Merci | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Happy | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Zuuz | Deepsea Ice Stud
| Discord Tower |
Woest | Flashstriker's Great Mace
| Discord Tower |
Sraz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vonkid | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Sadaan | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Jairee | Dreadskin Cape
| Discord Tower |
Diamonde | Lifeshriek
| Discord Tower |
2009-02-09 |
Euri | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zuuz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Iwakura | Infested Death Shroud
| Discord |
Rezzya | Horned Broo Mask
| Discord |
Tulaz | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Diamonde | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Darci | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Dorlus | Ache
| Discord |
Minimout | Flame Emblazoned Spaulders
| Discord |
Poohjure | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Sraz | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Euri | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sraz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Silmare | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Iwakura | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Oonagh | Ring of Forbearance
| Discord |
Webee | Acolyte's Mind-Sight Eye
| Discord |
Durgadin | Curator's Treasure
| Rathe Chamber |
Brradam | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
2009-02-08 |
Tobynn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Yagher | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Vonkid | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Merci | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Diamonde | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Tulaz | Krossmaul
| Rathe Chamber |
Euri | Staff of the Hamahiru
| Rathe Chamber |
Durgadin | Earthgem Band
| Rathe Chamber |
Aasteroth | Earthgem Band
| Rathe Chamber |
Tobynn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tulaz | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Pouty | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Crystal of the Boneknitters
| Rathe Chamber |
Shiftie | Tactician's Obsidian Scimitar
| Rathe Chamber |
Corboy | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Brradam | Shawl of the Voice
| Rathe Chamber |
Sraz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Cylest | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zuuz | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Woest | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Raskas | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Goatflesh | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Ender | Krossmaul
| Rathe Chamber |
Cbus | Bodenweave Cloak
| Rathe Chamber |
Adamkadmon | Staff of the Hamahiru
| Rathe Chamber |
Lovelyeyes | Earthgem Band
| Rathe Chamber |
Tobynn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sycatic | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Pwning | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Tulaz | Tyranont Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
Mencius | Living Crystal Beads
| Warrens |
Lovelyeyes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raskas | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Poohjure | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Oonagh | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Corboy | Tyranont Charged Spike
| Warrens |
Ender | Hollow Tyranont Tooth
| Warrens |
2009-02-07 |
Tobynn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Goatflesh | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Ender | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Baradd | Shield of Pure Discord
| Discord Tower |
Euri | Eternity Edge Band
| Discord Tower |
Tobynn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Voodoman | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Talaminy | Amulet of the Dark Origin
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Dead Eye Lover's Band
| Discord Tower |
Tobynn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Voight | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Sirren | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Head Scryer's Sash of Timegazing
| Discord Tower |
Llayena | Timeworn Pain
| Discord Tower |
Tulaz | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Sirren | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Deadl | Ksathrax's Amber
| Discord Tower |
Tobynn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zama | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Darci | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Saikara | Triskixx the Sweeper
| Discord Tower |
Sycatic | Nightside Gem Earring
| Discord Tower |
Yagher | Curator's Treasure
| Rathe Chamber |
2009-02-05 |
Tobynn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Webee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Saikara | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Jadenpain | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Zykon | Hexxt Chitinbreaker's Lessonteacher
| Discord Tower |
Happy | Captured Puresoul Charm
| Discord Tower |
Sadadi | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Drukor | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Muramite Ring of Influence
| Toskirakk |
Sraz | Rallosian Bloodstone Earring
| Toskirakk |
Kelsoe | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Zuuz | Crystal Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
Sraz | Gem of the Thaumatox Shard
| Toskirakk |
Zuuz | Hagorn's Gem of Fortification
| Toskirakk |
Merci | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Cbus | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Pwning | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Band of Past Lives
| Toskirakk |
Phisto | Bloodrage Carcanet
| Toskirakk |
Cbus | Rallosian Casterix
| Rathe Chamber |
2009-02-04 |
Sycatic | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sadadi | Bridle of the Flying Imperial Sokokar
| Field of Scale |
Lovelyeyes | Eon Forged Plate Greaves
| Field of Scale |
Zuuz | Eon Hardened Leather Boots
| Field of Scale |
Woest | Eon Linked Chain Coat
| Field of Scale |
2009-02-03 |
Lovelyeyes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Crazzin | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Uhaen | Corrupted Soul Piercer
| Discord Tower |
Neddac | Merciless Visage of Discord
| Discord Tower |
Lovelyeyes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Saikara | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Mencius | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Ooze Ward
| Discord Tower |
Voight | Redeye
| Discord Tower |
Brradam | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Tulaz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Crelborn | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rezzya | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Merci | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Llayena | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Cbus | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Tobynn | Staff of the Hamahiru
| Rathe Chamber |
Jairee | Iron Mask of Precision
| Rathe Chamber |
Cbus | Adelstone Earring
| Rathe Chamber |
Zelica | Earthgem Band
| Rathe Chamber |
Sraz | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Maylina | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Woest | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Euri | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Esero | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Shadowz | Krossmaul
| Rathe Chamber |
Sycatic | Bodenweave Cloak
| Rathe Chamber |
Durgadin | Woljnar, Mask of Zek
| Rathe Chamber |
Isloz | Gurwic Torque
| Rathe Chamber |
Rezzya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vaell | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vonkid | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Saikara | Tyranont Articulation Ring
| Warrens |
Aasteroth | Nexiont Shell Shield
| Warrens |
2009-02-02 |
Angellmyst | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Poohjure | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Ashlei | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Spellbound Earloop
| Rathe Chamber |
Redrum | Eriak's Mask of Envy
| Rathe Chamber |
Ohlook | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Woest | Adornment of the Sapphire Gaze
| Rathe Chamber |
Brradam | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zykon | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Maylina | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Shiftie | Blessed Blood Ash Spear
| Discord |
Vahlaura | Worn Mentation Focus Idol
| Discord |
Raskas | Curator's Treasure
| Rathe Chamber |
Sirren | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Kluvwen | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Kluvwen | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Tulaz | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Sycatic | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Vaell | Sash of Living Darkness
| Discord |
Boulderbane | Kiriski's Girdle of Faith
| Rathe Chamber |
Angellmyst | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Silmare | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Diamonde | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Maylina | Ache
| Discord |
Vaell | Ksathrax's Toxiferous Ring
| Discord |
2009-02-01 |
Brradam | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sadaan | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Happy | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Zama | Shield of Pure Discord
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Deathwind
| Discord Tower |
Webee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kluvwen | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Ashlei | Phased Coeval Essence (T4 chest)
| Discord Tower |
Baradd | Amulet of the Dark Origin
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Soulsunder
| Discord Tower |
Brradam | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Darci | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Sycatic | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Jadenpain | Blade of Far Sight
| Discord Tower |
Pouty | Timestealer's Mantle
| Discord Tower |
Zama | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
Sadaan | Gem Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Webee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Isloz | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Hitmaker | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Runed Metal Belt
| Discord Tower |
Silmare | Millennial Runestone
| Discord Tower |
Yagher | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Minimout | Brilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| Discord Tower |
2009-01-31 |
Webee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Webee | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zama | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Vaell | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Sweetevill | Cryostasis Fragment Ring
| Discord Tower |
Tulaz | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Pouty | Gem Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Qwenya | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Voodoman | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vaell | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Minimout | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Pendant of Reflection
| Toskirakk |
Aasteroth | Rallosian Bloodstone Earring
| Toskirakk |
Rot | Dimly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rot | Dimly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Rot | Orb of Delvers' Overzeal
| Toskirakk |
Saikara | Rallosian Casterix
| Rathe Chamber |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Minimout | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Voodoman | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Yagher | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Sadaan | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Band of Past Lives
| Toskirakk |
Balthizaar | Sigil of Dark Rituals
| Toskirakk |
Woest | Rallosian Casterix
| Rathe Chamber |
Locozerker | Rallosian Casterix
| Rathe Chamber |
Raskas | Gem Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
Hiladdar | Gem Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
2009-01-29 |
Rot | Synarcana's Jewel of Timeless Alacrity
| Discord Tower |
Pwning | Ksathrax's Amber
| Discord Tower |
Brradam | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sycatic | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Isloz | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Rezzya | Bonecrasher
| Discord Tower |
Kluvwen | Dreadskin Cape
| Discord Tower |
Woest | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Kluvwen | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Redrum | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Raskas | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Earthbound Cinch
| Rathe Chamber |
Tulaz | Gurwic Torque
| Rathe Chamber |
Tyreel | Adelstone Earring
| Rathe Chamber |
Darci | Rallosian Casterix
| Rathe Chamber |
Tobynn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vonkid | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Sadadi | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Phisto | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Happy | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Zuuz | Krossmaul
| Rathe Chamber |
Vargo | Bodenweave Cloak
| Rathe Chamber |
Durgadin | Earthbound Cinch
| Rathe Chamber |
Hiladdar | Arkasluk, Tallon's Pride
| Rathe Chamber |
Rot | Gem Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
2009-01-28 |
Mencius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zama | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Happy | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Uhaen | Discordant Soulstealer's Collar
| Discord Tower |
Crazzin | Phyro Ring of Pain
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
2009-01-27 |
Mencius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zykon | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Distorted Coeval Essence (T4 arms, legs)
| Discord Tower |
Saikara | Time's Sundering
| Discord Tower |
Lovelyeyes | Painbook of Mysteries
| Discord Tower |
Tulaz | Mindshear Tooth
| Discord Tower |
Mencius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Diamonde | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Jadenpain | Blackstone Encrusted Belt
| Discord Tower |
Qwenya | Crystallized Blood Ring
| Discord Tower |
Mencius | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Corboy | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Redrum | Mindtaker
| Discord |
Lovelyeyes | Attendant's Collar
| Discord |
Qwenya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vaell | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Brradam | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Balthizaar | Buckler of Defeated Champions
| Discord |
Woest | God Ender
| Discord |
Qwenya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Llayena | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Kluvwen | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Oonagh | Ache
| Discord |
Aasteroth | Horned Broo Mask
| Discord |
Durgadin | Pallorax's Frozen Flame
| Discord |
Voight | Worldslayer Blessed Crystal
| Discord |
2009-01-25 |
Qwenya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Qwenya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Minimout | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Ashlei | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Hiladdar | Deepsea Ice Stud
| Discord Tower |
Saikara | Flashstriker's Great Mace
| Discord Tower |
Qwenya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tulaz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Silmare | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Pouty | Tactician's Trinket
| Rathe Chamber |
Woest | Tactician's Obsidian Scimitar
| Rathe Chamber |
Sadadi | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Uhaen | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Ashlei | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tulaz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Happy | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Rezzya | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Durgadin | Lance of the Ward
| Toskirakk |
Redrum | War-touched Pauldrons of Zek
| Toskirakk |
Tulaz | Crystal Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
Aasteroth | Gem of the Thaumatox Shard
| Toskirakk |
Brradam | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Baradd | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Mencius | Sigil of Dark Rituals
| Toskirakk |
Jairee | Band of Past Lives
| Toskirakk |
Sraz | Hagorn's Gem of Fortification
| Toskirakk |
Vaell | Gem of the Thaumatox Shard
| Toskirakk |
Crelborn | Gem of the Thaumatox Shard
| Toskirakk |
Rot | Gem Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
Rot | Gem Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
Crelborn | Gem Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
Voodoman | Sliver of Korascian
| Toskirakk |
2009-01-24 |
Qwenya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Qwenya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Uhaen | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Maylina | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Merci | Shroud of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
Zama | Bonecrasher
| Discord Tower |
Qwenya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Qwenya | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sraz | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Redrum | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Pwning | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Darci | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Esero | Krossmaul
| Rathe Chamber |
Saikara | Iron Mask of Precision
| Rathe Chamber |
Seinoom | Earthgem Band
| Rathe Chamber |
Yagher | Arkasluk, Tallon's Pride
| Rathe Chamber |
Mencius | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Lovelyeyes | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Webee | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Minimout | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Kluvwen | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Jairee | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Krossmaul
| Rathe Chamber |
Maylina | Krossmaul
| Rathe Chamber |
Euri | Earthgem Band
| Rathe Chamber |
Vaell | Bodenweave Cloak
| Rathe Chamber |
Vaell | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vaell | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Webee | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Phisto | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Cylest | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
Vaell | Nexiont Shell Shield
| Warrens |
2009-01-22 |
Tobynn | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Crelborn | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rezzya | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Qwenya | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Zuuz | Scourge Drape of the Maelfic
| Discord |
Iwakura | Buckler of Defeated Champions
| Discord |
Ashlei | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Sadadi | Attendant's Collar
| Discord |
Phisto | Flesh Scourge
| Discord |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Tobynn | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Euri | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Crazzin | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Voodoman | Sash of the Pox-Blessed
| Discord |
Sycatic | Infested Death Shroud
| Discord |
Woest | Gem Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Phisto | Crystal Embedded Discord Stone
| Discord |
Drukor | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
2009-01-21 |
Ashlei | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Happy | Warped Coeval Essence (T4 hat, boots)
| Discord Tower |
Kluvwen | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Locozerker | Triskixx the Sweeper
| Discord Tower |
Vonkid | Blackstone Encrusted Belt
| Discord Tower |
Rot | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Darci | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
2009-01-20 |
Darci | Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Mencius | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Crelborn | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Ohlook | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Esero | Pendant of Reflection
| Toskirakk |
Durgadin | War-touched Pauldrons of Zek
| Toskirakk |
Tulaz | Dimly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Tulaz | Gem of the Thaumatox Shard
| Toskirakk |
Hoodfolks | Gem Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
Diamonde | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Maylina | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Voight | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Oonagh | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Aasteroth | Band of Past Lives
| Toskirakk |
Jairee | Rallosian Bloodstone Earring
| Toskirakk |
Rot | Orb of Delvers' Overzeal
| Toskirakk |
Aasteroth | Dimly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Sycatic | Brightly Pulsating Chronal Shear
| SoD |
Minimout | Crystal Embedded Earthbound Stone
| Toskirakk |
Darci | Gem of the Thaumatox Shard
| Toskirakk |
2009-01-19 |
Zama | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Llayena | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Zama | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Crazzin | Fractured Coeval Essence (T4 bracer, gloves)
| Discord Tower |
Corboy | Redeye
| Discord Tower |
Tobynn | Shroud of Insanity
| Discord Tower |
2009-01-18 |
Mencius | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Voodoman | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Shield of the Rallosian Empire
| Rathe Chamber |
Happy | Eriak's Mask of Envy
| Rathe Chamber |
Maylina | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Lonn | Shawl of the Voice
| Rathe Chamber |
Llayena | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Llayena | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Maylina | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Oonagh | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Mencius | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Corboy | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Brradam | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Kluvwen | Iron Mask of Precision
| Rathe Chamber |
Hoodfolks | Krossmaul
| Rathe Chamber |
Zykon | Iron Mask of Precision
| Rathe Chamber |
Ohlook | Arkasluk, Tallon's Pride
| Rathe Chamber |
Qwenya | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Tulaz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zama | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Jairee | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Drukor | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Locozerker | Iron Mask of Precision
| Rathe Chamber |
Sraz | Woljnar, Mask of Zek
| Rathe Chamber |
Angellmyst | Earthbound Cinch
| Rathe Chamber |
Sirren | Adelstone Earring
| Rathe Chamber |
Llayena | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Silmare | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Sadaan | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Kluvwen | Tyranont Articulation Ring
| Warrens |
Cylest | Living Crystal Ring
| Warrens |
2009-01-17 |
Llayena | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Pwning | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Poohjure | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Sirren | Itch
| Discord |
Jairee | Flame Emblazoned Spaulders
| Discord |
Llayena | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vaell | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Buni | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Cylest | Attendant's Collar
| Discord |
Sadaan | Flesh Scourge
| Discord |
Llayena | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vonkid | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Ender | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Iwakura | Mask of Dark Tidings
| Discord |
Durgadin | Buckler of Defeated Champions
| Discord |
2009-01-15 |
Llayena | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Llayena | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Zuuz | Serrated Ear Spike
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Locozerker | Malarian Plaguebringer
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Cylest | Tsetsian Plague Skin Shawl
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Ashlei | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sycatic | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Diamonde | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Brradam | Muramite Ring of Influence
| Toskirakk |
Merci | Rallosian Bloodstone Earring
| Toskirakk |
Kluvwen | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Poohjure | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Kuroiokami | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Minimout | Pendant of Reflection
| Toskirakk |
Cbus | Sigil of Dark Rituals
| Toskirakk |
2009-01-14 |
Mencius | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Llayena | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Cbus | Fell Dragon Scale Shield
| Kaesora Library |
Iwakura | Eon Woven Cloth Cap
| Kaesora Library |
Angellmyst | Eon Forged Plate Bracer
| Kaesora Library |
2009-01-13 |
Neddac | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vaell | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Tower Champion's Shield
| Field of Scale |
Vahlaura | Eon Forged Plate Gauntlets
| Kurn's Tower |
Tulaz | Eon Forged Plate Vambraces
| Kurn's Tower |
Voight | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Llayena | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Lonn | Bridle of the Flying Imperial Sokokar
| Field of Scale |
Zuuz | Eon Hardened Leather Tunic
| Field of Scale |
Locozerker | Eon Linked Chain Leggings
| Field of Scale |
Sadaan | Iksar Commander's Belt
| Field of Scale |
Merci | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Voight | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zama | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Saikara | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Ashlei | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Iron Mask of Precision
| Rathe Chamber |
Vonkid | Arkasluk, Tallon's Pride
| Rathe Chamber |
Iwakura | Adelstone Earring
| Rathe Chamber |
Angellmyst | Earthgem Band
| Rathe Chamber |
Llayena | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sraz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Maylina | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Kluvwen | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zykon | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Uhaen | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Tyreel | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Sadaan | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Corboy | Krossmaul
| Rathe Chamber |
Adaur | Gurwic Torque
| Rathe Chamber |
Jairee | Arkasluk, Tallon's Pride
| Rathe Chamber |
Llayena | Earthgem Band
| Rathe Chamber |
Merci | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ohlook | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Kluvwen | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Oonagh | Tyranont Charged Spike
| Warrens |
Happy | Living Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
2009-01-12 |
Vaell | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sirren | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Pwning | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Sraz | Crystal of the Boneknitters
| Rathe Chamber |
Tulaz | Capu-Tuk, the Painstriker
| Rathe Chamber |
Sweetevill | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Darci | Adornment of the Sapphire Gaze
| Rathe Chamber |
Voight | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Saikara | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Vonkid | Scourge Drape of the Maelfic
| Discord |
Webee | Buckler of Defeated Champions
| Discord |
2009-01-11 |
Merci | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Webee | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Happy | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Ohlook | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Ring of Forbearance
| Discord |
Isloz | Worn Mentation Focus Idol
| Discord |
Silmare | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Maylina | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zykon | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Voodoman | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Iwakura | Sash of the Pox-Blessed
| Discord |
Hitmaker | Ache
| Discord |
2009-01-10 |
Ashlei | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Webee | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Uhaen | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Saikara | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Zuuz | Fettershard
| Toskirakk |
Ashlei | Band of Past Lives
| Toskirakk |
Llayena | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Oonagh | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Mencius | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Silmare | Lance of the Ward
| Toskirakk |
Vonkid | Fettershard
| Toskirakk |
Zuuz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Zuuz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Llayena | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Sirren | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Hitmaker | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Cylest | Amoger the Jarring
| Crystallos |
Crelborn | Crystalforged Tower Shield
| Crystallos |
Boulderbane | Stormbolt, Recurve of the Heavens
| Crystallos |
Minimout | Frozen Coldrage Stud
| Crystallos |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vahlaura | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Seinoom | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Zuuz | Scale Loop of Tenacity
| Crystallos |
Cylest | Golem-Construct's Enormous Bracelet
| Crystallos |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Euri | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Darci | Fingerloop of Prismatic Rage
| Crystallos |
Tulaz | Highblade of the Wyvern Lord
| Crystallos |
Zuuz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Zuuz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Drukor | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Isloz | Backplate of Blessed Resilience
| Crystallos |
Crazzin | Circular Magmatic Disc
| Crystallos |
Zuuz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Zuuz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Yagher | Earring of Dragon's Fire
| Crystallos |
Hiladdar | Ritual Visor of Darkness
| Crystallos |
Oonagh | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Oonagh | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Oonagh | Wyvern Signet of Doctrine
| Crystallos |
Sirren | Fanatic's Badge of Passing
| Crystallos |
2009-01-08 |
Merci | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Smallbean | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Seinoom | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vaell | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Qwenya | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Ohlook | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Krossmaul
| Rathe Chamber |
Zuuz | Earthbound Cinch
| Rathe Chamber |
Tyreel | Bodenweave Cloak
| Rathe Chamber |
Crelborn | Adelstone Earring
| Rathe Chamber |
Sweetevill | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Llayena | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Voight | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Silmare | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Poohjure | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Crazzin | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Kluvwen | Arkasluk, Tallon's Pride
| Rathe Chamber |
Llayena | Staff of the Hamahiru
| Rathe Chamber |
Sadadi | Earthgem Band
| Rathe Chamber |
Rezzya | Earthgem Band
| Rathe Chamber |
Llayena | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Llayena | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Esero | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Raskas | Tyranont Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
Zuuz | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
2009-01-07 |
Euri | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sycatic | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Happy | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Sadaan | Spellbound Earloop
| Rathe Chamber |
Jadenpain | Eriak's Mask of Envy
| Rathe Chamber |
Sirren | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Vaell | Shawl of the Voice
| Rathe Chamber |
Llayena | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Drukor | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Phisto | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Minimout | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Pwning | Coruscite Band of Vigilence
| Discord |
Deadl | Shadowed Soulblade
| Discord |
2009-01-06 |
Llayena | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Oonagh | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Brradam | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Tunare's Tear
| Discord |
Zuuz | Horned Broo Mask
| Discord |
Angellmyst | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Angellmyst | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Zuuz | Volatile Blackflame Stiletto
| Crystallos |
Maylina | Fanatical Earring of Pain Suppression
| Crystallos |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hoodfolks | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Hoodfolks | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Cbus | Signet of the Great Blasphemy
| Crystallos |
Sirren | Prismatic Rune of the Fallen
| Crystallos |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Deadl | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Adaur | Intricately Carved Greatsword
| Crystallos |
Vahlaura | Heor`Otor the Frozen Waste
| Crystallos |
Esero | Beveled Quartz Faceguard
| Crystallos |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Deadl | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Euri | Spaulders of Vibrant Succor
| Crystallos |
Oonagh | Drakeling's Mark of Allegiance
| Crystallos |
2009-01-05 |
Sraz | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Llayena | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Malarian Flesh Girdle
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Zuuz | Band of Corrupted Blood
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Oonagh | Probiscus Hook Earring
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
2009-01-04 |
Baradd | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Pwning | Bridle of the Flying Imperial Sokokar
| Field of Scale |
Cylest | Eon Hardened Leather Boots
| Field of Scale |
Drukor | Ganak's Scaled Belt
| Field of Scale |
Angellmyst | Eon Forged Plate Breastplate
| Field of Scale |
Silmare | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Silmare | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Minimout | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Ender | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Iwakura | Muramite Ring of Influence
| Toskirakk |
Sycatic | Sigil of Dark Rituals
| Toskirakk |
Tulaz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vaell | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Saikara | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Jairee | Warspite
| Toskirakk |
Rot | Rallosian Bloodstone Earring
| Toskirakk |
Sweetevill | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Maylina | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Jadenpain | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Crazzin | Flesh Scourge
| Discord |
Adaur | Worn Mentation Focus Idol
| Discord |
2009-01-03 |
Voight | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Phisto | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Ender | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Minimout | Krossmaul
| Rathe Chamber |
Sadadi | Earthbound Cinch
| Rathe Chamber |
Sweetevill | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sycatic | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Silmare | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Uhaen | Staff of the Hamahiru
| Rathe Chamber |
Baradd | Earthgem Band
| Rathe Chamber |
Sweetevill | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Uhaen | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Rezzya | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Corboy | Hollow Tyranont Tooth
| Warrens |
Vahlaura | Tyranont Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
2009-01-01 |
Totlc | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Totlc | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Zarysto | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Esero | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Deadl | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Crelborn | Blosseron of the Crystalheart
| Crystallos |
Sraz | Crystalforged Tower Shield
| Crystallos |
Crazzin | Handwraps of the Crystalline Fortress
| Crystallos |
Isloz | Stra'Hazir the Great Destroyer
| Crystallos |
Totlc | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Totlc | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Fluerry | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Webee | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Happy | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Voight | Arcane Runed Dragonsash
| Crystallos |
Redrum | Scale Loop of Tenacity
| Crystallos |
Totlc | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Locozerker | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Maylina | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Hitmaker | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Totlc | Granite Shoulderpads of Zealotry
| Crystallos |
Locozerker | Jagged Astral Ring
| Crystallos |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tyreel | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Drukor | Jewel of Resolute Obedience
| Crystallos |
Iwakura | Icy Dirk of Meditation
| Crystallos |
Sweetevill | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Webee | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Darci | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Scourge Drape of the Maelfic
| Discord |
Vonkid | Sigil of Pain
| Discord |
Sweetevill | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Isloz | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Zuuz | Corpse Hook
| Discord |
Brradam | Sash of the Pox-Blessed
| Discord |
2008-12-30 |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sraz | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Angellmyst | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Maylina | Heor`Otor the Frozen Waste
| Crystallos |
Fluerry | Beveled Quartz Faceguard
| Crystallos |
Deadl | Beveled Quartz Faceguard
| Crystallos |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Fluerry | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Zuuz | Drakeling's Mark of Allegiance
| Crystallos |
Ashlei | Spaulders of Vibrant Succor
| Crystallos |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sirren | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Fluerry | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Redrum | Earring of Dragon's Fire
| Crystallos |
Cylest | Facemask of Cleansing
| Crystallos |
Angellmyst | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Angellmyst | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Fluerry | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Brradam | Mounted Prismatic Focus-Gem
| Crystallos |
Minimout | Fanatic's Badge of Passing
| Crystallos |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Locozerker | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Fluerry | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Jairee | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Zuuz | Stonehewn Radiant Band
| Crystallos |
Locozerker | Giovin the Smoldering
| Crystallos |
Jadenpain | Spaulders of the Ancient Warder
| Crystallos |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Fluerry | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Fluerry | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Angellmyst | Signet of the Great Blasphemy
| Crystallos |
Sraz | Magma-Wrought Painloop
| Crystallos |
Neddac | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Crelborn | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Maylina | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Jairee | Pendant of Reflection
| Toskirakk |
Kluvwen | Bloodrage Carcanet
| Toskirakk |
2008-12-29 |
Merci | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Voight | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Qwenya | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Poohjure | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Crazzin | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Ashlei | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Voodoman | Adelstone Earring
| Rathe Chamber |
Brradam | Adelstone Earring
| Rathe Chamber |
Mencius | Bodenweave Cloak
| Rathe Chamber |
Pwning | Gurwic Torque
| Rathe Chamber |
Brradam | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sraz | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Bridle of the Flying Imperial Sokokar
| Field of Scale |
Nostradom | Eon Forged Plate Breastplate
| Field of Scale |
Crelborn | Eon Woven Cloth Sandals
| Field of Scale |
Phisto | Eon Hardened Leather Leggings
| Field of Scale |
2008-12-28 |
Raskas | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Qwenya | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Mencius | Acolyte's Mind-Sight Eye
| Discord |
Pouty | Flesh Scourge
| Discord |
Sweetevill | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Crazzin | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Boulderbane | Living Crystal Shard
| Warrens |
Esero | Tyranont Charged Spike
| Warrens |
2008-12-27 |
Merci | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sadaan | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Happy | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Voight | Mask of Dark Tidings
| Discord |
Adaur | Shadowed Soulblade
| Discord |
Merci | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Qwenya | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Webee | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Ashlei | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Zykon | Corpse Hook
| Discord |
Merci | Horned Broo Mask
| Discord |
2008-12-23 |
Qwenya | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Somlamda | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Hoodfolks | Eon Hardened Leather Tunic
| Field of Scale |
Tulaz | Eon Forged Plate Greaves
| Field of Scale |
Hitmaker | Iksar Commander's Belt
| Field of Scale |
Pouty | Bridle of the Flying Imperial Sokokar
| Field of Scale |
Zama | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Saikara | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Rezzya | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
Silmare | Nexiont Shell Shield
| Warrens |
2008-12-22 |
Zama | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Isloz | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Minimout | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Mencius | Muramite Ring of Influence
| Toskirakk |
Boulderbane | War-touched Pauldrons of Zek
| Toskirakk |
2008-12-21 |
Zama | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Somlamda | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sycatic | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Somlamda | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Fluerry | Blessed Blood Ash Spear
| Discord |
Zama | Attendant's Collar
| Discord |
Tulaz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Jairee | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Arthegorn | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Kluvwen | Sigil of Pain
| Discord |
Silmare | Coruscite Band of Vigilence
| Discord |
Zama | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Raskas | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Voight | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Sirren | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Baradd | Tunare's Tear
| Discord |
Webee | Sash of the Pox-Blessed
| Discord |
2008-12-20 |
Zama | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Kluvwen | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Darci | Warped Primeval Essence (T3 hat, boots)
| SoD |
Crelborn | Woljnar, Mask of Zek
| Rathe Chamber |
Sraz | Earthbound Cinch
| Rathe Chamber |
2008-12-18 |
Somlamda | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Chera | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zama | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Isloz | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Adaur | Fortaskrei
| Rathe Chamber |
Diamonde | Adornment of the Sapphire Gaze
| Rathe Chamber |
2008-12-17 |
Baradd | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Sirren | Shawl of the Voice
| Rathe Chamber |
2008-12-16 |
Sirren | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Baradd | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sadaan | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Voight | Acolyte's Mind-Sight Eye
| Discord |
Silmare | Cloak of the Thrice-Born
| Discord |
2008-12-15 |
Zama | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Sirren | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Tobynn | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Merci | Fractured Primeval Essence (T3 bracer, gloves)
| SoD |
Vonkid | Cascading Living Crystal Web
| Warrens |
Qwenya | Living Crystal Ring
| Warrens |
2008-12-14 |
Voodoman | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Maylina | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Sraz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Yagher | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Ohlook | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Mencius | Itch
| Discord |
Webee | Ksathrax's Toxiferous Ring
| Discord |
Tulaz | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Qwenya | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Ohlook | Scourge Drape of the Maelfic
| Discord |
Lonn | Sash of Living Darkness
| Discord |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Corboy | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Yagher | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Sycatic | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Sadadi | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Webee | Amoger the Jarring
| Crystallos |
Vahlaura | Shortblade of Prismatic Destruction
| Crystallos |
Saikara | Frozen Coldrage Stud
| Crystallos |
Happy | Crystalforged Tower Shield
| Crystallos |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Jairee | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Esero | Crusher of the Crimson Dawn
| Crystallos |
Isloz | Girdle of the Great Wyrm
| Crystallos |
2008-12-13 |
Fluerry | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Fluerry | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tulaz | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Jadenpain | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Mencius | Purified Silverstone of Warding
| Crystallos |
Jairee | Highblade of the Wyvern Lord
| Crystallos |
Zarysto | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Zarysto | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Zykon | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Saikara | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Rot | Golem-Lord's Earring of Control
| Crystallos |
Merci | Circular Magmatic Disc
| Crystallos |
Zarysto | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Zarysto | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Saikara | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Happy | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Sraz | Draconic Faceguard of the True-Blooded
| Crystallos |
Sadadi | Facemask of Cleansing
| Crystallos |
Zarysto | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Zarysto | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Sirren | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Jadenpain | Fanatic's Badge of Passing
| Crystallos |
Darci | Fanatic's Badge of Passing
| Crystallos |
Dorlus | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Zarysto | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Zarysto | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Zykon | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Sweetevill | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Oonagh | Volatile Blackflame Stiletto
| Crystallos |
Smallbean | Pulsing Draconic Wurmstone
| Crystallos |
Zarysto | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Zarysto | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Sycatic | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Sraz | Signet of the Great Blasphemy
| Crystallos |
Minimout | Magma-Wrought Painloop
| Crystallos |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Jadenpain | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Saikara | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Pwning | Beveled Quartz Faceguard
| Crystallos |
Phisto | Flashing Prismatic Knucklewraps
| Crystallos |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sraz | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Happy | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Raskas | Drakeling's Mark of Allegiance
| Crystallos |
Oonagh | Kindjal of Martyrdom
| Crystallos |
2008-12-11 |
Zama | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Rezzya | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Isloz | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Sycatic | Acolyte's Mind-Sight Eye
| Discord |
Happy | Mindtaker
| Discord |
Webee | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Moonstone Compass
| Blackburrow |
Angellmyst | Wrext Mal Mundunugu Rank Insignia
| Blackburrow |
Hoodfolks | Wrext Mal Martyr's Ring
| Blackburrow |
Webee | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Decaying Ritual Totem
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Oonagh | Malarian Egg Sack
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Minimout | Probiscus Hook Earring
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
2008-12-10 |
Vaell | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vaell | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sirren | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Deadl | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Sraz | Ghostly Whisper Earring
| Crypt of Shade |
Hoodfolks | Corrupted Spectral Shoulderguards
| Crypt of Shade |
Rot | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hoodfolks | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Cbus | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Oonagh | Necklace of the High Moon
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Raskas | Bloodied Skull Crusher
| Bloodmoon Keep |
2008-12-08 |
Merci | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Zama | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Deadl | Distorted Primeval Essence (T3 arms, legs)
| SoD |
Somlamda | Ksathrax's Toxiferous Ring
| Discord |
Arthegorn | Ache
| Discord |
2008-12-07 |
Sweetevill | Glowing Entropic Rune
| SoD |
Angellmyst | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Kluvwen | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Ashlei | Phased Primeval Essence (T3 chest)
| SoD |
Saikara | Maul of Dire Intent
| Discord |
Baradd | Scourge Drape of the Maelfic
| Discord |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Diamonde | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Chera | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Sadadi | Luminous Stormcloud Cloak
| Crystallos |
Vonkid | Scale Loop of Loyalty
| Crystallos |
Yagher | Stormbolt, Recurve of the Heavens
| Crystallos |
Isloz | Heor`Otor the Frozen Waste
| Crystallos |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Jairee | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Sweetevill | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Rezzya | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Candaten | Greatmaul of the Prismatic Flight
| Crystallos |
Jadenpain | Scale Loop of Tenacity
| Crystallos |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Arthegorn | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Shiftie | Crystal-Linked Cloak
| Crystallos |
Uhaen | Massive Crystal-Flecked Faceplate
| Crystallos |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vaell | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Jairee | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Vaell | Jewel of Resolute Obedience
| Crystallos |
Darci | Circular Magmatic Disc
| Crystallos |
2008-12-06 |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Webee | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Hiladdar | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Ohlook | Ritual Visor of Darkness
| Crystallos |
Jadenpain | Longsword of the Fanatic Legion
| Crystallos |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sycatic | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Diamonde | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Sraz | Fanatic's Badge of Passing
| Crystallos |
Candaten | Wyvern-Crafted Adornment
| Crystallos |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Brradam | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Poohjure | Fanatical Earring of Pain Suppression
| Crystallos |
Webee | Cloak of the Draconic Legion
| Crystallos |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sirren | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Webee | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Sycatic | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Tulaz | Magma-Wrought Painloop
| Crystallos |
Candaten | Magma-Wrought Painloop
| Crystallos |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Ohlook | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Saikara | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Somlamda | Crimson Drakesblood Earring
| Crystallos |
Yagher | Ancient Earstud of Continuation
| Crystallos |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Darci | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Ashlei | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Crelborn | Drakeling's Mark of Allegiance
| Crystallos |
Angellmyst | Spaulders of Vibrant Succor
| Crystallos |
2008-12-04 |
Sweetevill | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Minimout | Rottrued's Enforcer
| Blackburrow |
Shiftie | Rottrued Containment Ring
| Blackburrow |
Oonagh | Wrext Mal Cape
| Blackburrow |
2008-12-03 |
Sweetevill | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Qwenya | Decaying Ritual Totem
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Sraz | Knotted Plague Strand Choker
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Annubisx | Eye of Putrid Sight
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
2008-12-02 |
Mencius | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Vahlaura | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Neddac | Eon Hardened Leather Wristguard
| Kaesora Library |
Neddac | Eon Hardened Leather Cowl
| Kaesora Library |
Hoodfolks | Lizard Spine Coercer
| Kaesora Library |
Mencius | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Ashlei | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Shiftie | Thersith's Dragonstrike
| Kurn's Tower |
Tulaz | Eon Forged Plate Gauntlets
| Kurn's Tower |
Hoodfolks | Eon Hardened Leather Armwraps
| Kurn's Tower |
2008-12-01 |
Sadadi | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Mencius | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Crelborn | Eon Woven Cloth Robe
| Field of Scale |
Brradam | Eon Woven Cloth Sandals
| Field of Scale |
Tyreel | Eon Woven Cloth Pants
| Field of Scale |
Hoodfolks | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Angellmyst | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Maylina | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Diamonde | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Sraz | Dark Redeemer's Bludgeon
| Crypt of Shade |
Shiftie | Ghostly Whisper Earring
| Crypt of Shade |
Sraz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hoodfolks | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Ashlei | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Sraz | Regenerator's Earring
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Deadl | Necklace of the High Moon
| Bloodmoon Keep |
2008-11-30 |
Hoodfolks | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hoodfolks | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hoodfolks | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Uhaen | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sycatic | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Ender | Gnomish Engineer's Gearloop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Iruul | Auto-Aiming Steamcoiled Recurvinator
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Hoodfolks | High-Volume Servant Transceiver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Jadenpain | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Ashlei | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Kuroiokami | Greasy Steam-Pauldrons
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sraz | Ring of Molten Alloy
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sraz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sraz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Jairee | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Brradam | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Rot | Steamwork Welder's Multitool
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Shiftie | Impromptu Body Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sraz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Webee | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Zykon | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rezzya | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rot | Telescopic Eye-Goggles
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Hoodfolks | Studded Engineer's Workgrips
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Hoodfolks | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Corboy | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Jadenpain | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Deadl | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Hoodfolks | Kidney-Removing Autoshank
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Corboy | Gear-Linked Cloak
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sraz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sraz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Angellmyst | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Ender | Steamgineer's Trinket of Station
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sraz | Cruel Mechanic's Shawl
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rot | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lonn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Zykon | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Isloz | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Crelborn | Amoger the Jarring
| Crystallos |
Vahlaura | Scale Loop of Loyalty
| Crystallos |
Somlamda | Ancient Dragon's Tear Necklace
| Crystallos |
Yagher | Shortblade of Prismatic Destruction
| Crystallos |
Zarysto | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lonn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Zarysto | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Sadadi | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Baradd | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Redrum | Greatmaul of the Prismatic Flight
| Crystallos |
Darci | Crusher of the Crimson Dawn
| Crystallos |
2008-11-29 |
Neddac | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Neddac | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Yagher | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Chera | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Ohlook | Highblade of the Wyvern Lord
| Crystallos |
Angellmyst | Luminescent Ring of Benevolence
| Crystallos |
Angellmyst | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Angellmyst | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Zama | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Rot | Icy Dirk of Meditation
| Crystallos |
Hoodfolks | Golem-Lord's Earring of Control
| Crystallos |
Angellmyst | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Angellmyst | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Annubisx | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Tulaz | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Sweetevill | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Neddac | Draconic Faceguard of the True-Blooded
| Crystallos |
Hoodfolks | Draconic Faceguard of the True-Blooded
| Crystallos |
Angellmyst | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Angellmyst | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Neddac | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Neddac | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Angellmyst | Wyvern Signet of Doctrine
| Crystallos |
Hiladdar | Wyvern-Crafted Adornment
| Crystallos |
Angellmyst | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Angellmyst | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vargo | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Neddac | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Angellmyst | Pulsing Draconic Wurmstone
| Crystallos |
Ender | Volatile Blackflame Stiletto
| Crystallos |
Angellmyst | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Angellmyst | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Shiftie | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Neddac | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Neddac | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Angellmyst | Ancient Sigil-Runed Censer
| Crystallos |
Yagher | Signet of the Great Blasphemy
| Crystallos |
Angellmyst | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Angellmyst | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Shiftie | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Minimout | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Corboy | Beveled Quartz Faceguard
| Crystallos |
Isloz | Magma-Studded Earguard
| Crystallos |
Hilachant | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hilachant | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Arthegorn | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Voodoman | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Pwning | Pauldrons of Legendary Conquest
| Crystallos |
Isloz | Pauldrons of Legendary Conquest
| Crystallos |
2008-11-25 |
Rezzya | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Zama | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Siludil | Decaying Ritual Totem
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Saikara | Probiscus Hook Earring
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Sadadi | Band of Corrupted Blood
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Annubisx | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Zama | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Boulderbane | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Arthegorn | Waistguard of Fanatic Devotion
| Crystallos |
Sycatic | Amoger the Jarring
| Crystallos |
Deadl | Scale Loop of Loyalty
| Crystallos |
Crazzin | Scale Loop of Loyalty
| Crystallos |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Annubisx | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Mencius | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Chera | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Isloz | Platinum Drakelord's Signet
| Crystallos |
Saikara | Girdle of the Great Wyrm
| Crystallos |
2008-11-24 |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Tobynn | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Buni | Fingerloop of Prismatic Rage
| Crystallos |
Raskas | Massive Crystal-Flecked Faceplate
| Crystallos |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Maylina | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Deadl | Backplate of Blessed Resilience
| Crystallos |
Voodoman | Golem-Lord's Earring of Control
| Crystallos |
Arthegorn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Poohjure | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Isloz | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Jadenpain | Prismatic Greatspear of Bloodshed
| Crystallos |
Iruul | Prismatic Greatspear of Bloodshed
| Crystallos |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Darci | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Baradd | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Illiana | Blood-Crystal Stone of Rebellion
| Crystallos |
Crazzin | Wyvern-Crafted Adornment
| Crystallos |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Buni | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Jadenpain | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Euri | Stonehewn Radiant Band
| Crystallos |
Kuroiokami | Volatile Blackflame Stiletto
| Crystallos |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Diamonde | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Hiladdar | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Sadadi | Ancient Sigil-Runed Censer
| Crystallos |
Jadenpain | Prismatic Rune of the Fallen
| Crystallos |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vahlaura | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Rezzya | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Hitmaker | Chain Gorget of the Scaleborn
| Crystallos |
Crazy | Flashing Prismatic Knucklewraps
| Crystallos |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Isloz | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Vonkid | Kindjal of Martyrdom
| Crystallos |
Ohlook | Kindjal of Martyrdom
| Crystallos |
2008-11-23 |
Rot | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Darci | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Baradd | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Silmare | Ghostly Whisper Earring
| Crypt of Shade |
Shiftie | Earstud of Darkest Shadow
| Crypt of Shade |
Rot | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Diamonde | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Shiftie | Ring of the Ripping Claw
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Saikara | Necklace of the High Moon
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Rot | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Rezzya | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Isloz | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Tulaz | Auto-Aiming Steamcoiled Recurvinator
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Deadl | Gnomish Engineer's Gearloop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rot | High-Volume Servant Transceiver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Brradam | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Lonn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Seinoom | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sadadi | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rot | Telescopic Eye-Goggles
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Shiftie | Hydraulic Crushblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Maylina | Auto-Aiming Steamcoiled Recurvinator
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Brradam | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Vahlaura | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rezzya | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rot | Kidney-Removing Autoshank
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Saikara | Reflective Gem of Communication
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Saikara | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Annubisx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tulaz | Self-Retracting Gearplate Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Eldaric | Chain-Powered Longcutter
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Shiftie | Chain-Powered Longcutter
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Brradam | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Jadenpain | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Isloz | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Adamkadmon | Jingling Alloy Loop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-11-22 |
Lonn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lonn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tulaz | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Isloz | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Minimout | Sharpened Steamworker's Screwdriver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Crelborn | Cruel Mechanic's Shawl
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-11-18 |
Crelborn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Poohjure | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Adaur | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Zama | Nyseng the Deep-Born
| Crystallos |
Tyreel | Crystalforged Tower Shield
| Crystallos |
Silmare | Scale Loop of Loyalty
| Crystallos |
Lonn | Flame-Crystal Ornament
| Crystallos |
Crelborn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Crelborn | Black Shroud of Pennance
| Crypt of Shade |
Maylina | Corrupted Spectral Shoulderguards
| Crypt of Shade |
Crelborn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Zama | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Voodoman | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Buni | Bloodied Skull Crusher
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Maylina | Ring of the Ripping Claw
| Bloodmoon Keep |
2008-11-17 |
Crelborn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Crelborn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Deadl | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Crazzin | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Darci | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Voodoman | Deep-Hewn Crystal Bulwark
| Crystallos |
Deadl | Deep-Hewn Crystal Bulwark
| Crystallos |
Crelborn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Crelborn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vonkid | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Meetloafx | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Sadaan | Fingerloop of Prismatic Rage
| Crystallos |
Yagher | Crystal-Linked Cloak
| Crystallos |
Crelborn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Crelborn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Yagher | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Yagher | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Rezzya | Jewel of Resolute Obedience
| Crystallos |
Crelborn | Golem-Lord's Earring of Control
| Crystallos |
Crelborn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Crelborn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rezzya | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Llayena | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Crelborn | Giovin the Smoldering
| Crystallos |
Minimout | Volatile Blackflame Stiletto
| Crystallos |
Ashlei | Pulsing Draconic Wurmstone
| Crystallos |
Crelborn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Crelborn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vahlaura | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Jennre | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Somlamda | Prismatic Rune of the Fallen
| Crystallos |
Maylina | Signet of the Great Blasphemy
| Crystallos |
Crelborn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Crelborn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Ashlei | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Voight | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Seinoom | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Brradam | Veil of Draconic Study
| Crystallos |
Drukor | Draconic Faceguard of the True-Blooded
| Crystallos |
Crelborn | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Crelborn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Crelborn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Seinoom | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Seinoom | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Buni | Wyvern-Crafted Adornment
| Crystallos |
Xilraazz | Fanatic's Badge of Passing
| Crystallos |
Crelborn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Crelborn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Meetloafx | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Oonagh | Beveled Quartz Faceguard
| Crystallos |
Minimout | Beveled Quartz Faceguard
| Crystallos |
Crelborn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Crelborn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Crelborn | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Baradd | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Vahlaura | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Happy | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
Chera | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
2008-11-15 |
Rezzya | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Hiladdar | Tower Champion's Bow
| Kurn's Tower |
Isloz | Eon Forged Plate Vambraces
| Kurn's Tower |
Crazzin | Eon Hardened Leather Gloves
| Kurn's Tower |
2008-11-09 |
Zama | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Rezzya | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Redrum | Bloodwood Bow
| Kithicor |
Voodoman | Mask of Tunare's Chosen
| Kithicor |
Sycatic | Ring of the Chosen One
| Kithicor |
Zama | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Rezzya | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Tyreel | Malarian Flesh Girdle
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Meetloafx | Tsetsian Plague Skin Shawl
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Sadaan | Malarian Egg Sack
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Zama | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Rezzya | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Jennre | Rottrued's Backup Sticker
| Blackburrow |
Voodoman | Wrext Mal Mundunugu Coif
| Blackburrow |
Deadl | Rottrued's Spaulders
| Blackburrow |
2008-11-08 |
Mencius | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Brradam | Eon Woven Cloth Robe
| Field of Scale |
Sycatic | Eon Woven Cloth Pants
| Field of Scale |
Zykon | Eon Hardened Leather Boots
| Field of Scale |
Zama | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sweetevill | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Phisto | Eon Hardened Leather Armwraps
| Kurn's Tower |
Vonkid | Eon Linked Chain Gauntlets
| Kurn's Tower |
Jairee | Tower Champion's Bow
| Kurn's Tower |
2008-11-06 |
Qwenya | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Whirring Archaen Rune
| SoD |
Sazik | Councilor's Mantle
| Kaesora Library |
Jennre | Shellcrusher
| Kaesora Library |
Isloz | Eon Forged Plate Bracer
| Kaesora Library |
2008-11-05 |
Arthegorn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Shintaaro | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sadaan | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Silmare | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Merci | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Pwning | Stra'Hazir the Great Destroyer
| Crystallos |
Jennre | Giovin the Smoldering
| Crystallos |
Sycatic | Crystalforged Tower Shield
| Crystallos |
Corboy | Frozen Coldrage Stud
| Crystallos |
2008-11-04 |
Lonn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lonn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kluvwen | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Diamonde | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Yagher | Scale Loop of Tenacity
| Crystallos |
Vahlaura | Platinum Drakelord's Signet
| Crystallos |
Kluvwen | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Ashlei | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sadaan | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Happy | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Buni | Jagged Astral Ring
| Crystallos |
Arthegorn | Crystal-Linked Cloak
| Crystallos |
Kluvwen | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Ashlei | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Phisto | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Vahlaura | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Ender | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Maylina | Backplate of Blessed Resilience
| Crystallos |
Sycatic | Icy Dirk of Meditation
| Crystallos |
Ashlei | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Ashlei | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vonkid | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Cbus | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Phisto | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Adamkadmon | Pulsing Draconic Wurmstone
| Crystallos |
Tulaz | Spaulders of the Ancient Warder
| Crystallos |
Minimout | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Ashlei | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Rezzya | Prismatic Rune of the Fallen
| Crystallos |
Llayena | Prismatic Rune of the Fallen
| Crystallos |
Jadenpain | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Jadenpain | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Uhaen | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Cbus | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Pwning | Prismatic Greatspear of Bloodshed
| Crystallos |
Ender | Drakestone of the Unborn
| Crystallos |
Jadenpain | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Hiladdar | Fanatic's Badge of Passing
| Crystallos |
Drukor | Blood-Crystal Stone of Rebellion
| Crystallos |
Jairee | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Voight | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Arthegorn | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Meetloafx | Dragonforged Earring of Charity
| Crystallos |
Saikara | Beveled Quartz Faceguard
| Crystallos |
Adamkadmon | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Adamkadmon | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Voodoman | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Voodoman | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Silmare | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
Xilraazz | Spaulders of Vibrant Succor
| Crystallos |
2008-11-03 |
Qwenya | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Adaur | Lord Tephys' Keepsake
| Kithicor |
Vahlaura | Lord Tephys' Warhammer
| Kithicor |
Meetloafx | Vacklun's Cloak
| Kithicor |
2008-11-02 |
Qwenya | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Hitmaker | Malarian Egg Sack
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Maylina | Malarian Flesh Girdle
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Webee | Malarian Blood Pearl Hoop
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Qwenya | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Tulaz | Rottrued's Backup Sticker
| Blackburrow |
Chera | Wrext Mal Martyr's Ring
| Blackburrow |
Voight | Wrext Mal Mundunugu Coif
| Blackburrow |
2008-10-28 |
Qwenya | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Arthegorn | Malarian Spittle Pendant
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Hiladdar | Malarian Plaguebringer
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
Buni | Probiscus Hook Earring
| Bertoxxulous Temple |
2008-10-27 |
Zama | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Merci | Humming Fleshwrought Rune
| SoD |
Sadaan | Rottrued's Maul
| Blackburrow |
Kelissa | Wrext Mal Mundunugu Signet Ring
| Blackburrow |
Baroknor | Wrext Mal Martyr's Ring
| Blackburrow |
2008-10-20 |
Vahlaura | 100 Phosphenes (spell)
| Solteris |
Vahlaura | 100 Phosphenes (spell)
| Solteris |
Vahlaura | 100 Phosphenes (spell)
| Solteris |
Hiladdar | 75 Phosphenes (spell)
| Solteris |
Sadaan | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Corboy | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Crazzin | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Corboy | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Vahlaura | Giovin the Smoldering
| Crystallos |
Darci | Crystal-Spiked Shouldermail
| Crystallos |
Raskas | Scale Loop of Loyalty
| Crystallos |
Phisto | Handwraps of the Crystalline Fortress
| Crystallos |
Pouty | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Flippety | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Deadl | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Buni | Self-Retracting Gearplate Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vargo | Earstud of Oily Retribution
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Brradam | Earstud of Oily Retribution
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-10-19 |
Ashlei | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Ashlei | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Kumulas | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Esero | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Redrum | Platinum Drakelord's Signet
| Crystallos |
Brradam | Amoger the Jarring
| Crystallos |
Baradd | Golem-Construct's Enormous Bracelet
| Crystallos |
Phisto | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Jadenpain | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Redrum | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Deadl | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Yagher | Highblade of the Wyvern Lord
| Crystallos |
Pwning | Fingerloop of Prismatic Rage
| Crystallos |
Ashlei | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Ashlei | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Ender | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Tulaz | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Raskas | Backplate of Blessed Resilience
| Crystallos |
Zykon | Circular Magmatic Disc
| Crystallos |
2008-10-18 |
Sasha | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Ashlei | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Ender | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Buni | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Zama | Draconic Faceguard of the True-Blooded
| Crystallos |
Saikara | Prismatic Greatspear of Bloodshed
| Crystallos |
Ashlei | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Ashlei | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Uhaen | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Tobynn | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Phisto | Fanatic's Badge of Passing
| Crystallos |
Kelissa | Wyvern Signet of Doctrine
| Crystallos |
Sadadi | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sadadi | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Euri | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Tulaz | Giovin the Smoldering
| Crystallos |
Sasha | Cloak of the Draconic Legion
| Crystallos |
Baradd | Pulsing Draconic Wurmstone
| Crystallos |
Sasha | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Saikara | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Saikara | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Tulaz | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Raskas | Prismatic Rune of the Fallen
| Crystallos |
Baradd | Ancient Sigil-Runed Censer
| Crystallos |
Sycatic | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Pouty | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sirren | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Sazik | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Buni | Beveled Quartz Faceguard
| Crystallos |
Sadaan | Flashing Prismatic Knucklewraps
| Crystallos |
Deadl | Heor`Otor the Frozen Waste
| Crystallos |
Sycatic | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Crazy | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Vahlaura | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Tulaz | Drakeling's Mark of Allegiance
| Crystallos |
Happy | Drakeling's Mark of Allegiance
| Crystallos |
2008-10-16 |
Sycatic | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Grenshaw | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Ender | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Cbus | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Vulgore | Sharpened Steamworker's Screwdriver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kelissa | Cruel Mechanic's Shawl
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Meetloafx | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sweetevill | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Maylina | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Steam-Honed Impaler
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Buni | Ring of Molten Alloy
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sadadi | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sadadi | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Voodoman | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Rezzya | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Smallbean | Version XI Serial Translatron
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vahlaura | Razor-Sharp Speedblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Meetloafx | Jingling Alloy Loop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sycatic | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Vonkid | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kumulas | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vulgore | Studded Engineer's Workgrips
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sazik | Intricate Engineer's Locket
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sazik | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sazik | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Woest | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Gugmol | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Dharkj | Kidney-Removing Autoshank
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Voodoman | Oil-Resistant Facemask
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-10-15 |
Aenaelyan | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Buni | Glowing Orb of Temporal Stasis
| Solteris |
Adaur | Jagged Ring of the Bloodeye
| Solteris |
Brradam | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Buni | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Crazy | Earring of the Howling Moon
| Solteris |
Yagher | Tatooed Hide of the Beast
| Solteris |
Buni | Firekissed Hoop of the Titan
| Solteris |
Brradam | Pulsating Beacon of Fire
| Solteris |
Rot | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Rot | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Bumelcex | Earring of Mayong's Faithful
| Solteris |
Shadowz | Blade of the Cursed
| Solteris |
Rot | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Rot | Bloodstained Ak-Daal Blade
| Solteris |
Aenaelyan | Staff of Screaming Souls
| Solteris |
2008-10-14 |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Illegible Diary of Lorekeeper Baeldon
| Valdeholm |
Rot | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Crazzin | Frost-Etched Ruby of Vitality
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Phisto | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Kluvwen | Frost-Etched Ruby of Vitality
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Ender | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Tulaz | Fragment of Corrupted Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Vargo | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tobynn | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Sycatic | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Rezzya | Ghostly Whisper Earring
| Crypt of Shade |
Kelissa | Dark Redeemer's Bludgeon
| Crypt of Shade |
Sazik | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vargo | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tulaz | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Illiana | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Baradd | Regenerator's Earring
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Ashlei | Regenerator's Earring
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Tulaz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Rezzya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Arthegorn | Tempered Steamwound Pummeler
| Steam Factory |
Jadenpain | Slick Oil-Ring of Protection
| Steam Factory |
Vahlaura | Ancient Hardened Breastplate
| Steam Factory |
Phisto | Ancient Husk Cowl
| Steam Factory |
Adamkadmon | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Maylina | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Candaten | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Arthegorn | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Kestraal | Ancient Velvet Pantaloons
| Steam Factory |
Voododragon | Ancient Husk Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Brradam | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Cbus | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Goirish | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
Kestraal | Winged Gem of Command
| Steam Factory |
Woest | Ancient Scaled Sleeves
| Steam Factory |
Kestraal | Ancient Velvet Sleeves
| Steam Factory |
2008-10-13 |
Sadadi | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Arthegorn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Aleira | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Pwning | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Pouty | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Ender | Flame-Crystal Ornament
| Crystallos |
Crazzin | Waistguard of Fanatic Devotion
| Crystallos |
Adaur | Heor`Otor the Frozen Waste
| Crystallos |
Happy | High Lance of Draconic Mastery
| Crystallos |
Vargo | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Arthegorn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Aleira | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Lonn | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Tobynn | Golem-Construct's Enormous Bracelet
| Crystallos |
Hiladdar | Scale Loop of Tenacity
| Crystallos |
Happy | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Arthegorn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Silmare | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Corboy | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Illiana | Nyseng the Deep-Born
| Crystallos |
Sweetevill | Jagged Astral Ring
| Crystallos |
Voight | Purified Silverstone of Warding
| Crystallos |
Sycatic | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vargo | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Buni | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Ashlei | Jewel of Resolute Obedience
| Crystallos |
Vahlaura | Backplate of Blessed Resilience
| Crystallos |
2008-10-12 |
Hiladdar | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Happy | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Maylina | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Chera | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Mencius | Cloak of the Draconic Legion
| Crystallos |
Qwenya | Pulsing Draconic Wurmstone
| Crystallos |
Hiladdar | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sycatic | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Euri | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Vonkid | Signet of the Great Blasphemy
| Crystallos |
Happy | Prismatic Rune of the Fallen
| Crystallos |
Hiladdar | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vahlaura | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Flippety | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Sweetevill | Facemask of Cleansing
| Crystallos |
Xilraazz | Blosseron of the Crystalheart
| Crystallos |
Uhaen | Longsword of the Fanatic Legion
| Crystallos |
Sadadi | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Happy | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Cbus | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Rezzya | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Voodoman | Mounted Prismatic Focus-Gem
| Crystallos |
Woest | Wyvern-Crafted Adornment
| Crystallos |
Sazik | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Zykon | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Zama | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Kelissa | Ancient Earstud of Continuation
| Crystallos |
Raskas | Chain Gorget of the Scaleborn
| Crystallos |
Hiladdar | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Happy | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Diamonde | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Phisto | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Merci | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
Baradd | Drakeling's Mark of Allegiance
| Crystallos |
2008-10-11 |
Vargo | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tulaz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sadadi | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Hitmaker | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Zarysto | Version XI Serial Translatron
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Gugmol | Gearlock Steel Curvebow
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Pouty | Gnomish Engineer's Gearloop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Tulaz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tulaz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Vahlaura | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Ender | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Woest | Ring of Molten Alloy
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Ashlei | Ring of Molten Alloy
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sazik | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Baradd | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Woest | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Sadadi | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Ashlei | Jingling Alloy Loop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Phisto | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Grenshaw | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Happy | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Gugmol | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vahlaura | Telescopic Eye-Goggles
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Cbus | Intricate Engineer's Locket
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sazik | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sadadi | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sazik | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Euri | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Laquorsha | Tiny Tinkermusic Box-o-Matic
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Tulaz | Kidney-Removing Autoshank
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Grenshaw | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sazik | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Vahlaura | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Uhaen | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Arthegorn | Gyroscopic Combat Assistant Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kluvwen | Steam-Valve Girdle
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Darci | Steam-Valve Girdle
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-10-09 |
Sazik | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sadadi | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Qwenya | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Buni | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Jennre | Corrupted Spectral Shoulderguards
| Crypt of Shade |
Kelissa | Ghostly Whisper Earring
| Crypt of Shade |
Cbus | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sazik | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Grenshaw | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Zykon | Bloodied Skull Crusher
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Kluvwen | Bloodied Skull Crusher
| Bloodmoon Keep |
2008-10-07 |
Ashlei | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Adamkadmon | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sadadi | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Deadl | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Kumulas | Cloak of the Draconic Legion
| Crystallos |
Adaur | Fanatical Earring of Pain Suppression
| Crystallos |
Ashlei | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Adamkadmon | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Qwenya | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Corboy | Signet of the Great Blasphemy
| Crystallos |
Redrum | Prismatic Rune of the Fallen
| Crystallos |
Tulaz | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Crazzin | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Chera | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Adamkadmon | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Grenshaw | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Ashlei | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Hiladdar | Draconic Faceguard of the True-Blooded
| Crystallos |
Raskas | Longsword of the Fanatic Legion
| Crystallos |
Chera | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Ashlei | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Ender | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Brradam | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Flippety | Blood-Crystal Stone of Rebellion
| Crystallos |
Zama | Fanatic's Badge of Passing
| Crystallos |
Chera | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Ashlei | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Crazzin | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Ender | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Aleira | Magma-Studded Earguard
| Crystallos |
Kuroiokami | Beveled Quartz Faceguard
| Crystallos |
Chera | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tulaz | Kindjal of Martyrdom
| Crystallos |
Raskas | Pauldrons of Legendary Conquest
| Crystallos |
2008-10-06 |
Cbus | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Cbus | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Qwenya | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Adaur | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Maylina | Scale Loop of Tenacity
| Crystallos |
Ashlei | Golem-Construct's Enormous Bracelet
| Crystallos |
Kelissa | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kelissa | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Aleira | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Merci | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Kluvwen | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Chera | Nyseng the Deep-Born
| Crystallos |
Illiana | Granite Shoulderpads of Zealotry
| Crystallos |
Zykon | Fingerloop of Prismatic Rage
| Crystallos |
Kelissa | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kelissa | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Zykon | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Zama | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Tobynn | Circular Magmatic Disc
| Crystallos |
Flippety | Circular Magmatic Disc
| Crystallos |
2008-10-05 |
Sazik | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Cbus | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Zykon | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Meetloafx | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sadadi | Version XI Serial Translatron
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vuncar | High-Volume Servant Transceiver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vulgore | High-Volume Servant Transceiver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kelissa | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sazik | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sadaan | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Pwning | Steam-Honed Impaler
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Cbus | Steamwork Engineer's Waistband
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Woest | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Cbus | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vonkid | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Maylina | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Rot | Steamwork Welder's Multitool
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rot | Steamwork Welder's Multitool
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sazik | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sazik | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Grenshaw | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Diamonde | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Pavlos | Studded Engineer's Workgrips
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Phisto | Perpetually Spinning Gear
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kelissa | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tulaz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sadadi | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Ender | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Ashlei | Tiny Tinkermusic Box-o-Matic
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Raskas | Gear-Linked Cloak
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vahlaura | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Cbus | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Buni | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Happy | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Rezzya | Cruel Mechanic's Shawl
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kelissa | Alloy-Coated Back Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-10-04 |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tulaz | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Saikara | Sharpening Stone of the Sky
| Ashengate |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Phisto | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Pouty | Arcane Actuator
| Ashengate |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Saikara | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Adaur | Magma Lacquer
| Ashengate |
Saikara | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Saikara | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Brradam | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Brradam | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Euri | Clipped Griffon Wings
| Ashengate |
Sazik | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kelissa | Ancient Scaled Coif
| Steam Factory |
Vahlaura | Bladetwisting Backplate
| Steam Factory |
Tulaz | Bladetwisting Backplate
| Steam Factory |
Tulaz | Ancient Hardened Breastplate
| Steam Factory |
Sadadi | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Phisto | Ancient Husk Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Neddec | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Vargo | Metallic Spark-Shawl
| Steam Factory |
Buni | Ancient Scaled Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Brradam | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Ancient Husk Armwraps
| Steam Factory |
Rot | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
Dealtx | Ancient Velvet Robe
| Steam Factory |
Deadlx | Winged Gem of Command
| Steam Factory |
2008-10-02 |
Maylina | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kelissa | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Deadl | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Sycatic | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Kluvwen | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Vargo | Cloak of the Draconic Legion
| Crystallos |
Brradam | Cloak of the Draconic Legion
| Crystallos |
Kelissa | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Cbus | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Deadl | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Crazzin | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Brradam | Coldspire of Channeling
| Crystallos |
Sazik | Prismatic Rune of the Fallen
| Crystallos |
Hitmaker | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Cbus | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Maylina | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Lonn | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Redrum | Longsword of the Fanatic Legion
| Crystallos |
Buni | Prismatic Greatspear of Bloodshed
| Crystallos |
Maylina | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Deadl | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Kumulas | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Meetloafx | Blood-Crystal Stone of Rebellion
| Crystallos |
Diamonde | Wyvern Signet of Doctrine
| Crystallos |
Sadadi | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sadadi | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sadadi | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Buni | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Kuroiokami | Magma-Studded Earguard
| Crystallos |
Crazzin | Flashing Prismatic Knucklewraps
| Crystallos |
Sazik | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sazik | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Xilraazz | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Illiana | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
Euri | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
2008-10-01 |
Vahlaura | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Cbus | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Deadl | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Kumulas | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Sycatic | Black Shroud of Pennance
| Crypt of Shade |
Raskas | Ghostly Whisper Earring
| Crypt of Shade |
Sazik | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vahlaura | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Crazzin | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Sadadi | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Candaten | Necklace of the High Moon
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Phisto | Necklace of the High Moon
| Bloodmoon Keep |
2008-09-30 |
Vargo | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Ashlei | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Grenshaw | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Esero | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Ashlei | Version XI Serial Translatron
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Deadl | Gearlock Steel Curvebow
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Darci | Gnomish Engineer's Gearloop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Tulaz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Yagher | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Happy | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Rezzya | Steamwork Engineer's Waistband
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Hiladdar | Self-Retracting Gearplate Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Saikara | Steam-Honed Impaler
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vahlaura | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sazik | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Vargo | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Euri | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Brradam | Version XI Serial Translatron
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Maylina | Razor-Sharp Speedblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Ender | Razor-Sharp Speedblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-09-29 |
Sadadi | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sazik | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Adaur | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vargo | Perpetually Spinning Gear
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Buni | Auto-Aiming Steamcoiled Recurvinator
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Phisto | Studded Engineer's Workgrips
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Cbus | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Flippety | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Arthegorn | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Hitmaker | Gear-Linked Cloak
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Brradam | Blastertron Mechano-Pylon Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Shadowz | Kidney-Removing Autoshank
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Cbus | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Maylina | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Ashlei | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Ashlei | Alloy-Coated Back Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Uhaen | Steamgineer's Trinket of Station
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-09-28 |
Raskas | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Qwenya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Baradd | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Voight | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Boulderbane | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Kelissa | Amoger the Jarring
| Crystallos |
Kluvwen | Scale Loop of Tenacity
| Crystallos |
Corboy | Crusher of the Crimson Dawn
| Crystallos |
Qwenya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Drukor | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Raskas | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Pwning | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Zama | Jagged Astral Ring
| Crystallos |
Pouty | Fingerloop of Prismatic Rage
| Crystallos |
Raskas | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Qwenya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Flippety | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Buni | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Sadadi | Jewel of Resolute Obedience
| Crystallos |
Sadaan | Jewel of Resolute Obedience
| Crystallos |
2008-09-27 |
Tulaz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sycatic | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kumulas | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Hitmaker | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Diamonde | Volatile Blackflame Stiletto
| Crystallos |
Crazzin | Spaulders of the Ancient Warder
| Crystallos |
Voodoman | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Raskas | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Drukor | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Arthegorn | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Silmare | Prismatic Rune of the Fallen
| Crystallos |
Zykon | Signet of the Great Blasphemy
| Crystallos |
Voodoman | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sadadi | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sadaan | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Arthegorn | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Raskas | Earring of Dragon's Fire
| Crystallos |
Woest | Prismatic Greatspear of Bloodshed
| Crystallos |
Raskas | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Drukor | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Vonkid | Wyvern Signet of Doctrine
| Crystallos |
Tulaz | Wyvern Signet of Doctrine
| Crystallos |
Sycatic | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Cbus | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Phisto | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Darci | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Boulderbane | Heor`Otor the Frozen Waste
| Crystallos |
Ender | Beveled Quartz Faceguard
| Crystallos |
Chera | Dragonforged Earring of Charity
| Crystallos |
Sycatic | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Cbus | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Silmare | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Kluvwen | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Somlamda | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
Qwenya | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
2008-09-25 |
Sadadi | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Silmare | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Illiana | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Yukkers | Bloodied Skull Crusher
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Tulaz | Earring of the Carnophage
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Meetloafx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Redrum | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kluvwen | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Kuroiokami | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Sazik | Black Shroud of Pennance
| Crypt of Shade |
Ashlei | Ghostly Whisper Earring
| Crypt of Shade |
Meetloafx | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Zarysto | Ancient Velvet Hat
| Steam Factory |
Brradam | Ancient Velvet Hat
| Steam Factory |
Vahlaura | Slick Oil-Ring of Protection
| Steam Factory |
Phisto | Tempered Steamwound Pummeler
| Steam Factory |
Redrum | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Raskas | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Jericaine | Power-Infused Steamcleaver
| Steam Factory |
Kelissa | Benevolent Mender's Mantle
| Steam Factory |
Brradam | Ancient Velvet Pantaloons
| Steam Factory |
Phisto | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Sadadi | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Maylina | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Vahlaura | Ancient Hardened Vambraces
| Steam Factory |
Tulaz | Ancient Hardened Vambraces
| Steam Factory |
Vendaven | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
Gunderoc | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
Illiana | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Redrum | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tobynn | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Pouty | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Phisto | Gyroscopic Combat Assistant Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vahlaura | Hydraulic Hammer of Smashing
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Cbus | Earstud of Oily Retribution
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-09-24 |
Redrum | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Vonkid | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Sazik | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Adaur | Greasy Steam-Pauldrons
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kelissa | Ring of Molten Alloy
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Redrum | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Happy | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Buni | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Deadl | Impromptu Body Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rot | Steamwork Welder's Multitool
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sadadi | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Redrum | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Yukkers | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Crazzin | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Candaten | Hydraulic Crushblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Brradam | Perpetually Spinning Gear
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Meetloafx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Maylina | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Neddac | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Darci | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Jennre | Gear-Linked Cloak
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Hiladdar | Gear-Linked Cloak
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Illiana | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Maylina | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sadaan | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Flippety | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Vahlaura | Steam-Valve Girdle
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Aleira | Steam-Valve Girdle
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-09-23 |
Sadadi | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Meetloafx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Brradam | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Somlamda | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Lonn | Prismaridescent Essence (chest)
| Crystallos |
Uhaen | Scale Loop of Loyalty
| Crystallos |
Merci | Crystalforged Tower Shield
| Crystallos |
Xilraazz | Amoger the Jarring
| Crystallos |
Hiladdar | Shortblade of Prismatic Destruction
| Crystallos |
2008-09-22 |
Voodoman | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Merci | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Corboy | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Zykon | Girdle of the Great Wyrm
| Crystallos |
Buni | Girdle of the Great Wyrm
| Crystallos |
Deadl | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Sadadi | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Gugmol | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Darci | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Vonkid | Highblade of the Wyvern Lord
| Crystallos |
Arthegorn | Highblade of the Wyvern Lord
| Crystallos |
Brradam | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Crazzin | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Sweetevill | Circular Magmatic Disc
| Crystallos |
Sycatic | Jewel of Resolute Obedience
| Crystallos |
2008-09-21 |
Sadadi | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Darci | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Raskas | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Kumulas | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Pwning | Magma-Studded Earguard
| Crystallos |
Woest | Intricately Carved Greatsword
| Crystallos |
Brradam | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Engell | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Engell | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Hiladdar | Kindjal of Martyrdom
| Crystallos |
Regilag | Drakeling's Mark of Allegiance
| Crystallos |
Brradam | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Raskas | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Kumulas | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Kelissa | Draconic Faceguard of the True-Blooded
| Crystallos |
Rezzya | Facemask of Cleansing
| Crystallos |
Phisto | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Grenshaw | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Silmare | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Yagher | Wyvern Signet of Doctrine
| Crystallos |
Zama | Blood-Crystal Stone of Rebellion
| Crystallos |
2008-09-20 |
Silmare | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tobynn | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Esero | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Somlamda | Cloak of the Draconic Legion
| Crystallos |
Poohjure | Enveloping Chromascale Cloak
| Crystallos |
Sadadi | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Brradam | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Arthegorn | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Merci | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Crazzin | Magma-Wrought Painloop
| Crystallos |
Baradd | Prismatic Rune of the Fallen
| Crystallos |
2008-09-18 |
Voodoman | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sazik | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Zykon | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Buni | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Phisto | Earring of the Carnophage
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Jennre | Earring of the Carnophage
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Illiana | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vahlaura | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Merci | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Flippety | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Tulaz | Corrupted Spectral Shoulderguards
| Crypt of Shade |
Brradam | Ghostly Whisper Earring
| Crypt of Shade |
2008-09-17 |
Deadl | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Silmare | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Insanekitty | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Arthegorn | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Somlamda | Arcane Runed Dragonsash
| Crystallos |
Zama | Golem-Construct's Enormous Bracelet
| Crystallos |
Vahlaura | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Baradd | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kumulas | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Illiana | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Xilraazz | Nyseng the Deep-Born
| Crystallos |
Castiran | Massive Crystal-Flecked Faceplate
| Crystallos |
Corboy | Jagged Astral Ring
| Crystallos |
2008-09-16 |
Rezzya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Maylina | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sycatic | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Lonn | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Happy | Backplate of Blessed Resilience
| Crystallos |
Diamonde | Circular Magmatic Disc
| Crystallos |
Sadadi | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Rezzya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Castiran | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Vonkid | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Merci | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Somlamda | Veil of Draconic Study
| Crystallos |
Illiana | Facemask of Cleansing
| Crystallos |
Meetloafx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Drukor | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Voight | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Gugmol | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Rezzya | Wyvern Signet of Doctrine
| Crystallos |
Tobynn | Fanatic's Badge of Passing
| Crystallos |
Rezzya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Drukor | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Pouty | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Adaur | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Zykon | Magma-Studded Earguard
| Crystallos |
Shintaaro | Flashing Prismatic Knucklewraps
| Crystallos |
Rezzya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Drukor | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Chera | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Regilag | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
Gugmol | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
2008-09-15 |
Meetloafx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Drukor | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Silmare | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Adaur | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Aleira | Volatile Blackflame Stiletto
| Crystallos |
Maylina | Giovin the Smoldering
| Crystallos |
Yagher | Spaulders of the Ancient Warder
| Crystallos |
Rezzya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Arthegorn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Castiran | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Gugmol | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Insanekitty | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Tyreel | Coldspire of Channeling
| Crystallos |
Meetloafx | Ancient Sigil-Runed Censer
| Crystallos |
2008-09-14 |
Redrum | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tulaz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Mencius | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Diamonde | Self-Retracting Gearplate Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Pwning | Gnomish Engineer's Gearloop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sycatic | High-Volume Servant Transceiver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Seinoom | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kluvwen | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Crazzin | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Rot | Steamwork Welder's Multitool
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Brradam | Steamwork Welder's Multitool
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Meetloafx | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sadadi | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Buni | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Castiran | Ring of Molten Alloy
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sycatic | Steamwork Engineer's Waistband
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-09-13 |
Sadadi | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tulaz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Regilag | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Darci | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vargo | Intricate Engineer's Locket
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Castiran | Perpetually Spinning Gear
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vahlaura | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Maylina | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kumulas | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Adaur | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sycatic | Oil-Resistant Facemask
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Crazzin | Gear-Linked Cloak
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Tulaz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Maylina | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Rezzya | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Gyroscopic Combat Assistant Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Boulderbane | Steamgineer's Trinket of Station
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Drukor | Alloy-Coated Back Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vonkid | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Voodoman | Ancient Velvet Hat
| Steam Factory |
Crazy | Ancient Husk Cowl
| Steam Factory |
Buni | Bladetwisting Backplate
| Steam Factory |
Tulaz | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Vahlaura | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tulaz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Winvarenai | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
Buni | Ancient Scaled Sleeves
| Steam Factory |
Brradam | Ancient Velvet Robe
| Steam Factory |
Brradam | Visage of the Grand Engineer
| Steam Factory |
2008-09-11 |
Neddac | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Chera | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Buni | Necklace of the High Moon
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Happy | Earring of the Carnophage
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Rezzya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vahlaura | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Gugmol | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Mencius | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Castiran | Corrupted Spectral Shoulderguards
| Crypt of Shade |
Arthegorn | Corrupted Spectral Shoulderguards
| Crypt of Shade |
2008-09-10 |
Rezzya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tobynn | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Redrum | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Pwning | Deep-Hewn Crystal Bulwark
| Crystallos |
Kuroiokami | Crusher of the Crimson Dawn
| Crystallos |
2008-09-09 |
Rezzya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Esero | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Llayena | Jagged Astral Ring
| Crystallos |
Silmare | Massive Crystal-Flecked Faceplate
| Crystallos |
2008-09-08 |
Rezzya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kulzip | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Vargo | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Merci | Jewel of Resolute Obedience
| Crystallos |
Insanekitty | Circular Magmatic Disc
| Crystallos |
2008-09-07 |
Silmare | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Uhaen | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Sadaanx | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Vahlaura | Spaulders of the Ancient Warder
| Crystallos |
Redrum | Fanatical Earring of Pain Suppression
| Crystallos |
Mencius | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Buni | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Xilraazz | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Chera | Ancient Sigil-Runed Censer
| Crystallos |
Hitmaker | Magma-Wrought Painloop
| Crystallos |
Mencius | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Maylina | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Voodoman | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Sadadi | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Yagher | Ritual Visor of Darkness
| Crystallos |
Insanekitty | Prismatic Greatspear of Bloodshed
| Crystallos |
Redrum | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sazik | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Qwenya | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Tulaz | Wyvern-Crafted Adornment
| Crystallos |
Maylina | Wyvern-Crafted Adornment
| Crystallos |
Redrum | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Merci | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Adaur | Magma-Studded Earguard
| Crystallos |
Poohjure | Heor`Otor the Frozen Waste
| Crystallos |
Darci | Beveled Quartz Faceguard
| Crystallos |
Vahlaura | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Regilag | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Insanekitty | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Lonn | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
Regilag | Kindjal of Martyrdom
| Crystallos |
2008-09-06 |
Redrum | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vonkid | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pouty | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Buni | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rezzya | Blastertron Mechano-Pylon Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vahlaura | Reflective Gem of Communication
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sadadi | Tiny Tinkermusic Box-o-Matic
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Mencius | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Voodoman | Ancient Velvet Wristband
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Vargo | Ancient Velvet Wristband
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Shintaaro | Steam-Powered Disc of Command
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Vahlaura | Linked Cloak of Bladeturning
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Sycatic | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Voodoman | Ancient Velvet Wristband
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Phisto | Ancient Husk Gloves
| Deepscar's Den |
Baradd | Claw-Sigiled Waistloop
| Deepscar's Den |
Tiailes | Claw-Blessed Cloak
| Deepscar's Den |
Sadadi | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Castiran | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Zama | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Vargo | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Josa | Chain-Powered Longcutter
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Buni | Steam-Honed Impaler
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Flippety | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Flippety | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Vahlaura | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Sweetevill | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Lonn | Steamwork Welder's Multitool
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rezzya | Jingling Alloy Loop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-09-04 |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Illegible Diary of Lorekeeper Baeldon
| Valdeholm |
Buni | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Sadaanx | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Hiladdar | Etched Obsidian Shard
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Phisto | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Esero | Fragment of Corrupted Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Maylina | Etched Obsidian Shard
| Frostcrypt |
Flippety | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Flippety | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sazik | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Gugmol | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Redrum | Ring of the Ripping Claw
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Adamkadmon | Regenerator's Earring
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Vaell | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kulzip | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Regilag | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Vaell | Black Shroud of Pennance
| Crypt of Shade |
Thommil | Corrupted Spectral Shoulderguards
| Crypt of Shade |
2008-09-03 |
Voodoman | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vaell | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Pouty | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Llayena | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Kulzip | Arcane Runed Dragonsash
| Crystallos |
Insanekitty | Greatmaul of the Prismatic Flight
| Crystallos |
2008-09-02 |
Raskas | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Insanekitty | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Adaur | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Chera | Granite Shoulderpads of Zealotry
| Crystallos |
Kluvwen | Highblade of the Wyvern Lord
| Crystallos |
Vahlaura | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Pwning | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Kulzip | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Vaell | Golem-Lord's Earring of Control
| Crystallos |
Castiran | Backplate of Blessed Resilience
| Crystallos |
Vaell | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Maylina | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Yukkers | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Corboy | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Neddac | Pulsing Draconic Wurmstone
| Crystallos |
Grenshaw | Amice of Black Dawn
| Crystallos |
2008-09-01 |
Raskas | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Maylina | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Yukkers | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Lonn | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Xilraazz | Ancient Sigil-Runed Censer
| Crystallos |
Kulzip | Coldspire of Channeling
| Crystallos |
Vaell | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Castiran | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Castiran | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Yagher | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Pouty | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Tiailes | Draconic Faceguard of the True-Blooded
| Crystallos |
Meetloafx | Facemask of Cleansing
| Crystallos |
Vahlaura | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vaell | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Webee | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Tobynn | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Vaell | Mounted Prismatic Focus-Gem
| Crystallos |
Crazzin | Blood-Crystal Stone of Rebellion
| Crystallos |
Flippety | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Flippety | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Pwning | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Lucid | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Pwning | Heor`Otor the Frozen Waste
| Crystallos |
Aleira | Beveled Quartz Faceguard
| Crystallos |
Diamonde | Magma-Studded Earguard
| Crystallos |
Flippety | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Flippety | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kuroiokami | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Esero | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Sazik | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
Voodoman | Drakeling's Mark of Allegiance
| Crystallos |
2008-08-31 |
Vaell | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sycatic | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sirren | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Gugmol | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Uhaen | Gearlock Steel Curvebow
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Aethien | Blastertron Mechano-Pylon Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sazik | High-Volume Servant Transceiver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Flippety | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tulaz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Esero | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Corboy | Auto-Aiming Steamcoiled Recurvinator
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Castiran | Hydraulic Crushblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Regilag | Telescopic Eye-Goggles
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Flippety | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Flippety | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Pwning | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Lucid | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sazik | Oil-Resistant Facemask
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Trevan | Gear-Linked Cloak
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Flippety | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Yukkers | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Redrum | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Sadaanx | Greasy Steam-Pauldrons
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Pouty | Greasy Steam-Pauldrons
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-08-30 |
Castiran | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Maylina | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sycatic | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Diamonde | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Voodoman | Steamwork Welder's Multitool
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Webee | Jingling Alloy Loop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vaell | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Castiran | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sadadi | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Voodoman | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Webee | Cruel Mechanic's Shawl
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Aethien | Cruel Mechanic's Shawl
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-08-28 |
Vahlaura | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sazik | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sazik | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tiailes | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Yukkers | Flowing Magma Soulstone
| Ashengate |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vaell | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Insanekitty | Magma Lacquer
| Ashengate |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Leenyne | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Sadaanx | Arcane Actuator
| Ashengate |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Phisto | Ambersnout's Snout
| Ashengate |
Tiailes | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Hitmaker | Arcane Actuator
| Ashengate |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Leenyne | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Leenyne | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Illegible Diary of Lorekeeper Baeldon
| Valdeholm |
Voodoman | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Sycatic | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tulaz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tulaz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tulaz | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Vahlaura | Etched Obsidian Shard
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Leenyne | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vahlaura | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Darci | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Vahlaura | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vahlaura | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vahlaura | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vargo | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Neddac | Shaped Turquoise Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
2008-08-26 |
Illiana | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Tiailes | Ancient Scaled Coif
| Steam Factory |
Vahlaura | Ancient Hardened Helm
| Steam Factory |
Voodoman | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Vargo | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Vargo | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Vaell | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Sazik | Ancient Velvet Pantaloons
| Steam Factory |
Uhaen | Ancient Hardened Greaves
| Steam Factory |
Bumlaek | Benevolent Mender's Mantle
| Steam Factory |
Rot | Power-Infused Steamcleaver
| Steam Factory |
Illiana | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Crazzin | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Ancient Husk Armwraps
| Steam Factory |
Rot | Ancient Husk Armwraps
| Steam Factory |
Sycatic | Winged Gem of Command
| Steam Factory |
Vaell | Visage of the Grand Engineer
| Steam Factory |
Illiana | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Castiran | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Silmare | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Pwning | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Lucid | Deep-Hewn Crystal Bulwark
| Crystallos |
Mencius | Deep-Hewn Crystal Bulwark
| Crystallos |
Vaell | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Lonn | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Vargo | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Maylina | Necklace of the High Moon
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Tiailes | Regenerator's Earring
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Vargo | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Voight | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Esero | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Corrupted Spectral Shoulderguards
| Crypt of Shade |
Jairee | Corrupted Spectral Shoulderguards
| Crypt of Shade |
2008-08-25 |
Xanathol | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Poohjure | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Boulderbane | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Tiailes | Granite Shoulderpads of Zealotry
| Crystallos |
Jairee | Jagged Astral Ring
| Crystallos |
Trevan | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sadadi | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Baradd | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Sweetevill | Jewel of Resolute Obedience
| Crystallos |
Grenshaw | Golem-Lord's Earring of Control
| Crystallos |
Illiana | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Pouty | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Boxes | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Corboy | Volatile Blackflame Stiletto
| Crystallos |
Arthegorn | Spaulders of the Ancient Warder
| Crystallos |
2008-08-24 |
Yukkers | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tulaz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Silmare | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Jairee | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Vaell | Coldspire of Channeling
| Crystallos |
Diamonde | Signet of the Great Blasphemy
| Crystallos |
Vargo | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tulaz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Redrum | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Grenshaw | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Merci | Ancient Earstud of Continuation
| Crystallos |
Zykon | Flashing Prismatic Knucklewraps
| Crystallos |
Vargo | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vargo | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Happy | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Tobynn | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Meetloafx | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Uhaen | Pauldrons of Legendary Conquest
| Crystallos |
Vahlaura | Kindjal of Martyrdom
| Crystallos |
Meetloafx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Somlamda | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Kulzip | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Chera | Blosseron of the Crystalheart
| Crystallos |
Vonkid | Draconic Faceguard of the True-Blooded
| Crystallos |
Pretacon | Facemask of Cleansing
| Crystallos |
Meetloafx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Zykon | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Sadadi | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Meetloafx | Wyvern Signet of Doctrine
| Crystallos |
Castiran | Blood-Crystal Stone of Rebellion
| Crystallos |
2008-08-23 |
Vargo | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sycatic | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Yukkers | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Crazzin | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Euri | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Maylina | Gyroscopic Combat Assistant Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sadaanx | Gnomish Engineer's Gearloop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Hiladdar | Gearlock Steel Curvebow
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sadaanx | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vargo | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Darci | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Yukkers | Greasy Steam-Pauldrons
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Gugmol | Greasy Steam-Pauldrons
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Zykon | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vahlaura | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pouty | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Regilag | Razor-Sharp Speedblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Jairee | Razor-Sharp Speedblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vargo | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Vahlaura | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Corboy | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sweetevill | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Crazy | Studded Engineer's Workgrips
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vaell | Intricate Engineer's Locket
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vahlaura | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Raskas | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Jairee | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Voight | Reflective Gem of Communication
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vargo | Reflective Gem of Communication
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Pouty | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Castiran | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Castiran | Gyroscopic Combat Assistant Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Xanathol | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Aethien | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Redrum | Steam-Valve Girdle
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Boxes | Steam-Valve Girdle
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-08-21 |
Zykon | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Vahlaura | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Shintaaro | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Darci | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Crazy | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Aspena | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Yukkers | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Regilag | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Vaell | Battle Torn Cloak
| Solteris |
Tulaz | Ring of Pure Light
| Solteris |
Raszerkx | Cloak of Solteris
| Solteris |
Shintaaro | Fang of the Fallen God
| Solteris |
Yukkers | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Vahlaura | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Sirren | Bulwark of the Firebringer
| Solteris |
Regilag | Burning Band of the Heavens
| Solteris |
Castiran | Silver Earring of Ephemeral Healing
| Solteris |
Mejgic | Black Dirk of Shrouded Fate
| Solteris |
Vahlaura | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Crazy | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Tulaz | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Vaell | Dark Visor of Necrotic Essence
| Solteris |
Adaur | Tainted Moonstone Shard
| Solteris |
Vaell | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Raszerkx | Great Axe of Twin Flames
| Solteris |
Darci | Band of Endless Fire
| Solteris |
Vahlaura | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Tulaz | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Tulaz | Staff of the Invaders
| Solteris |
Sadaanx | Lochmaul Band
| Solteris |
Vaell | Christine's Engagement Ring
| Solteris |
Crazy | Diary of Jealous Loathing
| Solteris |
2008-08-20 |
Vargo | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Baradd | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Xanathol | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Somlamda | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Poohjure | Prismaridescent Essence (legs)
| Crystallos |
Llayena | Amoger the Jarring
| Crystallos |
Diamonde | Crusher of the Crimson Dawn
| Crystallos |
Kuroiokami | Girdle of the Great Wyrm
| Crystallos |
2008-08-19 |
Vahlaura | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vaell | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Llayena | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Kluvwen | Crystal-Linked Cloak
| Crystallos |
Baradd | Nyseng the Deep-Born
| Crystallos |
Esero | Fingerloop of Prismatic Rage
| Crystallos |
2008-08-18 |
Vargo | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Trevan | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Pouty | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Meetloafx | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Gugmol | Backplate of Blessed Resilience
| Crystallos |
Crazzin | Golem-Lord's Earring of Control
| Crystallos |
Trevan | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Yagher | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Raskas | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Seinoom | Pulsing Draconic Wurmstone
| Crystallos |
Zykon | Enveloping Chromascale Cloak
| Crystallos |
Vaell | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Raskas | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Corboy | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Silmare | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Tobynn | Ancient Sigil-Runed Censer
| Crystallos |
Illiana | Ancient Sigil-Runed Censer
| Crystallos |
2008-08-17 |
Tulaz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Llayena | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Esero | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Merci | Facemask of Cleansing
| Crystallos |
Chera | Facemask of Cleansing
| Crystallos |
Tulaz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tyreel | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Jadenpain | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Yukkers | Fanatic's Badge of Passing
| Crystallos |
Xanathol | Fanatic's Badge of Passing
| Crystallos |
Seinoom | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Raskas | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Yagher | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Regilag | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Sycatic | Crimson Drakesblood Earring
| Crystallos |
Pouty | Flashing Prismatic Knucklewraps
| Crystallos |
Tulaz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Raskas | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lonn | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Euri | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Castiran | Spaulders of Vibrant Succor
| Crystallos |
Zama | Spaulders of Vibrant Succor
| Crystallos |
Sirren | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tulaz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pretacon | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Redrum | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Chera | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Trevan | Self-Retracting Gearplate Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vonkid | Gearlock Steel Curvebow
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Regilag | Gearlock Steel Curvebow
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-08-16 |
Sirren | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vaell | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Regilag | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Gugmol | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Castiran | Chain-Powered Longcutter
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rot | Chain-Powered Longcutter
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vahlaura | Self-Retracting Gearplate Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sirren | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vahlaura | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Yukkers | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Adaur | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Kuroiokami | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Darci | Razor-Sharp Speedblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sirren | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Xanathol | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Webee | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Neddac | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Voight | Intricate Engineer's Locket
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vuncar | Studded Engineer's Workgrips
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vaell | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Regilag | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Redrum | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vahlaura | Kidney-Removing Autoshank
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Jadenpain | Reflective Gem of Communication
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Xanathol | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Baradd | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pouty | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Llayena | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Vahlaura | Gyroscopic Combat Assistant Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Tulaz | Sharpened Steamworker's Screwdriver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Seinoom | Cruel Mechanic's Shawl
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-08-13 |
Pretacon | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Pretacon | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Raskas | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Poohjure | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Crazzin | Jewel of Resolute Obedience
| Crystallos |
Uhaen | Backplate of Blessed Resilience
| Crystallos |
2008-08-12 |
Pretacon | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Pretacon | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Lucid | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Lonn | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Gugmol | Giovin the Smoldering
| Crystallos |
Sweetevill | Stonehewn Radiant Band
| Crystallos |
Merci | Stonehewn Radiant Band
| Crystallos |
Sadadi | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sadadi | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vonkid | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Jadenpain | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Kulzip | Signet of the Great Blasphemy
| Crystallos |
Merci | Ancient Sigil-Runed Censer
| Crystallos |
2008-08-11 |
Kulzip | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kulzip | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kuroiokami | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Llayena | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Insanekitty | Magma-Studded Earguard
| Crystallos |
Xanathol | Intricately Carved Greatsword
| Crystallos |
Sadadi | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sadadi | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Voight | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Adaur | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Silmare | Pauldrons of Legendary Conquest
| Crystallos |
Maylina | Kindjal of Martyrdom
| Crystallos |
Aethien | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Aethien | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Darci | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Happy | Ritual Visor of Darkness
| Crystallos |
Flippety | Facemask of Cleansing
| Crystallos |
Zama | Blosseron of the Crystalheart
| Crystallos |
Aethien | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Aethien | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Raskas | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Boulderbane | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Mencius | Wyvern-Crafted Adornment
| Crystallos |
Aethien | Wyvern Signet of Doctrine
| Crystallos |
2008-08-10 |
Flippety | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vaell | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hiladdar | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Seinoom | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Neddac | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Boxes | Gyroscopic Combat Assistant Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Adaur | Gnomish Engineer's Gearloop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Regilag | Hydraulic Hammer of Smashing
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rot | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Meetloafx | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sycatic | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Pwning | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Pamieli | Chain-Powered Longcutter
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Happy | Self-Retracting Gearplate Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Corboy | Greasy Steam-Pauldrons
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Lonn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Pretacon | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Uhaen | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Lucid | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Rot | Steamwork Welder's Multitool
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kulzip | Steamwork Welder's Multitool
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kulzip | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Baradd | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Xanathol | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kluvwen | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Redrum | Hydraulic Crushblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Derail | Studded Engineer's Workgrips
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-08-09 |
Kulzip | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kulzip | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Llayena | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Grenshaw | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Aleira | Kidney-Removing Autoshank
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Pretacon | Tiny Tinkermusic Box-o-Matic
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Lonn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Grenshaw | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Darci | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Oonagh | Gyroscopic Combat Assistant Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Merci | Alloy-Coated Back Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Uhaen | Steam-Valve Girdle
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-08-07 |
Maylina | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pwning | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Boulderbane | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Pouty | Bloodied Skull Crusher
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Drukor | Regenerator's Earring
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Regilag | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Regilag | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Adaur | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Aethien | Dark Redeemer's Bludgeon
| Crypt of Shade |
Darci | Earstud of Darkest Shadow
| Crypt of Shade |
2008-08-05 |
Lonn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kulzip | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Trevan | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Poohjure | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Grenshaw | Icy Dirk of Meditation
| Crystallos |
Qwenya | Jewel of Resolute Obedience
| Crystallos |
2008-08-04 |
Lonn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kulzip | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Pretacon | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Voight | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Poohjure | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Darci | Volatile Blackflame Stiletto
| Crystallos |
Hitmaker | Giovin the Smoldering
| Crystallos |
Merci | Pulsing Draconic Wurmstone
| Crystallos |
Kuroiokami | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kulzip | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sadaanx | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Mencius | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Vargo | Coldspire of Channeling
| Crystallos |
Pwning | Prismatic Rune of the Fallen
| Crystallos |
2008-08-03 |
Somlamda | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lonn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Poohjure | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Uhaen | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Pouty | Magma-Studded Earguard
| Crystallos |
Voodoman | Crimson Drakesblood Earring
| Crystallos |
Somlamda | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Aleira | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Vaell | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Zama | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Xanathol | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
Trevan | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
Somlamda | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Grenshaw | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Jairee | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Jadenpain | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Seinoom | Blosseron of the Crystalheart
| Crystallos |
Aethien | Facemask of Cleansing
| Crystallos |
Crazzin | Draconic Faceguard of the True-Blooded
| Crystallos |
Uhaen | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Somlamda | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Happy | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Redrum | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Arthegorn | Fanatic's Badge of Passing
| Crystallos |
Boulderbane | Wyvern-Crafted Adornment
| Crystallos |
2008-08-02 |
Maylina | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pretacon | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Kulzip | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Diamonde | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Regilag | Gyroscopic Combat Assistant Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vaell | High-Volume Servant Transceiver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Boxes | Gnomish Engineer's Gearloop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Uhaen | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Regilag | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Voight | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Sadaanx | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Rubinia | Steamwork Welder's Multitool
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Yukkers | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Regilag | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Esero | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Arthegorn | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Drukor | Ring of Molten Alloy
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Jadenpain | Chain-Powered Longcutter
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Uhaen | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Drukor | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tobynn | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Lonn | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Yukkers | Studded Engineer's Workgrips
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Grenshaw | Intricate Engineer's Locket
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Drukor | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Regilag | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Uhaen | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kuroiokami | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Aethien | Tiny Tinkermusic Box-o-Matic
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Darci | Gear-Linked Cloak
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Xanathol | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Redrum | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Jairee | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Pouty | Steam-Valve Girdle
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Raredar | Steamgineer's Trinket of Station
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-07-31 |
Pretacon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pretacon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pretacon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Darci | Illegible Diary of Lorekeeper Baeldon
| Valdeholm |
Sazik | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Valthonz | Etched Obsidian Shard
| Frostcrypt |
Pretacon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pretacon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pretacon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pretacon | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Poohjure | Frost-Etched Ruby of Vitality
| Frostcrypt |
Pretacon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pretacon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pretacon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sazik | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Zama | Shaped Turquoise Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Pretacon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Darci | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Darci | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Darci | Etched Obsidian Shard
| Frostcrypt |
Thommil | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Grenshaw | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Vaell | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Shintaaro | Bladetwisting Backplate
| Steam Factory |
Crazzin | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Meetloafx | Ancient Hardened Breastplate
| Steam Factory |
Kizar | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Maylina | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Grenshaw | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Vaell | Ancient Velvet Robe
| Steam Factory |
Aldreth | Metallic Spark-Shawl
| Steam Factory |
Yukkers | Ancient Husk Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Hitmaker | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Silmare | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Sadadi | Ancient Hardened Breastplate
| Steam Factory |
Yukkers | Ancient Husk Armwraps
| Steam Factory |
Pretacon | Glowing Facemask of Mending
| Steam Factory |
Valthonz | Jagged Alloy Repeato-Shiv
| Steam Factory |
Sazik | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sadaanx | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Drukor | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Happy | Corrupted Spectral Shoulderguards
| Crypt of Shade |
Voodoman | Black Shroud of Pennance
| Crypt of Shade |
2008-07-29 |
Somlamda | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Insanekitty | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Crazzin | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Diamonde | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Redrum | Backplate of Blessed Resilience
| Crystallos |
Mencius | Icy Dirk of Meditation
| Crystallos |
Uhaen | Giovin the Smoldering
| Crystallos |
Chera | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Gugmol | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Boulderbane | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Wabbus | Amice of Black Dawn
| Crystallos |
Sweetevill | Pulsing Draconic Wurmstone
| Crystallos |
Voight | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kulzip | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Tobynn | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Webee | Coldspire of Channeling
| Crystallos |
Neddac | Ancient Sigil-Runed Censer
| Crystallos |
2008-07-28 |
Voight | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Grenshaw | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sweetevill | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Hitmaker | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Flippety | Dragonforged Earring of Charity
| Crystallos |
Tobynn | Ancient Earstud of Continuation
| Crystallos |
Voight | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Crazzin | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Somlamda | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Merci | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Lonn | Drakeling's Mark of Allegiance
| Crystallos |
Lucid | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
Darci | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Boxes | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Gugmol | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Silmare | Longsword of the Fanatic Legion
| Crystallos |
Corboy | Drakestone of the Unborn
| Crystallos |
Esero | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Diamonde | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Redrum | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Pwning | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Raredar | Wyvern-Crafted Adornment
| Crystallos |
Jairee | Fanatic's Badge of Passing
| Crystallos |
2008-07-27 |
Zama | Petals of Erollisi
| Hills of Shade |
Silmare | Petals of Erollisi
| Hills of Shade |
Seinoom | Petals of Erollisi
| Hills of Shade |
Sadadi | Petals of Erollisi
| Hills of Shade |
Hiladdar | Petals of Erollisi
| Hills of Shade |
Euri | Petals of Erollisi
| Hills of Shade |
Baradd | Petals of Erollisi
| Hills of Shade |
Uhaen | Steel-Welded Plate Boots
| Hills of Shade |
Pretacon | Steel-Welded Plate Boots
| Hills of Shade |
Pretacon | Pain-Runed Cloak
| Hills of Shade |
Mamael | Mana-Tinged Pearl
| Hills of Shade |
Crazzin | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Voodoman | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pwning | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Kulzip | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Vonkid | Necklace of the High Moon
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Uhaen | Ring of the Ripping Claw
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Wabbus | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Aethien | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Yukkers | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Voight | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Adaur | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kulzip | Blastertron Mechano-Pylon Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Hitmaker | Hydraulic Hammer of Smashing
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kuroiokami | Gnomish Engineer's Gearloop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Thommil | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Grenshaw | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pouty | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Qwenya | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Lonn | Perpetually Spinning Gear
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Shintaaro | Studded Engineer's Workgrips
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-07-26 |
Redrum | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Drukor | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Gugmol | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Esero | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Shintaaro | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Uhaen | Impromptu Body Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Webee | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Drukor | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kuroiokami | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Adaur | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Yukkers | Self-Retracting Gearplate Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Happy | Steam-Honed Impaler
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Seinoom | Steamwork Engineer's Waistband
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Grenshaw | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Drukor | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Insanekitty | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Hitmaker | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Webee | Reflective Gem of Communication
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Thommil | Reflective Gem of Communication
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Webee | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Thommil | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Grenshaw | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Arthegorn | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Diamonde | Steam-Valve Girdle
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Pwning | Steamgineer's Trinket of Station
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-07-23 |
Trevan | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Trevan | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Gugmol | Tempered Steamwound Pummeler
| Steam Factory |
Yukkers | Bladetwisting Backplate
| Steam Factory |
Sazik | Ancient Velvet Robe
| Steam Factory |
Grenshaw | Ancient Velvet Robe
| Steam Factory |
Grenshaw | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Power-Infused Steamcleaver
| Steam Factory |
Aethien | Benevolent Mender's Mantle
| Steam Factory |
Sirren | Ancient Velvet Pantaloons
| Steam Factory |
Shintaaro | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Grenshaw | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Silmare | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Aldreth | Winged Gem of Command
| Steam Factory |
Voodoman | Winged Gem of Command
| Steam Factory |
Shintaaro | Ancient Husk Armwraps
| Steam Factory |
Uhaen | Ancient Hardened Vambraces
| Steam Factory |
2008-07-22 |
Webee | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Grenshaw | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tyreel | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Redrum | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Aethien | Ghostly Whisper Earring
| Crypt of Shade |
Uhaen | Ghostly Whisper Earring
| Crypt of Shade |
2008-07-21 |
Drukor | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Trevan | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Redrum | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Kluvwen | Spaulders of the Ancient Warder
| Crystallos |
Silmare | Fanatical Earring of Pain Suppression
| Crystallos |
Drukor | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Corboy | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Esero | Signet of the Great Blasphemy
| Crystallos |
Somlamda | Coldspire of Channeling
| Crystallos |
2008-07-20 |
Corboy | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Drukor | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Grenshaw | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Xanathol | Ring of the Ripping Claw
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Gugmol | Necklace of the High Moon
| Bloodmoon Keep |
2008-07-19 |
Sweetevill | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Qwenya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Insanekitty | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Euri | Blosseron of the Crystalheart
| Crystallos |
Jairee | Draconic Faceguard of the True-Blooded
| Crystallos |
Thommil | Earring of Dragon's Fire
| Crystallos |
Seinoom | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Regilag | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Pouty | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Boxes | Fanatic's Badge of Passing
| Crystallos |
Gugmol | Wyvern-Crafted Adornment
| Crystallos |
Seinoom | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Seinoom | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lonn | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Boulderbane | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Diamonde | Beveled Quartz Faceguard
| Crystallos |
Tobynn | Dragonforged Earring of Charity
| Crystallos |
Seinoom | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Seinoom | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sweetevill | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Adaur | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Raredar | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
Merci | Spaulders of Vibrant Succor
| Crystallos |
Seinoom | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Seinoom | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Merci | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Voight | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Kluvwen | Jewel of Resolute Obedience
| Crystallos |
Pouty | Circular Magmatic Disc
| Crystallos |
2008-07-17 |
Tobynn | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Kjarthan | Ancient Hardened Breastplate
| Steam Factory |
Shintaaro | Tempered Steamwound Pummeler
| Steam Factory |
Uhaen | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Shintaaro | Ancient Husk Cowl
| Steam Factory |
Redrum | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Silmare | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Deniva | Power-Infused Steamcleaver
| Steam Factory |
Sazik | Metallic Spark-Shawl
| Steam Factory |
Voodoman | Ancient Velvet Pantaloons
| Steam Factory |
Shintaaro | Ancient Husk Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Raredar | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Grenshaw | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Voodoman | Ancient Velvet Sleeves
| Steam Factory |
Voodoman | Ancient Velvet Robe
| Steam Factory |
Shadowz | Jagged Alloy Repeato-Shiv
| Steam Factory |
Aspena | Jagged Alloy Repeato-Shiv
| Steam Factory |
2008-07-16 |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Jairee | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
Sazik | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sazik | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sazik | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Darci | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Kuroiokami | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Sazik | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sazik | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sazik | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sazik | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Darci | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Sazik | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sazik | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sazik | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Darci | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Boxes | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
Xanathol | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Raredar | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Seinoom | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Adaur | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Wabbus | Black Shroud of Pennance
| Crypt of Shade |
Grenshaw | Ghostly Whisper Earring
| Crypt of Shade |
2008-07-15 |
Seinoom | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Seinoom | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Somlamda | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Cbus | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Raredar | Magma-Wrought Painloop
| Crystallos |
Jairee | Magma-Wrought Painloop
| Crystallos |
2008-07-14 |
Seinoom | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Seinoom | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kulzip | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Esero | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Uhaen | Intricately Carved Greatsword
| Crystallos |
Thommil | Chain Gorget of the Scaleborn
| Crystallos |
Merci | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Merci | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Insanekitty | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Pwning | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Pharren | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
Hitmaker | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
Seinoom | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Merci | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Raredar | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Kluvwen | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Wabbus | Icy Dirk of Meditation
| Crystallos |
Poohjure | Circular Magmatic Disc
| Crystallos |
2008-07-13 |
Raredar | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Merci | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Diamonde | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Boxes | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Seinoom | Draconic Faceguard of the True-Blooded
| Crystallos |
Jairee | Earring of Dragon's Fire
| Crystallos |
Raredar | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Raredar | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sadaanx | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Redrum | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Pouty | Fanatic's Badge of Passing
| Crystallos |
Kuroiokami | Wyvern-Crafted Adornment
| Crystallos |
2008-07-12 |
Qwenya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Raredar | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Redrum | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Seinoom | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Regilag | Necklace of the High Moon
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Darci | Necklace of the High Moon
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Regilag | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Raredar | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Regilag | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Yukkers | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Voodoman | Battery-Powered Choker
| Steam Factory |
Grenshaw | Ancient Velvet Pantaloons
| Steam Factory |
Raredar | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Grenshaw | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Lunara | Ancient Scaled Coif
| Steam Factory |
Sazik | Ancient Velvet Hat
| Steam Factory |
Sazik | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Regilag | Bladetwisting Backplate
| Steam Factory |
Xanathol | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Grenshaw | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Ringok | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
Sazik | Winged Gem of Command
| Steam Factory |
Drachneyn | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Uhaen | Ancient Hardened Breastplate
| Steam Factory |
2008-07-10 |
Uhaen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sazik | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Grenshaw | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sirren | Illegible Diary of Lorekeeper Baeldon
| Valdeholm |
Hitmaker | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Darci | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Uhaen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sazik | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Grenshaw | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kulzip | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Silmare | Frost-Etched Ruby of Vitality
| Frostcrypt |
Sazik | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Grenshaw | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Darci | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Webee | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Esero | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
Uhaen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sazik | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Grenshaw | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Thommil | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Thommil | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
2008-07-08 |
Webee | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Crazzin | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kluvwen | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Boxes | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Corboy | Magma-Studded Earguard
| Crystallos |
Insanekitty | Intricately Carved Greatsword
| Crystallos |
Frogdorr | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Webee | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sadaanx | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Kluvwen | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Voight | Black Shroud of Pennance
| Crypt of Shade |
Seinoom | Ghostly Whisper Earring
| Crypt of Shade |
2008-07-07 |
Pouty | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Webee | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Voight | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Webee | Signet of the Great Blasphemy
| Crystallos |
Boxes | Magma-Wrought Painloop
| Crystallos |
Euri | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tobynn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Qwenya | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Boulderbane | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Hitmaker | Jewel of Resolute Obedience
| Crystallos |
Silmare | Backplate of Blessed Resilience
| Crystallos |
2008-07-06 |
Tyreel | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tobynn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kumulas | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Kulzip | Prismaridescent Essence (hat)
| Crystallos |
Llayena | Drakeling's Mark of Allegiance
| Crystallos |
Raredar | Pauldrons of Legendary Conquest
| Crystallos |
Tobynn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tobynn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Zama | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Crazzin | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Sirren | Veil of Draconic Study
| Crystallos |
Insanekitty | Drakestone of the Unborn
| Crystallos |
Tobynn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tobynn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Somlamda | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Euri | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Vargo | Mounted Prismatic Focus-Gem
| Crystallos |
Cbus | Mounted Prismatic Focus-Gem
| Crystallos |
Tobynn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tobynn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Aspena | Ancient Scaled Coif
| Steam Factory |
Pavel | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Xanathol | Slick Oil-Ring of Protection
| Steam Factory |
Vargo | Shimmering Pearlescent Earstud
| Steam Factory |
Tobynn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tobynn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Darci | Ancient Scaled Sleeves
| Steam Factory |
Adaur | Ancient Husk Armwraps
| Steam Factory |
Adaur | Winged Gem of Command
| Steam Factory |
Darci | Jagged Alloy Repeato-Shiv
| Steam Factory |
2008-07-05 |
Wabbus | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tobynn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Raredar | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Pouty | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Xanathol | Necklace of the High Moon
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Uhaen | Necklace of the High Moon
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Grenshaw | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Seinoom | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Grenshaw | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Diamonde | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
Kulzip | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Grenshaw | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Seinoom | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Seinoom | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Racie | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Lucid | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
Seinoom | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Seinoom | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Seinoom | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Seinoom | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Darci | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Seinoom | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
Seinoom | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Seinoom | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chera | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Adaur | Shaped Turquoise Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
2008-07-03 |
Tobynn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tobynn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Thommil | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Diamonde | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Corboy | Prismaridescent Essence (gloves)
| Crystallos |
Raredar | Chain Gorget of the Scaleborn
| Crystallos |
Mencius | Crimson Drakesblood Earring
| Crystallos |
Tobynn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tobynn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Pwning | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Lonn | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Skex | Gearlock Steel Curvebow
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sadaanx | Self-Retracting Gearplate Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Cbus | High-Volume Servant Transceiver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Tobynn | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Frogdorr | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Wabbus | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Llayena | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Cbus | Perpetually Spinning Gear
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Lucid | Intricate Engineer's Locket
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-07-02 |
Webee | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Zama | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Somlamda | Prismaridescent Essence (arms)
| Crystallos |
Wabbus | Golem-Lord's Earring of Control
| Crystallos |
Voight | Golem-Lord's Earring of Control
| Crystallos |
2008-07-01 |
Tyreel | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tyreel | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Adaur | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Kluvwen | Draconic Faceguard of the True-Blooded
| Crystallos |
Xilraazz | Facemask of Cleansing
| Crystallos |
Voight | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tyreel | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Somlamda | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Corboy | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Seinoom | Wyvern Signet of Doctrine
| Crystallos |
Thommil | Wyvern-Crafted Adornment
| Crystallos |
Drukor | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Drukor | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Zama | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Corboy | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Grenshaw | Black Shroud of Pennance
| Crypt of Shade |
Jairee | Earstud of Darkest Shadow
| Crypt of Shade |
2008-06-30 |
Tyreel | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Llayena | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Redrum | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
Pwning | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
2008-06-29 |
Redrum | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Oonagh | Ancient Scaled Boots
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Uhaen | Ancient Hardened Bracer
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Seinoom | Clockwork Medic's Defibrillator
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Laquorsha | Clockwork Medic's Defibrillator
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Euri | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Frogdorr | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Thommil | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Seinoom | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Baradd | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Redrum | Impromptu Body Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Adaur | Impromptu Body Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Euri | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Frogdorr | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tobynn | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Pouty | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Esero | Greasy Steam-Pauldrons
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Uhaen | Chain-Powered Longcutter
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Tyreel | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Frogdorr | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Yagher | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Voight | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Laquorsha | Blastertron Mechano-Pylon Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Pwning | Gear-Linked Cloak
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Oonagh | Kidney-Removing Autoshank
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Euri | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Frogdorr | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Boulderbane | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Crazzin | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Adaur | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Mencius | Cruel Mechanic's Shawl
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Lucid | Cruel Mechanic's Shawl
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-06-28 |
Insanekitty | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Flippety | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Voodoman | Claw-Sigiled Waistloop
| Deepscar's Den |
Crazy | Claw-Sigiled Waistloop
| Deepscar's Den |
Oonagh | Ancient Scaled Wristguard
| Deepscar's Den |
Darci | Ancient Scaled Wristguard
| Deepscar's Den |
Frogdorr | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Baradd | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Derail | Ancient Husk Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Wabbus | Ancient Velvet Pantaloons
| Steam Factory |
Rot | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Adaur | Power-Infused Steamcleaver
| Steam Factory |
Crazzin | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Crazzin | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Derail | Ancient Husk Armwraps
| Steam Factory |
Wabbus | Ancient Velvet Robe
| Steam Factory |
Uhaen | Glowing Facemask of Mending
| Steam Factory |
Frogdorr | Glowing Facemask of Mending
| Steam Factory |
Frogdorr | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Fippety | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Darci | Ancient Scaled Coif
| Steam Factory |
Derail | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Frogdorr | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Uhaen | Slick Oil-Ring of Protection
| Steam Factory |
2008-06-26 |
Euri | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Drukor | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kluvwen | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Llayena | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kumulas | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Yagher | Gearlock Steel Curvebow
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Cbus | Version XI Serial Translatron
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Crazzin | Hydraulic Hammer of Smashing
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Drukor | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Baradd | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kulzip | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Uhaen | Hydraulic Crushblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Xanathol | Telescopic Eye-Goggles
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-06-25 |
Webee | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Pouty | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Chera | Prismaridescent Essence (bracer)
| Crystallos |
Kluvwen | Kindjal of Martyrdom
| Crystallos |
Zama | Bauble of Prismatic Flame
| Crystallos |
2008-06-24 |
Euri | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Pwning | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Boulderbane | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Pouty | Drakestone of the Unborn
| Crystallos |
Llayena | Draconic Faceguard of the True-Blooded
| Crystallos |
Euri | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Drukor | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Somlamda | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Crazzin | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Merci | Regenerator's Earring
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Illiana | Regenerator's Earring
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Webee | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Crazzin | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pharren | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Insanekitty | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Xanathol | Corrupted Spectral Shoulderguards
| Crypt of Shade |
Cbus | Ghostly Whisper Earring
| Crypt of Shade |
2008-06-23 |
Xilraazz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Chera | Prismaridescent Essence (boots)
| Crystallos |
Sadaanx | Wyvern-Crafted Adornment
| Crystallos |
Esero | Wyvern-Crafted Adornment
| Crystallos |
2008-06-22 |
Xilraazz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Crazzin | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Crazzin | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Redrum | Self-Retracting Gearplate Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Pwning | Greasy Steam-Pauldrons
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Xanathol | Chain-Powered Longcutter
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Xilraazz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Crazzin | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Llayena | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Corboy | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Cbus | Steamwork Welder's Multitool
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Poohjure | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Seinoom | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Seinoom | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tobynn | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Silmare | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Lucid | Blastertron Mechano-Pylon Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Xanathol | Reflective Gem of Communication
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Trevan | Reflective Gem of Communication
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Xilraazz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Seinoom | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Webee | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Mencius | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Adaur | Sharpened Steamworker's Screwdriver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Adaur | Steam-Valve Girdle
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-06-21 |
Seinoom | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Seinoom | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Thommil | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Insanekitty | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Boulderbane | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Voight | Blastertron Mechano-Pylon Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Poohjure | Gnomish Engineer's Gearloop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Crazzin | High-Volume Servant Transceiver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Tyreel | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Seinoom | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Xilraazz | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Redrum | Telescopic Eye-Goggles
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Wabbus | Intricate Engineer's Locket
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-06-19 |
Seinoom | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Wabbus | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Raredar | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Lunara | Ancient Scaled Coat
| Steam Factory |
Oonagh | Ancient Scaled Coif
| Steam Factory |
Sadaanx | Shimmering Pearlescent Earstud
| Steam Factory |
Qwenya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Laquorsha | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Lunara | Ancient Scaled Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Kaofu | Ancient Husk Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Grenshaw | Metallic Spark-Shawl
| Steam Factory |
Ohbaby | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Seinoom | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Qwenya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tobynn | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Thommil | Ancient Hardened Vambraces
| Steam Factory |
Indiana | Jagged Alloy Repeato-Shiv
| Steam Factory |
Grenshaw | Winged Gem of Command
| Steam Factory |
2008-06-18 |
Chera | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Qwenya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Silmare | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Mencius | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Kluvwen | Ring of the Ripping Claw
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Pwning | Necklace of the High Moon
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Wabbus | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Seinoom | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pouty | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Llayena | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Trevan | Corrupted Spectral Shoulderguards
| Crypt of Shade |
Lucid | Ghostly Whisper Earring
| Crypt of Shade |
2008-06-17 |
Xilraazz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Raredar | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Euri | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Zykon | Self-Retracting Gearplate Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Adaur | Steam-Honed Impaler
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Diamonde | Greasy Steam-Pauldrons
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Illiana | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Xanathol | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Pwning | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Vargo | Version XI Serial Translatron
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sadaanx | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Adaur | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Tyreel | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kluvwen | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Thommil | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Jairee | Gear-Linked Cloak
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Adaur | Reflective Gem of Communication
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Chera | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Voight | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Seinoom | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Sharpened Steamworker's Screwdriver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Qwenya | Cruel Mechanic's Shawl
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-06-15 |
Wabbus | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Seinoom | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Nizdazen | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Corboy | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Tyreel | Earstud of Oily Retribution
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Adaur | Self-Retracting Gearplate Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Boxes | Hydraulic Hammer of Smashing
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Xilraazz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tyreel | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Trevan | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Baradd | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Crazzin | Studded Engineer's Workgrips
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Pharren | Intricate Engineer's Locket
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-06-14 |
Wabbus | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Merci | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Voodoman | Shimmering Pearlescent Earstud
| Steam Factory |
Racie | Ancient Hardened Breastplate
| Steam Factory |
Raredar | Ancient Hardened Breastplate
| Steam Factory |
Adaur | Slick Oil-Ring of Protection
| Steam Factory |
Merci | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Llayena | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Betharaxe | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Oonagh | Ancient Scaled Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Vargo | Ancient Velvet Pantaloons
| Steam Factory |
Hitmaker | Battery-Powered Choker
| Steam Factory |
Euri | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Baradd | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
Kaofu | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Vuncar | Winged Gem of Command
| Steam Factory |
Oonagh | Ancient Scaled Sleeves
| Steam Factory |
2008-06-12 |
Xilraazz | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tobynn | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Silmare | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Oonagh | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Esero | Razor-Sharp Speedblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Euri | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Kluvwen | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Illiana | Ring of Molten Alloy
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Poohjure | Self-Retracting Gearplate Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Euri | Steamwork Engineer's Waistband
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Baradd | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sirren | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Illiana | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Adaur | Gear-Linked Cloak
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Wabbus | Oil-Resistant Facemask
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Baradd | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Baradd | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Trevan | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Pwning | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Seinoom | Alloy-Coated Back Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Laquorsha | Alloy-Coated Back Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-06-11 |
Illiana | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Zykon | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Earring of the Carnophage
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Boulderbane | Necklace of the High Moon
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Euri | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Qwenya | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Laquorsha | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Webee | Ghostly Whisper Earring
| Crypt of Shade |
Redrum | Corrupted Spectral Shoulderguards
| Crypt of Shade |
2008-06-10 |
Thommil | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Crazy | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Chera | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Sirren | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Laquorsha | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Webee | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Sirren | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Thommil | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Laquorsha | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Webee | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Thommil | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Redrum | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Webee | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Wabbus | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Webee | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Webee | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Sirren | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Sirren | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Lucid | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Thommil | 50 Phosphenes (spell)
| Solteris |
Baradd | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Boulderbane | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Zama | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Silmare | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Crazy | Hydraulic Hammer of Smashing
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Seinoom | Blastertron Mechano-Pylon Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Wabbus | High-Volume Servant Transceiver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-06-08 |
Nizdazen | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pwning | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Mencius | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Xanathol | Hydraulic Crushblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sadaanx | Studded Engineer's Workgrips
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-06-07 |
Sirren | Steamwork Engineer's Waistband
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Baradd | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Wabbus | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Wabbus | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Chera | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Raredar | Steam-Honed Impaler
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Baradd | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Yagher | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Insanekitty | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Kumulas | Version XI Serial Translatron
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Mencius | Steamwork Welder's Multitool
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Zama | Impromptu Body Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Baradd | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sirren | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Nizdazen | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kulzip | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Voight | Oil-Resistant Facemask
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sweetevill | Blastertron Mechano-Pylon Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Tobynn | Tiny Tinkermusic Box-o-Matic
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Baradd | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Sirren | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Jennre | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Baradd | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Silmare | Steam-Valve Girdle
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Jairee | Steam-Valve Girdle
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-06-05 |
Wabbus | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Thommil | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Kluvwen | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Esero | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Raredar | Lance of Solteris
| Solteris |
Cbus | Battle Torn Cloak
| Solteris |
Boxes | Girdle of Solusek Ro
| Solteris |
Redrum | Pike of the Vampire God
| Solteris |
Kluvwen | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Esero | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Wabbus | Enchanted Firethrower of Speeds
| Solteris |
Webee | Bulwark of the Firebringer
| Solteris |
Docktor | Diamond Ring of Planar Health
| Solteris |
Aleira | Venomous Fang of the Seer
| Solteris |
2008-06-04 |
Wabbus | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Kluvwen | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Rot | Sun Tempered Lunar Blade
| Solteris |
Voodoman | Shawl of Arcane Alacrity
| Solteris |
Thommil | Band of Endless Fire
| Solteris |
Somlamda | Blessing of Shifting Smoke
| Solteris |
Wabbus | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Crazy | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Raredar | Buckler of Corruption
| Solteris |
Boxes | Lochmaul Band
| Solteris |
Hitmaker | Staff of Screaming Souls
| Solteris |
Kuroiokami | Diary of Jealous Loathing
| Solteris |
Mencius | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Poohjure | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Tobynn | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Sirren | Dark Redeemer's Bludgeon
| Crypt of Shade |
Kulzip | Black Shroud of Pennance
| Crypt of Shade |
2008-06-03 |
Silmare | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Silmare | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Trevan | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Illiana | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Webee | Version XI Serial Translatron
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Diamonde | Gnomish Engineer's Gearloop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Voight | High-Volume Servant Transceiver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-06-02 |
Silmare | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Nizdazen | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Merci | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Qwenya | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Raskas | Reflective Gem of Communication
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Tyreel | Oil-Resistant Facemask
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sirren | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sirren | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Redrum | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Jairee | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Laquorsha | Perpetually Spinning Gear
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Trevan | Telescopic Eye-Goggles
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Neddac | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Silmare | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Jairee | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Raredar | Chain-Powered Longcutter
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Lucid | Ring of Molten Alloy
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sirren | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sirren | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Redrum | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Chera | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Nizdazen | Version XI Serial Translatron
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kluvwen | Razor-Sharp Speedblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Baradd | Jingling Alloy Loop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-06-01 |
Neddac | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Webee | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Yagher | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Wabbus | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Thommil | Sharpened Steamworker's Screwdriver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Tobynn | Alloy-Coated Back Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-05-31 |
Trevan | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Somlamda | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Nizdazen | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Llayena | Regenerator's Earring
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Pwning | Earring of the Carnophage
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Wabbus | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Llayena | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Tapon | Ancient Scaled Coat
| Steam Factory |
Vargo | Ancient Velvet Hat
| Steam Factory |
Crazy | Shimmering Pearlescent Earstud
| Steam Factory |
Pwning | Slick Oil-Ring of Protection
| Steam Factory |
Illiana | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Merci | Ancient Husk Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Redrum | Ancient Hardened Greaves
| Steam Factory |
Deniva | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Dikay | Power-Infused Steamcleaver
| Steam Factory |
Illiana | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Llayena | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Ancient Hardened Vambraces
| Steam Factory |
Merci | Ancient Husk Armwraps
| Steam Factory |
Vargo | Visage of the Grand Engineer
| Steam Factory |
Wabbus | Winged Gem of Command
| Steam Factory |
2008-05-29 |
Voight | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Engell | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Corboy | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Diamonde | Earstud of Darkest Shadow
| Crypt of Shade |
Euri | Ghostly Whisper Earring
| Crypt of Shade |
Neddac | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Raskas | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Merci | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Xilraazz | Version XI Serial Translatron
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Jairee | Hydraulic Hammer of Smashing
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Nizdazen | Earstud of Oily Retribution
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-05-28 |
Illiana | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Skhull | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Esero | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Merci | Reflective Gem of Communication
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Zama | Oil-Resistant Facemask
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-05-27 |
Wabbus | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Laquorsha | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Drukor | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Corboy | Steam-Valve Girdle
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Illiana | Cruel Mechanic's Shawl
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-05-26 |
Webee | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Llayena | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Sadaanx | Deepscar Painsmasher
| Deepscar's Den |
Mamael | Claw-Blessed Cloak
| Deepscar's Den |
Sirren | Ancient Velvet Gloves
| Deepscar's Den |
Zback | Ancient Scaled Gauntlets
| Deepscar's Den |
Yagher | Hydraulic Crushblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sweetevill | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sweetevill | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Somlamda | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Flippety | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Insanekitty | Hydraulic Crushblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Skhull | Auto-Aiming Steamcoiled Recurvinator
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Neddac | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Webee | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tyreel | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Qwenya | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Sirren | Ring of Molten Alloy
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rot | Chain-Powered Longcutter
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sweetevill | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Boxes | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Skhull | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Pwning | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Boulderbane | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-05-25 |
Gibbo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gibbo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gibbo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Hitmaker | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Boxes | Clipped Griffon Wings
| Ashengate |
Gibbo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gibbo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gibbo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sadaanx | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Baradd | Clipped Griffon Wings
| Ashengate |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Wabbus | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Neddac | Clipped Griffon Wings
| Ashengate |
Zilker | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zilker | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zilker | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sirren | Ambersnout's Snout
| Ashengate |
Kulzip | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Somlamda | Arcane Actuator
| Ashengate |
Voight | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Hitmaker | Ancient Hardened Helm
| Steam Factory |
Wabbus | Ancient Velvet Hat
| Steam Factory |
Webee | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Sadaanx | Bladetwisting Backplate
| Steam Factory |
Sweetevill | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Merci | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Webee | Metallic Spark-Shawl
| Steam Factory |
Wabbus | Metallic Spark-Shawl
| Steam Factory |
Vuncar | Ancient Husk Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Kumulas | Ancient Velvet Pantaloons
| Steam Factory |
Sweetevill | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sweetevill | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Ancient Husk Armwraps
| Steam Factory |
Wabbus | Ancient Velvet Sleeves
| Steam Factory |
Vuncar | Glowing Facemask of Mending
| Steam Factory |
Michealton | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
2008-05-24 |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Illegible Diary of Lorekeeper Baeldon
| Valdeholm |
Eenadanie | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Tyreel | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sadaanx | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Voight | Fragment of Corrupted Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Wabbus | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Lucid | Fragment of Corrupted Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sadaanx | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Kluvwen | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
2008-05-22 |
Neddac | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Neddac | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Neddac | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Lonn | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Redrum | Steamgineer's Trinket of Station
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Illiana | Alloy-Coated Back Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Neddac | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Zykon | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Baradd | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Boxes | Kidney-Removing Autoshank
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Cbus | Reflective Gem of Communication
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-05-21 |
Mencius | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Jairee | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Baradd | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Trevan | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Raskas | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Boxes | Earring of the Carnophage
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Flippety | Regenerator's Earring
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Pharren | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Steel-Studded Leather Armwraps
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Zilker | Steel-Studded Leather Armwraps
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Wabbus | Bloodseeker's Veil
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Crazy | Lunar Horns
| Bloodmoon Keep |
2008-05-20 |
Qwenya | Petals of Erollisi
| Hills of Shade |
Poohjure | Petals of Erollisi
| Hills of Shade |
Neddac | Petals of Erollisi
| Hills of Shade |
Merci | Petals of Erollisi
| Hills of Shade |
Laquorsha | Petals of Erollisi
| Hills of Shade |
Kumulas | Petals of Erollisi
| Hills of Shade |
Crazy | Mask of the Unrequited
| Hills of Shade |
Vuncar | Steel-Studded Leather Boots
| Hills of Shade |
Siludil | Steel-Welded Ringmail Boots
| Hills of Shade |
Rot | Scepter of Dark Clouds
| Hills of Shade |
Illiana | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kumulas | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Poohjure | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Qwenya | Dark Redeemer's Bludgeon
| Crypt of Shade |
Lucid | Black Shroud of Pennance
| Crypt of Shade |
Illiana | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pharren | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Lonn | Ancient Velvet Robe
| Steam Factory |
Sadaanx | Ancient Husk Cowl
| Steam Factory |
Crazy | Bladetwisting Backplate
| Steam Factory |
Sirren | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Voight | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Merci | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Sadaanx | Ancient Husk Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Siludil | Ancient Scaled Coat
| Steam Factory |
Wabbus | Battery-Powered Choker
| Steam Factory |
Sirren | Battery-Powered Choker
| Steam Factory |
Kluvwen | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Baradd | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Ancient Husk Armwraps
| Steam Factory |
Sadaanx | Ancient Husk Armwraps
| Steam Factory |
Rot | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
Rot | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
2008-05-19 |
Webee | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Voight | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Beour | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Somlamda | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sweetevill | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kluvwen | Gyroscopic Combat Assistant Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Boulderbane | Gearlock Steel Curvebow
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Iami | Gnomish Engineer's Gearloop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-05-18 |
Kluvwen | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Jairee | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Silmare | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Merci | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Crazy | Auto-Aiming Steamcoiled Recurvinator
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Boulderbane | Hydraulic Crushblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Zykon | Studded Engineer's Workgrips
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Mencius | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kluvwen | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Cbus | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Wabbus | Steamwork Welder's Multitool
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vargo | Steamwork Welder's Multitool
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Tobynn | Version XI Serial Translatron
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-05-17 |
Mencius | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Neddac | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Lucid | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Yagher | Steam-Honed Impaler
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Xanathol | Steam-Honed Impaler
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-05-15 |
Mencius | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kluvwen | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Engell | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Boxes | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Redrum | Reflective Gem of Communication
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kuroiokami | Gear-Linked Cloak
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Mencius | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Voight | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Raskas | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Kulzip | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Tobynn | Cruel Mechanic's Shawl
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Annubisx | Cruel Mechanic's Shawl
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-05-14 |
Kluvwen | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pharren | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Vuncar | Tempered Steamwound Pummeler
| Steam Factory |
Webee | Ancient Velvet Hat
| Steam Factory |
Voight | Ancient Velvet Robe
| Steam Factory |
Sirren | Shimmering Pearlescent Earstud
| Steam Factory |
Kluvwen | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kluvwen | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Candaten | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Thommil | Ancient Hardened Breastplate
| Steam Factory |
Thommil | Ancient Hardened Greaves
| Steam Factory |
Mamael | Benevolent Mender's Mantle
| Steam Factory |
Merci | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Nizdazen | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Zback | Ancient Scaled Coat
| Steam Factory |
Jairee | Ancient Scaled Sleeves
| Steam Factory |
Oonagh | Jagged Alloy Repeato-Shiv
| Steam Factory |
Rot | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
2008-05-12 |
Mencius | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Insanekitty | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Arthegorn | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rymok | Perpetually Spinning Gear
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Pouty | Studded Engineer's Workgrips
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Mencius | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Silmare | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Zykon | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Merci | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Engell | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Tobynn | Jingling Alloy Loop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Lucid | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Voight | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kulzip | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Baradd | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Redrum | Chain-Powered Longcutter
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Poohjure | Steam-Honed Impaler
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-05-10 |
Lucid | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lonn | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Zama | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Boulderbane | Gear-Linked Cloak
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Mencius | Oil-Resistant Facemask
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Lucid | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Qwenya | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Nizdazen | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Klawzil | Sharpened Steamworker's Screwdriver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Yagher | Steam-Valve Girdle
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-05-08 |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Pouty | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Merci | Illegible Diary of Lorekeeper Baeldon
| Valdeholm |
Rot | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Chera | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Xilraazz | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Zama | Fragment of Corrupted Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Laquorsha | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Laquorsha | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Redrum | Tempered Steamwound Pummeler
| Steam Factory |
Crazy | Tempered Steamwound Pummeler
| Steam Factory |
Sirren | Ancient Velvet Hat
| Steam Factory |
Shaadowzs | Ancient Scaled Coat
| Steam Factory |
Laquorsha | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Nizdazen | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Ratath | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Albur | Ancient Husk Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Webee | Ancient Velvet Pantaloons
| Steam Factory |
Engell | Power-Infused Steamcleaver
| Steam Factory |
Rezzya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Nizdazen | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
Klawzil | Ancient Hardened Vambraces
| Steam Factory |
Forbay | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Cbus | Visage of the Grand Engineer
| Steam Factory |
2008-05-07 |
Lucid | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Laquorsha | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Raskas | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Euri | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Jairee | Necklace of the High Moon
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Neddac | Regenerator's Earring
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Lucid | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Laquorsha | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Dethmettal | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Voight | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Deadlx | Earstud of Darkest Shadow
| Crypt of Shade |
Mencius | Black Shroud of Pennance
| Crypt of Shade |
2008-05-06 |
Lucid | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Trevan | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Pharren | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Qwenya | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Skhull | Gyroscopic Combat Assistant Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Esero | Gnomish Engineer's Gearloop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kluvwen | Gearlock Steel Curvebow
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-05-05 |
Voight | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Laquorsha | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Zama | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Raskas | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Pwning | Hydraulic Crushblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Deadlx | Hydraulic Crushblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Llayena | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Voight | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Dethmettal | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Esero | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Webee | Steamwork Welder's Multitool
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Zama | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Webee | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Iami | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Merci | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Ring of Molten Alloy
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Tobynn | Ring of Molten Alloy
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-05-04 |
Zama | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Silmare | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Corboy | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Chera | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kalola | Tiny Tinkermusic Box-o-Matic
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Diamonde | Gear-Linked Cloak
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Zama | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Voight | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pharren | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Boxes | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Trevan | Steamgineer's Trinket of Station
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kuroiokami | Sharpened Steamworker's Screwdriver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-05-03 |
Kluvwen | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Baradur | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Infect | Orb of Darkness
| Solteris |
Valthonz | Staff of the Invaders
| Solteris |
Raszerkx | Cryptwood Truncheon
| Solteris |
Lucid | Christine's Engagement Ring
| Solteris |
Nizdazen | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Voight | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Lucid | Ancient Velvet Pantaloons
| Steam Factory |
Redrum | Metallic Spark-Shawl
| Steam Factory |
Skhull | Battery-Powered Choker
| Steam Factory |
Voight | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Neddac | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Merci | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Skhull | Ancient Hardened Helm
| Steam Factory |
Klawzil | Bladetwisting Backplate
| Steam Factory |
Trevan | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Pharren | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pharren | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
Ausk | Ancient Scaled Coat
| Steam Factory |
Redrum | Ancient Hardened Breastplate
| Steam Factory |
Infect | Winged Gem of Command
| Steam Factory |
2008-05-01 |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Dethmettal | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Chera | Fragment of Corrupted Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Dethmettal | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Voight | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kulzip | Fragment of Corrupted Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Kalola | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Iami | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Dethmettal | Etched Obsidian Shard
| Frostcrypt |
Zama | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Silmare | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Merci | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Arthegorn | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Kluvwen | Necklace of the High Moon
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Boxes | Necklace of the High Moon
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Zama | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Zama | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Iami | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Sweetevill | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Insanekitty | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Esero | Earstud of Darkest Shadow
| Crypt of Shade |
Dethmettal | Earstud of Darkest Shadow
| Crypt of Shade |
2008-04-30 |
Webee | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Laquorsha | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Poohjure | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Engell | Gyro Core (chest)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Arthegorn | Gearlock Steel Curvebow
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Silmare | Self-Retracting Gearplate Mk. I
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Zykon | Gnomish Engineer's Gearloop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-04-29 |
Zama | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Cbus | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Trevan | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Raskas | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Merci | Version XI Serial Translatron
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Boxes | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Illiana | Jingling Alloy Loop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Laquorsha | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Cbus | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kumulas | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Boxes | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Redrum | Steam-Honed Impaler
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Lucid | Steamwork Engineer's Waistband
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-04-28 |
Zama | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Pharren | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Voight | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Engell | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Trevan | Hydraulic Crushblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Klawzil | Hydraulic Crushblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Silmare | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Laquorsha | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pharren | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Xilraazz | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kuroiokami | Kidney-Removing Autoshank
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Euri | Tiny Tinkermusic Box-o-Matic
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-04-27 |
Tado | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Feyr | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Merci | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Lucid | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Boxes | Sharpened Steamworker's Screwdriver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rezzya | Alloy-Coated Back Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rezzya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Merci | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sirren | Ancient Velvet Robe
| Steam Factory |
Valthonz | Ancient Scaled Coif
| Steam Factory |
Corboy | Bladetwisting Backplate
| Steam Factory |
Redrum | Slick Oil-Ring of Protection
| Steam Factory |
Merci | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Pwning | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Raszerkx | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Kluvwen | Ancient Scaled Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Webee | Ancient Velvet Robe
| Steam Factory |
Tyreel | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
Iami | Ancient Scaled Coat
| Steam Factory |
Vargo | Ancient Velvet Robe
| Steam Factory |
Eltaix | Winged Gem of Command
| Steam Factory |
2008-04-24 |
Esero | Illegible Diary of Lorekeeper Baeldon
| Valdeholm |
Kalola | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kalola | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kalola | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Boxes | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Boulderbane | Shaped Turquoise Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Kalola | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kalola | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kalola | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kulzip | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Zykon | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
Kalola | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kalola | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kalola | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Iami | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Raskas | Shaped Turquoise Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Kalola | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kalola | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kalola | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lucid | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Merci | Fragment of Corrupted Ice
| Frostcrypt |
2008-04-22 |
Llayena | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Silmare | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Zykon | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Skhull | Hydraulic Crushblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Dethmettal | Auto-Aiming Steamcoiled Recurvinator
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Nizdazen | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Boulderbane | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Kalola | Perpetually Spinning Gear
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Zama | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Yeuh | Ancient Husk Cowl
| Steam Factory |
Vehn | Ancient Scaled Coif
| Steam Factory |
Laquorsha | Shimmering Pearlescent Earstud
| Steam Factory |
Skhull | Slick Oil-Ring of Protection
| Steam Factory |
Merci | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Jairee | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Raszerkx | Ancient Scaled Coat
| Steam Factory |
Klawzil | Power-Infused Steamcleaver
| Steam Factory |
Skhull | Ancient Hardened Greaves
| Steam Factory |
Klawzil | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
2008-04-21 |
Jairee | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Feyr | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Somlamda | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Kumulas | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Flippety | Version XI Serial Translatron
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Lucid | Steamwork Welder's Multitool
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Iami | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-04-20 |
Llayena | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Feyr | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Lonn | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Zykon | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Amazone | Greasy Steam-Pauldrons
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Trevan | Steam-Honed Impaler
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Jairee | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Zama | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Indiana | Ancient Scaled Coat
| Steam Factory |
Yeuh | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Baradur | Glowing Facemask of Mending
| Steam Factory |
Redrum | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
2008-04-19 |
Llayena | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Feyr | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Poohjure | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Mencius | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Diamonde | Kidney-Removing Autoshank
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Corboy | Kidney-Removing Autoshank
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Voight | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Silmare | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Merci | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Corboy | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Esero | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Eltaix | Sharpened Steamworker's Screwdriver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Qwenya | Alloy-Coated Back Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-04-17 |
Llayena | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Jairee | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Cbus | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Poohjure | Gyro Core (legs)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Lucid | Perpetually Spinning Gear
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Chera | Perpetually Spinning Gear
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-04-16 |
Tyreel | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Jairee | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Daul | Ancient Scaled Wristguard
| Deepscar's Den |
Daul | Ancient Scaled Wristguard
| Deepscar's Den |
Boulderbane | Steam-Powered Disc of Command
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Frogdorr | Clockwork Medic's Defibrillator
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
2008-04-15 |
Jairee | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Ancient Velvet Wristband
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Kulzip | Ancient Velvet Wristband
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Daul | Dragonscar Facemask
| Deepscar's Den |
Diamonde | Dragonscar Facemask
| Deepscar's Den |
Lucid | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Frogdorr | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Raskas | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Deadlx | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Zykon | Greasy Steam-Pauldrons
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Insanekitty | Greasy Steam-Pauldrons
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Qwenya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Ancient Husk Cowl
| Steam Factory |
Redrum | Ancient Hardened Helm
| Steam Factory |
Deadlx | Tempered Steamwound Pummeler
| Steam Factory |
Dethmettal | Slick Oil-Ring of Protection
| Steam Factory |
Qwenya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Qwenya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Eltaix | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Redrum | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Jairee | Ancient Scaled Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Deadlx | Battery-Powered Choker
| Steam Factory |
Qwenya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Eltaix | Glowing Facemask of Mending
| Steam Factory |
Daul | Jagged Alloy Repeato-Shiv
| Steam Factory |
Raszerkx | Ancient Scaled Sleeves
| Steam Factory |
Redrum | Ancient Hardened Vambraces
| Steam Factory |
2008-04-14 |
Tyreel | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Qwenya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pharren | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Kulzip | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Deadlx | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Neddac | Jingling Alloy Loop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Chera | Fabled Earthen Bracer of Fortitude
| Plane of Time |
Esero | Fabled Cord of Temporal Weavings
| Plane of Time |
Pouty | Fabled Silver Hoop of Speed
| Plane of Time |
Lonn | Fabled Celestial Cloak
| Plane of Time |
Rezzya | Fabled Earring of Celestial Energy
| Plane of Time |
Silmare | Fabled Visor of the Berserker
| Plane of Time |
2008-04-13 |
Llayena | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Llayena | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Somlamda | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Feyr | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Chera | Tiny Tinkermusic Box-o-Matic
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Insanekitty | Gear-Linked Cloak
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Llayena | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Qwenya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Nickii | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Euri | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Kluvwen | Sharpened Steamworker's Screwdriver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Nizdazen | Cruel Mechanic's Shawl
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-04-12 |
Deadlx | Fabled Timestone Adorned Ring
| Plane of Time |
Yagher | Fabled Bow of the Tempest
| Plane of Time |
Arthegorn | Fabled Band of Prismatic Focus
| Plane of Time |
Beour | Fabled Armguards of the Brute
| Plane of Time |
Lucid | Fabled Gloves of the Unseen
| Plane of Time |
Kumulas | Fabled War Charm of Crossed Blades
| Plane of Tactics |
Asheara | Fabled Red Eyed Mask of Rage
| Plane of Tactics |
Yagher | Fabled Red Eyed Mask of Rage
| Plane of Tactics |
2008-04-10 |
Merci | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Vehn | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Cbus | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Slayerxx | Chain-Powered Longcutter
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Beour | Ring of Molten Alloy
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Pouty | Fabled Exquisite Phoenix Feather Mantle
| Plane of Air |
Tadaanoo | Fabled Puresteel Mantle
| Plane of Air |
Lucid | Fabled Vest of Phoenix Feathers
| Plane of Air |
Rot | Fabled Tethered Air Cape
| Plane of Water |
Docktor | Fabled Tethered Air Cape
| Plane of Water |
Mamael | Fabled Tethered Air Cape
| Plane of Water |
2008-04-08 |
Merci | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lonn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Dethmettal | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Skex | Sharpened Steamworker's Screwdriver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Neddac | Cruel Mechanic's Shawl
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-04-07 |
Zama | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Zama | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Valthonz | Ancient Scaled Coat
| Steam Factory |
Pouty | Ancient Husk Cowl
| Steam Factory |
Warloxx | Slick Oil-Ring of Protection
| Steam Factory |
Lucid | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Lonn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Llayena | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Albur | Metallic Spark-Shawl
| Steam Factory |
Laquorsha | Ancient Hardened Breastplate
| Steam Factory |
Skex | Metallic Spark-Shawl
| Steam Factory |
Vuncar | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Zama | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Llayena | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Shaadowzs | Ancient Scaled Sleeves
| Steam Factory |
Neddac | Glowing Facemask of Mending
| Steam Factory |
Laquorsha | Glowing Facemask of Mending
| Steam Factory |
Neddac | Ancient Husk Armwraps
| Steam Factory |
Kalola | Fabled Earthen Bracer of Fortitude
| Plane of Time |
Vehn | Fabled Cord of Temporal Weavings
| Plane of Time |
Deadlx | Fabled Silver Hoop of Speed
| Plane of Time |
Zama | Fabled Earring of Celestial Energy
| Plane of Time |
Euri | Fabled Visor of the Berserker
| Plane of Time |
2008-04-06 |
Merci | Fabled Belt of Temporal Bindings
| Plane of Time |
Qwenya | Fabled Mask of Simplicity
| Plane of Time |
Lucid | Fabled Earring of Temporal Solstice
| Plane of Time |
Cbus | Fabled Tactician's Shield
| Plane of Time |
Voight | Fabled Talisman of Tainted Energy
| Plane of Time |
Kumulas | Fabled Ring of Evasion
| Plane of Time |
2008-04-05 |
Iami | Fabled Exquisite Phoenix Feather Mantle
| Plane of Air |
Lucid | Fabled Xephyrus, Wand of the Flowing Wind
| Plane of Air |
Asheara | Fabled Xephyrus, Wand of the Flowing Wind
| Plane of Air |
Paat | Fabled Girdle of the Tactician
| Plane of Tactics |
Dethmettal | Fabled Obsidian Scimitar of War
| Plane of Tactics |
Lucid | Fabled Pendant of the Triumphant Victor
| Plane of Tactics |
2008-04-03 |
Paat | Fabled Boots of the Warmaster
| Plane of Tactics |
Daul | Fabled Boots of the Warmaster
| Plane of Tactics |
Lucid | Fabled Red Eyed Mask of Rage
| Plane of Tactics |
Warloxx | Fabled Sword of Primordial Power
| Plane of Earth B |
Deadlx | Fabled Sword of Primordial Power
| Plane of Earth B |
Diamonde | Fabled Sword of Primordial Power
| Plane of Earth B |
Pharrin | Fabled Bands of Earthen Energy
| Plane of Earth B |
Laquorsha | Fabled Bands of Earthen Energy
| Plane of Earth B |
Cbus | Fabled Bands of Earthen Energy
| Plane of Earth B |
2008-04-02 |
Merci | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lonn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Cbus | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sweetevill | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rezzya | Tiny Tinkermusic Box-o-Matic
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Esero | Kidney-Removing Autoshank
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Rezzya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Rezzya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Paat | Ancient Scaled Coif
| Steam Factory |
Evernicus | Ancient Scaled Coif
| Steam Factory |
Neddac | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Baradd | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Cbus | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Metallic Spark-Shawl
| Steam Factory |
Ranbas | Ancient Hardened Breastplate
| Steam Factory |
Warloxx | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Lonn | Ancient Velvet Pantaloons
| Steam Factory |
Pharren | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pharren | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Mamael | Glowing Facemask of Mending
| Steam Factory |
Skhull | Visage of the Grand Engineer
| Steam Factory |
Albur | Ancient Husk Armwraps
| Steam Factory |
Vuncar | Ancient Husk Armwraps
| Steam Factory |
2008-04-01 |
Merci | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Skex | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Dethmettal | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Diamonde | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Silmare | Steam-Honed Impaler
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Engell | Steam-Honed Impaler
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Merci | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tyreel | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Deadlx | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Corboy | Razor-Sharp Speedblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Insanekitty | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vehn | Fabled Stone of Flowing Time
| Plane of Time |
Skhull | Fabled Earthen Bracer of Fortitude
| Plane of Time |
Rezzya | Fabled Earthen Bracer of Fortitude
| Plane of Time |
Beour | Fabled Earring of Celestial Energy
| Plane of Time |
Raskas | Fabled Shield of Strife
| Plane of Time |
2008-03-31 |
Spriite | Fabled Celestial Cloak
| Plane of Time |
Mencius | Fabled Belt of Tidal Energy
| Plane of Time |
Trevan | Fabled Helm of Flowing Time
| Plane of Time |
Pharren | Fabled Cloak of the Falling Skies
| Plane of Time |
Kalola | Fabled Armguards of the Brute
| Plane of Time |
Boulderbane | Fabled Runewarded Belt
| Plane of Time |
2008-03-30 |
Merci | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Lucid | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Boulderbane | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Diamonde | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Dethmettal | Steam-Valve Girdle
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sweetevill | Alloy-Coated Back Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-03-27 |
Arthegorn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Arthegorn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Demeraudes | Ancient Hardened Breastplate
| Steam Factory |
Vuncar | Ancient Husk Cowl
| Steam Factory |
Raskas | Slick Oil-Ring of Protection
| Steam Factory |
Dethmettal | Shimmering Pearlescent Earstud
| Steam Factory |
Arthegorn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Annubisx | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Evernicus | Ancient Scaled Coat
| Steam Factory |
Daul | Ancient Scaled Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Cbus | Metallic Spark-Shawl
| Steam Factory |
Deadlx | Power-Infused Steamcleaver
| Steam Factory |
Arthegorn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Zama | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Daul | Ancient Scaled Coat
| Steam Factory |
Cbus | Ancient Velvet Sleeves
| Steam Factory |
Cbus | Winged Gem of Command
| Steam Factory |
Boxes | Jagged Alloy Repeato-Shiv
| Steam Factory |
2008-03-26 |
Frogdorr | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Frogdorr | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Silmare | Fabled Earthen Bile
| Plane of Earth B |
Esero | Fabled Earthen Bile
| Plane of Earth B |
Frogdorr | Fabled Chestguard of Enchanted Marble
| Plane of Earth B |
Frogdorr | Fabled Bands of Earthen Energy
| Plane of Earth B |
Demeraudes | Fabled Bands of Earthen Energy
| Plane of Earth B |
2008-03-25 |
Voight | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kulzip | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Drachnyen | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Boulderbane | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Skhull | Reflective Gem of Communication
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Qwenya | Tiny Tinkermusic Box-o-Matic
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Qwenya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Cbus | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pharren | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Insanekitty | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Merci | Ring of Molten Alloy
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Skhull | Chain-Powered Longcutter
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-03-24 |
Tyreel | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kumulas | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Lonn | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Jennre | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Boulderbane | Impromptu Body Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Amazone | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Merci | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kulzip | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Deadlx | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Poohjure | Steamgineer's Trinket of Station
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Somlamda | Cruel Mechanic's Shawl
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Zykon | Fabled Silver Hoop of Speed
| Plane of Time |
Zama | Fabled Stone of Flowing Time
| Plane of Time |
Nickii | Fabled Cord of Temporal Weavings
| Plane of Time |
2008-03-22 |
Tado | Fabled Globe of Mystical Protection
| Plane of Time |
Lucid | Fabled Tactician's Shield
| Plane of Time |
Mencius | Fabled Talisman of Tainted Energy
| Plane of Time |
Deadlx | Fabled Runewarded Belt
| Plane of Time |
Kalola | Fabled Chestguard of Enchanted Marble
| Plane of Earth B |
Raskas | Fabled Earthen Bile
| Plane of Earth B |
Boxes | Fabled Earthen Bile
| Plane of Earth B |
Albur | Fabled Bands of Earthen Energy
| Plane of Earth B |
Mamael | Fabled Bands of Earthen Energy
| Plane of Earth B |
Eenadanie | Fabled Bands of Earthen Energy
| Plane of Earth B |
2008-03-19 |
Dethmettal | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Deadlx | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Esero | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Dethmettal | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Boxes | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Boxes | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Qwenya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kumulas | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Jennre | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Diamonde | Gyro Core (gloves)
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Pharren | Oil-Resistant Facemask
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Vehn | Kidney-Removing Autoshank
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Baradd | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Baradd | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tado | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Arthegorn | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Poohjure | Impromptu Body Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Engell | Impromptu Body Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Qwenya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Kumulas | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Somlamda | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Corboy | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Leifelf | Chain-Powered Longcutter
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Xilraazz | Steamwork Engineer's Waistband
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-03-18 |
Qwenya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Baradd | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tado | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Tobynn | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Llayena | Cruel Mechanic's Shawl
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Engell | Steamgineer's Trinket of Station
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-03-17 |
Warloxx | Fabled Puresteel Mantle
| Plane of Air |
Boulderbane | Fabled Puresteel Mantle
| Plane of Air |
Voight | Fabled Xephyrus, Wand of the Flowing Wind
| Plane of Air |
Honch | Fabled Tethered Air Cape
| Plane of Water |
Eenadanie | Fabled Tethered Air Cape
| Plane of Water |
Baradur | Fabled Tethered Air Cape
| Plane of Water |
Albur | Fabled Immaculate Vest of the Fire Tyrant
| Plane of Fire |
Raskas | Fabled Great Mask of Flame
| Plane of Fire |
Arthegorn | Fabled Great Mask of Flame
| Plane of Fire |
Lucid | Fabled Fire Crested Rune
| Plane of Fire |
Ranbas | Fabled Cord of the Pyre
| Plane of Fire |
Rot | Fabled Flame Idol of Ro
| Plane of Fire |
Trevan | Fabled Earthen Bile
| Plane of Earth B |
Rezzya | Fabled Chestguard of Enchanted Marble
| Plane of Earth B |
Feyr | Fabled Sword of Primordial Power
| Plane of Earth B |
Lucid | Fabled Bands of Earthen Energy
| Plane of Earth B |
Euri | Fabled Bands of Earthen Energy
| Plane of Earth B |
Baradur | Fabled Bands of Earthen Energy
| Plane of Earth B |
2008-03-13 |
Skhull | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Diamonde | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Lucid | Orb of Darkness
| Solteris |
Daul | Blade of the Cursed
| Solteris |
Tadaanoo | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Iamiar | Staff of Screaming Souls
| Solteris |
Boxes | Throatslitter
| Solteris |
2008-03-12 |
Qwenya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tyreel | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Drachnyen | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Boulderbane | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Arthegorn | Razor-Sharp Speedblade
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Zykon | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Nickii | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Neddac | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Lucid | Shawl of Arcane Alacrity
| Solteris |
Drachnyen | Tainted Moonstone Shard
| Solteris |
Skhull | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Dethmettal | Smoldering Faceguard of the Fallen
| Solteris |
Amazone | Blessing of Shifting Smoke
| Solteris |
2008-03-11 |
Daul | Steel-Welded Ringmail Gauntlets
| Fortress Mechanotus |
Asheara | Steel-Threaded Satin Gloves
| Fortress Mechanotus |
Kalola | Mantle of Grand Plans
| Fortress Mechanotus |
Dethmettal | Inventor's Jagged Ring
| Fortress Mechanotus |
Kulzip | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Annubisx | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pharren | Ancient Velvet Hat
| Steam Factory |
Baradd | Ancient Husk Cowl
| Steam Factory |
Skhull | Shimmering Pearlescent Earstud
| Steam Factory |
Boxes | Shimmering Pearlescent Earstud
| Steam Factory |
Baradd | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Voight | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Neddac | Ancient Husk Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Jennre | Ancient Hardened Breastplate
| Steam Factory |
Lonn | Metallic Spark-Shawl
| Steam Factory |
Baradd | Metallic Spark-Shawl
| Steam Factory |
Baradd | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Baradd | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kiirryn | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Pouty | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Pharren | Winged Gem of Command
| Steam Factory |
Iamiar | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
2008-03-10 |
Qwenya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tyreel | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Drachnyen | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Boulderbane | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Nizdazen | Steamwork Engineer's Waistband
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Engell | Greasy Steam-Pauldrons
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-03-09 |
Neddac | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Neddac | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Vehn | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Iami | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Kumulas | Cruel Mechanic's Shawl
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Silmare | Steamgineer's Trinket of Station
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-03-08 |
Warloxx | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Nickii | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Amynyea | Staff of the Confidant
| Solteris |
Iami | Totem of Corruption
| Solteris |
Daul | Throatslitter
| Solteris |
Amynyea | Althea's Black Pearl Choker
| Solteris |
2008-03-06 |
Neddac | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Neddac | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Voight | Ancient Velvet Hat
| Steam Factory |
Skhull | Ancient Hardened Breastplate
| Steam Factory |
Drukor | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Flippety | Shimmering Pearlescent Earstud
| Steam Factory |
Somlamda | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Voight | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Esero | Ancient Scaled Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Nickii | Ancient Husk Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Skhull | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Baradd | Battery-Powered Choker
| Steam Factory |
Esero | Jagged Alloy Repeato-Shiv
| Steam Factory |
Somlamda | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Neddac | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Yagher | Ancient Scaled Sleeves
| Steam Factory |
Kalola | Glowing Facemask of Mending
| Steam Factory |
Skhull | Ancient Hardened Vambraces
| Steam Factory |
2008-03-02 |
Qwenya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Qwenya | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Poohjure | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Engell | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Asheara | Steamwork Welder's Multitool
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Corboy | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sweetevill | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Pharren | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Poohjure | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Engell | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Zama | Ring of Molten Alloy
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Neddac | Ring of Molten Alloy
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sweetevill | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Tyreel | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Poohjure | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Engell | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Esero | Sharpened Steamworker's Screwdriver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Insanekitty | Steam-Valve Girdle
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-03-01 |
Feyr | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tado | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Trevan | Ancient Hardened Boots
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Silmare | Steam-Powered Disc of Command
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Nickii | Silvered Earstud of the Sanguine
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Tado | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Tado | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Flippety | Ancient Scaled Wristguard
| Deepscar's Den |
Neddac | Ancient Husk Wristguard
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Voight | Shiny Runed Metallic Cape
| Deepscar's Den |
Rezzya | Claw-Blessed Cloak
| Deepscar's Den |
Feyr | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Rot | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Ranbas | Tempered Steamwound Pummeler
| Steam Factory |
Zykon | Bladetwisting Backplate
| Steam Factory |
Wirehog | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tado | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Opop | Ancient Husk Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Baradd | Ancient Husk Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Nardir | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Gugmol | Power-Infused Steamcleaver
| Steam Factory |
Wirehog | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tado | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Pouty | Ancient Husk Armwraps
| Steam Factory |
Crazy | Ancient Husk Armwraps
| Steam Factory |
Opop | Glowing Facemask of Mending
| Steam Factory |
Kuroiokami | Jagged Alloy Repeato-Shiv
| Steam Factory |
2008-02-26 |
Nickii | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Nickii | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Neddac | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Nickii | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Iami | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Iami | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Sweetevill | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Neddac | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Nizdazen | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Zama | Gyro Core (hat)
| SoF |
Pouty | Steam-Mechanic's Faceguard
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Tyreel | Jingling Alloy Loop
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Sweetevill | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Zama | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tado | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Flippety | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Trevan | Chain-Powered Longcutter
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Iami | Steam-Honed Impaler
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Zama | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kumulas | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Drachnyen | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Neddac | Alloy-Coated Back Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Canium | Steamgineer's Trinket of Station
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-02-25 |
Esero | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Boxes | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Neddac | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Dethmettal | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Skhull | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Leifelf | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Iami | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Rymok | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Zykon | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Trevan | 150 Phosphenes (spell)
| Solteris |
Merci | 75 Phosphenes (spell)
| Solteris |
2008-02-24 |
Voight | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Jennre | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Trevan | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Skhull | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Llayena | Belt of the Faithful Guard
| Solteris |
Leifelf | Fang of the Fallen God
| Solteris |
Feyr | Dark Runed Belt
| Solteris |
Iami | Blade of Pure Light
| Solteris |
Leifelf | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Boulderbane | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Opop | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Cbus | Firedancer's Hoop of Power
| Solteris |
Kuroiokami | Enchanted Firethrower of Speeds
| Solteris |
Yagher | Transient Bow of Solar Winds
| Solteris |
Drukor | Crystal Amulet of the Seer
| Solteris |
Opop | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Boxes | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Drukor | Glowing Ring of the Pristine Moon
| Solteris |
Zykon | Sharpened Talons of the Lycanthrope
| Solteris |
Kuroiokami | Shoulderpads of the Firewalker
| Solteris |
Kulzip | Firekissed Hoop of the Titan
| Solteris |
2008-02-23 |
Opop | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Boxes | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Cbus | Spike Covered Loop
| Solteris |
Skhull | Buckler of Corruption
| Solteris |
Zergladian | Bloodstained Ak-Daal Blade
| Solteris |
Skex | Polished Fang-Guard
| Solteris |
Trevan | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Raskas | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Kumulas | Ancient Velvet Robe
| Steam Factory |
Kalola | Ancient Hardened Helm
| Steam Factory |
Boulderbane | Slick Oil-Ring of Protection
| Steam Factory |
Trevan | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Raskas | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Rymok | Benevolent Mender's Mantle
| Steam Factory |
Boxes | Ancient Scaled Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Wirehog | Metallic Spark-Shawl
| Steam Factory |
Nizdazen | Ancient Velvet Robe
| Steam Factory |
Wirehog | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kulzip | Ancient Velvet Sleeves
| Steam Factory |
Opop | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Skhull | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
Baradd | Glowing Facemask of Mending
| Steam Factory |
2008-02-21 |
Trevan | 100 Phosphenes (spell)
| Solteris |
Trevan | 50 Phosphenes (spell)
| Solteris |
Insanekitty | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Neddac | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Zykon | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Iami | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Drukor | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Boxes | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Pharren | 150 Phosphenes (spell)
| Solteris |
Tobynn | 75 Phosphenes (spell)
| Solteris |
Raskas | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Gugmol | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Zama | Alloy-Coated Back Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Itek | Alloy-Coated Back Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-02-20 |
Wirehog | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Feyr | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Boulderbane | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Diamonde | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Corboy | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Zykon | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Kulzip | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Jennre | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Jairee | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
2008-02-19 |
Wirehog | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Zama | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Llayena | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Qwenya | Ring of Molten Alloy
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Amazone | Steam-Honed Impaler
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-02-18 |
Kumulas | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Euri | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Tadaanoo | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Rot | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Trevan | Shield of Solteris
| Solteris |
Xilraazz | Stone of Dark Tidings
| Solteris |
Zama | Fang of the Fallen God
| Solteris |
Chera | Cloak of the Sun God
| Solteris |
Euri | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Boulderbane | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Mencius | Enchanted Firethrower of Speeds
| Solteris |
Chera | Incantators Hammer
| Solteris |
2008-02-17 |
Skex | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Merci | Silver Earring of Ephemeral Healing
| Solteris |
Raskas | Glowing Orb of Temporal Stasis
| Solteris |
Rizkul | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Esero | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Kalola | Tatooed Hide of the Beast
| Solteris |
Zykon | Earring of the Howling Moon
| Solteris |
Kuroiokami | Band of Endless Fire
| Solteris |
Cbus | Firekissed Hoop of the Titan
| Solteris |
Kuroiokami | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Esero | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Baradd | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Kumulas | Orb of Darkness
| Solteris |
Chera | Gorget of Corruption
| Solteris |
Rot | Staff of Screaming Souls
| Solteris |
Dethmettal | Diary of Jealous Loathing
| Solteris |
Mencius | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Wirehog | Shiny Runed Metallic Cape
| Deepscar's Den |
Rymok | Shiny Runed Metallic Cape
| Deepscar's Den |
Deadlx | Ancient Hardened Bracer
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Baradur | Ancient Hardened Bracer
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
2008-02-16 |
Xilraazz | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Silmare | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Mencius | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Annubisx | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Gugmol | Steam-Valve Girdle
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Dethmettal | Sharpened Steamworker's Screwdriver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-02-13 |
Tobynn | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Spriite | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Skex | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Mencius | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Annubisx | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Chera | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Wirehog | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Kuroiokami | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Frogdorr | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Diamonde | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Insanekitty | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Zykon | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Gugmol | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
2008-02-12 |
Voight | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Arthegorn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Arthegorn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Drukor | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Spriite | Prismatic Faycite
| SoF |
Raskas | Chain-Powered Longcutter
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Insanekitty | Steam-Honed Impaler
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-02-11 |
Zama | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Amazone | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Sweetevill | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Alloy-Coated Back Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Wirehog | Sharpened Steamworker's Screwdriver
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-02-10 |
Tobynn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Skex | Ancient Scaled Coif
| Steam Factory |
Yagher | Ancient Scaled Coif
| Steam Factory |
Nickii | Shimmering Pearlescent Earstud
| Steam Factory |
Silmare | Slick Oil-Ring of Protection
| Steam Factory |
Tobynn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Raskas | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Zykon | Ancient Husk Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Trevan | Ancient Hardened Greaves
| Steam Factory |
Voight | Metallic Spark-Shawl
| Steam Factory |
Kulzip | Metallic Spark-Shawl
| Steam Factory |
Raskas | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Thakisiss | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
Zykon | Ancient Husk Armwraps
| Steam Factory |
Baradd | Ancient Husk Armwraps
| Steam Factory |
Illiana | Glowing Facemask of Mending
| Steam Factory |
Mencius | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Corboy | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Arthegorn | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Crazy | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Drukor | A Drop of Sunlight
| Solteris |
Tyreel | Battle Torn Cloak
| Solteris |
Boxes | Dagger of Insanity
| Solteris |
Pouty | Ball of Sunlight
| Solteris |
2008-02-09 |
Illiana | Crystal Amulet of the Seer
| Solteris |
Drachnyen | Tainted Sun Forged Hoop
| Solteris |
Mencius | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Corboy | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Tadaanoo | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Voight | Firedancer's Hoop of Power
| Solteris |
Qwenya | Enchanted Firethrower of Speeds
| Solteris |
Spriite | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Drachnyen | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Gugmol | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Opop | Tatooed Hide of the Beast
| Solteris |
Wirehog | Earring of the Howling Moon
| Solteris |
Kuroiokami | Firekissed Hoop of the Titan
| Solteris |
Arthegorn | Band of Endless Fire
| Solteris |
Jericanna | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Spriite | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Iami | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Frogdorr | Gorget of Corruption
| Solteris |
Cbus | Orb of Darkness
| Solteris |
Yagher | Cryptwood Truncheon
| Solteris |
Cbus | Althea's Black Pearl Choker
| Solteris |
2008-02-05 |
Sweetevill | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Nizdazen | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Tobynn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Spriite | Gyro Core (arms)
| SoF |
Flippety | Steamwork Engineer's Waistband
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Silmare | Chain-Powered Longcutter
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-02-04 |
Sweetevill | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Canium | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Tobynn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Tobynn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Llayena | Alloy-Coated Back Protector
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Insanekitty | Steamgineer's Trinket of Station
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-02-02 |
Voight | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Mencius | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Euri | Ancient Hardened Helm
| Steam Factory |
Zykon | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Chera | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Boulderbane | Bladetwisting Backplate
| Steam Factory |
Nizdazen | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Frogdorr | Ancient Hardened Greaves
| Steam Factory |
Wirehog | Ancient Husk Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Opop | Benevolent Mender's Mantle
| Steam Factory |
Drachnyen | Power-Infused Steamcleaver
| Steam Factory |
Nizdazen | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Pharren | Ancient Velvet Robe
| Steam Factory |
Diamonde | Jagged Alloy Repeato-Shiv
| Steam Factory |
Jennre | Ancient Hardened Vambraces
| Steam Factory |
Kulzip | Visage of the Grand Engineer
| Steam Factory |
2008-01-27 |
Jericanna | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Amazone | Silvered Earstud of the Sanguine
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Cbus | Ancient Velvet Slippers
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Jericanna | Ancient Husk Wristguard
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Gugmol | Coilsteam Mechanomantle
| Tinmizers Wunderwerks |
Jericanna | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Jericanna | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Corboy | Deepscar Painsmasher
| Deepscar's Den |
Wirehog | Ancient Husk Wristguard
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Cbus | Ancient Velvet Wristband
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Cbus | Claw-Sigiled Waistloop
| Deepscar's Den |
Beour | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Beour | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kulzip | Ancient Velvet Hat
| Steam Factory |
Trevan | Ancient Hardened Helm
| Steam Factory |
Tadaanoo | Slick Oil-Ring of Protection
| Steam Factory |
Deadlx | Slick Oil-Ring of Protection
| Steam Factory |
Beour | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Benevolent Mender's Mantle
| Steam Factory |
Leifelf | Ancient Scaled Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Feyr | Ancient Hardened Greaves
| Steam Factory |
Xilraazz | Battery-Powered Choker
| Steam Factory |
Chera | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Slayerxx | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
Nardir | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
Cbus | Ancient Velvet Robe
| Steam Factory |
Wirehog | Ancient Husk Armwraps
| Steam Factory |
2008-01-24 |
Somlamda | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Beour | Gyro Core (boots)
| SoF |
Mencius | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Illiana | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Diamonde | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Rezzya | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Spriite | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Spriite | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Poohjure | Steam-Valve Girdle
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Engell | Steam-Valve Girdle
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
2008-01-22 |
Vehn | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Annubisx | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Tobynn | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Chera | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Sweetevill | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Tado | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Skex | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Gugmol | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Catrielle | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Leifelf | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Drukor | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Neddac | Steel-Studded Leather Gloves
| Fortress Mechanotus |
Cbus | Inventor's Jagged Ring
| Fortress Mechanotus |
Jericanna | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Arthegorn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Spriite | Shiny Runed Metallic Cape
| Deepscar's Den |
Wirehog | Deepscar Painsmasher
| Deepscar's Den |
Kulzip | Ancient Velvet Gloves
| Deepscar's Den |
Euri | Ancient Hardened Gauntlets
| Deepscar's Den |
2008-01-21 |
Drachnyen | Steam-Powered Disc of Command
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Beour | Clockwork Medic's Defibrillator
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Neddac | Ancient Husk Boots
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Jennre | Ancient Hardened Boots
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Qwenya | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Amazone | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Leifelf | Shield of Solteris
| Solteris |
Kulzip | Cord of Dark Bindings
| Solteris |
Engell | Cloak of Solteris
| Solteris |
Pouty | Fang of the Fallen God
| Solteris |
Poohjure | Tainted Sun Forged Hoop
| Solteris |
Zykon | Twisted Staff of Temporal Paradox
| Solteris |
2008-01-20 |
Baradd | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Leifelf | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Corboy | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Xilraazz | Amice of Wurine Regeneration
| Solteris |
Boulderbane | Tainted Moonstone Shard
| Solteris |
Wirehog | Smoldering Faceguard of the Fallen
| Solteris |
Tobynn | Blessing of Shifting Smoke
| Solteris |
Leifelf | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Corboy | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Gugmol | Lochmaul Band
| Solteris |
Neddac | Gorget of Corruption
| Solteris |
Leifelf | Staff of Screaming Souls
| Solteris |
Paat | Throatslitter
| Solteris |
2008-01-19 |
Trevan | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Silmare | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Mencius | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Kuroiokami | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Diamonde | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Rezzya | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Corboy | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Leifelf | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Beour | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Gugmol | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Catrielle | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Zama | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Voight | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Spriite | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Merci | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Crazy | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Sasha | Ancient Velvet Robe
| Steam Factory |
Poohjure | Bladetwisting Backplate
| Steam Factory |
Gugmol | Shimmering Pearlescent Earstud
| Steam Factory |
Merci | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Merci | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sliice | Ancient Scaled Coat
| Steam Factory |
Pharren | Ancient Velvet Pantaloons
| Steam Factory |
Euri | Benevolent Mender's Mantle
| Steam Factory |
Boulderbane | Power-Infused Steamcleaver
| Steam Factory |
Corboy | Jagged Alloy Repeato-Shiv
| Steam Factory |
Merci | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Rot | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
Iami | Ancient Scaled Sleeves
| Steam Factory |
Insanekitty | Ancient Scaled Sleeves
| Steam Factory |
Neddac | Steel-Studded Leather Wristguard
| Steam Factory |
Crazy | Glittering Gem of Focus
| Fortress Mechanotus |
2008-01-17 |
Merci | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Nickii | Deepscar Painsmasher
| Deepscar's Den |
Poohjure | Dragonscar Facemask
| Deepscar's Den |
Jennre | Ancient Hardened Gauntlets
| Deepscar's Den |
Frogdorr | Ancient Hardened Bracer
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Rezzya | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Kumulas | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Leifelf | Champions Band of Magma
| Solteris |
Kulzip | Firedancers Hoop of Power
| Solteris |
2008-01-16 |
Itek | Crystal Amulet of the Seer
| Solteris |
Sweetevill | Diamond Ring of Planar Health
| Solteris |
2008-01-15 |
Merci | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Drukor | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Skex | Ancient Scaled Wristguard
| Deepscar's Den |
Insanekitty | Silvered Earstud of the Sanguine
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Frogdorr | Mantle of Grand Plans
| Fortress Mechanotus |
Crazy | Steel-Studded Leather Gloves
| Fortress Mechanotus |
2008-01-14 |
Raskas | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Engell | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Voight | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Illiana | A Drop of Sunlight
| Solteris |
Jennre | Dagger of Insanity
| Solteris |
Trevan | Woven Cloak of Darkest Night
| Solteris |
Canium | Lance of Solteris
| Solteris |
Rezzya | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Kumulas | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Sweetevill | Dark Visor of Necrotic Essence
| Solteris |
Jairee | Tatooed Hide of the Beast
| Solteris |
Llayena | Band of Endless Fire
| Solteris |
Chera | Firekissed Hoop of the Titan
| Solteris |
2008-01-13 |
Somlamda | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Freekout | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Jericanna | Earring of Mayong's Faithful
| Solteris |
Everyrose | Blade of the Cursed
| Solteris |
Zama | Haraibou of Screaming Souls
| Solteris |
Crazy | Cryptwood Truncheon
| Solteris |
Tobynn | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Jericanna | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Qwenya | Ancient Hardened Breastplate
| Steam Factory |
Pharren | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Drukor | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Boulderbane | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Yagher | Ancient Scaled Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Illiana | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Feyr | Ancient Scaled Sleeves
| Steam Factory |
Rot | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
2008-01-12 |
Flippety | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sweetevill | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Sasha | Claw-Sigiled Waistloop
| Deepscar's Den |
Frogdorr | Ancient Hardened Bracer
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Sliice | Steel-Welded Ringmail Wristguard
| Fortress Mechanotus |
Everyrose | Loop of Cruel Ingenuity
| Fortress Mechanotus |
2008-01-10 |
Qwenya | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Freekout | Steam-Powered Disc of Command
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Kulzip | Ancient Velvet Slippers
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Boulderbane | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Jennre | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Engell | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Chera | Enchanted Firethrower of Speeds
| Solteris |
Tyreel | Firedancers Hoop of Power
| Solteris |
Insanekitty | Jagged Ring of the Bloodeye
| Solteris |
Flippety | Crystal Amulet of the Seer
| Solteris |
2008-01-09 |
Regilag | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Raskas | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Merci | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Jairee | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Somlamda | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Jennre | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Tobynn | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Gugmol | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Drukor | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Leifelf | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Zama | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Xilraazz | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Beour | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Gugmol | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Boulderbane | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Valcrist | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Mencius | Cord of Dark Bindings
| Solteris |
Silmare | Shield of Solteris
| Solteris |
Qwenya | Belt of the Faithful Guard
| Solteris |
Raskas | Pike of the Vampire God
| Solteris |
Jairee | Glittering Gem of Focus
| Fortress Mechanotus |
Sasha | Steel-Threaded Satin Gloves
| Fortress Mechanotus |
2008-01-08 |
Zykon | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Mencius | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Voight | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Regilag | Earring of the Howling Moon
| Solteris |
Raskas | Tainted Moonstone Shard
| Solteris |
Tado | Pulsating Beacon of Fire
| Solteris |
Zama | Fiery Dirk of Sacrifice
| Solteris |
Zykon | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Kumulas | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Skex | Blade of the Cursed
| Solteris |
Diamonde | Totem of Corruption
| Solteris |
Boulderbane | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Slayerxx | Bloodstained Ak-Daal Blade
| Solteris |
Xilraazz | Haraibou of Screaming Souls
| Solteris |
Qwenya | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Qwenya | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Neddac | Ancient Husk Tunic
| Steam Factory |
Mencius | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Flippety | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Qwenya | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Pouty | Ancient Husk Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Trevan | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Flippety | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Rezzya | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Freekout | Ancient Hardened Vambraces
| Steam Factory |
Tado | Winged Gem of Command
| Steam Factory |
2008-01-07 |
Qwenya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Flippety | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sasha | Ancient Velvet Wristband
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Kuroiokami | Claw-Sigiled Waistloop
| Deepscar's Den |
2008-01-06 |
Xilraazz | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Adamkadmon | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Kulzip | Steel-Threaded Satin Pantaloons
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Gugmol | Ticka, Greatblade of the Ravager
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Freekout | Mantle of Grand Plans
| Fortress Mechanotus |
Itek | Steel-Welded Plate Gauntlets
| Fortress Mechanotus |
2008-01-05 |
Rezzya | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Flippety | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Silmare | Linked Cloak of Bladeturning
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Insanekitty | Ancient Scaled Wristguard
| Deepscar's Den |
Rten | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Ohlook | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Qwenya | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Vehn | Burning Neckguard of the Titan
| Solteris |
Engell | Sparking Short Sword of Magma
| Solteris |
Diamonde | Glowing Orb of Temporal Stasis
| Solteris |
Xilraazz | Diamond Ring of Planar Health
| Solteris |
2008-01-03 |
Somlamda | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Poohjure | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Gugmol | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Vehn | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Trevan | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Llayena | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Corboy | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Canium | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Drukor | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Amazone | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Insanekitty | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Voight | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Qwenya | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Feyr | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Drukor | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Chera | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Adamkadmon | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Xilraazz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Qwenya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Neddac | Ancient Husk Cowl
| Steam Factory |
Tobynn | Filigreed Starburst Stud
| Steam Factory |
Rezzya | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Poohjure | Power-Infused Steamcleaver
| Steam Factory |
Regilag | Ancient Scaled Leggings
| Steam Factory |
Regilag | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Ohlook | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Pharren | Ancient Velvet Sleeves
| Steam Factory |
Voight | Winged Gem of Command
| Steam Factory |
2008-01-02 |
Poohjure | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Insanekitty | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Leifelf | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Boulderbane | Blade of Pure Light
| Solteris |
Amazone | Girdle of Solusek Ro
| Solteris |
Voight | Cord of Dark Bindings
| Solteris |
Corboy | Fang of the Fallen God
| Solteris |
2008-01-01 |
Ohlook | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Engell | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Ashlen | Sun Tempered Lunar Blade
| Solteris |
Jennre | Earring of the Howling Moon
| Solteris |
Buni | Great Axe of Twin Flames
| Solteris |
Kulzip | Band of Endless Fire
| Solteris |
Nurmall | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Neddac | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Zykon | Totem of Corruption
| Solteris |
Zama | Gorget of Corruption
| Solteris |
Raszerkx | Bloodstained Ak-Daal Blade
| Solteris |
Corboy | Polished Fang-Guard
| Solteris |
2007-12-29 |
Raskas | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Poohjure | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Lonn | Enchanted Firethrower of Speeds
| Solteris |
Flippety | Bulwark of the Firebringer
| Solteris |
Rowen | Black Dirk of Shrouded Fate
| Solteris |
Zama | Diamond Ring of Planar Health
| Solteris |
2007-12-27 |
Euri | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Drukor | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Boulderbane | Runed Lance of the Midnight Sky
| Solteris |
Adamkadmon | Dark Visor of Necrotic Essence
| Solteris |
Amynyea | Pulsating Beacon of Fire
| Solteris |
Yagher | Smoldering Jagged Longsword
| Solteris |
Silmare | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Drukor | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Euri | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Gugmol | Blade of the Cursed
| Solteris |
Kulzip | Earring of Mayong's Faithful
| Solteris |
Paat | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Shaadowzs | Throatslitter
| Solteris |
Wirehog | Staff of Screaming Souls
| Solteris |
2007-12-23 |
Voight | Steel-Threaded Satin Hat
| Loping Plains |
Sliice | Choker of Untold Pain
| Loping Plains |
2007-12-22 |
Syndell | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Mencius | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Zykon | Staff of the Invaders
| Solteris |
Wirehog | Spike Covered Loop
| Solteris |
Gugmol | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Zykon | Brenda's Lavender Cinch
| Solteris |
Lonn | Althea's Black Pearl Choker
| Solteris |
2007-12-20 |
Zama | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Xilraazz | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Flippety | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Engell | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Tado | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Jericanna | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Arthegorn | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Tobynn | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Regilag | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Mencius | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Insanekitty | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Neddac | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Neddac | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Valthonz | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Neddac | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Neddac | Iceweave Cloak of Blackest Night
| Frostcrypt |
Neddac | Engraved Petrified Figurine
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Somlamda | Illegible Diary of Lorekeeper Baeldon
| Valdeholm |
Rot | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Rezzya | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Poohjure | Shaped Turquoise Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Valthonz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Valthonz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Valthonz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Valthonz | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Insanekitty | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Aspena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aspena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aspena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aspena | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Pharren | Fragment of Corrupted Ice
| Frostcrypt |
2007-12-19 |
Xilraazz | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Adamkadmon | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Feyr | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Merci | Cloak of the Sun God
| Solteris |
Diamonde | Dagger of Insanity
| Solteris |
Raskas | Dark Runed Belt
| Solteris |
Canium | Ring of Pure Light
| Solteris |
2007-12-18 |
Xilraazz | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Insanekitty | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Kuroiokami | Burning Neckguard of the Titan
| Solteris |
Kumulas | Bulwark of the Firebringer
| Solteris |
Xanathol | Tainted Sun Forged Hoop
| Solteris |
Ohlook | Black Dirk of Shrouded Fate
| Solteris |
2007-12-17 |
Annubisx | Blessing of Shifting Smoke
| Solteris |
Tornt | Pulsating Beacon of Fire
| Solteris |
Amynyea | Shawl of Arcane Alacrity
| Solteris |
Xilraazz | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Insanekitty | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Yagher | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Trevan | Tainted Moonstone Shard
| Solteris |
Xilraazz | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Docktor | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Xanathol | Buckler of Corruption
| Solteris |
Kulzip | Orb of Darkness
| Solteris |
Slayerxx | Staff of Screaming Souls
| Solteris |
Voight | Brenda's Lavender Cinch
| Solteris |
2007-12-16 |
Adamkadmon | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Spriite | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Kulzip | Ancient Velvet Wristband
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Diamonde | Coilsteam Mechanomantle
| Tinmizers Wunderwerks |
2007-12-15 |
Beour | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Beour | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Trevan | Slick Oil-Ring of Protection
| Steam Factory |
Insanekitty | Ancient Scaled Coat
| Steam Factory |
Spriite | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Beour | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Glowing Facemask of Mending
| Steam Factory |
Kulzip | Ancient Velvet Robe
| Steam Factory |
2007-12-13 |
Ohlook | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Merci | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Insanekitty | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Asheara | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Adamkadmon | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Vehn | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Trevan | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Tado | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Gugmol | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Xanathol | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Kulzip | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Jairee | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Engell | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Voight | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Beour | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Adamkadmon | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Leifelf | Bloodrime Pauldrons
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Jennre | Steel-Welded Plate Breastplate
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Slayerxx | Steel-Welded Plate Bracer
| Fortress Mechanotus |
Jennre | Inventor's Jagged Ring
| Fortress Mechanotus |
Llayena | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Llayena | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Raskas | Industrial Tinkered Drillbore
| Steam Factory |
Syndell | Ancient Hardened Greaves
| Steam Factory |
2007-12-12 |
Engell | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Boulderbane | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Sweetevill | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Regilag | Corrupted Spectral Shoulderguards
| Crypt of Shade |
Zama | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Llayena | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Jericanna | Regenerator's Earring
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Voight | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Sweetevill | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Gugmol | Sinew-Wrapped Ballista
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Zama | Steel-Welded Ringmail Leggings
| Bloodmoon Keep |
2007-12-11 |
Pouty | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Chera | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Voight | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Rten | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Spriite | Stone of Dark Tidings
| Solteris |
Insanekitty | Orb of Striking
| Solteris |
Drachnyen | Girdle of Solusek Ro
| Solteris |
Amazone | Blade of Pure Light
| Solteris |
Silmare | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Engell | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Adamkadmon | Earring of Mayong's Faithful
| Solteris |
Rezzya | Gorget of Corruption
| Solteris |
Trevan | Cryptwood Truncheon
| Solteris |
Jennre | Polished Fang-Guard
| Solteris |
2007-12-10 |
Regilag | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Pouty | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Boulderbane | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Raskas | Firetooth Necklace of the Below
| Solteris |
Pharren | Firedancers Hoop of Power
| Solteris |
Gugmol | Tainted Sun Forged Hoop
| Solteris |
Merci | Crystal Amulet of the Seer
| Solteris |
Raskas | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Pouty | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Kuroiokami | Earring of the Howling Moon
| Solteris |
Xanathol | Sun Tempered Lunar Blade
| Solteris |
Feyr | Smoldering Jagged Longsword
| Solteris |
Illiana | Band of Endless Fire
| Solteris |
2007-12-09 |
Rezzya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Adamkadmon | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Shiny Runed Metallic Cape
| Deepscar's Den |
Kumulas | Ancient Velvet Gloves
| Deepscar's Den |
Xilraazz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sweetevill | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Jennre | Steam-Powered Disc of Command
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Pharren | Ancient Velvet Wristband
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Sweetevill | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sweetevill | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Drachnyen | Tempered Steamwound Pummeler
| Steam Factory |
Regilag | Ancient Scaled Coif
| Steam Factory |
Sweetevill | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sweetevill | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Beour | Ancient Hardened Breastplate
| Steam Factory |
2007-12-08 |
Xilraazz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Nizdazen | Ancient Velvet Pantaloons
| Steam Factory |
Raskas | Metallic Spark-Shawl
| Steam Factory |
2007-12-07 |
Rot | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
2007-12-06 |
Chera | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Pouty | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Drachnyen | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Gugmol | Staff of the Invaders
| Solteris |
Mencius | Earring of Mayong's Faithful
| Solteris |
Regilag | Staff of Screaming Souls
| Solteris |
Tyreel | Diary of Jealous Loathing
| Solteris |
Llayena | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Sweetevill | Glowing Prismatic Rune
| SoF |
Itek | Dark Redeemer's Bludgeon
| Crypt of Shade |
2007-12-05 |
Drachnyen | Gyro Core (bracer)
| SoF |
Beour | Raknos' Lost Fang
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Llayena | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Llayena | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Silmare | Necklace of the High Moon
| Bloodmoon Keep |
2007-12-04 |
Nizdazen | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Beour | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Feyr | Bloodrime Pauldrons
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Leifelf | Steel-Welded Plate Breastplate
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Rezzya | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Adamkadmon | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Jairee | Steel-Welded Ringmail Leggings
| Bloodmoon Keep |
Ohlook | Shroud of the Moonlight Curse
| Bloodmoon Keep |
2007-12-03 |
Rot | Steel-Threaded Satin Gloves
| Fortress Mechanotus |
Syndell | Crushing Demolisher
| Fortress Mechanotus |
Drukor | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Syndell | Ancient Hardened Bracer
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Canium | Linked Cloak of Bladeturning
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Kuroiokami | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Diamonde | 700 Phosphenes (chest)
| Solteris |
Engell | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Voight | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Mencius | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Jennre | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Llayena | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Regilag | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Vulgore | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Silmare | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Vehn | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Merci | A Pristine Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Poohjure | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Tado | Ring of Pure Light
| Solteris |
Kumulas | Battle Torn Cloak
| Solteris |
Sweetevill | Belt of the Faithful Guard
| Solteris |
Kuroiokami | Dagger of Insanity
| Solteris |
2007-12-02 |
Itek | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Beour | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Nizdazen | Ancient Velvet Hat
| Steam Factory |
Leifelf | Tempered Steamwound Pummeler
| Steam Factory |
Qwenya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Itek | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Boulderbane | Dragonscar Facemask
| Deepscar's Den |
Leifelf | Ancient Hardened Gauntlets
| Deepscar's Den |
2007-12-01 |
Osidious | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Flippety | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Gugmol | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Insanekitty | Enchanted Firethrower of Speeds
| Solteris |
Rezzya | Incantators Hammer
| Solteris |
2007-11-30 |
Somlamda | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Merci | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Mencius | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Jericanna | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Kuroiokami | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Amazone | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Adamkadmon | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Xilraazz | Humming Finsternacht Rune
| SoF |
Chera | Ancient Hardened Breastplate
| Steam Factory |
Leifelf | Pneumatic Powerblade
| Steam Factory |
Rezzya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Illiana | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Xanathol | Metallic Spark-Shawl
| Steam Factory |
Vulgore | Ancient Husk Leggings
| Steam Factory |
2007-11-29 |
Raskas | Tainted Sun Forged Hoop
| Solteris |
Noodles | Venomous Fang of the Seer
| Solteris |
Qwenya | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Jennre | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Diamonde | Earring of the Howling Moon
| Solteris |
Canium | Tainted Moonstone Shard
| Solteris |
Flippety | Fiery Dirk of Sacrifice
| Solteris |
Kulzip | Pulsating Beacon of Fire
| Solteris |
Qwenya | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Jennre | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Tyreel | Orb of Darkness
| Solteris |
Zama | Staff of the Confidant
| Solteris |
Ohlook | Brenda's Lavender Cinch
| Solteris |
Thakisiss | Staff of Screaming Souls
| Solteris |
2007-11-28 |
Tericanna | Steel-Studded Leather Gloves
| Fortress Mechanotus |
Kulzip | Mantle of Grand Plans
| Fortress Mechanotus |
2007-11-27 |
Qwenya | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Jericanna | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Itek | Steam-Powered Disc of Command
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Nizdazen | Ancient Velvet Wristband
| Tinmizer's Wunderwerks |
Sweetevill | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Merci | Whirring Clockwork Rune
| SoF |
Zama | Ancient Scaled Wristguard
| Deepscar's Den |
Vulgore | Claw-Blessed Cloak
| Deepscar's Den |
2007-11-26 |
Itek | Ring of the Hard Charger
| Meldrath's Majestic Mansion |
Xilraazz | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Silmare | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Raskas | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Poohjure | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Engell | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Drachnyen | 450 Phosphenes (legs)
| Solteris |
Voight | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Nizdazen | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Arthegorn | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Vulgore | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Vehn | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Trevan | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Chera | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Kulzip | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Jericanna | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Canium | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Tado | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Regilag | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Merci | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Llayena | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Amazone | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
2007-11-25 |
Vehn | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Rezzya | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Tado | Firedancers Hoop of Power
| Solteris |
Jairee | Firetooth Necklace of the Below
| Solteris |
2007-11-24 |
Feyr | Transient Bow of Solar Winds
| Solteris |
Pouty | Twisted Staff of Temporal Paradox
| Solteris |
Gugmol | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Gazz | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Chera | Dark Visor of Necrotic Essence
| Solteris |
Pouty | Sharpened Talons of the Lycanthrope
| Solteris |
Rten | Faceted Sunshard
| Solteris |
Leifelf | Smoldering Faceguard of the Fallen
| Solteris |
Nizdazen | Firekissed Hoop of the Titan
| Solteris |
Gugmol | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Gazz | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Kulzip | Staff of the Confidant
| Solteris |
Tadaanoo | Totem of Corruption
| Solteris |
Zama | Brenda's Lavender Cinch
| Solteris |
Llayena | Haraibou of Screaming Souls
| Solteris |
2007-11-21 |
Feyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Feyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Feyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Durdulaf | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Jennre | Etched Obsidian Shard
| Frostcrypt |
Feyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Feyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Leifelf | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Leifelf | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Crazy | Frostwoven Platinum Band
| Frostcrypt |
Kulzip | Iceweave Cloak of Blackest Night
| Frostcrypt |
Leifelf | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Leifelf | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Leifelf | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Boulderbane | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Leifelf | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Leifelf | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Leifelf | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Leifelf | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Vulgore | Etched Obsidian Shard
| Frostcrypt |
Leifelf | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Leifelf | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Leifelf | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Leifelf | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Chera | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
2007-11-19 |
Rten | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Chera | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Spriite | Bulwark of the Firebringer
| Solteris |
Pouty | Burning Neckguard of the Titan
| Solteris |
Amazone | Jagged Ring of the Bloodeye
| Solteris |
Adamkadmon | Crystal Amulet of the Seer
| Solteris |
Poohjure | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Flippety | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Xydel | Sharpened Talons of the Lycanthrope
| Solteris |
Xanathol | Earring of the Howling Moon
| Solteris |
Syndell | Smoldering Faceguard of the Fallen
| Solteris |
Mencius | Fiery Dirk of Sacrifice
| Solteris |
Raskas | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Flippety | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Regilag | Blade of the Cursed
| Solteris |
Tyreel | Earring of Mayong's Faithful
| Solteris |
Kulzip | Althea's Black Pearl Choker
| Solteris |
Jairee | Diary of Jealous Loathing
| Solteris |
2007-11-12 |
Xilraazz | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Vulgore | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Regilag | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Pharren | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Adamkadmon | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Spriite | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Rezzya | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Llayena | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Jericanna | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Flippety | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Drachnyen | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Chera | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Canium | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Amazone | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Insanekitty | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Osidious | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Nizdazen | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Merci | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Kuroiokami | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Rten | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Illiana | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Diamonde | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Corboy | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Zama | 50 Phosphenes (spell)
| Solteris |
Voight | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Noodles | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Mencius | Bulwark of the Firebringer
| Solteris |
Silmare | Champions Band of Magma
| Solteris |
2007-11-11 |
Boulderbane | Tainted Sun Forged Hoop
| Solteris |
Pouty | Glowing Orb of Temporal Stasis
| Solteris |
2007-11-10 |
Regilag | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Chera | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Tyreel | Shawl of Arcane Alacrity
| Solteris |
Trevan | Sun Tempered Lunar Blade
| Solteris |
Voight | Pulsating Beacon of Fire
| Solteris |
Jairee | Smoldering Jagged Longsword
| Solteris |
Regilag | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Chera | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Voight | Spike Covered Loop
| Solteris |
Pharren | Buckler of Corruption
| Solteris |
Kulzip | Brenda's Lavender Cinch
| Solteris |
Sweetevill | Christine's Engagement Ring
| Solteris |
2007-11-07 |
Merci | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Itek | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Corboy | Enchanted Firethrower of Speeds
| Solteris |
Valcrist | Burning Mace of Judgement
| Solteris |
2007-11-06 |
Rezzya | Silver Earring of Ephemeral Healing
| Solteris |
Vehn | Glowing Orb of Temporal Stasis
| Solteris |
2007-11-05 |
Voight | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Itek | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Insanekitty | Earring of the Howling Moon
| Solteris |
Poohjure | Tainted Moonstone Shard
| Solteris |
Drachnyen | Enchanted Faceplate of Smoke
| Solteris |
Tyreel | Fiery Dirk of Sacrifice
| Solteris |
2007-11-04 |
Voight | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Poohjure | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Regilag | Staff of the Invaders
| Solteris |
Noodles | Totem of Corruption
| Solteris |
Ohlook | Polished Fang-Guard
| Solteris |
Aspena | Throatslitter
| Solteris |
2007-11-03 |
Xilraazz | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Rten | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Spriite | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Pharren | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
2007-11-01 |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Feyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Goldenheal | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Itek | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Diamonde | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Boulderbane | Chord of Lethar's Sinew
| Ashengate |
Silmare | Earstud of a Mother's Love
| Ashengate |
Rot | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Kelsoe | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kelsoe | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kelsoe | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kulzip | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Rten | Flowing Magma Soulstone
| Ashengate |
Buni | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Buni | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Maelarya | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Slayerxx | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Goldenheal | Darkfell Fingerbone Necklace
| Ashengate |
Sirokx | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Buni | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Durdulaf | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Raszerkx | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Kulzip | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Kelsoe | Trumpet of the Dragon Goddess
| Ashengate |
Regilag | Haunting Ruby Amulet
| Ashengate |
Durdulaf | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Durdulaf | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frogdorr | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Regilag | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Regilag | Daggerscale Visor
| Ashengate |
Regilag | Vae`Aender, Stitch's Bow
| Ashengate |
2007-10-29 |
Adamkadmon | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Amazone | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Illiana | Enchanted Firethrower of Speeds
| Solteris |
Xilraazz | Bulwark of the Firebringer
| Solteris |
2007-10-28 |
Boulderbane | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Poohjure | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Pharren | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Drachnyen | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Xilraazz | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Ohlook | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Trevan | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Beour | Crystal Amulet of the Seer
| Solteris |
Jericanna | Diamond Ring of Planar Health
| Solteris |
Voight | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Vehn | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Tobynn | Amice of Wurine Regeneration
| Solteris |
Rten | Sharpened Talons of the Lycanthrope
| Solteris |
Engell | Enchanted Faceplate of Smoke
| Solteris |
Somlamda | Fiery Dirk of Sacrifice
| Solteris |
2007-10-27 |
Silmare | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Raskas | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Llayena | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Xydel | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Canium | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Vehn | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Itek | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Jairee | Lochmaul Band
| Solteris |
Annubisx | Staff of the Confidant
| Solteris |
Regilag | Brenda's Lavender Cinch
| Solteris |
Voight | Althea's Black Pearl Choker
| Solteris |
2007-10-24 |
Xydel | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Lonn | A Purified Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Valcrist | Firetooth Necklace of the Below
| Solteris |
Arthegorn | Burning Mace of Judgement
| Solteris |
2007-10-23 |
Xydel | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Qwenya | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Merci | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Arthegorn | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Adamkadmon | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Jairee | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Engell | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Somlamda | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Rten | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Vehn | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Itek | Silver Earring of Ephemeral Healing
| Solteris |
Amazone | Glowing Orb of Temporal Stasis
| Solteris |
Noodles | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Boulderbane | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Silmare | Tainted Moonstone Shard
| Solteris |
Beour | Amice of Wurine Regeneration
| Solteris |
2007-10-22 |
Trevan | Great Axe of Twin Flames
| Solteris |
Noodles | Shoulderpads of the Firewalker
| Solteris |
Noodles | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Insanekitty | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Voight | Orb of Darkness
| Solteris |
Sweetevill | Gorget of Corruption
| Solteris |
Asheara | Christine's Engagement Ring
| Solteris |
Vulgore | Diary of Jealous Loathing
| Solteris |
2007-10-20 |
Sweetevill | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Somlamda | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Osidious | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Yagher | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Trevan | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Poohjure | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Annubisx | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Vulgore | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Pharren | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Ohlook | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Aanlran | 50 Phosphenes (spell)
| Solteris |
2007-10-15 |
Lonn | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Jennre | Black Dirk of Shrouded Fate
| Solteris |
Ohlook | Transient Bow of Solar Winds
| Solteris |
Rten | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Raskas | Sun Tempered Lunar Blade
| Solteris |
Merci | Dark Visor of Necrotic Essence
| Solteris |
2007-10-14 |
Boulderbane | Blessing of Shifting Smoke
| Solteris |
Nizdazen | Pulsating Beacon of Fire
| Solteris |
Rten | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Lonn | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Amazone | Totem of Corruption
| Solteris |
Vehn | Blade of the Cursed
| Solteris |
Valcrist | Staff of Screaming Souls
| Solteris |
Valthonz | Throatslitter
| Solteris |
2007-10-13 |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Tadaanoo | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Vulgore | Pitchfork of the Town Rebels
| Frostcrypt |
Tadaanoo | Frostwoven Platinum Band
| Frostcrypt |
Tadaanoo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kuroiokami | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Regilag | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Itek | Fragment of Corrupted Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Kuroiokami | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kuroiokami | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Regilag | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Regilag | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Oonagh | Lambent Earring of Melded Iron
| Frostcrypt |
Chera | Torn Shawl of the Ice Priests
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Indiana | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Kuroiokami | Etched Obsidian Shard
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Orra | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Xilraazz | Fragment of Corrupted Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Gazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Regilag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Regilag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Silmare | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Corboy | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
2007-10-11 |
Valcrist | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Noodles | 400 Phosphenes (arms)
| Solteris |
Nizdazen | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Vehn | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Xydel | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Silmare | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Raskas | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Poohjure | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Somlamda | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Drachnyen | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
2007-10-10 |
Rezzya | Diamond Ring of Planar Health
| Solteris |
Osidious | Glowing Orb of Temporal Stasis
| Solteris |
Yukkers | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Adamkadmon | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Xydel | Earring of the Howling Moon
| Solteris |
Beour | Tatooed Hide of the Beast
| Solteris |
2007-10-09 |
Xilraazz | Fiery Dirk of Sacrifice
| Solteris |
Corboy | Shoulderpads of the Firewalker
| Solteris |
2007-10-08 |
Rezzya | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Boulderbane | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Asheara | Buckler of Corruption
| Solteris |
Zoewee | Orb of Darkness
| Solteris |
Diamonde | Throatslitter
| Solteris |
Illiana | Christine's Engagement Ring
| Solteris |
2007-10-07 |
Regilag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Regilag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Goldenheal | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Adamkadmon | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Zoewee | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Xanathol | Corrupted Orb of Living Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Yukkers | Fjorlask, War Maul of Shadows
| Frostcrypt |
Regilag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Regilag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Goldenheal | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Kuroiokami | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Kulzip | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Kuroiokami | Algid Bag of Frozen Tears
| Frostcrypt |
Xilraazz | Glowing Earring of Purified Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Regilag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Regilag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kulzip | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Chera | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Regilag | Sleetcaller's Mask of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Lyrae | Frost Inlaid Lute of Boreal Wind
| Frostcrypt |
Kulzip | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kulzip | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kuroiokami | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Frogdorr | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Xanathol | Jagged Blood Iron Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Itek | Iceweave Sash of Lost Faith
| Frostcrypt |
Kulzip | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kulzip | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kulzip | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Valthonz | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Diamonde | Etched Obsidian Shard
| Frostcrypt |
2007-10-06 |
Kulzip | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kulzip | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kulzip | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Kulzip | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Asheara | Iceweave Cloak of Blackest Night
| Frostcrypt |
Rten | Pitchfork of the Town Rebels
| Frostcrypt |
Kulzip | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kulzip | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kulzip | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vehn | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
Voight | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Kulzip | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kulzip | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kulzip | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chera | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Diamonde | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Chera | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chera | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chera | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kulzip | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Iruul | Fragment of Corrupted Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Chera | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chera | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chera | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Spriite | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Beour | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
2007-10-04 |
Chera | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chera | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kulzip | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Regilag | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Amazone | Crimson Mask of Triumph
| Ashengate |
Itek | Flickering Cloak of Embers
| Ashengate |
Chera | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chera | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chera | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Goldenheal | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Zoewee | Flowing Magma Soulstone
| Ashengate |
2007-10-03 |
Corboy | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Boulderbane | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Flippety | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Jairee | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Xilraazz | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Spriite | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Engell | Tainted Sun Forged Hoop
| Solteris |
Vulgore | Black Dirk of Shrouded Fate
| Solteris |
2007-10-02 |
Diamonde | Polished Fang-Guard
| Solteris |
Kuroiokami | Throatslitter
| Solteris |
2007-10-01 |
Somlamda | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Poohjure | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Annubisx | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Sincro | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Amazone | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Engell | Tainted Moonstone Shard
| Solteris |
Tobynn | Dark Visor of Necrotic Essence
| Solteris |
2007-09-30 |
Silmare | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Raskas | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Pharren | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Noodles | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Sincro | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Mencius | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Jericanna | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Arthegorn | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Ohlook | Shoulderpads of the Firewalker
| Solteris |
Xanathol | Great Axe of Twin Flames
| Solteris |
Yukkers | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Boulderbane | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Xilraazz | Earring of Mayong's Faithful
| Solteris |
Trevan | Buckler of Corruption
| Solteris |
2007-09-27 |
Arthegorn | Brenda's Lavender Cinch
| Solteris |
Zoewee | Christine's Engagement Ring
| Solteris |
2007-09-26 |
Engell | 250 Phosphenes (hat)
| Solteris |
Merci | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Xydel | An Impure Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Somlamda | Shawl of Arcane Alacrity
| Solteris |
Yukkers | Sharpened Talons of the Lycanthrope
| Solteris |
2007-09-25 |
Valcrist | Smoldering Jagged Longsword
| Solteris |
Vulgore | Smoldering Faceguard of the Fallen
| Solteris |
2007-09-24 |
Amazone | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Ohlook | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Llayena | Buckler of Corruption
| Solteris |
Tado | Spike Covered Loop
| Solteris |
2007-09-23 |
Yukkers | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Spriite | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Somlamda | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Raskas | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Merci | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Trevan | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
2007-09-22 |
Asheara | Althea's Black Pearl Choker
| Solteris |
Sincro | Diary of Jealous Loathing
| Solteris |
2007-09-20 |
Pouty | Blessing of Shifting Smoke
| Solteris |
Beour | Band of Endless Fire
| Solteris |
2007-09-18 |
Asheara | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Adamkadmon | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Osidious | Totem of Corruption
| Solteris |
Raskas | Buckler of Corruption
| Solteris |
2007-09-16 |
Boulderbane | Cryptwood Truncheon
| Solteris |
Nizdazen | Christine's Engagement Ring
| Solteris |
2007-09-15 |
Gazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Akurei | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Boulderbane | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Itek | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Voight | Gore-Splattered Shoulders
| Ashengate |
Flippety | Spiked Bracelet of the Betrayer
| Ashengate |
Gazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Syndell | Arcane Actuator
| Ashengate |
Wirehog | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Gazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Orcnis | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Gazz | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Annubisx | Mindbender's Sash
| Ashengate |
Voight | Dyn`Leth's Elegant Belt
| Ashengate |
Gazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Gazz | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Crazy | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Nuitari | Cape of the Lavaborn
| Ashengate |
Rot | Trumpet of the Dragon Goddess
| Ashengate |
Orcnis | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Orcnis | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Orra | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Orra | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Diamonde | Cudgel of Unified Vision
| Ashengate |
Wirehog | Band of the Wildspirits
| Ashengate |
2007-09-12 |
Adamkadmon | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Annubisx | 100 Phosphenes (spell)
| Solteris |
Annubisx | Pulsating Beacon of Fire
| Solteris |
Somlamda | Firekissed Hoop of the Titan
| Solteris |
2007-09-11 |
Nizdazen | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Rten | Polished Fang-Guard
| Solteris |
Iruul | Bloodstained Ak-Daal Blade
| Solteris |
2007-09-10 |
Xilraazz | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Merci | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Triangles | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Lonn | Buckler of Corruption
| Solteris |
Engell | Totem of Corruption
| Solteris |
2007-09-09 |
Captyin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Captyin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Goldenheal | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Rezzya | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Amazone | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Mencius | Corrupted Orb of Living Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Xydel | Icy Ring of Boreal Essence
| Frostcrypt |
Captyin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Captyin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Goldenheal | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Captyin | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Diamonde | Algid Bag of Frozen Tears
| Frostcrypt |
Diamonde | Blood-Infused Iron Stud
| Frostcrypt |
Captyin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Captyin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Wirehog | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Captyin | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Llayena | Scorched Froststeel Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Poohjure | Ice Enameled Gorget of Battle
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Captyin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Goldenheal | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Breadmold | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Wirehog | Frost-Carved Granite Statue
| Frostcrypt |
Breadmold | Brumal Fists of Whirling Sleet
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Captyin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Ohlook | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
2007-09-08 |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Voight | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Amazone | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Boulderbane | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Skex | Fleshmelter, Lethar's Maul
| Ashengate |
Alisthanar | Obsidian Scale Cape
| Ashengate |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vuncar | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Amazone | Sharpening Stone of the Sky
| Ashengate |
Sliice | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sliice | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Breadmold | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Izielle | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Orra | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Iruul | Darkfell Fingerbone Necklace
| Ashengate |
Syndell | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Sliice | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sliice | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Wirehog | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Vuncar | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Lyrae | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Beour | Scaleguardian's Guise
| Ashengate |
Sliice | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sliice | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Wirehog | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Breadmold | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Rot | Scarlet Harbinger's Cloak
| Ashengate |
Lyrae | Buckled Belt of the Commandant
| Ashengate |
2007-09-06 |
Beour | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Rezzya | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Vehn | Throatslitter
| Solteris |
Mencius | Christine's Engagement Ring
| Solteris |
2007-09-05 |
Goldenheal | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Goldenheal | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Breadmold | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Wirehog | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Boulderbane | Arcekor, the Instigator
| Ashengate |
Tyreel | Cinderskin Buckler
| Ashengate |
Goldenheal | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Goldenheal | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Wirehog | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Wirehog | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Catrielle | Clipped Griffon Wings
| Ashengate |
2007-09-02 |
Rot | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Wirehog | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Wirehog | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Iruul | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Asheara | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Embroidered Sash of the Icecaller
| Frostcrypt |
Poohjure | Corrupted Orb of Living Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Wirehog | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Wirehog | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Wirehog | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Goldenheal | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Rot | Shattered Mask of Ancestral Rage
| Frostcrypt |
Trevan | Engraved Froststeel Visor
| Frostcrypt |
Everyrose | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Everyrose | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Everyrose | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Goldenheal | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Xilraazz | Sleetcaller's Mask of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Wirehog | Scorched Froststeel Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Wirehog | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Wirehog | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Everyrose | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Breadmold | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Drachnyen | Jagged Blood Iron Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Beour | Iceweave Sash of Lost Faith
| Frostcrypt |
Goldenheal | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Goldenheal | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Goldenheal | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Goldenheal | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Zoewee | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
2007-09-01 |
Crazy | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Goldenheal | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Goldenheal | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Goldenheal | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Akurei | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Boulderbane | Arcane Actuator
| Ashengate |
Goldenheal | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Goldenheal | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Izielle | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Goldenheal | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Iruul | Shield of Fire and Fury
| Ashengate |
Everyrose | Belt of the Vengeful Orphan
| Ashengate |
Goldenheal | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Goldenheal | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Breadmold | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Orra | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Xydel | Haunting Ruby Amulet
| Ashengate |
Everyrose | Embershank, the Malady
| Ashengate |
Goldenheal | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Goldenheal | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vuncar | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Goldenheal | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Orra | Buckled Belt of the Commandant
| Ashengate |
Captyin | Scarlet Harbinger's Cloak
| Ashengate |
2007-08-30 |
Silmare | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Canium | 200 Phosphenes (boots)
| Solteris |
Trevan | Firekissed Hoop of the Titan
| Solteris |
Slayerxx | Smoldering Faceguard of the Fallen
| Solteris |
2007-08-27 |
Drachnyen | 150 Phosphenes (gloves)
| Solteris |
Mencius | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Alisthanar | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Xydel | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Sincro | A Corrupted Drop of Focused Sunlight
| Solteris |
Ohlook | Lochmaul Band
| Solteris |
Jairee | Staff of the Invaders
| Solteris |
Somlamda | Brenda's Lavender Cinch
| Solteris |
Vehn | Polished Fang-Guard
| Solteris |
2007-08-26 |
Akurei | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Akurei | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itek | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Beour | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Euri | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Llayena | Wyrmband of the Devoted
| Ashengate |
Asheara | Staff of Final Rites
| Frostcrypt |
Izielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Izielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Izielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sparklett | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Engell | Clipped Griffon Wings
| Ashengate |
Izielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Izielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itek | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Izielle | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Everyrose | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Quuq | Shield of Fire and Fury
| Ashengate |
Yagher | Spiked Brimstone Warhammer
| Ashengate |
Izielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Izielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vuncar | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Samtan | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Rot | Magmaband of Cestus Dei
| Ashengate |
Voight | Cape of the Lavaborn
| Ashengate |
Izielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharrin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Samtan | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Zoewee | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Funkenstein | Scarlet Harbinger's Cloak
| Ashengate |
Rot | Band of the Wildspirits
| Ashengate |
2007-08-25 |
Pharrin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharrin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itek | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Euri | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Rezzya | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Corboy | Icy Ring of Boreal Essence
| Frostcrypt |
Sweetevill | Faceted Shard of Living Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Pharrin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharrin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itek | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Rowen | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Pharrin | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Amazone | Shattered Mask of Ancestral Rage
| Frostcrypt |
Spriite | Glowing Earring of Purified Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Pharrin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharrin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharrin | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Syndell | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Syndell | Slashed Leather Belt of Frostbite
| Frostcrypt |
Voight | Sleetcaller's Mask of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Pharrin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharrin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharrin | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Amazone | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Spriite | Carved Blood Ice Choker
| Frostcrypt |
Mencius | Riven Krithgor Battle Shield
| Frostcrypt |
Pharrin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharrin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharrin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Voight | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Valcrist | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
2007-08-21 |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Amazone | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jennre | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Amazone | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Syndell | Pitchfork of the Town Rebels
| Frostcrypt |
Sparklett | Iceweave Cloak of Blackest Night
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zoewee | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Voight | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Voight | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Xydel | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
Sparklett | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sparklett | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zoewee | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Voight | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Xydel | Ornate Mask of Fallen Dreams
| Frostcrypt |
Boulderbane | Bladed Silver Pendant of Zek
| Frostcrypt |
Sparklett | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Orra | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Orra | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sparklett | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Silmare | Shaped Turquoise Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Orra | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Orra | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zoewee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Orra | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Pharren | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
2007-08-20 |
Osidious | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Shoaly | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Valcrist | Brenda's Lavender Cinch
| Solteris |
Merci | Haraibou of Screaming Souls
| Solteris |
2007-08-19 |
Triangles | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Poohjure | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Amazone | Fjorlask, War Maul of Shadows
| Frostcrypt |
Raskas | Corrupted Orb of Living Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Voight | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rowen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Voight | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Rowen | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Voight | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Beour | Glowing Earring of Purified Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Itek | Glowing Earring of Purified Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Zoewee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Voight | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kumulas | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Voight | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Crazy | Frosted Wrap of the Calm Spirit
| Frostcrypt |
Amazone | Slashed Leather Belt of Frostbite
| Frostcrypt |
Voight | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Voight | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Voight | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Voight | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Qaries | Runed Necklace of Living Bone
| Frostcrypt |
Jericanna | Riven Krithgor Battle Shield
| Frostcrypt |
Voight | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Voight | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Voight | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Voight | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Syndell | Fragment of Corrupted Ice
| Frostcrypt |
2007-08-18 |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Voight | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Voight | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Lonn | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Osidious | Chord of Lethar's Sinew
| Ashengate |
Pharren | Staff of Final Rites
| Frostcrypt |
Zoewee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zoewee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zoewee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vuncar | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Catrielle | Arcane Actuator
| Ashengate |
Voight | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Voight | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Voight | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Zoewee | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Amazone | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Itek | Darkfell Fingerbone Necklace
| Ashengate |
Xanathol | Spiked Brimstone Warhammer
| Ashengate |
Zoewee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zoewee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Voight | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Orra | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Diamonde | Embershank, the Malady
| Ashengate |
Syndell | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Gazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mamael | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Aspena | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Poohjure | Slayer's Skullband
| Ashengate |
Diamonde | Daggerscale Visor
| Ashengate |
2007-08-16 |
Zoewee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zoewee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Amazone | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Itek | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Zoewee | Crimson Mask of Triumph
| Ashengate |
Amazone | Spiked Dragongut Shoulderpads
| Ashengate |
Voight | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Voight | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Voight | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Asheara | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Ohlook | Arcane Wavebender Prism
| Ashengate |
2007-08-13 |
Qwenya | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Jericanna | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Jairee | Brenda's Lavender Cinch
| Solteris |
Qaquarius | Haraibou of Screaming Souls
| Solteris |
2007-08-12 |
Zoewee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zoewee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Ohlook | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Tyreel | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Arthegorn | Spiked Bracelet of the Betrayer
| Ashengate |
Itek | Gore-Splattered Shoulders
| Ashengate |
Zoewee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zoewee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zoewee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Spriite | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Kumulas | Prism of Captured Energy
| Ashengate |
Sparklett | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sparklett | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sparklett | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Zoewee | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Sparklett | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Aspena | Belt of the Vengeful Orphan
| Ashengate |
Jennre | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Sparklett | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sparklett | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vuncar | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Arisi | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Tadaanoo | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Boulderbane | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Sliice | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sliice | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sliice | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Zoewee | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Funkenstein | Buckled Belt of the Commandant
| Ashengate |
Tadaanoo | Buckled Belt of the Commandant
| Ashengate |
2007-08-07 |
Engell | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Arthegorn | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Orra | Cryptwood Truncheon
| Solteris |
Osidious | Polished Fang-Guard
| Solteris |
2007-08-06 |
Pharrin | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vuncar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharrin | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Lofwyr | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Alierias | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Mencius | Gore-Splattered Shoulders
| Ashengate |
Poohjure | Chord of Lethar's Sinew
| Ashengate |
Vuncar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vuncar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vuncar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Amazone | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Illiana | Prism of Captured Energy
| Ashengate |
Vuncar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vuncar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Iamiar | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Amazone | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Valthonz | Belt of the Vengeful Orphan
| Ashengate |
Boulderbane | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Alieria | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alieria | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mamael | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Alieria | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Thakisiss | Magmaband of Cestus Dei
| Ashengate |
Ohlook | Hoop of Elemental Mastery
| Ashengate |
Vuncar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vuncar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Raszerkx | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Eenadanie | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Iamiar | Buckled Belt of the Commandant
| Ashengate |
Jennre | Buckled Belt of the Commandant
| Ashengate |
2007-07-31 |
Tadaanoo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tadaanoo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Jennre | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Nurmall | Bladed Silver Pendant of Zek
| Frostcrypt |
Rezzya | Torn Shawl of the Ice Priests
| Frostcrypt |
Alieria | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alieria | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Funkenstein | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Chera | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Vehn | Pitchfork of the Town Rebels
| Frostcrypt |
Skex | Frostwoven Platinum Band
| Frostcrypt |
Naieth | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Naieth | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Funkenstein | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alierias | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Nizdazen | Frost-Etched Ruby of Vitality
| Frostcrypt |
Xylene | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xylene | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xylene | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itsall | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Noodles | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Funkenstein | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Funkenstein | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Funkenstein | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Crazy | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Adamkadmon | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
Funkenstein | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Funkenstein | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Funkenstein | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Diamonde | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Shoaly | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
2007-07-30 |
Xilraazz | 50 Phosphenes (spell)
| Solteris |
Flippety | 50 Phosphenes (spell)
| Solteris |
Tobynn | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Alierias | Brenda's Lavender Cinch
| Solteris |
Kumulas | Althea's Black Pearl Choker
| Solteris |
2007-07-29 |
Rot | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Arisi | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Swiftjustice | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Raskas | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Silmare | Fjorlask, War Maul of Shadows
| Frostcrypt |
Pouty | Corrupted Orb of Living Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Chera | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chera | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chera | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Beour | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Insanekitty | Worn Iron Rallosian Relic
| Frostcrypt |
Rezzya | Glowing Earring of Purified Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Arisi | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Arisi | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Arisi | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Amazone | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Izielle | Sleetcaller's Mask of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Crazy | Slashed Leather Belt of Frostbite
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Docktor | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Docktor | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Boulderbane | Jagged Blood Iron Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Eenadanie | Frost-Carved Granite Statue
| Frostcrypt |
Zagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zagher | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Alierias | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
2007-07-28 |
Zagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jennre | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Poohjure | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Xydel | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Mencius | Obsidian Scale Cape
| Ashengate |
Sincro | Earstud of a Mother's Love
| Ashengate |
Zagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Amazone | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Somlamda | Prism of Captured Energy
| Ashengate |
Zagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Raszerkx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jennre | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Raszerkx | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Itsall | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Raskas | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Quuq | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Raszerkx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Raszerkx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chera | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Lyrae | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Aldreth | Cape of the Lavaborn
| Ashengate |
Qaquarius | Scaleguardian's Guise
| Ashengate |
Zagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Engell | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lonn | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Jennre | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Ohlook | Daggerscale Visor
| Ashengate |
Discordant | Daggerscale Visor
| Ashengate |
2007-07-26 |
Izielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Izielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Crazy | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Amynyea | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Flickering Cloak of Embers
| Ashengate |
Rot | Burning Heart of Sothgar
| Ashengate |
Izielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Izielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Izielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Eenadanie | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Canium | Flowing Magma Soulstone
| Ashengate |
2007-07-23 |
Spriite | 50 Phosphenes (spell)
| Solteris |
Llayena | 50 Phosphenes (spell)
| Solteris |
Nurmall | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Pharren | Diary of Jealous Loathing
| Solteris |
Somlamda | Christine's Engagement Ring
| Solteris |
2007-07-22 |
Zagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Xilraazz | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Quuq | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Sincro | Wraithguard Lord Commander's Cloak
| Frostcrypt |
Osidious | Icy Ring of Boreal Essence
| Frostcrypt |
Samtan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Samtan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chera | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Xydel | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Skex | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Wyrmband of the Devoted
| Ashengate |
Ohlook | Fleshmelter, Lethar's Maul
| Ashengate |
Chera | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Zagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Samtan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Crazy | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Noodles | Arcane Wavebender Prism
| Ashengate |
Samtan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zophilo | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Tadaanoo | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Chera | Darkfell Fingerbone Necklace
| Ashengate |
Asheara | Dyn`leth's Spy Glass
| Ashengate |
Samtan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Samtan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sliice | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Chera | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Arthegorn | Hoop of Elemental Mastery
| Ashengate |
Raskas | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Crazy | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jennre | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Slayerxx | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Jairee | Daggerscale Visor
| Ashengate |
Jennre | Scarlet Harbinger's Cloak
| Ashengate |
2007-07-21 |
Rot | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Rot | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Samtan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Samtan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mamael | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Arisi | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Xydel | Blood-Infused Iron Stud
| Frostcrypt |
Poohjure | Blood-Infused Iron Stud
| Frostcrypt |
Samtan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Samtan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aanlran | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Rot | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Gherit | Slashed Leather Belt of Frostbite
| Frostcrypt |
Aanlran | Sleetcaller's Mask of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Samtan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Samtan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Asheara | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Pharrin | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Xydel | Brumal Fists of Whirling Sleet
| Frostcrypt |
Raskas | Jagged Blood Iron Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Samtan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aanlran | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aanlran | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Alierias | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
2007-07-18 |
Crazy | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Crazy | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Crazy | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Crazy | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Asheara | Sothgar's Ghostly Mantle
| Ashengate |
Discordant | Spiked Dragongut Shoulderpads
| Ashengate |
Slayerxx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Slayerxx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itek | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Noodles | Flowing Magma Soulstone
| Ashengate |
2007-07-16 |
Poohjure | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Beour | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Gherit | Bloodstained Ak-Daal Blade
| Solteris |
Noodles | Polished Fang-Guard
| Solteris |
2007-07-15 |
Aanlran | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aanlran | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jennre | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Jairee | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Rten | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Catrielle | Chord of Lethar's Sinew
| Ashengate |
Jericanna | Wyrmband of the Devoted
| Ashengate |
Aanlran | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aanlran | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aanlran | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Diamonde | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Tobynn | Prism of Captured Energy
| Ashengate |
Aanlran | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aanlran | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Crazy | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Bumelcex | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Skex | Dyn`Leth's Elegant Belt
| Ashengate |
Boulderbane | Spiked Brimstone Warhammer
| Ashengate |
Aanlran | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aanlran | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gherit | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Zophilo | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Jennre | Trumpet of the Dragon Goddess
| Ashengate |
Rezzya | Scaleguardian's Guise
| Ashengate |
Aanlran | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aanlran | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Arisi | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Orcnis | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Spriite | Fetish of Unlife
| Ashengate |
Adamkadmon | Fetish of Unlife
| Ashengate |
2007-07-14 |
Amazone | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Amazone | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jennre | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Yukkers | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Illiana | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Jairee | Thick Ice Studded Collar
| Frostcrypt |
Annubisx | Corrupted Orb of Living Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Slayerxx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Slayerxx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Zophilo | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Jennre | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Asheara | Shimmering Veil of Frozen Mana
| Frostcrypt |
Osidious | Blood-Infused Iron Stud
| Frostcrypt |
Slayerxx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Slayerxx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lyrae | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Itek | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Qaquarius | Scorched Froststeel Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Pharren | Scorched Froststeel Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Slayerxx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Slayerxx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itek | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Euri | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Silmare | Jagged Blood Iron Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Bellai | Jagged Blood Iron Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Indiana | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Indiana | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Indiana | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Spriite | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Xilraazz | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
2007-07-11 |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lyrae | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Yagher | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Rezzya | Everflame Torch of Ashengate
| Ashengate |
Flippety | Slain Noble's Ring
| Ashengate |
Zophilo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zophilo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zophilo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Boulderbane | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Osidious | Arcane Actuator
| Ashengate |
Zophilo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zophilo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zophilo | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Itek | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Qaquarius | Sothgar's Ghostly Mantle
| Ashengate |
Euri | Brightflame, Pride of the Lifebringer
| Ashengate |
Zophilo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zophilo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zophilo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nurmall | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Engell | Arcane Actuator
| Ashengate |
2007-07-10 |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jennre | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Lyrae | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Shoaly | Engraved Petrified Figurine
| Frostcrypt |
Raskas | Polished Pauldrons of Pearlescent Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Jennre | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jennre | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itek | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Diamonde | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Bellai | Luminous Froststeel Warclub
| Frostcrypt |
Boulderbane | Shaped Sapphire Ice Sculpture
| Frostcrypt |
Jennre | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jennre | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jennre | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qaquarius | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Amynyea | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
Jennre | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jennre | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jennre | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Shoaly | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Canium | Frost-Etched Ruby of Vitality
| Frostcrypt |
Mamael | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mamael | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mamael | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itek | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
Eenadanie | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Itek | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itek | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itek | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gherit | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Rten | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
2007-07-09 |
Rten | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Lofwyr | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Sincro | Throatslitter
| Solteris |
Alisthanar | Althea's Black Pearl Choker
| Solteris |
2007-07-08 |
Mamael | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mamael | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mamael | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Bellai | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Silmare | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Pharren | Gore-Splattered Shoulders
| Ashengate |
Yagher | Spiked Bracelet of the Betrayer
| Ashengate |
Mamael | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mamael | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mamael | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Doublehorse | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Trevan | Sharpening Stone of the Sky
| Ashengate |
Mamael | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mamael | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mamael | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Kouga | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Noodles | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Rezzya | Darkfell Fingerbone Necklace
| Ashengate |
Lonn | Dyn`Leth's Elegant Belt
| Ashengate |
Mamael | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mamael | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Iamiar | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Boulderbane | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Iamiar | Magmaband of Cestus Dei
| Ashengate |
Lonn | Hoop of Elemental Mastery
| Ashengate |
Maelarya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Maelarya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Diamonde | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Raskas | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Xilraazz | Fetish of Unlife
| Ashengate |
Canium | Buckled Belt of the Commandant
| Ashengate |
2007-07-07 |
Itek | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itek | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mamael | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Xilraazz | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Discordant | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Vehn | Icy Ring of Boreal Essence
| Frostcrypt |
Swiftjustice | Fjorlask, War Maul of Shadows
| Frostcrypt |
Itek | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itek | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mamael | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Crazy | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Itek | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Jairee | Glowing Earring of Purified Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Gherit | Shattered Mask of Ancestral Rage
| Frostcrypt |
Itek | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itek | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Eenadanie | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Doublehorse | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Doublehorse | Frosted Wrap of the Calm Spirit
| Frostcrypt |
Spriite | Iceweave Shawl of the Elements
| Frostcrypt |
Itek | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itek | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tadaanoo | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Aanlran | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Rezzya | Frost-Carved Granite Statue
| Frostcrypt |
Poohjure | Jagged Blood Iron Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Itek | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itek | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Eenadanie | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qaquarius | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Euri | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
2007-07-03 |
Raskas | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Adamkadmon | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Corboy | Throatslitter
| Solteris |
Quuq | Staff of Screaming Souls
| Solteris |
2007-07-01 |
Eenadanie | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Eenadanie | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Pouty | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Xanathol | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Flippety | Gore-Splattered Shoulders
| Ashengate |
Shoaly | Obsidian Scale Cape
| Ashengate |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bellai | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Zontar | Magma Lacquer
| Ashengate |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Diamonde | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Diamonde | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Gherit | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Lonn | Dyn`leth's Spy Glass
| Ashengate |
Diamonde | Belt of the Vengeful Orphan
| Ashengate |
Diamonde | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Diamonde | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Diamonde | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Gherit | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Rabriley | Cape of the Lavaborn
| Ashengate |
Quuq | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Eenadanie | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Eenadanie | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Eenadanie | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Diamonde | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Jairee | Slayer's Skullband
| Ashengate |
Noodles | Cudgel of Unified Vision
| Ashengate |
2007-06-30 |
Maelarya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Maelarya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Akurei | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Valcrist | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Bellai | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Merci | Thick Ice Studded Collar
| Frostcrypt |
Yukkers | Icy Ring of Boreal Essence
| Frostcrypt |
Maelarya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Maelarya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Doublehorse | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Mamael | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Insanekitty | Shattered Mask of Ancestral Rage
| Frostcrypt |
Lonn | Shimmering Veil of Frozen Mana
| Frostcrypt |
Maelarya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Maelarya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tericanna | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Boulderbane | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Xydel | Slashed Leather Belt of Frostbite
| Frostcrypt |
Canium | Ice Enameled Gorget of Battle
| Frostcrypt |
Maelarya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mamael | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gherit | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Zophilo | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Mamael | Iceweave Sash of Lost Faith
| Frostcrypt |
Rezzya | Iceweave Sash of Lost Faith
| Frostcrypt |
Maelarya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Maelarya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Maelarya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gherit | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Arthegorn | Frost-Etched Ruby of Vitality
| Frostcrypt |
2007-06-28 |
Zophilo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zophilo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lyrae | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Gherit | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Vehn | Slain Noble's Ring
| Ashengate |
Tobynn | Burned Remains of Shyleen
| Ashengate |
Zophilo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zophilo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zophilo | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gherit | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Adamkadmon | Arcane Wavebender Prism
| Ashengate |
2007-06-27 |
Eenadanie | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Eenadanie | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jairee | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Frorag | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Corboy | Spiked Dragongut Shoulderpads
| Ashengate |
Lofwyr | Burning Heart of Sothgar
| Ashengate |
Eenadanie | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Eenadanie | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Eenadanie | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moyzt | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Tado | Krithgor Ribshard
| Ashengate |
Eenadanie | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Eenadanie | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Eenadanie | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Poohjure | Ambersnout's Snout
| Ashengate |
Frorag | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Jericanna | Prism of Captured Energy
| Ashengate |
2007-06-26 |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Boulderbane | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Sweetevill | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Pouty | Ornate Mask of Fallen Dreams
| Frostcrypt |
Llayena | Runed Cold Iron Warhammer
| Frostcrypt |
Kouga | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kouga | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kouga | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gherit | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Rezzya | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
Kouga | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kouga | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kouga | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Gherit | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Xydel | Ice-Striated Iron Orb
| Frostcrypt |
Mencius | Iceweave Cloak of Blackest Night
| Frostcrypt |
Funkenstein | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frorag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frorag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gherit | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Kumulas | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Gherit | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gherit | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Gherit | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Ohlook | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Illiana | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
Kouga | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kouga | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kouga | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Insanekitty | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Catrielle | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
2007-06-25 |
Sweetevill | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Lofwyr | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Engell | Bloodstained Ak-Daal Blade
| Solteris |
Tado | Diary of Jealous Loathing
| Solteris |
2007-06-24 |
Frorag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frorag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zontar | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Trevan | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Embroidered Wool Band of Poetry
| Ashengate |
Yukkers | Earstud of a Mother's Love
| Ashengate |
Frorag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frorag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frorag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frorag | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Tobynn | Magma Lacquer
| Ashengate |
Frorag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frorag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jairee | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Wulftyger | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Laquorsha | Darkfell Fingerbone Necklace
| Ashengate |
Merci | Darkfell Fingerbone Necklace
| Ashengate |
Frorag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frorag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Quuq | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Syndell | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Rot | Trumpet of the Dragon Goddess
| Ashengate |
Discordant | Hoop of Elemental Mastery
| Ashengate |
Docktor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Docktor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Boulderbane | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Insanekitty | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Rezzya | Fetish of Unlife
| Ashengate |
Jairee | Vae`Aender, Stitch's Bow
| Ashengate |
2007-06-23 |
Docktor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Docktor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moyzt | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Noodles | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Osidious | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Somlamda | Embroidered Sash of the Icecaller
| Frostcrypt |
Yagher | Icy Ring of Boreal Essence
| Frostcrypt |
Docktor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Docktor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Kouga | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Frorag | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Engell | Blood-Infused Iron Stud
| Frostcrypt |
Nurmall | Engraved Froststeel Visor
| Frostcrypt |
Docktor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Docktor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moyzt | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Trevan | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Rot | Frosted Wrap of the Calm Spirit
| Frostcrypt |
Quuq | Ice Enameled Gorget of Battle
| Frostcrypt |
Docktor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Docktor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kouga | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Raskas | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Orcnis | Runed Necklace of Living Bone
| Frostcrypt |
Qaquarius | Carved Blood Ice Choker
| Frostcrypt |
Docktor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Docktor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Docktor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Xydel | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
2007-06-21 |
Sparklett | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lyrae | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sparklett | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Osidious | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Alierias | Everflame Torch of Ashengate
| Ashengate |
Raskas | Cloak of the Scarlet Legion
| Ashengate |
Lyrae | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lyrae | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lyrae | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Boulderbane | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Raskas | Sharpening Stone of the Sky
| Ashengate |
2007-06-20 |
Frorag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frorag | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Boulderbane | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Wulftyger | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Vehn | Spiked Dragongut Shoulderpads
| Ashengate |
Sincro | Spiked Dragongut Shoulderpads
| Ashengate |
Lyrae | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lyrae | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lyrae | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rezzya | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Quuq | Sharpening Stone of the Sky
| Ashengate |
Lyrae | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Boulderbane | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Boulderbane | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Triangles | Ambersnout's Snout
| Ashengate |
Lyrae | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Valcrist | Flowing Magma Soulstone
| Ashengate |
2007-06-19 |
Spriite | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Raskas | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Oogol | Bloodstained Ak-Daal Blade
| Solteris |
Skex | Bloodstained Ak-Daal Blade
| Solteris |
2007-06-18 |
Yukkers | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pouty | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Merci | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Nurmall | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Mencius | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Annubisx | Thick Ice Studded Collar
| Frostcrypt |
Tado | Crystalline Shoulder Pads of Gelid Winds
| Frostcrypt |
2007-06-16 |
Maelarya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Ohlook | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Akurei | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Raskas | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Alierias | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Valcrist | Glowing Earring of Purified Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Quuq | Engraved Froststeel Visor
| Frostcrypt |
Ohlook | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Ohlook | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zophilo | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Oogol | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Osidious | Slashed Leather Belt of Frostbite
| Frostcrypt |
Swiftjustice | Ice Enameled Gorget of Battle
| Frostcrypt |
Ohlook | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Ohlook | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qaries | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Rezzya | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Mencius | Carved Blood Ice Choker
| Frostcrypt |
Alierias | Frost-Carved Granite Statue
| Frostcrypt |
Ohlook | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Ohlook | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Ohlook | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Ohlook | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Swiftjustice | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
2007-06-14 |
Itsall | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itsall | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Valcrist | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Osidious | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Pharren | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Merci | Wyrmband of the Devoted
| Ashengate |
Nizdazen | Staff of Final Rites
| Frostcrypt |
Itsall | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itsall | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itsall | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chiozan | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Boulderbane | Magma Lacquer
| Ashengate |
Itsall | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itsall | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itsall | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Alierias | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Swiftjustice | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Qaquarius | Dyn`leth's Spy Glass
| Ashengate |
Wulftyger | Dyn`Leth's Elegant Belt
| Ashengate |
Chiozan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chiozan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Raskas | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Poohjure | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Rot | Magmaband of Cestus Dei
| Ashengate |
Shoaly | Scaleguardian's Guise
| Ashengate |
Raskas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chiozan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qaquarius | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Annubisx | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Vehn | Daggerscale Visor
| Ashengate |
Rot | Band of the Wildspirits
| Ashengate |
2007-06-12 |
Raskas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chiozan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chiozan | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Ohlook | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Everflame Torch of Ashengate
| Ashengate |
Sweetevill | Burned Remains of Shyleen
| Ashengate |
Raskas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chiozan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chiozan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Illiana | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Yagher | Flowing Magma Soulstone
| Ashengate |
Raskas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Raskas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xydel | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Illiana | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Insanekitty | Crimson Mask of Triumph
| Ashengate |
Poohjure | Arcekor, the Instigator
| Ashengate |
Salutary | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Salutary | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Raskas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Poohjure | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Pharren | Clipped Griffon Wings
| Ashengate |
Salutary | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Raskas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mencius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rten | Ambersnout's Snout
| Ashengate |
Salutary | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Nurmall | Arcane Actuator
| Ashengate |
2007-06-11 |
Merci | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Nizdazen | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Asheara | Brenda's Lavender Cinch
| Solteris |
Tado | Althea's Black Pearl Choker
| Solteris |
2007-06-10 |
Zontar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Salutary | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Valcrist | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Shoaly | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Spriite | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Quuq | Fjorlask, War Maul of Shadows
| Frostcrypt |
Engell | Ancient Royal Froststeel Bracer
| Frostcrypt |
Zontar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Amynyea | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Valcrist | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Amynyea | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Rezzya | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Silmare | Engraved Froststeel Visor
| Frostcrypt |
Qwenya | Glowing Earring of Purified Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Amynyea | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Amynyea | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Asheara | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Chiozan | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Xydel | Frosted Wrap of the Calm Spirit
| Frostcrypt |
Insanekitty | Slashed Leather Belt of Frostbite
| Frostcrypt |
Salutary | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Amynyea | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharren | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Xydel | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Skex | Silver-Wrapped Turquoise Earring
| Frostcrypt |
Xilraazz | Carved Blood Ice Choker
| Frostcrypt |
Salutary | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Raskas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chiozan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Asheara | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Merci | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
2007-06-09 |
Chiozan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Asheara | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Asheara | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Salutary | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Insanekitty | Sharpening Stone of the Sky
| Ashengate |
Asheara | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Asheara | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Silmare | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Flippety | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Corboy | Earstud of a Mother's Love
| Ashengate |
Pouty | Earstud of a Mother's Love
| Ashengate |
Asheara | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Asheara | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Poohjure | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Insanekitty | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Discordant | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Corboy | Belt of the Vengeful Orphan
| Ashengate |
Tyreel | Dyn`leth's Spy Glass
| Ashengate |
Salutary | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Asheara | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Salutary | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Rezzya | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Chiozan | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Raskas | Magmaband of Cestus Dei
| Ashengate |
Salutary | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Asheara | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Poohjure | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Xydel | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Raskas | Buckled Belt of the Commandant
| Ashengate |
Boulderbane | Buckled Belt of the Commandant
| Ashengate |
2007-06-06 |
Salutary | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itsall | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Poohjure | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Llayena | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Iamiar | Lambent Earring of Melded Iron
| Frostcrypt |
Catrielle | Shaped Sapphire Ice Sculpture
| Frostcrypt |
Salutary | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rezzya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Noodles | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Poohjure | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Oonagh | Frostwoven Platinum Band
| Frostcrypt |
Trevan | Frost Runed Blade of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Salutary | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rezzya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rezzya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rezzya | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Skex | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
Salutary | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rezzya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rezzya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Osidious | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Silmare | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Salutary | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rezzya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rezzya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Spriite | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Noodles | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Discordant | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Discordant | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rezzya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Juggahnaut | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Rten | Shaped Turquoise Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
2007-06-04 |
Yukkers | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Swiftjustice | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Juggahnaut | Throatslitter
| Solteris |
Lofwyr | Brenda's Lavender Cinch
| Solteris |
2007-06-03 |
Regon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rezzya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Poohjure | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Kumulas | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Oonagh | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Pharren | Embroidered Sash of the Icecaller
| Frostcrypt |
Insanekitty | Fjorlask, War Maul of Shadows
| Frostcrypt |
Zontar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rezzya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Poohjure | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Discordant | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Beour | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Vehn | Worn Iron Rallosian Relic
| Frostcrypt |
Xydel | Algid Bag of Frozen Tears
| Frostcrypt |
Xydel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Discordant | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Ohlook | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Insanekitty | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Asheara | Sleetcaller's Mask of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Zontar | Ice Enameled Gorget of Battle
| Frostcrypt |
Amynyea | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Beour | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Poohjure | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Rezzya | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Beour | Frost-Carved Granite Statue
| Frostcrypt |
Osidious | Brumal Fists of Whirling Sleet
| Frostcrypt |
Rezzya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Beour | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Asheara | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mencius | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
Lonn | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
2007-06-02 |
Rot | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Beour | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Amynyea | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Insanekitty | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Xydel | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Drachnyen | Slain Noble's Ring
| Ashengate |
Beour | Everflame Torch of Ashengate
| Ashengate |
Poohjure | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Beour | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Asheara | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Annubisx | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Spriite | Flowing Magma Soulstone
| Ashengate |
Asheara | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zontar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Poohjure | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Corboy | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Alisthanar | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Drukor | Obsidian Scale Cape
| Ashengate |
Pharren | Obsidian Scale Cape
| Ashengate |
Insanekitty | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Beour | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Skex | Arcane Wavebender Prism
| Ashengate |
Xydel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Insanekitty | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Skex | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Xydel | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Xilraazz | Dyn`Leth's Elegant Belt
| Ashengate |
Poohjure | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Xydel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Poohjure | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xydel | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Sasha | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Arthegorn | Haunting Ruby Amulet
| Ashengate |
Rot | Cape of the Lavaborn
| Ashengate |
Discordant | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Discordant | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Ohlook | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Amynyea | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Quuq | Buckled Belt of the Commandant
| Ashengate |
Skex | Vae`Aender, Stitch's Bow
| Ashengate |
2007-05-31 |
Rten | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Poohjure | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Poohjure | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Insanekitty | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Beour | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Illiana | Krithgor Ribshard
| Ashengate |
Xilraazz | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Insanekitty | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Asheara | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Discordant | Crimson Mask of Triumph
| Ashengate |
Rubinia | Sothgar's Ghostly Mantle
| Ashengate |
2007-05-30 |
Starns | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Skex | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Insanekitty | Bloodstained Ak-Daal Blade
| Solteris |
Iamiar | Polished Fang-Guard
| Solteris |
2007-05-29 |
Rezzya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Discordant | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rezzya | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Beour | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Yukkers | Pitchfork of the Town Rebels
| Frostcrypt |
Engell | Frostwoven Platinum Band
| Frostcrypt |
Zontar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Discordant | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rezzya | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Jairee | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Rten | Tattered Cryptrobber's Cloak
| Frostcrypt |
Bellai | Lambent Earring of Melded Iron
| Frostcrypt |
2007-05-28 |
Rezzya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Osidious | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Amynyea | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qaquarius | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Osidious | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
Beour | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Amynyea | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Amynyea | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Wulftyger | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Arthegorn | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
Jairee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Beour | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Amynyea | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Beour | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Alierias | Fragment of Corrupted Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Jairee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Beour | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Amynyea | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Boulderbane | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Indiana | Etched Obsidian Shard
| Frostcrypt |
Jairee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jairee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharren | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Vehn | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Drachnyen | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Shoaly | Frost-Scarred Giant Hide Bracer
| Frostcrypt |
Sincro | Icy Ring of Boreal Essence
| Frostcrypt |
2007-05-27 |
Amynyea | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Asheara | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharren | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Asheara | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Amynyea | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Rten | Worn Iron Rallosian Relic
| Frostcrypt |
Oogol | Shattered Mask of Ancestral Rage
| Frostcrypt |
Beour | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Regon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Beour | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Asheara | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Syndell | Frost Inlaid Lute of Boreal Wind
| Frostcrypt |
Bellai | Frost Inlaid Lute of Boreal Wind
| Frostcrypt |
Beour | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Regon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Osidious | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Boulderbane | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Qaquarius | Iceweave Sash of Lost Faith
| Frostcrypt |
Somlamda | Riven Krithgor Battle Shield
| Frostcrypt |
Beour | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Regon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qaquarius | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Somlamda | Fragment of Corrupted Ice
| Frostcrypt |
2007-05-26 |
Zontar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Laquorsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharren | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Tado | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Juggahnaut | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Annubisx | Obsidian Scale Cape
| Ashengate |
Corboy | Spiked Bracelet of the Betrayer
| Ashengate |
Regon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Asheara | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Discordant | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharren | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Xanathol | Magma Lacquer
| Ashengate |
Discordant | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Amynyea | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharren | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Regon | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Amynyea | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Catrielle | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Noodles | Belt of the Vengeful Orphan
| Ashengate |
Beour | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Discordant | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Amynyea | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Asheara | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Catrielle | Trumpet of the Dragon Goddess
| Ashengate |
Zontar | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Regon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jairee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jairee | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Syndell | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Vuncar | Band of the Wildspirits
| Ashengate |
Beour | Fetish of Unlife
| Ashengate |
2007-05-23 |
Jairee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jairee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Valcrist | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Phisto | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Nurmall | Spiritsender's Amberpike
| Ashengate |
Silmare | Earring of the Depths
| Ashengate |
Laquorsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Osidious | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Osidious | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yukkers | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Mencius | Krithgor Ribshard
| Ashengate |
2007-05-22 |
Qaquarius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sasha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jairee | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Bonkr | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Kumulas | Sothgar's Ghostly Mantle
| Ashengate |
Mencius | Sothgar's Ghostly Mantle
| Ashengate |
Qaquarius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sasha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sasha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Silmare | Sharpening Stone of the Sky
| Ashengate |
Bonkr | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
2007-05-21 |
Trevan | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Laquorsha | Diary of Jealous Loathing
| Solteris |
Xilraazz | Diary of Jealous Loathing
| Solteris |
2007-05-20 |
Jairee | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Regon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Euri | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Qwenya | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Drukor | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Tornt | Crystalline Shoulder Pads of Gelid Winds
| Frostcrypt |
Canium | Fjorlask, War Maul of Shadows
| Frostcrypt |
Regon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Regon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Syndell | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Quuq | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Regon | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Yagher | Worn Iron Rallosian Relic
| Frostcrypt |
Noodles | Blood-Infused Iron Stud
| Frostcrypt |
Quuq | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Quuq | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Quuq | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Xilraazz | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Bonkr | Iceweave Shawl of the Elements
| Frostcrypt |
Osidious | Frosted Wrap of the Calm Spirit
| Frostcrypt |
Arthegorn | Silver-Wrapped Turquoise Earring
| Frostcrypt |
Quuq | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Quuq | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lonn | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Syndell | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Yukkers | Brumal Fists of Whirling Sleet
| Frostcrypt |
Quuq | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Doublehorse | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Regon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Regon | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Drachnyen | Frost-Etched Ruby of Vitality
| Frostcrypt |
2007-05-19 |
Sasha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sasha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Syndell | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Spriite | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Pharren | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Tado | Embroidered Wool Band of Poetry
| Ashengate |
Somlamda | Obsidian Scale Cape
| Ashengate |
Zontar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sasha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Quuq | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Triangles | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Rubinia | Krithgor Ribshard
| Ashengate |
Kumulas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Quuq | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Euri | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Demeraudes | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Discordant | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Vehn | Belt of the Vengeful Orphan
| Ashengate |
Mencius | Dyn`leth's Spy Glass
| Ashengate |
Sasha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sasha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lonn | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Sasha | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Syndell | Trumpet of the Dragon Goddess
| Ashengate |
Catrielle | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Sasha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sasha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Discordant | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Illiana | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Osidious | Slayer's Skullband
| Ashengate |
Syndell | Scarlet Harbinger's Cloak
| Ashengate |
2007-05-17 |
Sasha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sasha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Valcrist | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Lonn | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Tornt | Crimson Mask of Triumph
| Ashengate |
Lofwyr | Crimson Mask of Triumph
| Ashengate |
Quuq | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Laquorsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sasha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kumulas | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Swiftjustice | Krithgor Ribshard
| Ashengate |
2007-05-16 |
Yagher | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Xanathol | 100 Phosphenes (bracer)
| Solteris |
Tornt | Brenda's Lavender Cinch
| Solteris |
Yukkers | Diary of Jealous Loathing
| Solteris |
2007-05-14 |
Osidious | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Pandari | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xilraazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Arthegorn | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Yagher | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Canium | Corrupted Orb of Living Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Illiana | Faceted Shard of Living Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Euri | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Xilraazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xilraazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pandari | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Laquorsha | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Sasha | Shimmering Veil of Frozen Mana
| Frostcrypt |
Iruul | Engraved Froststeel Visor
| Frostcrypt |
Laquorsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Laquorsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Catrielle | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Tobynn | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Pharren | Sleetcaller's Mask of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Silmare | Ice Enameled Gorget of Battle
| Frostcrypt |
Xilraazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xilraazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Regon | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Xilraazz | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Lofwyr | Riven Krithgor Battle Shield
| Frostcrypt |
Catrielle | Jagged Blood Iron Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Laquorsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Laquorsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Laquorsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Juggahnaut | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Tyreel | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
2007-05-12 |
Skex | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Skex | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Skex | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pandari | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Nurmall | Magma Lacquer
| Ashengate |
Skex | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Skex | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Euri | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Tyreel | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Flippety | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Rten | Chord of Lethar's Sinew
| Ashengate |
Pharren | Embroidered Wool Band of Poetry
| Ashengate |
Skex | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qaquarius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Osidious | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Silmare | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Osidious | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Shoaly | Darkfell Fingerbone Necklace
| Ashengate |
Sincro | Belt of the Vengeful Orphan
| Ashengate |
Qaquarius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lonn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Osidious | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Euri | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Rot | Cape of the Lavaborn
| Ashengate |
Spriite | Scaleguardian's Guise
| Ashengate |
Lonn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lonn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qaquarius | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Quuq | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Valcrist | Vae`Aender, Stitch's Bow
| Ashengate |
Pandari | Scarlet Harbinger's Cloak
| Ashengate |
2007-05-09 |
Lonn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lonn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lonn | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Doublehorse | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Spriite | Everflame Torch of Ashengate
| Ashengate |
Canium | Cloak of the Scarlet Legion
| Ashengate |
Regon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Regon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Regon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Yukkers | Clipped Griffon Wings
| Ashengate |
2007-05-08 |
Xilraazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lonn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tyreel | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Oonagh | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Alierias | Flickering Cloak of Embers
| Ashengate |
Yagher | Spiked Dragongut Shoulderpads
| Ashengate |
Doublehorse | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xilraazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xilraazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Osidious | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Merci | Prism of Captured Energy
| Ashengate |
2007-05-07 |
Zontar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lonn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Osidious | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Trevan | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Llayena | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Tobynn | Obsidian Scale Cape
| Ashengate |
Alisthanar | Staff of Final Rites
| Frostcrypt |
Qaquarius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qaquarius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qaquarius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Laquorsha | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Catrielle | Krithgor Ribshard
| Ashengate |
2007-05-06 |
Yagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itsall | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Stolix | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Shoaly | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Arthegorn | Thick Ice Studded Collar
| Frostcrypt |
Illiana | Embroidered Sash of the Icecaller
| Frostcrypt |
Qaquarius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qaquarius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Osidious | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Spriite | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Xanathol | Engraved Froststeel Visor
| Frostcrypt |
Alisthanar | Shimmering Veil of Frozen Mana
| Frostcrypt |
Qaquarius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qaquarius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tyreel | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Qaquarius | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Corboy | Slashed Leather Belt of Frostbite
| Frostcrypt |
Merci | Scorched Froststeel Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Qaquarius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qaquarius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bonkr | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Nizdazen | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Iamiar | Jagged Blood Iron Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Wulftyger | Carved Blood Ice Choker
| Frostcrypt |
Yagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tornt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bonkr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Juggahnaut | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Engell | Frost-Etched Ruby of Vitality
| Frostcrypt |
2007-05-05 |
Lonn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lonn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Juggahnaut | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Catrielle | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Zontar | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Oogol | Spiked Brimstone Warhammer
| Ashengate |
Lonn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lonn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qaquarius | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Sasha | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Demeraudes | Scaleguardian's Guise
| Ashengate |
Bellai | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Lonn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lonn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yagher | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Nizdazen | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Moyzt | Fetish of Unlife
| Ashengate |
Lyrae | Scarlet Harbinger's Cloak
| Ashengate |
2007-04-29 |
Yagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Syndell | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Mencius | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Qwenya | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Valcrist | Wraithguard Lord Commander's Cloak
| Frostcrypt |
Tado | Embroidered Sash of the Icecaller
| Frostcrypt |
2007-04-26 |
Bonkr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bonkr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Merci | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Wulftyger | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Tyreel | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Oonagh | Worn Iron Rallosian Relic
| Frostcrypt |
Somlamda | Shimmering Veil of Frozen Mana
| Frostcrypt |
Bonkr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bonkr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itsall | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Demeraudes | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Catrielle | Frost Inlaid Lute of Boreal Wind
| Frostcrypt |
Valcrist | Sleetcaller's Mask of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Bonkr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bonkr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nizdazen | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Aanlran | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Docktor | Frost-Carved Granite Statue
| Frostcrypt |
Yagher | Silver-Wrapped Turquoise Earring
| Frostcrypt |
Bonkr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bonkr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Stolix | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Trevan | Shaped Turquoise Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Juggahnaut | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
2007-04-25 |
Yagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tyreel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharren | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Drachnyen | Magma Lacquer
| Ashengate |
Iamiar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Iamiar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Nizdazen | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Lofwyr | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Gore-Splattered Shoulders
| Ashengate |
Nurmall | Chord of Lethar's Sinew
| Ashengate |
Iamiar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Iamiar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Merci | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Qwenya | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Catrielle | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Spriite | Dyn`Leth's Elegant Belt
| Ashengate |
Mencius | Mindbender's Sash
| Ashengate |
Iamiar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Euri | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Euri | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Kumulas | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Triangles | Hoop of Elemental Mastery
| Ashengate |
Swiftjustice | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Euri | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Euri | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Samtan | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Itsall | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Catrielle | Scarlet Harbinger's Cloak
| Ashengate |
Pouty | Slayer's Skullband
| Ashengate |
2007-04-24 |
Iamiar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Iamiar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tornt | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Qwenya | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Iamiar | Polished Pauldrons of Pearlescent Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Silmare | Polished Pauldrons of Pearlescent Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Syndell | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Syndell | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Syndell | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alierias | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Yagher | Frost-Etched Ruby of Vitality
| Frostcrypt |
Syndell | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Syndell | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Catrielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alierias | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Juggahnaut | Etched Obsidian Shard
| Frostcrypt |
Valcrist | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Syndell | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Demeraudes | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Spriite | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Silmare | Lambent Earring of Melded Iron
| Frostcrypt |
Corboy | Lambent Earring of Melded Iron
| Frostcrypt |
Valcrist | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Valcrist | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Valcrist | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sincro | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
Tyreel | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Valcrist | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Syndell | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alierias | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moonspiel | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Juggahnaut | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
2007-04-22 |
Syndell | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Catrielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bellai | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Oonagh | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Wulftyger | Everflame Torch of Ashengate
| Ashengate |
Canium | Earring of the Depths
| Ashengate |
Valcrist | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Syndell | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Iamiar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Skex | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Bellai | Clipped Griffon Wings
| Ashengate |
Alierias | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alierias | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Trevan | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Alierias | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Rot | Burning Heart of Sothgar
| Ashengate |
Illiana | Flickering Cloak of Embers
| Ashengate |
Alierias | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alierias | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alierias | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alierias | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Swiftjustice | Magma Lacquer
| Ashengate |
2007-04-19 |
Vulgore | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vulgore | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moyzt | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Somlamda | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Nizdazen | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Flippety | Obsidian Scale Cape
| Ashengate |
Zindel | Staff of Final Rites
| Frostcrypt |
Vulgore | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Stolix | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alierias | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vehn | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Iruul | Flowing Magma Soulstone
| Ashengate |
Vulgore | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Skex | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moyzt | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Moonspiel | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Samtan | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Llayena | Dyn`Leth's Elegant Belt
| Ashengate |
Trevan | Spiked Brimstone Warhammer
| Ashengate |
Vulgore | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Valcrist | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Iamiar | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Alierias | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Samtan | Cape of the Lavaborn
| Ashengate |
Merci | Hoop of Elemental Mastery
| Ashengate |
Arthegorn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alierias | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tornt | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Sincro | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Catrielle | Slayer's Skullband
| Ashengate |
Bellai | Scarlet Harbinger's Cloak
| Ashengate |
2007-04-18 |
Iruul | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Iruul | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zindel | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Vulgore | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Tobynn | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Pouty | Wraithguard Lord Commander's Cloak
| Frostcrypt |
Drachnyen | Ancient Royal Froststeel Bracer
| Frostcrypt |
2007-04-17 |
Bonkr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Arthegorn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moyzt | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Tado | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Sasha | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Yagher | Sekv, Blade of Glacial Fury
| Frostcrypt |
Moonspiel | Engraved Froststeel Visor
| Frostcrypt |
Stolix | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Arthegorn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bellai | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Valcrist | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Aanlran | Scorched Froststeel Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Noodles | Slashed Leather Belt of Frostbite
| Frostcrypt |
Arthegorn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Catrielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Sasha | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Spriite | Riven Krithgor Battle Shield
| Frostcrypt |
Rten | Brumal Fists of Whirling Sleet
| Frostcrypt |
Bonkr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Euri | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Euri | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zontar | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Valcrist | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
2007-04-16 |
Iruul | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Iruul | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Drukor | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Corboy | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Fironis | Pitchfork of the Town Rebels
| Frostcrypt |
Triangles | Engraved Petrified Figurine
| Frostcrypt |
Stolix | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Iruul | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Euri | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharren | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Silmare | Fragment of Corrupted Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Iruul | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Euri | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mencius | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Sasha | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Catrielle | Luminous Froststeel Warclub
| Frostcrypt |
Vehn | Tattered Cryptrobber's Cloak
| Frostcrypt |
2007-04-15 |
Alierias | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alierias | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alierias | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Canium | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Nizdazen | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
Euri | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Euri | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alierias | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Iamiar | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Tado | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
Swiftjustice | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Euri | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alierias | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Wulftyger | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Yukkers | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
2007-04-14 |
Swiftjustice | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Swiftjustice | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Merci | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Moyzt | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Pouty | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Stolix | Gore-Splattered Shoulders
| Ashengate |
Valcrist | Spiked Bracelet of the Betrayer
| Ashengate |
Swiftjustice | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Swiftjustice | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mencius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tyreel | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Iruul | Clipped Griffon Wings
| Ashengate |
2007-04-12 |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Silmare | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Noom | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Xanathol | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Triangles | Dyn`Leth's Elegant Belt
| Ashengate |
Vulgore | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vulgore | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aanlran | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Orcnis | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Tornt | Cape of the Lavaborn
| Ashengate |
Bellai | Trumpet of the Dragon Goddess
| Ashengate |
Wulftyger | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Wulftyger | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Docktor | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Jericanna | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Skex | Daggerscale Visor
| Ashengate |
Corboy | Daggerscale Visor
| Ashengate |
Wulftyger | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Wulftyger | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alierias | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Annubisx | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Spriite | Crescent Courier's Earring
| Ashengate |
Shoaly | Crescent Courier's Earring
| Ashengate |
Iruul | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xanithor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qbubba | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qwenya | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Arthegorn | Arcane Wavebender Prism
| Ashengate |
2007-04-11 |
Wulftyger | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Stolix | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sincro | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Alierias | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Zindel | Sothgar's Ghostly Mantle
| Ashengate |
Tado | Cinderskin Buckler
| Ashengate |
Xanithor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Wulftyger | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frogdorr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Engell | Arcane Wavebender Prism
| Ashengate |
Yukkers | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
2007-04-10 |
Swiftjustice | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Stolix | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Somlamda | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Sincro | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Noodles | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Jericanna | Corrupted Orb of Living Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Pouty | Frost-Scarred Giant Hide Bracer
| Frostcrypt |
Triangles | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Triangles | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pouty | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Fironis | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Seinoom | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Corboy | Worn Iron Rallosian Relic
| Frostcrypt |
Adamkadmon | Glowing Earring of Purified Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Triangles | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Triangles | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Demeraudes | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Pharren | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Kumulas | Sleetcaller's Mask of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Vehn | Slashed Leather Belt of Frostbite
| Frostcrypt |
Triangles | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Triangles | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Oonagh | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Xanithor | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Demeraudes | Iceweave Sash of Lost Faith
| Frostcrypt |
Aylena | Iceweave Sash of Lost Faith
| Frostcrypt |
Triangles | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Silmare | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Silmare | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Spriite | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Nedrom | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
2007-04-09 |
Zindel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zindel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lofwyr | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Zindel | Iceweave Cloak of Blackest Night
| Frostcrypt |
Zontar | Frost Runed Blade of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Zindel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zindel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zindel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Demeraudes | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Vehn | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Zindel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zindel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zindel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tyreel | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Iruul | Shaped Turquoise Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
2007-04-07 |
Zindel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mencius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frogdorr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lonn | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Mencius | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Zindel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frogdorr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alisthanar | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Iruul | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Silmare | Shaped Sapphire Ice Sculpture
| Frostcrypt |
Adamkadmon | Torn Shawl of the Ice Priests
| Frostcrypt |
Zindel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Triangles | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frogdorr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Corboy | Etched Obsidian Shard
| Frostcrypt |
2007-04-05 |
Zindel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharren | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mencius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qwenya | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Zontar | Sharpening Stone of the Sky
| Ashengate |
Pharren | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mencius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zindel | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Vehn | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Oonagh | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Sweetevill | Obsidian Scale Cape
| Ashengate |
Engell | Chord of Lethar's Sinew
| Ashengate |
Pharren | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mencius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zindel | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Aylena | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Xanithor | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Yatreny | Darkfell Fingerbone Necklace
| Ashengate |
Iruul | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Baradur | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vehn | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Aanlran | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Lofwyr | Cape of the Lavaborn
| Ashengate |
Kyrina | Trumpet of the Dragon Goddess
| Ashengate |
Pharren | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharren | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Nedrom | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Arthegorn | Slayer's Skullband
| Ashengate |
Stolix | Vae`Aender, Stitch's Bow
| Ashengate |
2007-04-04 |
Zindel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharren | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Triangles | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Yukkers | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Rten | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Engell | Thick Ice Studded Collar
| Frostcrypt |
Noodles | Icy Ring of Boreal Essence
| Frostcrypt |
2007-04-03 |
Arisi | Shattered Mask of Ancestral Rage
| Frostcrypt |
Pharren | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mencius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zindel | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Zontar | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Seinoom | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Chrishaller | Blood-Infused Iron Stud
| Frostcrypt |
Pharren | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharren | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bonkr | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Jericanna | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Spriite | Scorched Froststeel Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Mencius | Scorched Froststeel Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Pharren | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mencius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zindel | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Merci | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Nedrom | Brumal Fists of Whirling Sleet
| Frostcrypt |
Itsall | Silver-Wrapped Turquoise Earring
| Frostcrypt |
Pharren | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Illiana | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Illiana | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Stolix | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Bellai | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
2007-04-02 |
Adamkadmon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frogdorr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Shoaly | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Seinoom | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Xanathol | Cloak of the Scarlet Legion
| Ashengate |
Drukor | Everflame Torch of Ashengate
| Ashengate |
Illiana | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Illiana | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Illiana | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Trevan | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Rten | Arcane Actuator
| Ashengate |
Illiana | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Illiana | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rubinia | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Mencius | Crimson Mask of Triumph
| Ashengate |
Triangles | Flickering Cloak of Embers
| Ashengate |
Illiana | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Illiana | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Illiana | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vulgore | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Silmare | Magma Lacquer
| Ashengate |
2007-04-01 |
Wulftyger | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frogdorr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itsall | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Noodles | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Moonspiel | Luminous Froststeel Warclub
| Frostcrypt |
Trevan | Shaped Sapphire Ice Sculpture
| Frostcrypt |
Wulftyger | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frogdorr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bonkr | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Pharren | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Fironis | Polished Pauldrons of Pearlescent Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Iruul | Frostwoven Platinum Band
| Frostcrypt |
Wulftyger | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frogdorr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chrishaller | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Xanathol | Shaped Turquoise Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Wulftyger | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frogdorr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Catrielle | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Llayena | Frost-Etched Ruby of Vitality
| Frostcrypt |
Silmare | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Arthegorn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Arthegorn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharren | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Pouty | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Triangles | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mencius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rten | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Nizdazen | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
2007-03-31 |
Stolix | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Arthegorn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Noodles | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Illiana | Arcane Wavebender Prism
| Ashengate |
Mencius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Euri | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Somlamda | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Engell | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Arthegorn | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Nedrom | Earstud of a Mother's Love
| Ashengate |
Sincro | Spiked Bracelet of the Betrayer
| Ashengate |
Illiana | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Catrielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Somlamda | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Annubisx | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Seinoom | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Swiftjustice | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Tobynn | Darkfell Fingerbone Necklace
| Ashengate |
Wulftyger | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Silmare | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mencius | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Zindel | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Stolix | Haunting Ruby Amulet
| Ashengate |
Xanathol | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Adamkadmon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Baradur | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Wulftyger | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Pharren | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Swiftjustice | Buckled Belt of the Commandant
| Ashengate |
Feyr | Slayer's Skullband
| Ashengate |
2007-03-29 |
Nostradom | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Iruul | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yatreny | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Catrielle | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Kyrina | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Qwenya | Ancient Royal Froststeel Bracer
| Frostcrypt |
Nizdazen | Embroidered Sash of the Icecaller
| Frostcrypt |
2007-03-28 |
Mencius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nostradom | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Somlamda | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Llayena | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Pouty | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Oonagh | Sekv, Blade of Glacial Fury
| Frostcrypt |
Noodles | Worn Iron Rallosian Relic
| Frostcrypt |
Aandarudar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aandarudar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mencius | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Lofwyr | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Shoaly | Sleetcaller's Mask of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Tyreel | Scorched Froststeel Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Baradur | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aandarudar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Fironis | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Engell | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Seinoom | Iceweave Sash of Lost Faith
| Frostcrypt |
Merci | Riven Krithgor Battle Shield
| Frostcrypt |
Silmare | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nostradom | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mencius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Noodles | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Vehn | Etched Obsidian Shard
| Frostcrypt |
2007-03-26 |
Illiana | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Swiftjustice | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yagher | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Iruul | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Trevan | Crescent Courier's Earring
| Ashengate |
Xanathol | Spiritsender's Amberpike
| Ashengate |
Mencius | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Silmare | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Swiftjustice | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharren | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Nizdazen | Clipped Griffon Wings
| Ashengate |
Trevan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharren | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Somlamda | Golden Amulet of the Elddar
| Ashengate |
Bellai | Golden Amulet of the Elddar
| Ashengate |
Alisthanar | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Sweetevill | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
2007-03-25 |
Trevan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bellai | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aandarudar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itsall | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Mencius | Clipped Griffon Wings
| Ashengate |
2007-03-24 |
Wulftyger | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Wulftyger | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Kasugi | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Wulftyger | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Spriite | Dyn`leth's Spy Glass
| Ashengate |
Canium | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Aandarudar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aandarudar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Baradur | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Laquorsha | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Iruul | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Rot | Magmaband of Cestus Dei
| Ashengate |
Aandarudar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bellai | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Somlamda | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Lonn | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Yagher | Vae`Aender, Stitch's Bow
| Ashengate |
Moonspiel | Buckled Belt of the Commandant
| Ashengate |
2007-03-22 |
Triangles | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Catrielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Noodles | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
Illiana | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xilraazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharren | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Flippety | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Canium | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Xilraazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Catrielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Triangles | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Feyr | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
Aandarudar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Triangles | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xilraazz | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Qwenya | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
2007-03-21 |
Xilraazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bellai | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tado | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Triangles | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Arthegorn | Arcekor, the Instigator
| Ashengate |
Yatreny | Brightflame, Pride of the Lifebringer
| Ashengate |
Triangles | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bellai | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aandarudar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rten | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Xanathol | Sharpening Stone of the Sky
| Ashengate |
Spriite | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Spriite | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Oonagh | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Jericanna | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Annubisx | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Kumulas | Embroidered Sash of the Icecaller
| Frostcrypt |
Valcrist | Icy Ring of Boreal Essence
| Frostcrypt |
2007-03-20 |
Aandarudar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aandarudar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yatreny | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Docktor | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Shoaly | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Yukkers | Blood-Infused Iron Stud
| Frostcrypt |
Kyrina | Blood-Infused Iron Stud
| Frostcrypt |
Baradur | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yukkers | Frosted Wrap of the Calm Spirit
| Frostcrypt |
Nedrom | Frosted Wrap of the Calm Spirit
| Frostcrypt |
Mencius | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Lofwyr | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aandarudar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xilraazz | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Laquorsha | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Pharren | Runed Necklace of Living Bone
| Frostcrypt |
Nurmall | Jagged Blood Iron Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Drachnyen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xilraazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bellai | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pharren | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Yagher | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
2007-03-19 |
Spriite | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Spriite | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Spriite | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Illiana | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Tobynn | Arcane Wavebender Prism
| Ashengate |
Rot | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Spriite | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Spriite | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moonspiel | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Engell | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Yagher | Earstud of a Mother's Love
| Ashengate |
Noodles | Earstud of a Mother's Love
| Ashengate |
Spriite | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Spriite | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Aanlran | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Tyreel | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Zindel | Dyn`Leth's Elegant Belt
| Ashengate |
Trevan | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Spriite | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Spriite | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qbubba | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Illiana | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Nostradom | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Nurmall | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Pharren | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Spriite | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Spriite | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Laquorsha | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Arthegorn | Vae`Aender, Stitch's Bow
| Ashengate |
Corboy | Cudgel of Unified Vision
| Ashengate |
2007-03-15 |
Nostradom | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Trevan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nurmall | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Merci | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Kyrina | Runed Sash of the Wraithguard
| Frostcrypt |
Lofwyr | Crystalline Shoulder Pads of Gelid Winds
| Frostcrypt |
Sweetevill | Thick Ice Studded Collar
| Frostcrypt |
2007-03-12 |
Xanathol | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Trevan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Oonagh | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Tado | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Mencius | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Corboy | Algid Bag of Frozen Tears
| Frostcrypt |
Canium | Engraved Froststeel Visor
| Frostcrypt |
Xanathol | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yatreny | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vehn | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Spriite | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Moonspiel | Frost Inlaid Lute of Boreal Wind
| Frostcrypt |
Xilraazz | Scorched Froststeel Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Yatreny | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yatreny | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yagher | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Lofwyr | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Laquorsha | Iceweave Sash of Lost Faith
| Frostcrypt |
Stolix | Silver-Wrapped Turquoise Earring
| Frostcrypt |
Xanathol | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xilraazz | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Laquorsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Oonagh | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Annubisx | Frost-Etched Ruby of Vitality
| Frostcrypt |
2007-03-10 |
Xanathol | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chrishaller | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Baradur | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Shoaly | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Lofwyr | Prism of Captured Energy
| Ashengate |
Yatreny | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Catrielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Baradur | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Valcrist | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Tado | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Jericanna | Gore-Splattered Shoulders
| Ashengate |
Sincro | Fleshmelter, Lethar's Maul
| Ashengate |
Yatreny | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yatreny | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Demeraudes | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Silmare | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Lofwyr | Dyn`Leth's Elegant Belt
| Ashengate |
Nostradom | Shield of Fire and Fury
| Ashengate |
Yatreny | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yatreny | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yatreny | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yatreny | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zindel | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Docktor | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Moyzt | Scaleguardian's Guise
| Ashengate |
Qwenya | Scaleguardian's Guise
| Ashengate |
Vehn | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Kumulas | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Yagher | Slayer's Skullband
| Ashengate |
Chrishaller | Slayer's Skullband
| Ashengate |
2007-03-07 |
Yagher | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Trevan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kyrina | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Xilraazz | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Alisthanar | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Swiftjustice | Engraved Froststeel Visor
| Frostcrypt |
Drukor | Glowing Earring of Purified Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Yatreny | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Drachnyen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Feyr | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Tyreel | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Bellai | Slashed Leather Belt of Frostbite
| Frostcrypt |
Nedrom | Slashed Leather Belt of Frostbite
| Frostcrypt |
Yatreny | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Laquorsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mencius | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Seinoom | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Iceweave Sash of Lost Faith
| Frostcrypt |
Llayena | Carved Blood Ice Choker
| Frostcrypt |
Tobynn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tobynn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Trevan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sincro | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Yagher | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
2007-03-06 |
Tobynn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tobynn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Drukor | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Euri | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Drachnyen | Spiritsender's Amberpike
| Ashengate |
Illiana | Burned Remains of Shyleen
| Ashengate |
Tobynn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tobynn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tobynn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Iruul | Sharpening Stone of the Sky
| Ashengate |
Tobynn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tobynn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yatreny | Crimson Mask of Triumph
| Ashengate |
Somlamda | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Tyreel | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Noodles | Spiked Dragongut Shoulderpads
| Ashengate |
Tobynn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tobynn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tobynn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Shoaly | Prism of Captured Energy
| Ashengate |
Adamkadmon | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
2007-03-05 |
Tobynn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Laquorsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zindel | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Bonkr | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Drachnyen | Bladed Silver Pendant of Zek
| Frostcrypt |
Baradur | Torn Shawl of the Ice Priests
| Frostcrypt |
Xanathol | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Trevan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Laquorsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xilraazz | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Vehn | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Frogdorr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Baradur | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Euri | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pouty | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Stolix | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Iruul | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xanathol | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tyreel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Silmare | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Bellai | Fragment of Corrupted Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Tyreel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tyreel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vehn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Drukor | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Moonspiel | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
2007-03-04 |
Tyreel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tyreel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tyreel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tado | Flowing Magma Soulstone
| Ashengate |
Wulftyger | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Tyreel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tyreel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tobynn | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Somlamda | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Qwenya | Obsidian Scale Cape
| Ashengate |
Feyr | Fleshmelter, Lethar's Maul
| Ashengate |
Tyreel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tyreel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Vulgore | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Nizdazen | Dyn`leth's Spy Glass
| Ashengate |
Bonkr | Dyn`Leth's Elegant Belt
| Ashengate |
Trevan | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tyreel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Frogdorr | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Bellai | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Moonspiel | Trumpet of the Dragon Goddess
| Ashengate |
Merci | Scaleguardian's Guise
| Ashengate |
Xanathol | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tyreel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kumulas | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Rten | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Fironis | Buckled Belt of the Commandant
| Ashengate |
Chrishaller | Cudgel of Unified Vision
| Ashengate |
2007-03-01 |
Vehn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vehn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rten | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Sincro | Worn Iron Rallosian Relic
| Frostcrypt |
Tornt | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Nedrom | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Valcrist | Sekv, Blade of Glacial Fury
| Frostcrypt |
2007-02-28 |
Feyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Arthegorn | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rten | Frosted Wrap of the Calm Spirit
| Frostcrypt |
Iruul | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Illiana | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Xanathol | Ice Enameled Gorget of Battle
| Frostcrypt |
Nurmall | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nurmall | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moyzt | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Stolix | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Qwenya | Iceweave Sash of Lost Faith
| Frostcrypt |
Shoaly | Iceweave Sash of Lost Faith
| Frostcrypt |
Moyzt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moyzt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moyzt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nedrom | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Catrielle | Fragment of Corrupted Ice
| Frostcrypt |
2007-02-27 |
Moyzt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moyzt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Mencius | Bale and Brimstone
| Ashengate |
Nurmall | Cloak of the Scarlet Legion
| Ashengate |
Xanathol | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Llayena | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Moyzt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moyzt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moyzt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Docktor | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Swiftjustice | Arcane Wavebender Prism
| Ashengate |
Moyzt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moyzt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nizdazen | Crimson Mask of Triumph
| Ashengate |
Moonspiel | Spiked Dragongut Shoulderpads
| Ashengate |
Kyrina | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Flippety | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Moyzt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moyzt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rten | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Corboy | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Stolix | Arcane Actuator
| Ashengate |
2007-02-25 |
Tornt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tornt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tornt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Nedrom | Arcane Wavebender Prism
| Ashengate |
Rot | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Skex | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rten | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yatreny | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Moyzt | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Nizdazen | Embroidered Wool Band of Poetry
| Ashengate |
Kumulas | Embroidered Wool Band of Poetry
| Ashengate |
Rot | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Nostradom | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yatreny | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Canium | Shield of Fire and Fury
| Ashengate |
Bellai | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Baradur | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Xilraazz | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Engell | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chrishaller | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tornt | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Drachnyen | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Trevan | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Corboy | Haunting Ruby Amulet
| Ashengate |
Tornt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tornt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jericanna | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Merci | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Iruul | Buckled Belt of the Commandant
| Ashengate |
Rten | Slayer's Skullband
| Ashengate |
2007-02-24 |
Tornt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tornt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chrishaller | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Alisthanar | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Trevan | Polished Pauldrons of Pearlescent Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Nizdazen | Iceweave Cloak of Blackest Night
| Frostcrypt |
Tornt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tornt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nurmall | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Fironis | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Moonspiel | Shaped Sapphire Ice Sculpture
| Frostcrypt |
Drachnyen | Shaped Sapphire Ice Sculpture
| Frostcrypt |
2007-02-22 |
Tornt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tornt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tornt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xilraazz | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Rten | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
Tado | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tado | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tado | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Swiftjustice | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Pouty | Frost-Etched Ruby of Vitality
| Frostcrypt |
Tado | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tado | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tado | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bellai | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Oonagh | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Tado | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tado | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tado | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kumulas | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Lofwyr | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
2007-02-20 |
Tado | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tado | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tado | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rubinia | Frozen Diamond of Purification
| TSS |
Somlamda | Clipped Griffon Wings
| Ashengate |
Rot | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Triangles | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Bellai | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bellai | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yukkers | Chord of Lethar's Sinew
| Ashengate |
Nostradom | Golden Amulet of the Elddar
| Ashengate |
Sincro | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Merci | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Xanathol | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Stolix | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Triangles | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Trevan | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Jericanna | Dyn`Leth's Elegant Belt
| Ashengate |
Nurmall | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Bellai | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Celedyr | Magmaband of Cestus Dei
| Ashengate |
Baradur | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Engell | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Noodles | Embershank, the Malady
| Ashengate |
Laquorsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Baradur | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xanathol | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Spriite | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Rten | Daggerscale Visor
| Ashengate |
Stolix | Daggerscale Visor
| Ashengate |
2007-02-18 |
Noodles | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Noodles | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Merci | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Fironis | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Annubisx | Carved Blood Ice Choker
| Frostcrypt |
Shoaly | Riven Krithgor Battle Shield
| Frostcrypt |
Oonagh | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Noodles | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yatreny | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kyrina | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Canium | Shaped Turquoise Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
2007-02-15 |
Oonagh | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Oonagh | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yatreny | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Tornt | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Llayena | Crescent Courier's Earring
| Ashengate |
Merci | Crescent Courier's Earring
| Ashengate |
Kyrina | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sweetevill | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qwenya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Oonagh | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Nizdazen | Arcane Wavebender Prism
| Ashengate |
Kyrina | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kyrina | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xanathol | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Iruul | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Jericanna | Flickering Cloak of Embers
| Ashengate |
Engell | Arcekor, the Instigator
| Ashengate |
Kyrina | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nizdazen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nizdazen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Shoaly | Flowing Magma Soulstone
| Ashengate |
2007-02-14 |
Nizdazen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nizdazen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nizdazen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rten | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Sweetevill | Prism of Captured Energy
| Ashengate |
Rot | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Nizdazen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nizdazen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rten | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Annubisx | Wyrmband of the Devoted
| Ashengate |
Jericanna | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Illiana | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Llayena | Gore-Splattered Shoulders
| Ashengate |
Nizdazen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nizdazen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pouty | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Yukkers | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Dyn`Leth's Elegant Belt
| Ashengate |
Nostradom | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Nizdazen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nizdazen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nurmall | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Tobynn | Hoop of Elemental Mastery
| Ashengate |
Xanathol | Magmaband of Cestus Dei
| Ashengate |
Corboy | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Corboy | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Merci | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Drachnyen | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Zontar | Buckled Belt of the Commandant
| Ashengate |
Vehn | Cudgel of Unified Vision
| Ashengate |
2007-02-12 |
Nizdazen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lofwyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Drukor | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Moonspiel | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Somlamda | Corrupted Orb of Living Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Arthegorn | Wraithguard Lord Commander's Cloak
| Frostcrypt |
2007-02-11 |
Bellai | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Triangles | Krithgorian Royal Crest
| Frostcrypt |
Triangles | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Tobynn | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Fironis | Worn Iron Rallosian Relic
| Frostcrypt |
Vehn | Blood-Infused Iron Stud
| Frostcrypt |
2007-02-10 |
Kumulas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kumulas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chrishaller | Silver-Wrapped Turquoise Earring
| Frostcrypt |
Spriite | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Noodles | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Rubinia | Carved Blood Ice Choker
| Frostcrypt |
Kumulas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kumulas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kumulas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zontar | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Somlamda | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
2007-02-08 |
Lofwyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lofwyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Brightflame, Pride of the Lifebringer
| Ashengate |
Nizdazen | Sothgar's Ghostly Mantle
| Ashengate |
Iruul | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Nostradom | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Kumulas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kumulas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kumulas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nizdazen | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Vehn | Arcane Actuator
| Ashengate |
2007-02-07 |
Kumulas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kumulas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kumulas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sincro | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Nostradom | Magma Lacquer
| Ashengate |
Lofwyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lofwyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Corboy | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Annubisx | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Pouty | Chord of Lethar's Sinew
| Ashengate |
Shoaly | Gore-Splattered Shoulders
| Ashengate |
Oonagh | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Lewyrn | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Lofwyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lofwyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jericanna | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Yatreny | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Drachnyen | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Leenyne | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Somlamda | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Zontar | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Bellai | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Engell | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Canium | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Somlamda | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nedrom | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Iruul | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Drukor | Fetish of Unlife
| Ashengate |
Kyrina | Buckled Belt of the Commandant
| Ashengate |
2007-02-06 |
Alisthanar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Somlamda | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moyzt | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Yukkers | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Trevan | Ice Enameled Gorget of Battle
| Frostcrypt |
Pouty | Frosted Wrap of the Calm Spirit
| Frostcrypt |
2007-02-05 |
Corboy | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sincro | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kyrina | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Chrishaller | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Adamkadmon | Frost-Carved Granite Statue
| Frostcrypt |
Iruul | Jagged Blood Iron Ring
| Frostcrypt |
Alisthanar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Somlamda | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lofwyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rten | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Annubisx | Molded Agate Trinket
| Frostcrypt |
2007-02-03 |
Somlamda | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lofwyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yatreny | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Kyrina | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sincro | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Engell | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Rten | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Feyr | Tattered Cryptrobber's Cloak
| Frostcrypt |
Aylena | Torn Shawl of the Ice Priests
| Frostcrypt |
Somlamda | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lofwyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Skex | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Oonagh | Etched Obsidian Shard
| Frostcrypt |
2007-02-01 |
Somlamda | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tobynn | Engraved Petrified Figurine
| Frostcrypt |
Drachnyen | Battered Silver Runed War Shieldf
| Frostcrypt |
Bellai | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Zontar | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Somlamda | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lofwyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bellai | Soldier's Stone of Purity
| Frostcrypt |
Nedrom | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
Somlamda | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lofwyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Chrishaller | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Rten | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
2007-01-31 |
Somlamda | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moonspiel | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Corboy | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Oonagh | Slain Noble's Ring
| Ashengate |
Sincro | Slain Noble's Ring
| Ashengate |
Somlamda | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kumulas | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pouty | Fire-Runed Icepearl
| TSS |
Engell | Magma Lacquer
| Ashengate |
Aylena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aylena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nurmall | Arcekor, the Instigator
| Ashengate |
Kyrina | Spiked Dragongut Shoulderpads
| Ashengate |
Yatreny | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Drukor | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Aylena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aylena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aylena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nizdazen | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Iruul | Magma Lacquer
| Ashengate |
2007-01-30 |
Kyrina | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yukkers | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yukkers | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Oonagh | Pristine Granite Stone
| TSS |
Stolix | Clipped Griffon Wings
| Ashengate |
Valcrist | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sincro | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nurmall | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Llayena | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Drachnyen | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Nizdazen | Wyrmband of the Devoted
| Ashengate |
Somlamda | Wyrmband of the Devoted
| Ashengate |
Kyrina | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aylena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Stolix | Spiked Brimstone Warhammer
| Ashengate |
Flippety | Dyn`leth's Spy Glass
| Ashengate |
Xanathol | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Annubisx | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Aylena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aylena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Leenyne | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Arthegorn | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Chrishaller | Haunting Ruby Amulet
| Ashengate |
Yukkers | Haunting Ruby Amulet
| Ashengate |
Aylena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aylena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Swiftjustice | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Rten | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Tericanna | Band of the Wildspirits
| Ashengate |
Moonspiel | Scarlet Harbinger's Cloak
| Ashengate |
2007-01-29 |
Aylena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aylena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Drukor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Nostradom | Shaped Turquoise Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Drukor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Drukor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Drukor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rubinia | Rune-Etched Granite Fragment
| Frostcrypt |
Lofwyr | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
2007-01-28 |
Alisthanar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nizdazen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Canium | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Rten | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Demeraudes | Frost-Carved Granite Statue
| Frostcrypt |
Yatreny | Iceweave Sash of Lost Faith
| Frostcrypt |
2007-01-27 |
Drukor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Drukor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Drukor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lewyrn | Etched Pearl of Ever-Ice
| TSS |
Yukkers | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Drukor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Drukor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xanathol | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Tobynn | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Iruul | Polished Pauldrons of Pearlescent Ice
| Frostcrypt |
Stolix | Frostwoven Platinum Band
| Frostcrypt |
2007-01-25 |
Drukor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Drukor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sincro | Etched Obsidian Shard
| Frostcrypt |
Drukor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Drukor | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pouty | Mossy Tundra Stone
| Frostcrypt |
2007-01-24 |
Shoaly | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Shoaly | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nurmall | Luminous Froststeel Warclub
| Frostcrypt |
Skex | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Kyrina | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Engell | Bladed Silver Pendant of Zek
| Frostcrypt |
Shoaly | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Shoaly | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Corboy | Iridescent Pearl of Icy Precision
| Frostcrypt |
Shoaly | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Flippety | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Noodles | Etched Obsidian Shard
| Frostcrypt |
2007-01-23 |
Rot | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Shoaly | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Shoaly | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tyreel | Mindbender's Sash
| Ashengate |
Yatreny | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Tobynn | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Engell | Green Dragonscale Earring
| Ashengate |
Shoaly | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Shoaly | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Oonagh | Embershank, the Malady
| Ashengate |
Leenyne | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Vulgore | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Nostradom | Magmaband of Cestus Dei
| Ashengate |
Shoaly | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Shoaly | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vehn | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Nurmall | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Arthegorn | Daggerscale Visor
| Ashengate |
Stolix | Cudgel of Unified Vision
| Ashengate |
2007-01-22 |
Flippety | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Flippety | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Triangles | Illegible Diary of Lorekeeper Baeldon
| Valdeholm |
Rot | Warweaver
| Valdeholm |
Rot | Warweaver
| Valdeholm |
Kyrina | Warbound Leggings
| Valdeholm |
2007-01-21 |
Somlamda | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bazum | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Girdle of Stone Strength
| Valdeholm |
Kyrina | Lute of Longing
| Valdeholm |
Triangles | Sleetstorm Leggings
| Valdeholm |
Tyreel | Lorekeeper's Veil
| Valdeholm |
Nurmall | Veinsplitter
| Valdeholm |
2007-01-20 |
Shoaly | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Shoaly | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Shoaly | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Llayena | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Moonspiel | Slain Noble's Ring
| Ashengate |
Annubisx | Burned Remains of Shyleen
| Ashengate |
Flippety | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Flippety | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qwenya | Prism of Captured Energy
| Ashengate |
Flippety | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Flippety | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Illiana | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Sazik | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Crimson Mask of Triumph
| Ashengate |
Moyzt | Flickering Cloak of Embers
| Ashengate |
Flippety | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Flippety | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Somlamda | Arcane Wavebender Prism
| Ashengate |
2007-01-18 |
Flippety | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Flippety | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Phisto | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Phisto | Ebonheart of Lethar the Black
| Ashengate |
Swiftjustice | Sharpening Stone of the Sky
| Ashengate |
Canium | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Canium | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Feyr | Chord of Lethar's Sinew
| Ashengate |
Pouty | Fleshmelter, Lethar's Maul
| Ashengate |
Sweetevill | A Timeworn Leggings Mold
| TSS |
Bazum | A Timeworn Chestguard Mold
| TSS |
Canium | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Canium | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Somlamda | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Engell | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Llayena | Dyn`leth's Spy Glass
| Ashengate |
Lewyrn | Dyn`Leth's Elegant Belt
| Ashengate |
Canium | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Canium | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yukkers | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Moonspiel | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Nostradom | Hoop of Elemental Mastery
| Ashengate |
Vehn | Embershank, the Malady
| Ashengate |
Canium | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Canium | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yagher | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Chrishaller | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Discordant | Band of the Wildspirits
| Ashengate |
Xanathol | Buckled Belt of the Commandant
| Ashengate |
2007-01-17 |
Xilraazz | Conductor's Suede Gloves
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Oonagh | Symbol of Presto
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Drukor | Marble-Soled Boots
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Alisthanar | Symbol of Legato
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Swiftjustice | Girdle of Bellows
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Lofwyr | Bell Chime of Dissonance
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Albur | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Docktor | Forbidden Chord
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Albur | Forbidden Chord
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Bellai | Dusted Belfry Bracer
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Zontar | Enforcer's Obsidian Pauldrons
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Swiftjustice | Bulwark of Stained Glass
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
2007-01-16 |
Phisto | Illegible Diary of Lorekeeper Baeldon
| Valdeholm |
Leenyne | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Engell | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lutinna | Icedancer
| Valdeholm |
Iruul | Warbound Leggings
| Valdeholm |
Shoaly | Udengar's Thornmesh of War
| Valdeholm |
Aanlran | Veil of the Snow Spider
| Valdeholm |
Illiana | Frozen Heart of the Snow Spider Queen
| Valdeholm |
2007-01-15 |
Lewyrn | Bale and Brimstone
| Ashengate |
Tado | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lofwyr | Burned Remains of Shyleen
| Ashengate |
Stolix | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Arthegorn | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Somlamda | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Dekana | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rubinia | Flowing Magma Soulstone
| Ashengate |
2007-01-14 |
Rubinia | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bazum | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Burning Heart of Sothgar
| Ashengate |
Pouty | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Nurmall | Spiked Dragongut Shoulderpads
| Ashengate |
Euri | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Rubinia | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rubinia | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Shoaly | Arcane Wavebender Prism
| Ashengate |
2007-01-13 |
Rot | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Rubinia | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rubinia | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yukkers | Spiked Brimstone Warhammer
| Ashengate |
Stolix | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Qwenya | Darkfell Fingerbone Necklace
| Ashengate |
Corboy | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Rubinia | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rubinia | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alisthanar | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Sweetevill | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Drachnyen | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Trevan | Magmaband of Cestus Dei
| Ashengate |
Rubinia | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rubinia | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Trevan | Magma Lacquer
| Ashengate |
Rubinia | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rubinia | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jericanna | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Canium | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Yagher | Daggerscale Visor
| Ashengate |
Yatreny | Fetish of Unlife
| Ashengate |
2007-01-11 |
Rubinia | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rubinia | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Highkeeper's Haven
| Valdeholm |
Adamkadmon | Gefia's Gift
| Valdeholm |
Euri | Gefia's Gift
| Valdeholm |
2007-01-10 |
Gazz | Lorekeeper's Veil
| Valdeholm |
Skex | Loreward
| Valdeholm |
2007-01-09 |
Annubisx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Annubisx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Merci | Everflame Torch of Ashengate
| Ashengate |
Engell | Slain Noble's Ring
| Ashengate |
Stolix | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Trevan | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Annubisx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Drukor | Krithgor Ribshard
| Ashengate |
2007-01-08 |
Annubisx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Annubisx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Burning Heart of Sothgar
| Ashengate |
Skex | Spiked Dragongut Shoulderpads
| Ashengate |
Syndell | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Drachnyen | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Annubisx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Canium | Magma Lacquer
| Ashengate |
2007-01-07 |
Triangles | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Annubisx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Annubisx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tobynn | Dyn`Leth's Elegant Belt
| Ashengate |
Stolix | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Pouty | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Oonagh | Belt of the Vengeful Orphan
| Ashengate |
Alisthanar | Hoop of Elemental Mastery
| Ashengate |
Shoaly | Hoop of Elemental Mastery
| Ashengate |
Drukor | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Llayena | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Annubisx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Annubisx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Annubisx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Annubisx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Annubisx | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Oonagh | Arcane Actuator
| Ashengate |
Euri | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Tado | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Bazum | Daggerscale Visor
| Ashengate |
Chrishaller | Daggerscale Visor
| Ashengate |
2007-01-06 |
Moyzt | Harpstring Hair Choker
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Nurmall | Undertaker's Spade
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Tsarsha | Symbol of Pianissimo
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Fironis | Marble-Soled Boots
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Iruul | Marble-Soled Boots
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Frorag | Three Octave Shawl
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Rot | Forbidden Chord
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Tobynn | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Orra | Dissonant Pitch Gemstone
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Stolix | Knotted Rope Sash
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Yagher | Extended Tessitura Choker
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Drachnyen | Enforcer's Obsidian Pauldrons
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Tobynn | Vasella's Shadowy Cape
| Theater of Blood |
2007-01-04 |
Tsarsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tsarsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lofwyr | Crescent Courier's Earring
| Ashengate |
Canium | Slain Noble's Ring
| Ashengate |
Vulgore | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Bazum | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Tsarsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Trevan | Clipped Griffon Wings
| Ashengate |
2007-01-03 |
Tsarsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tsarsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Kyrina | Crimson Mask of Triumph
| Ashengate |
Lewyrn | Crimson Mask of Triumph
| Ashengate |
Moyzt | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Nedrom | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Tsarsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Syndell | Arcane Wavebender Prism
| Ashengate |
2007-01-02 |
Oonagh | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Tsarsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tsarsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Skex | Dyn`leth's Spy Glass
| Ashengate |
Merci | Dyn`Leth's Elegant Belt
| Ashengate |
Drukor | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Xanithor | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Tsarsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tsarsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xanathol | Hoop of Elemental Mastery
| Ashengate |
Triangles | Scaleguardian's Guise
| Ashengate |
Somlamda | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Sazik | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Tsarsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Euri | Arcane Wavebender Prism
| Ashengate |
Tsarsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tsarsha | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Stolix | Slayer's Skullband
| Ashengate |
Qwenya | Fetish of Unlife
| Ashengate |
Dekana | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Sweetevill | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
2006-12-30 |
Iruul | Kellak's Electrified Ring of Voracity
| Vergalid Mines |
2006-12-28 |
Yatreny | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Flippety | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jericanna | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Shoaly | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Alisthanar | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Stolix | Dyn`leth's Spy Glass
| Ashengate |
Somlamda | Dyn`Leth's Elegant Belt
| Ashengate |
Sweetevill | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sweetevill | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Llayena | Scaleguardian's Guise
| Ashengate |
Rubinia | Hoop of Elemental Mastery
| Ashengate |
Oonagh | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Kyrina | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Corboy | Arcane Actuator
| Ashengate |
Jericanna | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jericanna | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Merci | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Flippety | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Noodles | Slayer's Skullband
| Ashengate |
Vulgore | Band of the Wildspirits
| Ashengate |
2006-12-27 |
Jericanna | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jericanna | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moyzt | Brightflame, Pride of the Lifebringer
| Ashengate |
Bellai | Spiked Dragongut Shoulderpads
| Ashengate |
Somlamda | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Syndell | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Tsarsha | Arcane Wavebender Prism
| Ashengate |
Jericanna | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
2006-12-26 |
Chrishaller | Veil of the Snow Spider
| Valdeholm |
2006-12-21 |
Syndell | Duskstone of the Deserts
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Yatreny | Narcissist's Ballroom Mask
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xanithor | Cuirass of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xanithor | Greaves of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Yagher | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Rot | Rune-Etched Vampire Fang
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Iruul | Eulogy, the Bloodthirsty Blade
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nurmall | Swiftcleave, the Flesh Carver
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Iruul | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Sasha | Carmine Loop of Loathing
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tyreel | Althea's Cinching Cord
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Yatreny | Sister's Tear-Stained Shawl
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Bellai | Duskstone of the Oceans
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tobynn | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Iruul | Valorium Belt of Devotion
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Akurei | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Skullcap
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tobynn | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Skullcap
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nurmall | Leering Coldstone Mask
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Stolix | Armguards of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Yatreny | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-12-20 |
Jericanna | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Corboy | Everlasting Forge Coal
| Valdeholm |
Tobynn | Sleetstorm Leggings
| Valdeholm |
Cbus | Robe of the Driving Rains
| Valdeholm |
2006-12-19 |
Stolix | Holmguard Pauldrons
| Valdeholm |
Aalia | Lorekeeper's Veil
| Valdeholm |
2006-12-18 |
Aalia | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Qwenya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qwenya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Discordant | Dyn`leth's Spy Glass
| Ashengate |
Feyr | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Lofwyr | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Flippety | Dyn`Leth's Elegant Belt
| Ashengate |
Qwenya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qwenya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moonspiel | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Vehn | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Rylaar | Haunting Ruby Amulet
| Ashengate |
Dekana | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Soulrift | Prism of Captured Energy
| Ashengate |
2006-12-17 |
Jericanna | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jericanna | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Soulrift | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Bellai | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Nedrom | Daggerscale Visor
| Ashengate |
Yukkers | Daggerscale Visor
| Ashengate |
Jericanna | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jericanna | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Iruul | Cloak of the Scarlet Legion
| Ashengate |
Somlamda | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Arthegorn | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Moyzt | Crescent Courier's Earring
| Ashengate |
Euri | Krithgor Ribshard
| Ashengate |
Jericanna | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jericanna | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Merci | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Shoaly | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Nostradom | Sothgar's Ghostly Mantle
| Ashengate |
Drachnyen | Arcekor, the Instigator
| Ashengate |
2006-12-16 |
Xanithor | Sharpening Stone of the Sky
| Ashengate |
2006-12-14 |
Sazik | Symbol of Legato
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Seinoom | Harpstring Hair Choker
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Aylena | Bell Chime of Dissonance
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Yatreny | Marble-Soled Boots
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Tsarsha | Three Octave Shawl
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Bellai | Tear-Soaked Lanyard
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Rot | Forbidden Chord
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Rot | Forbidden Chord
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Syndell | Golden Mothdust Necklace
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Xanithor | Bulwark of Stained Glass
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Adamkadmon | Mask of the Mad Musician
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Aalia | Woven Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
2006-12-13 |
Syndell | Crystallized Teardrop of Vule
| Dreadspire Keep |
2006-12-10 |
Nurmall | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Qwenya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qwenya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aalia | Dyn`Leth's Elegant Belt
| Ashengate |
Nurmall | Spiked Brimstone Warhammer
| Ashengate |
Sazik | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Arthegorn | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Qwenya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qwenya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tado | Cape of the Lavaborn
| Ashengate |
Nedrom | Haunting Ruby Amulet
| Ashengate |
Noodles | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Nizdazen | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Qwenya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sincro | Arcane Actuator
| Ashengate |
Qwenya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qwenya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vulgore | Cudgel of Unified Vision
| Ashengate |
Corboy | Slayer's Skullband
| Ashengate |
Itsall | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Tado | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
2006-12-09 |
Qwenya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Llayena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Dekana | Slain Noble's Ring
| Ashengate |
Nedrom | Slain Noble's Ring
| Ashengate |
Soulrift | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Moonspiel | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Llayena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bazum | Magma Lacquer
| Ashengate |
Llayena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Llayena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pouty | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Drukor | Brightflame, Pride of the Lifebringer
| Ashengate |
Rubinia | Crimson Mask of Triumph
| Ashengate |
Drachnyen | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Krithgor Ribshard
| Ashengate |
2006-12-04 |
Rten | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Llayena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Llayena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Tsarsha | Darkfell Fingerbone Necklace
| Ashengate |
Arthegorn | Dyn`leth's Spy Glass
| Ashengate |
Vehn | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Oonagh | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Llayena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Llayena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nizdazen | Hoop of Elemental Mastery
| Ashengate |
Jericanna | Scaleguardian's Guise
| Ashengate |
Cbus | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Sincro | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Llayena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Drachnyen | Clipped Griffon Wings
| Ashengate |
Llayena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Llayena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Pouty | Daggerscale Visor
| Ashengate |
Rubinia | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Moyzt | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Trevan | Buckled Belt of the Commandant
| Ashengate |
2006-12-03 |
Nedrom | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nedrom | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Bale and Brimstone
| Ashengate |
Nurmall | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Merci | Burned Remains of Shyleen
| Ashengate |
Yukkers | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Llayena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vehn | Magma Lacquer
| Ashengate |
Llayena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moonspiel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Somlamda | Crimson Mask of Triumph
| Ashengate |
Rten | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Sweetevill | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Soulrift | Arcekor, the Instigator
| Ashengate |
2006-12-02 |
Moonspiel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Canium | Sharpening Stone of the Sky
| Ashengate |
2006-11-29 |
Moonspiel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Dekana | Arcane Actuator
| Ashengate |
2006-11-28 |
Angellmyst | Elddar Moonlocket
| Ashengate |
Moonspiel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moonspiel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moyzt | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Corboy | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Jericanna | Darkfell Fingerbone Necklace
| Ashengate |
Shoaly | Dyn`leth's Spy Glass
| Ashengate |
Merci | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Merci | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Annubisx | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Moonspiel | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Bazum | Scarlet Legion Command Stone
| Ashengate |
Pouty | Haunting Ruby Amulet
| Ashengate |
2006-11-26 |
Merci | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Merci | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Jericanna | Fetish of Unlife
| Ashengate |
Sadgewyck | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Nurmall | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
Nostradom | Buckled Belt of the Commandant
| Ashengate |
Merci | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Merci | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rot | Burning Heart of Sothgar
| Ashengate |
Somlamda | Sothgar's Ghostly Mantle
| Ashengate |
Rylaar | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Bazum | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Merci | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Dekana | Sharpening Stone of the Sky
| Ashengate |
2006-11-25 |
Moonspiel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Merci | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Lofwyr | Bale and Brimstone
| Ashengate |
Skex | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Drukor | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Drachnyen | Cloak of the Scarlet Legion
| Ashengate |
Merci | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sazik | Arcane Wavebender Prism
| Ashengate |
2006-11-22 |
Xanithor | Symbol of Mezzoforte
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Moyzt | Diva's Mask of Eternal Beauty
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Canium | Glass Orb of Consonance
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Angellmyst | Marble-Soled Boots
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Tsarsha | Conductor's Suede Gloves
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Flippety | Symbol of Double Forte
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Feyr | Linked Belfry Bracelet
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Tsarsha | Forbidden Chord
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Discordant | Golden Mothdust Necklace
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Yatreny | Extended Tessitura Choker
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Drukor | Mask of the Mad Musician
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Bellai | Symbol of Vivace
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Noom | Entropic Nightshade Leggings
| Theater of Blood |
Shoaly | Stone of Vampiric Shadows
| Theater of Blood |
2006-11-21 |
Merci | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Moonspiel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Annubisx | Crimson Mask of Triumph
| Ashengate |
Tsarsha | Flickering Cloak of Embers
| Ashengate |
Alisthanar | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Lofwyr | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Merci | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bellai | Arcane Wavebender Prism
| Ashengate |
2006-11-19 |
Nurmall | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Drachnyen | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nurmall | Crescent Courier's Earring
| Ashengate |
Trevan | Cloak of the Scarlet Legion
| Ashengate |
Vulgore | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Aeryth | A Timeworn Armguard Mold
| TSS |
Kyrina | Arcane Actuator
| Ashengate |
2006-11-18 |
Vehn | Stone of Vampiric Shadows
| Theater of Blood |
Iamken | Robe of Eternal Eloquence
| Theater of Blood |
2006-11-16 |
Merci | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sweetevill | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Illiana | Brightflame, Pride of the Lifebringer
| Ashengate |
Merci | Flickering Cloak of Embers
| Ashengate |
Nedrom | A Timeworn Boot Mold
| TSS |
Drachnyen | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
2006-11-14 |
Tado | Prism of Captured Energy
| Ashengate |
2006-11-13 |
Sweetevill | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sweetevill | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Annubisx | Bale and Brimstone
| Ashengate |
Flippety | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Soulrift | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Bazum | Cloak of the Scarlet Legion
| Ashengate |
Sweetevill | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Llayena | Krithgor Ribshard
| Ashengate |
2006-11-12 |
Cbus | Undertaker's Spade
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Yukkers | Symbol of Energico
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Drukor | Harpstring Hair Choker
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Frorag | Conductor's Suede Gloves
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Seinoom | Three Octave Shawl
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Ziena | Ashtar's Silken Sash
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Ghitming | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Rot | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Annubisx | Symbol of Expressivo
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Oonagh | Knotted Rope Sash
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Rylaar | Symbol of Vivace
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Arthegorn | Symbol of Vivace
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
2006-11-08 |
Sweetevill | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yukkers | Vergalid's Blood Mace of Dismemberment
| Vergalid Mines |
Chrishaller | Vergalid's Blood Mace of Dismemberment
| Vergalid Mines |
Bellai | Vergalid's Infectious Cloak
| Vergalid Mines |
Sweetevill | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Adaur | Goru's Girdle of the Deceased
| Vergalid Mines |
Arthegorn | Goru's Trinket of Fidelity
| Vergalid Mines |
2006-11-07 |
Sweetevill | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Xilraazz | Vermin Model IV's Diseased Harness
| Vergalid Mines |
Nurmall | Arachnid Model XII's Protective Hull
| Vergalid Mines |
Sasha | Nurtha's Leggings of Focus
| Vergalid Mines |
2006-11-06 |
Sweetevill | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Nedrom | Arcane Actuator
| Ashengate |
2006-11-05 |
Seinoom | Clouded Ring of Restoration
| Vergalid Mines |
2006-11-04 |
Moonspiel | Glass Orb of Consonance
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Skex | Symbol of Mezzoforte
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Euri | Diva's Mask of Eternal Beauty
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Qwenya | Three Octave Shawl
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Yukkers | Symbol of Presto
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Drukor | Ashtar's Silken Sash
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Xilraazz | Forbidden Chord
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Nostradom | Dissonant Pitch Gemstone
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Cbus | Symbol of Expressivo
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Phisto | Blood Drinker's Bone Fragment
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Yagher | Knotted Rope Sash
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Trevan | Bulwark of Stained Glass
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
2006-11-01 |
Sweetevill | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Sweetevill | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Corboy | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Sincro | A Timeworn Glove Mold
| TSS |
Somlamda | Crescent Courier's Earring
| Ashengate |
Swiftjustice | Earring of the Depths
| Ashengate |
2006-10-30 |
Soulrift | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rten | Arcane Wavebender Prism
| Ashengate |
2006-10-28 |
Vehn | Symbol of Energico
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Alisthanar | Last Treble Buckler
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Illiana | Diva's Mask of Eternal Beauty
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Chrishaller | Conductor's Suede Gloves
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Nurmall | Marble-Soled Boots
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Drukor | Three Octave Shawl
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Aanlran | Forbidden Chord
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Drukor | Forbidden Chord
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Demeraudes | Forbidden Chord
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Somlamda | Woven Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Drachnyen | Dusted Belfry Bracer
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Nurmall | Dusted Belfry Bracer
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Indiana | Entropic Nightshade Linked Shirt
| Theater of Blood |
Valthonz | Entropic Nightshade Boots
| Theater of Blood |
Aspena | Entropic Nightshade Wristguard
| Theater of Blood |
Tholie | Vasella's Shadowy Cape
| Theater of Blood |
2006-10-26 |
Soulrift | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Rten | Vergalid's Blood Mace of Dismemberment
| Vergalid Mines |
Rot | Serric's Blood-Encrusted Anorak
| Vergalid Mines |
Pouty | Serric's Blood-Encrusted Anorak
| Vergalid Mines |
Pouty | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yatreny | Neckguard of the Reincarnate
| Vergalid Mines |
Tadaanoo | Goru's Girdle of the Deceased
| Vergalid Mines |
2006-10-25 |
Pouty | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Catrielle | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Shoaly | Everflame Torch of Ashengate
| Ashengate |
Sazik | Burned Remains of Shyleen
| Ashengate |
Discordant | A Timeworn Bracer Mold
| TSS |
Yukkers | A Timeworn Skullcap Mold
| TSS |
2006-10-24 |
Moonspiel | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Flippety | Flowing Magma Soulstone
| Ashengate |
2006-10-23 |
Kyrina | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Corboy | Gnomework Model XVII's Experimental Plate Backing
| Vergalid Mines |
Nurmall | Vermin Model IV's Diseased Harness
| Vergalid Mines |
Idanla | Nurtha's Shoulderpads of Concentration
| Vergalid Mines |
2006-10-21 |
Lofwyr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Soulrift | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Dekana | Loyalist Coat of Icemail
| Valdeholm |
Bazum | Icedancer
| Valdeholm |
Oonagh | Icedancer
| Valdeholm |
Aeryth | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Vehn | Staff of the Pyrekeeper
| Direwind Cliffs |
Nizdazen | Ash of the Fallen
| Direwind Cliffs |
2006-10-20 |
Merci | Frozen Heart of the Snow Spider Queen
| Valdeholm |
2006-10-19 |
Canium | Harpstring Hair Choker
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Utaelr | Undertaker's Spade
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Corboy | Symbol of Energico
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Demeraudes | Marble-Soled Boots
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Xilraazz | Three Octave Shawl
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Amistic | Three Octave Shawl
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Rot | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Arthegorn | Linked Belfry Bracelet
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Rubinia | Mayong's Buckled Girdle
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Sincro | Ghostrider's Bridle
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Moonspiel | Enforcer's Obsidian Pauldrons
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Idanla | Woven Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
2006-10-17 |
Bazum | Kellak's Electrified Ring of Voracity
| Vergalid Mines |
Moyzt | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Skex | Vergalid's Infectious Cloak
| Vergalid Mines |
Itsall | Vergalid's Leggings of Corruption
| Vergalid Mines |
Vehn | Vergalid's Leggings of Corruption
| Vergalid Mines |
Bazum | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yukkers | Warfists of the Reincarnate
| Vergalid Mines |
Merci | Neckguard of the Reincarnate
| Vergalid Mines |
2006-10-16 |
Euri | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Alisthanar | Nurtha's Shoulderpads of Concentration
| Vergalid Mines |
Drachnyen | Arachnid Model XII's Protective Hull
| Vergalid Mines |
Sazik | Vermin Model IV's Diseased Harness
| Vergalid Mines |
2006-10-13 |
Somlamda | Bloody Orb of the Green Legion
| Vergalid Mines |
Kiirryn | Clouded Ring of Restoration
| Vergalid Mines |
Catrielle | Kellak's Electrified Ring of Voracity
| Vergalid Mines |
2006-10-12 |
Noom | Barbed Dragon Bones
| Ashengate |
Merci | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Wulftyger | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Wuria | Eggshell Fragment
| Ashengate |
Phisto | Ring of Deep Dreams
| The Steppes |
Valthonz | Veil of Dreams
| The Steppes |
2006-10-11 |
Acidine | Ro-Touched Ear Stud
| Ashengate |
Discordant | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
2006-10-10 |
Frogdorr | Bell Chime of Dissonance
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Oonagh | Ayonae's Crimson Shawl
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Kyrina | Symbol of Mezzoforte
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Moyzt | Three Octave Shawl
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Skex | Ashtar's Silken Sash
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Catrielle | Tear-Soaked Lanyard
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Kiirryn | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Frorag | Forbidden Chord
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Chrishaller | Linked Belfry Bracelet
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Itsall | Knotted Rope Sash
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Tado | Extended Tessitura Choker
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Illiana | Dusted Belfry Bracer
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
2006-10-09 |
Rubinia | Essence of Speed
| Vergalid Mines |
Sweetevill | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Aylena | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Drachnyen | Vermin Model IV's Diseased Bauble
| Vergalid Mines |
Soulrift | Vermin Model IV's Diseased Bauble
| Vergalid Mines |
Bazum | Vermin Model IV's Diseased Bauble
| Vergalid Mines |
Sazik | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
Llayena | Clergyman's Stone of Purity
| TSS |
2006-10-08 |
Kumak | Crest of the Scarlet Legions
| Ashengate |
Drachnyen | Crest of the Scarlet Legions
| Ashengate |
2006-10-07 |
Yukkers | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Euri | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Lofwyr | Hardened Coalstone of Purity
| TSS |
Corboy | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Nurmall | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Corboy | Lava-Seared Drakkin Heart
| Ashengate |
Noom | Amulet of the Scarlet Legion
| Ashengate |
Soulrift | Crest of the Scarlet Legions
| Ashengate |
2006-10-06 |
Alauria | Shard of Frozen Mist
| Vergalid Mines |
Bellai | Mistwalker's Scale
| Vergalid Mines |
Seinoom | Mark of the Dunes
| Vergalid Mines |
Xanathol | Kellak's Electrified Ring of Voracity
| Vergalid Mines |
Vehn | Electrified Bauble of Rigor
| Vergalid Mines |
2006-10-05 |
Nedrom | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Seinoom | Eggshell Fragment
| Ashengate |
Adaur | Black Legion Marker
| Ashengate |
Moonspiel | Uncut Ruby of Purity
| Ashengate |
Swiftjustice | Purified Lava Vein
| Ashengate |
Vashti | Weighted Jagged Einhander
| Ashengate |
Yatreny | Black Legion Templar Band
| Ashengate |
Spriite | Black Legion Templar Band
| Ashengate |
2006-10-04 |
Pouty | Lava-Drenched Gnoll Heart
| Ashengate |
Trevan | Purified Lava Vein
| Ashengate |
Xanithor | Purified Lava Vein
| Ashengate |
Valthonz | Weighted Jagged Einhander
| Ashengate |
Nurmall | Black Legion Marker
| Ashengate |
Staknas | Mantle of Hanging Flesh
| Ashengate |
2006-10-03 |
Illiana | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Yukkers | Serric's Blood-Encrusted Anorak
| Vergalid Mines |
Shoaly | Serric's Blood-Encrusted Anorak
| Vergalid Mines |
Chrishaller | Vergalid's Leggings of Corruption
| Vergalid Mines |
Euri | Neckguard of the Reincarnate
| Vergalid Mines |
Spriite | Diseased Ring of the Reincarnate
| Vergalid Mines |
2006-10-02 |
Frogdorr | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Qwenya | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Somlamda | Nurtha's Leggings of Focus
| Vergalid Mines |
Vehn | Vermin Model IV's Diseased Bauble
| Vergalid Mines |
Yukkers | Vermin Model IV's Diseased Bauble
| Vergalid Mines |
Slayerxx | Stoneplate Headguard
| The Steppes |
Tericanna | Barkskin Helm
| The Steppes |
Yukkers | Barkskin Helm
| The Steppes |
2006-10-01 |
Drachnyen | Girdle of Bellows
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Sadgewyck | Symbol of Mezzoforte
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Bazum | Glass Orb of Consonance
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Moonspiel | Tear-Soaked Lanyard
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Itsall | Conductor's Suede Gloves
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Vulgore | T`Pal's Leather Armguards
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Sincro | Linked Belfry Bracelet
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Flippety | Forbidden Chord
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Kumak | Dissonant Pitch Gemstone
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Moonspiel | Blood Drinker's Bone Fragment
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Kyrina | Blood Drinker's Bone Fragment
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Pouty | Blood Drinker's Bone Fragment
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Tholie | Vasella's Shield of Darkness
| Theater of Blood |
2006-09-29 |
Merci | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Somlamda | Plaguehide Boots
| Direwind Cliffs |
Chrishaller | Ringmail Ritual Boots
| Direwind Cliffs |
Adamkadmon | Corpse Bone Ring
| Direwind Cliffs |
Sasha | Disk of the Black Oak
| Direwind Cliffs |
2006-09-28 |
Flippety | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Itsall | Vergalid's Blood Mace of Dismemberment
| Vergalid Mines |
Amistic | Ring of Breeding Corruption
| Vergalid Mines |
Merci | Serric's Blood-Encrusted Anorak
| Vergalid Mines |
2006-09-26 |
Aandarudar | Glowing Obsidian Rune
| TSS |
Bellai | Goru's Girdle of the Deceased
| Vergalid Mines |
Adamkadmon | Neckguard of the Reincarnate
| Vergalid Mines |
2006-09-25 |
Trevan | Kellak's Electrified Ring of Voracity
| Vergalid Mines |
Flippety | Xacine's Wonderous Trinket
| Vergalid Mines |
2006-09-18 |
Naieth | Crescent Palemoon
| Thundercrest Isles |
Noom | Lightning Singed Mantle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Vengynce | Thundercrash Girdle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Moyzt | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Moyzt | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Naieth | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Tholie | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Spriite | Accursed Earhoop of Pain
| The Accursed Nest |
2006-09-16 |
Vashti | Ayonae's Crimson Shawl
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Somlamda | Symbol of Legato
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Alisthanar | Bell Chime of Dissonance
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Xanithor | Marble-Soled Boots
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Corboy | Mayong's Masquerade Mask
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Shoaly | Symbol of Double Forte
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Tericanna | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Annubisx | Mayong's Buckled Girdle
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Trevan | Dissonant Pitch Gemstone
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Xanithor | Dusted Belfry Bracer
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Trevan | Dusted Belfry Bracer
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Catrielle | Symbol of Vivace
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Valthonz | Entropic Nightshade Armguards
| Theater of Blood |
Valthonz | Entropic Nightshade Linked Shirt
| Theater of Blood |
Llayena | Wand of Vicious Cruelty
| Theater of Blood |
2006-09-14 |
Frogdorr | Glimmerice, Tserrina's Forgotten Ardor
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kumak | Invocation of Death's Shadow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vargo | Gaudy Demonhide Buckler
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Bazum | Moonstone Mind Scepter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Phisto | Obsidian Cummerbund
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Yukkers | Overtone Earstone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Noodles | Invocation of Death's Shadow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Moyzt | Choker of Unspoken Lies
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vulgore | Steam-Powered Cogblaster
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Jericanna | Invocation of Eternity
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-09-13 |
Tyreel | Lilac, Cruel Manipulator
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Blighted Teardrop Necklace
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sazik | Azure Robe of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Shadow Rage Spaulders
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Phisto | Vule's Frozen Heart
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Skex | Mail of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Mictain | Swiftcleave, the Flesh Carver
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aanlran | Rune-Etched Vampire Fang
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lewyrn | Azure Slippers of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Idanla | Azure Gloves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Adamkadmon | Althea's Cinching Cord
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Moyzt | Althea's Cinching Cord
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Moonspiel | Right Eye of the Third Vampire
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Valorium Belt of Devotion
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xanithor | Vermilion Batfur Cape
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Draksath | Indicolite Twin-Buckled Girdle
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Draksath | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Oonagh | Runic Bloodstained Maul
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Wulftyger | Armguards of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Idanla | Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-09-11 |
Kumulas | Symbol of Legato
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Canium | Girdle of Bellows
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Annubisx | Bell Chime of Dissonance
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Valcrist | Conductor's Suede Gloves
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Llayena | Symbol of Double Forte
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Dekana | Symbol of Presto
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
2006-09-10 |
Crazy | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Bellai | Veil of Vertigo
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Spriite | Linked Belfry Bracelet
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Corboy | Knotted Rope Sash
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Frogdorr | Ghostrider's Bridle
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Shoaly | Extended Tessitura Choker
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Valthonz | Entropic Nightshade Leggings
| Theater of Blood |
Tuvarwen | Vasella's Shadowy Cape
| Theater of Blood |
Mausi | Wreath of Eternal Eloquence
| Theater of Blood |
2006-09-09 |
Nurmall | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Skex | Charred Darkwood Bow
| Lair of Suchun |
Doublehorse | Cape of Cremation
| Lair of Suchun |
Jericanna | Burning Tree Leaf
| Lair of Suchun |
Shoaly | Chalice of Life
| Tunare's Shrine |
Lofwyr | Mantle of Ro's Revenge
| Tunare's Shrine |
Merci | Bauble of the Priesthood
| Tunare's Shrine |
2006-09-04 |
Tado | Diva's Mask of Eternal Beauty
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Lofwyr | Symbol of Legato
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Valcrist | Bell Chime of Dissonance
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Wulftyger | Conductor's Suede Gloves
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Kyria | Marble-Soled Boots
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Sweetevill | Ashtar's Silken Sash
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Alisthanar | Symbol of Expressivo
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Merci | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Jericanna | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Rten | Knotted Rope Sash
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Moonspiel | Symbol of Vivace
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Kyrina | Symbol of Vivace
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Noom | Entropic Nightshade Linked Shirt
| Theater of Blood |
2006-09-03 |
Frogdorr | Duskstone of the Tundra
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Frorag | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Catrielle | Flautist's Sorrow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Bellai | Boots of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Triangles | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Boots
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ranthorn | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Gloves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xanithor | Gauntlets of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Oonagh | Sister's Opulent Backstabber
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kyrina | Duskstone of the White Cliffs
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lyrae | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Flippety | Crown of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vulgore | Vermilion Batfur Sash
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Somlamda | Azure Cowl of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Wulftyger | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Rot | Amice of the Tranquil
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Mictain | Runic Bloodstained Maul
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Annubisx | Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-09-02 |
Pouty | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Kyrina | Ethereal Guard of the Scrykin
| Skylance |
Yukkers | Crystal Pendant of Force
| Relic |
Kumak | Crystal Pendant of Force
| Relic |
Oboi | Shademaul
| Relic |
Nedrom | Shademaul
| Relic |
2006-08-31 |
Illiana | Glimmerice, Tserrina's Forgotten Ardor
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Leenyne | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Tado | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Corboy | Invocation of Death's Shadow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Noodles | Wristguards of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pouty | Doomstone Band of Seeing
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Merci | Goresteel Spaulders
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Trevan | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Shoaly | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Pantaloons
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Yukkers | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Tunic
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Corboy | Duskstone of the Oceans
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tyreel | Resplendent Leather Aegis
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pouty | Tear of Deepest Regrets
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Canium | Greaves of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Adamkadmon | Tris' Embroidered Felt Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Wulftyger | Tris' Embroidered Felt Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sazik | Azure Breeches of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Shadow Rage Spaulders
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Valcrist | Bulwark of Bravery
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Feyr | Greaves of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-08-30 |
Merci | Last Treble Buckler
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Angellmyst | Diva's Mask of Eternal Beauty
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Trevan | Symbol of Mezzoforte
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Gherit | Conductor's Suede Gloves
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Sweetevill | Symbol of Double Forte
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Sincro | Symbol of Presto
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Leenyne | Veil of Vertigo
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Amistic | Symbol of Expressivo
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Kyria | Veil of Vertigo
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Cbus | Ghostrider's Bridle
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Corboy | Blood Drinker's Bone Fragment
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Yukkers | Blood Drinker's Bone Fragment
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
2006-08-27 |
Bellai | Swiftcleave, the Flesh Carver
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Frorag | Rune-Etched Vampire Fang
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Yukkers | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Boots
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Bellai | Sister's Opulent Backstabber
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Frorag | Mitts of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aanlran | Mitts of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Moonspiel | Duskstone of the White Cliffs
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Skex | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Noodles | Crown of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kyria | Valorium Belt of Devotion
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Amistic | Azure Cowl of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Skex | Ancient Cudgel of Slaughter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Korranary | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Merci | Pulsating Runed Pebble
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-08-26 |
Pouty | Battleworn Symbol of Rage
| Razorthorn |
Catrielle | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Moyzt | Glowing Orb of Rage
| Razorthorn |
Merci | Glowing Orb of Rage
| Razorthorn |
Ranbas | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Discordant | Blood-fueled Ragestone 175 hp
| Razorthorn |
Annubisx | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Frogdorr | Wristplates of Burning Rage
| Razorthorn |
Ziena | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Utaelr | Coalesced Drop of Focused Thought
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Sasha | Sash of Divine Retribution
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
2006-08-25 |
Catrielle | Ayonae's Crimson Shawl
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Sweetevill | Bell Chime of Dissonance
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Nizdazen | Symbol of Legato
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Tado | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Idanla | Cassindra's Ring
| Theater of Blood |
Crazy | Armwraps of Transcended Immortality
| Theater of Blood |
Crazy | Sandals of Transcended Immortality
| Theater of Blood |
2006-08-24 |
Kyrina | Marble-Soled Boots
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Rten | Symbol of Presto
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Nedrom | T`Pal's Leather Armguards
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Corboy | Linked Belfry Bracelet
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Oonagh | Linked Belfry Bracelet
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Soulrift | Golden Mothdust Necklace
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Yukkers | Ghostrider's Bridle
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Xanathol | Bulwark of Stained Glass
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Arthegorn | Blood Drinker's Bone Fragment
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Lambdachii | Vasella's Shadowy Cape
| Theater of Blood |
Drumr | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Annubisx | Robe of Eternal Eloquence
| Theater of Blood |
2006-08-23 |
Valthonz | Yarusha, the Storm's Fury
| Thundercrest Isles |
Vengynce | Windfury Katana
| Thundercrest Isles |
Aeryth | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Iosan | Crescent Palemoon
| Thundercrest Isles |
Bazum | Cloak of Deepshadow
| The Accursed Nest |
Aeryth | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Moonspiel | Dragonkiller
| The Accursed Nest |
Trevan | Elaborate Iron Idol of Contention
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Aylena | Coalesced Drop of Focused Thought
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Aanlran | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
2006-08-20 |
Llayena | Duskstone of the Oceans
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vargo | Lilac, Cruel Manipulator
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Korranary | Tris' Embroidered Felt Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Cbus | Blighted Teardrop Necklace
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Bazum | Consecrated Ball of Silver
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Feyr | Thorny Vine Shoulderpads
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Trevan | Invocation of the Last Dawn
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rubinia | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Oboi | Swiftcleave, the Flesh Carver
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ziena | Boots of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Discordant | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Boots
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Sister's Opulent Backstabber
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Yukkers | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Gloves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Seinoom | Althea's Cinching Cord
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Gherit | Crown of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Orra | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Idanla | Echo Trinket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tado | Vermilion Batfur Sash
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-08-19 |
Canium | Symbol of Mezzoforte
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Aeryth | Diva's Mask of Eternal Beauty
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Qwenya | Bell Chime of Dissonance
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Leenyne | Invocation of Death's Shadow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Moonspiel | Ali-Ani, the Eyes of Mayong
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Iamiar | Wristplates of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Cbus | Azure Wristcuffs of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Woven Shadow Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sincro | Duskstone of the Mountains
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vulgore | Band of Shattered Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Cbus | Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xilraazz | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
2006-08-17 |
Iamiar | Marble-Soled Boots
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Kumak | Conductor's Suede Gloves
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Sincro | Mayong's Masquerade Mask
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Jazmyne | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Canium | Veil of Vertigo
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Tado | Symbol of Expressivo
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Jazmyne | Mask of the Mad Musician
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Nizdazen | Woven Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Rubinia | Woven Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Tadaanoo | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Skex | Stone of Vampiric Shadows
| Theater of Blood |
2006-08-16 |
Shoaly | Goresteel Spaulders
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Shoaly | Sunstone Wand
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Dekana | Invocation of Death's Shadow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Spriite | Rod of the Ruined
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nanweniel | Cuirass of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nedrom | Tear of Deepest Regrets
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-08-15 |
Kernalo | Anthemion Wardstaff
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Sister's Opulent Backstabber
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Sister's Tear-Stained Shawl
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Spriite | Tris' Embroidered Felt Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sadgewyck | Blood Drinker's Fang
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Jazmyne | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Amistic | Blighted Teardrop Necklace
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Alisthanar | Duskstone of the Sand Flats
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nedrom | Bulwark of Bravery
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Trevan | Hoop of the Dark Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Flippety | Mail of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Tyreel | Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Seinoom | Boots of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Triangles | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Gloves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Canium | Left Eye of the Third Vampire
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Catrielle | Helm of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rten | Chiseled Skullbone Ring
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kinathin | Indicolite Twin-Buckled Girdle
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-08-13 |
Drumr | Runic Bloodstained Maul
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Seinoom | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Angellmyst | Pulsating Runed Pebble
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Yukkers | Amice of the Tranquil
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Saoulmort | Windfury Katana
| Thundercrest Isles |
Valthonz | Lightning Singed Mantle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Shadowraider | Shroud of the Surging Storm
| Thundercrest Isles |
Korranary | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Aanlran | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
Korranary | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Iamiar | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Merci | Dark Heart of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
2006-08-12 |
Bazum | Symbol of Energico
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Shoaly | Last Treble Buckler
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Frogdorr | Diva's Mask of Eternal Beauty
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Catrielle | Marble-Soled Boots
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Llayena | Conductor's Suede Gloves
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Flippety | Conductor's Suede Gloves
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Swiftjustice | Drape of the Unseen
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Phisto | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Catrielle | Veil of Vertigo
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Leenyne | Bulwark of Stained Glass
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Soulrift | Bulwark of Stained Glass
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Rten | Blood Drinker's Bone Fragment
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Utaelr | Vasella's Bloodstained Bracelet
| Theater of Blood |
2006-08-10 |
Dekana | Blood Drinker's Fang
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Idanla | Sunstone Wand
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Oonagh | Chunk of Solidified Marrow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rten | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Tunic
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aanlran | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Flippety | Choker of Unspoken Lies
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sweetevill | Invocation of Eternity
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Catrielle | Cuirass of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Amistic | Persuasive Glimmering Serpent
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tado | Apothic Ring of Evil Elements
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tornt | Duskstone of the Sand Flats
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Spriite | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Mictain | Bulwark of Bravery
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Oonagh | Greaves of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kumak | Hoop of the Dark Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-08-09 |
Trevan | Wristplates of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nedrom | Duskstone of the Mountains
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Oonagh | Invocation of Death's Shadow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Feyr | Doomstone Band of Seeing
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Dekana | Moonstone Mind Scepter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nizdazen | Duskstone of the White Cliffs
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Seinoom | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Vulgore | Anthemion Wardstaff
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Swiftjustice | Eulogy, the Bloodthirsty Blade
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Frogdorr | Boots of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tyreel | Sister's Tear-Stained Shawl
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Amistic | Sister's Tear-Stained Shawl
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Davie | Gauntlets of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sazik | Mind of the Third Vampire
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tado | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Cbus | Azure Cowl of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Indicolite Twin-Buckled Girdle
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Phisto | Cryptwood Tonfa
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-08-08 |
Vashti | Armguards of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Catrielle | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Korranary | Pulsating Runed Pebble
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-08-07 |
Tado | Undertaker's Spade
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Lofwyr | Diva's Mask of Eternal Beauty
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Discordant | Symbol of Mezzoforte
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Vashti | Mayong's Masquerade Mask
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Moonspiel | Marble-Soled Boots
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Dekana | Conductor's Suede Gloves
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Llayena | Forbidden Chord
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Triangles | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Yukkers | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Yukkers | Knotted Rope Sash
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Catrielle | Dusted Belfry Bracer
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Iamiar | Dusted Belfry Bracer
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Aspena | Entropic Nightshade Boots
| Theater of Blood |
2006-08-06 |
Triangles | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Rot | Shroud of the Surging Storm
| Thundercrest Isles |
Saoulmort | Lightning Singed Mantle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Amistic | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Vengynce | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
Trevan | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Triangles | Cloak of Deepshadow
| The Accursed Nest |
Seinoom | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
2006-08-05 |
Amistic | Tris' Embroidered Felt Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xilraazz | Mask of the Forsaken
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Albur | Vermiculated Drape
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Gudaman | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Tunic
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Frorag | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Vuuen | Resplendent Leather Aegis
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aylena | Daybreak, Bringer of Light
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vehn | Tear of Deepest Regrets
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aanlran | Tris' Embroidered Felt Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Valcrist | Duskstone of the Marshes
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sazik | Invocation of Night
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Drumr | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Arthegorn | Bulwark of Bravery
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Noodles | Shadowmane-Hide Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Canium | Hoop of the Dark Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-08-03 |
Arthegorn | Boots of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Gudaman | Anthemion Wardstaff
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kumulas | Azure Slippers of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Catrielle | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Catrielle | Sister's Opulent Backstabber
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Catrielle | Gauntlets of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Triangles | Althea's Cinching Cord
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aandarudar | Duskstone of the Mountains
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tericanna | Cryptwood Tonfa
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Annubisx | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Vulgore | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Skullcap
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Oonagh | Crown of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Swiftjustice | Band of Shattered Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Llayena | Armguards of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Canium | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-08-02 |
Janne | Chronal Stone
| Arcstone |
Erogluv | Iris Blade
| Arcstone |
Valthonz | Iris Blade
| Arcstone |
Catrielle | Shademaul
| Relic |
Drumr | Porthio's Belt of Shadows
| Relic |
2006-08-01 |
Moonspiel | Girdle of Bellows
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Aylena | Symbol of Pianissimo
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Soulrift | Glass Orb of Consonance
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Pouty | T`Pal's Leather Armguards
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Trevan | Marble-Soled Boots
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Oonagh | Mayong's Masquerade Mask
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Catrielle | Drape of the Unseen
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Shoaly | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Gudaman | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Discordant | Ghostrider's Bridle
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Vulgore | Mask of the Mad Musician
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Frogdorr | Dusted Belfry Bracer
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Amistic | Vasella's Shield of Darkness
| Theater of Blood |
Idanla | Robe of Eternal Eloquence
| Theater of Blood |
2006-07-31 |
Moonspiel | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Jericanna | Skull of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Sadgewyck | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Gwapa | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Moonspiel | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Rot | Crescent Palemoon
| Thundercrest Isles |
Amistic | Cloak of Deepshadow
| The Accursed Nest |
Catrielle | Dragonkiller
| The Accursed Nest |
Illiana | Dometrius, the Master's Burden
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Utaelr | Invocation of Night
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rubinia | Vermilion Orb of Clairvoyance
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Skex | Wristguards of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Valcrist | Right Eye of the Third Vampire
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-07-30 |
Illiana | Duskstone of the Tundra
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Catrielle | Obsidian Cummerbund
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Catrielle | Oddtune, the Chaotic Minstrel
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vulgore | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Tunic
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Korranary | Daybreak, Bringer of Light
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Gudaman | Tear of Deepest Regrets
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vargo | Narcissist's Ballroom Mask
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aandarudar | Lilac, Cruel Manipulator
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Cbus | Invocation of Night
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Idanla | Alluring Amethyst Amulet
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Noodles | Coffin Fragment
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Swiftjustice | Batskull Fetish
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Soulrift | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Oonagh | Shadowmane-Hide Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-07-29 |
Rot | Swiftcleave, the Flesh Carver
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Korranary | Boots of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Seinoom | Helm of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Davie | Boots of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Angellmyst | Althea's Cinching Cord
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Gudaman | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Gloves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Iamiar | Gauntlets of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Skex | Duskstone of the White Cliffs
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Leenyne | Helm of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Dekana | Echo Trinket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kumak | Ancient Cudgel of Slaughter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Amistic | Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Annubisx | Pulsating Runed Pebble
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Amistic | Supple Felt Wristwraps
| Dreadspire Keep |
2006-07-27 |
Nedrom | Symbol of Energico
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Iamiar | Girdle of Bellows
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Jericanna | Bell Chime of Dissonance
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Soulrift | Marble-Soled Boots
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Nanweniel | Ashtar's Silken Sash
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Nizdazen | Three Octave Shawl
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
2006-07-26 |
Leenyne | Golden Mothdust Necklace
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Soulrift | Veil of Vertigo
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Noodles | Linked Belfry Bracelet
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Alisthanar | Vasella's Shadowy Cape
| Theater of Blood |
2006-07-25 |
Cbus | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Arizona | Windfury Katana
| Thundercrest Isles |
Rot | Lightning Singed Mantle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Albur | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Lyrae | Boots of Vesagran
| Theater of Blood |
Vuuen | Gloves of Whispered Death
| Theater of Blood |
Kelliene | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Cbus | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Triangles | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
Kelliene | Skull of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Trevan | Valik's Flail of Might
| Theater of Blood |
Nizdazen | Cassindra's Ring
| Theater of Blood |
Rten | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
2006-07-24 |
Canium | Enforcer's Obsidian Pauldrons
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Skex | Blood Drinker's Bone Fragment
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Vulgore | Symbol of Vivace
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Triangles | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Dekana | Stone of Vampiric Shadows
| Theater of Blood |
2006-07-22 |
Sazik | Azure Gloves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tyreel | Insidious Hooded Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sasha | Azure Gloves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vashti | Duskstone of the Mountains
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Engell | Vermilion Batfur Cape
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Angellmyst | Helm of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Trevan | Helm of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kelliene | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Sazik | Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Yukkers | Ancient Cudgel of Slaughter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Yukkers | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Sleeves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-07-20 |
Doublehorse | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Rten | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Dekana | Linked Belfry Bracelet
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Seinoom | Vasella's Shadowy Cape
| Theater of Blood |
2006-07-19 |
Flippety | Mask of the Mad Musician
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Tornt | Woven Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Valcrist | Symbol of Vivace
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
2006-07-18 |
Kumak | Staff of the Burning Vampire
| Theater of Blood |
Vargo | Robe of Phenomenal Power
| Theater of Blood |
2006-07-17 |
Arthegorn | Chunk of Solidified Marrow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Euri | Mind of the Third Vampire
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aandarudar | Duskstone of the Reefs
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Moonspiel | Obsidian Cummerbund
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Albur | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Nedrom | Petrified Bone Girdle
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-07-16 |
Kernalo | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Bazum | Steam-Powered Cogblaster
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Swiftjustice | Greaves of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Angellmyst | Daybreak, Bringer of Light
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Valcrist | Duskstone of the Reefs
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-07-15 |
Trevan | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Tyreel | Persuasive Glimmering Serpent
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kumulas | Lilac, Cruel Manipulator
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tado | Invocation of Night
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Moonspiel | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Taliena | Coffin Fragment
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Shadow Rage Spaulders
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Swiftjustice | Invocation of the Last Dawn
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sincro | Piercing Ring of the Torturer
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Dekana | Boots of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Canium | Eulogy, the Bloodthirsty Blade
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Idanla | Insidious Hooded Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Trevan | Gauntlets of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Wickedsinger | Gold-Plated Lyre of the Suitor
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Yukkers | Cryptwood Tonfa
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Dekana | Crown of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Oonagh | Chiseled Skullbone Ring
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Woven Shadow Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Noodles | Armguards of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kumak | Armguards of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-07-13 |
Seinoom | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Soulrift | Cassindra's Cloak
| Theater of Blood |
Albur | Everliving Bramble Gloves
| Theater of Blood |
Triangles | Everliving Bramble Tunic
| Theater of Blood |
Noodles | Hammer of Shadows
| Theater of Blood |
Rubinia | Robe of Eternal Eloquence
| Theater of Blood |
Kiiro | Boots of Wailing Hatred
| Theater of Blood |
Mesphin | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Canium | Valik's Flail of Might
| Theater of Blood |
2006-07-10 |
Rot | Enforcer's Obsidian Pauldrons
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Swiftjustice | Dusted Belfry Bracer
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Iamiar | Enforcer's Obsidian Pauldrons
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Sincro | Hammer of Shadows
| Theater of Blood |
Yatreny | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
2006-07-08 |
Jazmyne | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Discordant | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Kumulas | Mayong's Buckled Girdle
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Cbus | Forbidden Chord
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Saoulmort | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Mesphin | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
Angellmyst | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Jazmyne | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Chutwitt | Shroud of the Surging Storm
| Thundercrest Isles |
Xilraazz | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Ranbas | Windfury Katana
| Thundercrest Isles |
2006-07-06 |
Vehn | Woven Shadow Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lofwyr | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Shoaly | Pulsating Runed Pebble
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Theleos | Armguards of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-07-05 |
Shoaly | Ghostrider's Bridle
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Theleos | Blood Drinker's Bone Fragment
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Alisthanar | Extended Tessitura Choker
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
2006-07-01 |
Triangles | Resplendent Leather Aegis
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kelliene | Band of Broken Vows
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Trevan | Cuirass of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lewyrn | Persuasive Glimmering Serpent
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Somlamda | Rotting Talons
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Taliena | Vule's Frozen Heart
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Darci | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Vulgore | Hoop of the Dark Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kumak | Shadow Rage Spaulders
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rten | Hatchet's Rusted Brass Locket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Theleos | Hatchet's Rusted Brass Locket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Alisthanar | Azure Slippers of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Mitts of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rten | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Drumr | Sister's Opulent Backstabber
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Angellmyst | Sister's Tear-Stained Shawl
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Indicolite Twin-Buckled Girdle
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Flippety | Duskstone of the White Cliffs
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tornt | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Iamiar | Helm of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rten | Cryptwood Tonfa
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Iamiar | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Pouty | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Sleeves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Cbus | Band of Shattered Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-06-29 |
Linadas | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Yukkers | Hammer of Rancorous Thoughts
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xilraazz | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sincro | Symbol of the Overlord
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Angellmyst | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aredhiel | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kelliene | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vulgore | Cape of Cremation
| Lair of Suchun |
Trevan | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Tornt | Earring of the Blood Warden
| Lair of Suchun |
Aredhiel | Charred Darkwood Bow
| Lair of Suchun |
Rot | Drum of Ethereal Thunder
| Skylance |
Xilraazz | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Alisthanar | Malformed Veil of the Firstborn
| Skylance |
Cbus | Prismatic Crystal Fragment
| Skylance |
2006-06-27 |
Pouty | Glass Orb of Consonance
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Davie | Diva's Mask of Eternal Beauty
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Qwenya | Symbol of Pianissimo
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Nedrom | Invocation of Death's Shadow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Discordant | Moonstone Mind Scepter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vehn | Wristguards of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Soulrift | Doomstone Band of Seeing
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-06-26 |
Jazmyne | Ashtar's Silken Sash
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Pouty | Symbol of Presto
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Theleos | Conductor's Suede Gloves
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Flippety | Linked Belfry Bracelet
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Nedrom | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Pouty | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Bazum | Enforcer's Obsidian Pauldrons
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Canium | Dusted Belfry Bracer
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Bazum | Dusted Belfry Bracer
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
2006-06-25 |
Yoruichi | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Discordant | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Pantaloons
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Vermiculated Drape
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Moonspiel | Oddtune, the Chaotic Minstrel
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Dekana | Left Eye of the Third Vampire
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vehn | Duskstone of the Marshes
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sincro | Duskstone of the Oceans
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-06-24 |
Jaeded | Tris' Embroidered Felt Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Iamiar | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Jaeded | Blighted Teardrop Necklace
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Utaelr | Apothic Ring of Evil Elements
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Yoruichi | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Skex | Greaves of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vashti | Greaves of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aredhiel | Invocation of the Last Dawn
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Soulrift | Steam-Powered Cogblaster
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Gwapa | Daybreak, Bringer of Light
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xanathol | Cuirass of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Trevan | Eulogy, the Bloodthirsty Blade
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Oonagh | Boots of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nanweniel | Boots of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Jazmyne | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Amistic | Azure Gloves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Demeraudes | Althea's Cinching Cord
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Carmine Loop of Loathing
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Discordant | Duskstone of the Reefs
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Gudaman | Cryptwood Tonfa
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Dekana | Vermilion Batfur Cape
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Utaelr | Azure Cowl of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lyndar | Ancient Cudgel of Slaughter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Jericanna | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Sleeves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Traxan | Runic Bloodstained Maul
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-06-22 |
Leenyne | Glass Orb of Consonance
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Tornt | Symbol of Legato
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Sweetevill | Harpstring Hair Choker
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
2006-06-21 |
Vashti | Ghostrider's Bridle
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Xanathol | Enforcer's Obsidian Pauldrons
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Feyr | Symbol of Vivace
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Sincro | Entropic Nightshade Linked Shirt
| Theater of Blood |
2006-06-20 |
Frogdorr | Symbol of Double Forte
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Swampfunk | Conductor's Suede Gloves
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Sazik | Tiara of the Deathscreamers
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Theleos | Linked Belfry Bracelet
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Llayena | Linked Belfry Bracelet
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Vulgore | Cracked Belfry Wristcuff
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Nedrom | Stone of Vampiric Shadows
| Theater of Blood |
2006-06-19 |
Erogluv | Entropic Nightshade Leggings
| Theater of Blood |
Vashti | Insidious Corruption
| Theater of Blood |
Valcrist | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
2006-06-16 |
Leenyne | Dusted Belfry Bracer
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Soulrift | Dusted Belfry Bracer
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Sincro | Blood Drinker's Bone Fragment
| Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance |
Rubinia | Hoop of Madness
| Theater of Blood |
Jaeded | Wristcuff of Whispered Death
| Theater of Blood |
2006-06-15 |
Aspena | Entropic Nightshade Linked Shirt
| Theater of Blood |
Tado | Spaulders of Tainted Beauty
| Theater of Blood |
Charlis | Boots of Superior Divinity
| Theater of Blood |
Charlis | Vambraces of Superior Divinity
| Theater of Blood |
Quuq | Greaves of Night's Bane
| Theater of Blood |
Trevan | Raelo's Diamond Ring
| Theater of Blood |
Charlis | Greaves of Superior Divinity
| Theater of Blood |
2006-06-14 |
Aspena | Entropic Nightshade Gloves
| Theater of Blood |
Oonagh | Crazed Stone of Shielding
| Theater of Blood |
Pouty | Chestwraps of Transcended Immortality
| Theater of Blood |
Drumr | Helm of Vesagran
| Theater of Blood |
Vehn | Entropic Nightshade Linked Shirt
| Theater of Blood |
Ghitming | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Soulrift | Prickly Earring
| Theater of Blood |
Swampfunk | Staff of the Burning Vampire
| Theater of Blood |
Echinacea | Everliving Bramble Gloves
| Theater of Blood |
Echinacea | Everliving Bramble Arms
| Theater of Blood |
Echinacea | Everliving Bramble Leggings
| Theater of Blood |
Aredhiel | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Jazmyne | Burning Tree Leaf
| Lair of Suchun |
Soulrift | Smoldered Gem of Battle
| Lair of Suchun |
Bazum | Smoldered Gem of Battle
| Lair of Suchun |
2006-06-13 |
Trevan | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Shoaly | Glowing Crystalweave Shawl
| Skylance |
Drumr | Drum of Ethereal Thunder
| Skylance |
Dekana | Crystal Pendant of Force
| Relic |
Skex | Porthio's Ring of Shadows
| Relic |
Arthegorn | Porthio's Ring of Shadows
| Relic |
2006-06-12 |
Moyzt | Tattered Belt of Rage
| Razorthorn |
Vulgore | Tattered Belt of Rage
| Razorthorn |
Valcrist | Roughcut Band of Rage
| Razorthorn |
Utaelr | Ragestone Adorned Amulet
| Razorthorn |
Trevan | Ragestone Adorned Amulet
| Razorthorn |
Cbus | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Jazmyne | Coalesced Drop of Focused Thought
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
2006-06-11 |
Doublehorse | Moonstone Mind Scepter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Quuq | Band of Broken Vows
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Frogdorr | Mayong's Sanguine Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vashti | Wristguards of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Shoaly | Mind of the Third Vampire
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-06-10 |
Vulgore | Tear of Deepest Regrets
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Yatreny | Rod of the Ruined
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Swiftjustice | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Qwenya | Invocation of Eternity
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Alisthanar | Rotting Talons
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nizdazen | Invocation of Night
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sazik | Blighted Teardrop Necklace
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Llayena | Duskstone of the Mountains
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Leenyne | Bulwark of Bravery
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Noodles | Vule's Frozen Heart
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nedrom | Hoop of the Dark Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Rune-Etched Vampire Fang
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Moonspiel | Swiftcleave, the Flesh Carver
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Zrenree | Eulogy, the Bloodthirsty Blade
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Insidious Hooded Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ghitming | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Aredhiel | Mitts of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Cbus | Azure Gloves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sweetevill | Duskstone of the Tundra
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Canium | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Nedrom | Cryptwood Tonfa
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ghitming | Cryptwood Tonfa
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Bazum | Indicolite Twin-Buckled Girdle
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Arthegorn | Leering Coldstone Mask
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Dekana | Armguards of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Cbus | Pulsating Runed Pebble
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-06-07 |
Theleos | Petrified Bone Girdle
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sazik | Sunstone Wand
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Shoaly | Vermiculated Drape
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Dekana | Right Eye of the Third Vampire
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-06-06 |
Yatreny | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Merci | Chalice of Life
| Tunare's Shrine |
Vulgore | Blessing of Solusek Ro
| Tunare's Shrine |
Somlamda | Trinket of Ro's Folly
| Tunare's Shrine |
Flippety | Vertekin's Blessing of Combat
| The Elddar Forest |
Sazik | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Sazik | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Soulrift | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Pouty | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Shadowraider | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Darci | Dragonkiller
| The Accursed Nest |
Darci | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Vulgore | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
2006-06-05 |
Aredhiel | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Gwapa | Band of Broken Vows
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pouty | Steam-Powered Cogblaster
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sweetevill | Daybreak, Bringer of Light
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Swiftjustice | Duskstone of the Deserts
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Canium | Duskstone of the Deserts
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vulgore | Alluring Amethyst Amulet
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Cbus | Tris' Embroidered Felt Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aandarudar | Persuasive Glimmering Serpent
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vehn | Shadowmane-Hide Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vehn | Vule's Frozen Heart
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Iamiar | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Theleos | Invocation of the Last Dawn
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-06-04 |
Illiana | Duskstone of the Sand Flats
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xilraazz | Rune-Etched Vampire Fang
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Valcrist | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Rubinia | Azure Slippers of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Iamiar | Eulogy, the Bloodthirsty Blade
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tornt | Sister's Tear-Stained Shawl
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Frogdorr | Althea's Cinching Cord
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Somlamda | Carmine Loop of Loathing
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vehn | Crown of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Trevan | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Frogdorr | Helm of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Arthegorn | Chiseled Skullbone Ring
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xanathol | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Zontar | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Skex | Leering Coldstone Mask
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aredhiel | Runic Bloodstained Maul
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-06-02 |
Ziena | Sash of Seven Scales
| Relic |
Orcnis | Silken Boots of the Magus
| Relic |
Darci | Dragonskull of Relic
| Relic |
Lyrae | Shademaul
| Relic |
Arizona | Shademaul
| Relic |
2006-06-01 |
Kinathin | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Valcrist | Petrified Bone Girdle
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Doublehorse | Invocation of Death's Shadow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Jazmyne | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Pantaloons
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kumulas | Duskstone of the Sand Flats
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-05-31 |
Lofwyr | Duskstone of the Reefs
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xilraazz | Tris' Embroidered Felt Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aeryth | Alluring Amethyst Amulet
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Illiana | Persuasive Glimmering Serpent
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Zrenree | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Discordant | Invocation of the Last Dawn
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Quuq | Bulwark of Bravery
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Bazum | Bulwark of Bravery
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Zrenree | Umbral Plate Faceguard
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Merci | Invocation of Eternity
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Davie | Greaves of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-05-30 |
Rot | Ancient Cudgel of Slaughter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Theleos | Swiftcleave, the Flesh Carver
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tericanna | Anthemion Wardstaff
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Moyzt | Boots of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Amistic | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Somlamda | Azure Gloves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Canium | Gauntlets of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Shoaly | Althea's Cinching Cord
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kyrina | Mind of the Third Vampire
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Amice of the Tranquil
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Jazmyne | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Vehn | Chiseled Skullbone Ring
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Alisthanar | Azure Cowl of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Moyzt | Helm of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Gwapa | Band of Shattered Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-05-29 |
Theleos | Shademaul
| Relic |
Arhus | Mask of the Second Born
| Relic |
Evaa | Ethereal Plate Leggings
| Relic |
Tado | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Valcrist | Windfury Katana
| Thundercrest Isles |
Zrenree | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Skex | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Tado | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Cbus | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Arizona | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Qwenya | Dark Heart of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Vulgore | Hammer of Rancorous Thoughts
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Yatreny | Plagueborn Cape
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nizdazen | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jazmyne | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cbus | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Oonagh | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2006-05-28 |
Rot | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2006-05-27 |
Samriti | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Doublehorse | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Albur | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Charlis | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Iamiar | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nuklhed | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rot | Greatsword of Mortification
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tholie | Globe of Voltage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Hanlon | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zrenree | Morguecaller
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nostradom | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vulgore | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Canium | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quuq | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tholie | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Somlamda | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Feyr | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jerag | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Drumr | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aredhiel | Mace of Tortured Nightmares
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2006-05-26 |
Rot | Boots of Captive Screams
| Tacvi |
Tholie | Merciless Enslaver's Britches
| Tacvi |
Lyrae | Tunat'Muram's Chestplate of Agony
| Tacvi |
Arizona | Tunat'Muram's Bloodied Greaves
| Tacvi |
Trevan | Worked Granite of Sundering
| Tacvi |
Jerag | Mantle of Corruption
| Tacvi |
Tholie | Gloves of Wicked Ambition
| Tacvi |
Shadowraider | Kelp-Covered Hammer
| Tacvi |
Arizona | Death's Head Mace
| Tacvi |
Arrok | Death's Head Mace
| Tacvi |
Slayerofvox | Bloodstone Blade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Davie | Weighted Hammer of Conviction
| Tacvi |
Evaa | Brutish Blade of Balance
| Tacvi |
Rot | Deathblade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Rot | Discordant Dagger of Night
| Tacvi |
Slayerofvox | Armguards of Insidious Corruption
| Tacvi |
Zrenree | Aegis of Midnight
| Tacvi |
Axez | Mask of the Void
| Tacvi |
Evaa | Xxeric's Battleworn Bracer
| Tacvi |
Albur | Bracer of Grievous Harm
| Tacvi |
Euri | Ragestone of Hateful Thoughts
| Tacvi |
Arthegorn | Crystallized Teardrop of Vule
| Dreadspire Keep |
2006-05-25 |
Bazum | Duskstone of the Mountains
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Theleos | Thorny Vine Shoulderpads
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Somlamda | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Sincro | Coffin Fragment
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lyndar | Hoop of the Dark Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aredhiel | Obsidian Cummerbund
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pouty | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Tunic
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Doublehorse | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Tunic
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tado | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Frogdorr | Rod of the Ruined
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Moyzt | Rod of the Ruined
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xanathol | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Aeryth | Daybreak, Bringer of Light
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-05-24 |
Drumr | Vermilion Batfur Cape
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sweetevill | Boots of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Quuq | Eulogy, the Bloodthirsty Blade
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Skex | Swiftcleave, the Flesh Carver
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Theleos | Sister's Opulent Backstabber
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Somlamda | Sister's Tear-Stained Shawl
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Quuq | Gauntlets of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vashti | Duskstone of the Reefs
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Merci | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Aylena | Helm of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xanathol | Chiseled Skullbone Ring
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lofwyr | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Illiana | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sincro | Runic Bloodstained Maul
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Davie | Band of Shattered Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-05-23 |
Somlamda | Vasella's Shadowy Cape
| Theater of Blood |
Oonagh | Pauldrons of the Burning Prince
| Lair of Suchun |
Discordant | Earring of the Blood Warden
| Lair of Suchun |
Ghorick | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Tado | Dagger of Blazing Fires
| Lair of Suchun |
2006-05-22 |
Frorag | Tempest Linked Bracer
| Devastation |
Rubinia | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Theleos | Spiked Faceguard of Rage
| Razorthorn |
Cbus | Glowing Orb of Rage
| Razorthorn |
Leenyne | Battleworn Symbol of Rage
| Razorthorn |
Lofwyr | Ragestone Adorned Amulet
| Razorthorn |
Tornt | Ragestone Adorned Amulet
| Razorthorn |
Sweetevill | Coalesced Drop of Focused Thought
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Xanathol | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
2006-05-21 |
Canium | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shadowraider | Chaos-Imbued Leather Bracer
| Miragul's Menagerie |
Vengynce | Blood-Soaked Champions Scroll
| Walls of Slaughter |
Etuinka | Plagueborn Cape
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quuq | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Necklace of the Steadfast Spirit
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aeryth | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nizdazen | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alisthanar | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swiftjustice | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2006-05-19 |
Rot | Sorrowmourn Stone
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rot | Greatsword of Mortification
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vulgore | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Azzyenya | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Idanla | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lewyrn | Ring of Deterrence
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zrenree | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zrenree | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Abbathor | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Attokk | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tado | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aldreth | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Idanla | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Evaa | Girdle of the Fleet
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Arhus | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Drumr | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Moyzt | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jazmyne | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Evaa | Sorrowmourn Stone
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Moyzt | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2006-05-18 |
Idanla | Bazu Stone
| DoD / PoR |
Sincro | Chalice of Life
| Tunare's Shrine |
Jericanna | Trinket of Ro's Folly
| Tunare's Shrine |
Frogdorr | Bauble of the Priesthood
| Tunare's Shrine |
Shadowraider | Crescent Palemoon
| Thundercrest Isles |
Arizona | Shroud of the Surging Storm
| Thundercrest Isles |
Canium | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Oonagh | Yarusha, the Storm's Fury
| Thundercrest Isles |
Idanla | Skull of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Nedrom | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Zrenree | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Doublehorse | Dark Heart of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Alisthanar | Embroidered Silverweave Cord of Conflict
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Tado | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
2006-05-17 |
Rot | Drum of Ethereal Thunder
| Skylance |
Jericanna | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Lakaa | Crystal Globe of Spirits
| Skylance |
Nostradom | Badge of the Skylance Guard
| Skylance |
2006-05-16 |
Soulrift | Battleworn Symbol of Rage
| Razorthorn |
Moyzt | Scorched Wand of Rage
| Razorthorn |
Aandarudar | Glowing Orb of Rage
| Razorthorn |
Theleos | Ragestone Adorned Earhoop
| Razorthorn |
Zrenree | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Feyr | Blood Quenched Visor of Animosity
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
2006-05-15 |
Xanathol | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Evaa | Sundering Sword of the Fallen Hero
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Angelx | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Swampfunk | Wristbands of Burning Rage
| Razorthorn |
2006-05-14 |
Sazik | Gem of Unnatural Regrowth
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rot | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Evaa | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Agni | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tado | Plagueborn Cape
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nostradom | Girplan Hammer of Carnage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Korranary | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vuuen | Warbeads of the Magus
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Orcnis | Warbeads of the Magus
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Somlamda | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Axez | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vuuen | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Idanla | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ghorick | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Annubisx | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quuq | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Darci | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xanathol | Hanvar's Hoop
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jericanna | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Evaa | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Attokk | Mask of Lament
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zrenree | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vulgore | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Boffomon | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cbus | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Theleos | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2006-05-13 |
Jaeded | Hood of the Relic Born
| Relic |
Rot | Sundering Sword of the Fallen Hero
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Tornt | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Arizona | Dragonrider Chain Gloves
| Relic |
Lofwyr | Chalice of Life
| Tunare's Shrine |
Itaknoir | Trinket of Ro's Folly
| Tunare's Shrine |
Jericanna | Mantle of Ro's Revenge
| Tunare's Shrine |
Zrenree | Porthio's Belt of Shadows
| Relic |
Demeraudes | Mask of the Second Born
| Relic |
2006-05-12 |
Katonis | Blood-fueled Ragestone 175 hp
| Razorthorn |
Doublehorse | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Tholie | Crescent Palemoon
| Thundercrest Isles |
Lyndar | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Vehn | Lightning Singed Mantle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Lakaa | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Jazmyne | Cloak of Deepshadow
| The Accursed Nest |
Illiana | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Arizona | Dragonkiller
| The Accursed Nest |
Vehn | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Skex | Ragestone Adorned Earhoop
| Razorthorn |
Jericanna | Blood-fueled Ragestone 150 hp
| Razorthorn |
Zrenree | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Doublehorse | Blood Quenched Visor of Animosity
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Zrenree | Elaborate Iron Idol of Contention
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
2006-05-11 |
Vehn | Wristbands of Burning Rage
| Razorthorn |
Vehn | Earring of Preserved Restraint
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Cbus | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
2006-05-10 |
Zrenree | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Bazum | Sundering Sword of the Fallen Hero
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Shoaly | Toebone Necklace
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
2006-05-09 |
Alisthanar | Shadowed Stone of Hidden Flame
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
2006-05-08 |
Tornt | Blood-fueled Ragestone 175 hp
| Razorthorn |
Itaknoir | Blood-fueled Ragestone 175 hp
| Razorthorn |
Jazmyne | Ragestone Adorned Amulet
| Razorthorn |
Davie | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Nizdazen | Earring of Preserved Restraint
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Gazz | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Kumulas | Coalesced Drop of Focused Thought
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
2006-05-07 |
Kissabella | Blood-fueled Ragestone 175 hp
| Razorthorn |
Skex | Wristbands of Burning Rage
| Razorthorn |
2006-05-05 |
Flippety | Duskstone of the Mountains
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Shoaly | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Ghitming | Eye of the Lycanthrope
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Frogdorr | Alluring Amethyst Amulet
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tornt | Rotting Talons
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Itaknoir | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Nedrom | Vule's Frozen Heart
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Valcrist | Batskull Fetish
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vehn | Coffin Fragment
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Llayena | Duskstone of the Forests
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-05-04 |
Itaknoir | Goresteel Spaulders
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Llayena | Obsidian Cummerbund
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sincro | Petrified Bone Girdle
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ghitming | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Rot | Umbral Plate Faceguard
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xanathol | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Cbus | Choker of Unspoken Lies
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Quuq | Cuirass of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-05-03 |
Leenyne | Boots of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Canium | Duskstone of the Forests
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xilraazz | Boots of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Adrain | Flautist's Sorrow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Merci | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Gloves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Cbus | Sister's Tear-Stained Shawl
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Davie | Althea's Cinching Cord
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Jazmyne | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Valcrist | Duskstone of the Mountains
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ghorick | Chiseled Skullbone Ring
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Quuq | Helm of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lakaa | Helm of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vehn | Runic Bloodstained Maul
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Katonis | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Quuq | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tado | Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-05-01 |
Theleos | Wristbands of Burning Rage
| Razorthorn |
2006-04-30 |
Cbus | Bazu Stone
| DoD / PoR |
Kyrina | Trinket of Ro's Folly
| Tunare's Shrine |
Nedrom | Bauble of the Priesthood
| Tunare's Shrine |
Kissabella | Chalice of Life
| Tunare's Shrine |
Xanathol | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Somlamda | Embroidered Silverweave Cord of Conflict
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
2006-04-29 |
Zontar | Cuirass of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xilraazz | Choker of Unspoken Lies
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kumulas | Resplendent Leather Aegis
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Somlamda | Tris' Embroidered Felt Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Llayena | Persuasive Glimmering Serpent
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Qwenya | Rotting Talons
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Itaknoir | Duskstone of the Deserts
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Consecrated Ball of Silver
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Valcrist | Hoop of the Dark Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sincro | Shadowmane-Hide Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vashti | Forged Silver Fang
| Dreadspire Keep |
Lewyrn | Ornament of Eyes
| Dreadspire Keep |
2006-04-28 |
Oonagh | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Drumr | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Attokk | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Rot | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
Asiel | Silken Boots of the Magus
| Relic |
Davie | Accursed Earhoop of Pain
| The Accursed Nest |
Lofwyr | Dark Heart of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Oonagh | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Vehn | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Vehn | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jericanna | Earring of Dragonkin
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cbus | Plagueborn Cape
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shoaly | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aylena | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Akurei | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frorag | Warbeads of the Magus
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quuq | Ring of Deterrence
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cbus | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Loralei | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cbus | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lonn | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cbus | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nizdazen | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shoaly | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ismel | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ftul | Aegis of the Dragorn Elders
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Somlamda | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Canium | Hanvar's Hoop
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jaeded | Globe of Voltage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nimgrok | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Euri | Earring of Dark Conflict
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vehn | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Skex | Mace of Tortured Nightmares
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Euri | Stud of Chilling Precision
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cbus | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Albur | Dragontamer Sleeves
| Relic |
Quuq | Hollowed Dragon Tusk
| Relic |
2006-04-27 |
Gazz | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Euri | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Jazmyne | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Gloves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xanathol | Eulogy, the Bloodthirsty Blade
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Theleos | Boots of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Skex | Hatchet's Rusted Brass Locket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Darci | Sister's Opulent Backstabber
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Theleos | Mitts of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Merci | Duskstone of the Mountains
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kissabella | Vermilion Batfur Sash
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Doublehorse | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Skullcap
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Theleos | Crown of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Woven Shadow Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Somlamda | Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Oonagh | Armguards of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-04-26 |
Rot | Bazu Stone
| DoD / PoR |
Qwenya | Chalice of Life
| Tunare's Shrine |
Katonis | Pendant of Insurgency
| Tunare's Shrine |
Lyndar | Blessing of Solusek Ro
| Tunare's Shrine |
2006-04-25 |
Bazum | Duskstone of the Marshes
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-04-24 |
Sinbyen | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Pantaloons
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Somlamda | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Alauria | Vermiculated Drape
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vashti | Invocation of Death's Shadow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Soulrift | Duskstone of the Mountains
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Doublehorse | Duskstone of the Reefs
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Korranary | Rod of the Ruined
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Gazz | Choker of Unspoken Lies
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Orra | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Lyndar | Tear of Deepest Regrets
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-04-23 |
Pouty | Duskstone of the Mountains
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xanathol | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Swiftjustice | Blood Drinker's Fang
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aylena | Alluring Amethyst Amulet
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Alisthanar | Azure Robe of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sinbyen | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Rot | Shadow Rage Spaulders
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Skex | Invocation of the Last Dawn
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Valcrist | Greaves of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-04-22 |
Nizdazen | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Doublehorse | Piercing Ring of the Torturer
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vashti | Swiftcleave, the Flesh Carver
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Gazz | Rune-Etched Vampire Fang
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Insidious Hooded Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Itaknoir | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Gloves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tado | Azure Gloves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Flippety | Duskstone of the Forests
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Helm of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Discordant | Vermilion Batfur Sash
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Bazum | Helm of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lyndar | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Sleeves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nizdazen | Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Indiana | Woven Shadow Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pouty | Stretched Dragonback Bracer
| Relic |
Pouty | Dragontamer Sleeves
| Relic |
Angelx | Silken Boots of the Magus
| Relic |
2006-04-20 |
Canium | Warspear of Vexation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rot | Bone Staff of Wickedness
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Taddo | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Symbol of the Overlord
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sazik | Earring of Dragonkin
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lyndar | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vehn | Notched Blade of Bloodletting
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aradan | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ghorick | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Adrain | Ring of Deterrence
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nuitari | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alisthanar | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quuq | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Theleos | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Madison | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nanweniel | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Mask of Lament
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kiiro | Greatsword of Mortification
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Fainya | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nizdazen | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kiiro | Blood-Polished Hammer
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Somlamda | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xanathol | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2006-04-19 |
Feyr | Wristbands of Burning Rage
| Razorthorn |
2006-04-18 |
Bazum | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Booti | Vasella's Shadowy Cape
| Theater of Blood |
Davie | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Nanweniel | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Nanweniel | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
Quuq | Face of Unfeeling
| The Accursed Nest |
Davie | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Arizona | Lightning Singed Mantle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Somlamda | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Frogdorr | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
2006-04-17 |
Rot | Shadow Rage Spaulders
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rubinia | Duskstone of the Tundra
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lofwyr | Lilac, Cruel Manipulator
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Davie | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Sazik | Tris' Embroidered Felt Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Annubisx | Persuasive Glimmering Serpent
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ghorick | Bulwark of Bravery
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Darci | Coffin Fragment
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Llayena | Sunstone Wand
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Jericanna | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Pantaloons
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Valcrist | Chunk of Solidified Marrow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xanathol | Umbral Plate Faceguard
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nizdazen | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Canium | Cuirass of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Starns | Daybreak, Bringer of Light
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-04-15 |
Rot | Anthemion Wardstaff
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Frogdorr | Duskstone of the Oceans
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Theleos | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Nostradom | Hatchet's Rusted Brass Locket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Canium | Boots of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Insidious Hooded Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Evelina | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Katonis | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Gloves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lonn | Carmine Loop of Loathing
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Orra | Duskstone of the Marshes
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Canium | Valorium Belt of Devotion
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nizdazen | Azure Cowl of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lewyrn | Azure Cowl of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kyrina | Runic Bloodstained Maul
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Darci | Woven Shadow Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aylena | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Nedrom | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Sleeves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-04-14 |
Llayena | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Yeuh | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Arizona | Dragonskull of Relic
| Relic |
Athanie | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Buvvy | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ghorick | Shroud of Eternal Agony
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Evelina | Shroud of Eternal Agony
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Oonagh | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jericanna | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tericanna | Girdle of the Fleet
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frorag | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tado | Warbeads of the Magus
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tericanna | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Bazum | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Somlamda | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quuq | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Canium | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lakaa | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogdorr | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quuq | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ghorick | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Fainya | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Discordant | Cloak of Wailing Woes
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quuq | Sorrowmourn Stone
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quuq | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Somlamda | Stud of Chilling Precision
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frorag | Sash of Seven Scales
| Relic |
Somlamda | Silken Boots of the Magus
| Relic |
Bazum | Shademaul
| Relic |
Pouty | Agate of Transfusion
| Relic |
2006-04-13 |
Darktide | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Arthegorn | Wristbands of Burning Rage
| Razorthorn |
Llayena | Wristbands of Burning Rage
| Razorthorn |
Leenyne | Band of Seething Rage
| Razorthorn |
Annubisx | Wristcuffs of Burning Rage
| Razorthorn |
2006-04-12 |
Feyr | Duskstone of the Oceans
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-04-11 |
Katonis | Duskstone of the White Cliffs
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sazik | Narcissist's Ballroom Mask
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Fainya | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Darktide | Umbral Plate Faceguard
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sweetevill | Band of Broken Vows
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Utaelr | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Aandarudar | Invocation of Night
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lyndar | Eye of the Lycanthrope
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lofwyr | Apothic Ring of Evil Elements
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Gherit | Shadow Rage Spaulders
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Doublehorse | Vule's Frozen Heart
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Skex | Thorny Vine Shoulderpads
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-04-10 |
Merci | Ragestone Adorned Earhoop
| Razorthorn |
Illiana | Blood-fueled Ragestone 150 hp
| Razorthorn |
Sweetevill | Blood-fueled Ragestone 150 hp
| Razorthorn |
Arthegorn | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Kumulas | Ragestone Adorned Earhoop
| Razorthorn |
2006-04-09 |
Sincro | Mind of the Third Vampire
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Utaelr | Azure Gloves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pidagog | Boots of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Alierias | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Bazum | Boots of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Bazum | Swiftcleave, the Flesh Carver
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Evelina | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Lewyrn | Sister's Tear-Stained Shawl
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Adrain | Gauntlets of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Leenyne | Duskstone of the Mountains
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Flippety | Echo Trinket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Soulrift | Indicolite Twin-Buckled Girdle
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Leenyne | Vermilion Batfur Cape
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Bazum | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Aandarudar | Pulsating Runed Pebble
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Alisthanar | Band of Shattered Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sincro | Armguards of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Oonagh | Engraved Earring of Endless Rage
| Devastation |
Ftul | Redblood Ruby
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
2006-04-08 |
Ghitming | Bazu Stone
| DoD / PoR |
Feyr | Chalice of Life
| Tunare's Shrine |
Tornt | Bauble of the Priesthood
| Tunare's Shrine |
Engell | Bauble of the Priesthood
| Tunare's Shrine |
Tholie | Discordant Bracer of Betrayal
| Relic |
Booti | Hollowed Dragon Tusk
| Relic |
Fainya | Sash of Seven Scales
| Relic |
Adrain | Dragonrider Plate Helm
| Relic |
Arizona | Pendant of Eternal Conflict
| Devastation |
Csisu | Iron Boots of Tempered Wrath
| Devastation |
Nanweniel | Toebone Necklace
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Drumr | Elaborate Iron Idol of Contention
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
2006-04-07 |
Orra | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Kiiro | Thundercrash Girdle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Quuq | Thundercrash Girdle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Bazum | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Ghorick | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rot | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Rot | Mace of Grim Tidings
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rot | Bazu Claw Hammer
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Orra | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Tuvarwen | Dragonkiller
| The Accursed Nest |
Quuq | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Evelina | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Korranary | Chains of Anguish
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Starns | Earring of Dragonkin
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Davie | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Drumr | Notched Blade of Bloodletting
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Qwenya | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Drumr | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Annubisx | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Canium | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ismel | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Adrain | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quuq | Hanvar's Hoop
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Llayena | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Trishya | Bone Staff of Wickedness
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Adrain | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Oonagh | Earring of Dark Conflict
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Starns | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Annubisx | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alierias | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quuq | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quuq | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2006-04-06 |
Somlamda | Ragestone Adorned Amulet
| Razorthorn |
Itaknoir | Ragestone Adorned Ring
| Razorthorn |
Ghorick | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Quuq | Sundering Sword of the Fallen Hero
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
2006-04-05 |
Illiana | Alluring Amethyst Amulet
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nanweniel | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Ghorick | Cuirass of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Frogdorr | Invocation of Eternity
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Evelina | Umbral Plate Faceguard
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Discordant | Right Eye of the Third Vampire
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sazik | Lilac, Cruel Manipulator
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Alisthanar | Invocation of Night
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ghitming | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Pouty | Vule's Frozen Heart
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vashti | Batskull Fetish
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kissabella | Invocation of the Last Dawn
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-04-04 |
Llayena | Mitts of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Anthemion Wardstaff
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Swiftjustice | Hatchet's Rusted Brass Locket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Gongaa | Azure Slippers of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tuvarwen | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Utaelr | Sister's Tear-Stained Shawl
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Arthegorn | Mitts of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Flippety | Duskstone of the Deserts
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Skex | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Discordant | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Skullcap
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Skex | Crown of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pidagog | Chiseled Skullbone Ring
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ghitming | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Sleeves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Oonagh | Woven Shadow Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Bazum | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-04-03 |
Ghorick | Wristplates of Burning Rage
| Razorthorn |
Merci | Ragestone Adorned Ring
| Razorthorn |
Lewyrn | Ragestone Adorned Amulet
| Razorthorn |
Gazz | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Itaknoir | Ragestone Adorned Amulet
| Razorthorn |
2006-04-02 |
Arizona | Tempest Linked Bracer
| Devastation |
Arizona | Iron Boots of Tempered Wrath
| Devastation |
Evelina | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Arizona | Sundering Sword of the Fallen Hero
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
2006-03-31 |
Iosan | Shroud of the Surging Storm
| Thundercrest Isles |
Spartakus | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Skex | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Alisthanar | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Utaelr | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Somlamda | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Sinbyen | Skull of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Bazum | Face of Unfeeling
| The Accursed Nest |
Tericanna | Stretched Dragonback Bracer
| Relic |
Adrain | Dragonblood Ring
| Relic |
Alieria | Dragonrider Chain Gloves
| Relic |
Jaeded | Silken Boots of the Magus
| Relic |
2006-03-30 |
Sazik | Ragestone Adorned Ring
| Razorthorn |
Soulrift | Hoop of Seething Rage
| Razorthorn |
2006-03-29 |
Rot | Heart of Ice
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Ghorick | Leafblade Ring
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Wulftyger | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Kyrina | Earring of Preserved Restraint
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
2006-03-28 |
Qwenya | Blood-fueled Ragestone 150 hp
| Razorthorn |
Itaknoir | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Nedrom | Blood Quenched Visor of Animosity
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
2006-03-27 |
Starns | Shadowed Stone of Hidden Flame
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Albur | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Nizdazen | Embroidered Silverweave Cord of Conflict
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Nizdazen | Bloodstained Silverweave Wristband
| Devastation |
Arizona | Engraved Earring of Endless Rage
| Devastation |
Llayena | Chalice of Life
| Tunare's Shrine |
Swiftjustice | Trinket of Ro's Folly
| Tunare's Shrine |
Syndell | Trinket of Ro's Folly
| Tunare's Shrine |
Shoaly | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Arthegorn | Obsidian Cummerbund
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Feyr | Chunk of Solidified Marrow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Itaknoir | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Pantaloons
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kyrina | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Utaelr | Azure Robe of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tornt | Apothic Ring of Evil Elements
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nedrom | Eye of the Lycanthrope
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-03-26 |
Nariko | Fabled Horn of Hsagra
| Kael |
Tado | Embroidered Silverweave Cord of Conflict
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Gazz | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Katonis | Fabled Ring of Destruction
| Kael |
Engell | Fabled Ring of Destruction
| Kael |
2006-03-25 |
Skex | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Rot | Insidious Hooded Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Shadow Rage Spaulders
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Valious | Mail of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Valcrist | Invocation of the Last Dawn
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Jaeded | Choker of Unspoken Lies
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ismel | Resplendent Leather Aegis
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Gwapa | Greaves of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Evelina | Eulogy, the Bloodthirsty Blade
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Jericanna | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Boots
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pidagog | Hatchet's Rusted Brass Locket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Zontar | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Skex | Sister's Opulent Backstabber
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Shoaly | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Gloves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Alierias | Duskstone of the Deserts
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Davie | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Zontar | Vermilion Batfur Cape
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ghorick | Helm of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lofwyr | Azure Cowl of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ghitming | Leering Coldstone Mask
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Demeraudes | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Sinbyen | Band of Shattered Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ghitming | Amice of the Tranquil
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-03-24 |
Flippety | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Aeryth | Blood-fueled Ragestone 150 hp
| Razorthorn |
Valcrist | Wristbands of Burning Rage
| Razorthorn |
Sazik | Bloodstained Silverweave Wristband
| Devastation |
Ghitming | Wolf Hide Gloves of the Corrupt
| Devastation |
Jaeded | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Frogdorr | Coalesced Drop of Focused Thought
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
2006-03-23 |
Flippety | Chalice of Life
| Tunare's Shrine |
Leenyne | Bauble of the Priesthood
| Tunare's Shrine |
Nedrom | Blessing of Solusek Ro
| Tunare's Shrine |
Merci | Ore of the Nest
| The Accursed Nest |
Nostradom | Ore of the Nest
| The Accursed Nest |
Alisthanar | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Jaeded | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Aandarudar | Dark Heart of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Kumulas | Dark Heart of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Vashti | Lightning Singed Mantle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Rylaar | Windfury Katana
| Thundercrest Isles |
Utaelr | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Bazum | Windfury Katana
| Thundercrest Isles |
2006-03-22 |
Swiftjustice | Ethereal Guard of the Scrykin
| Skylance |
Oonagh | Badge of the Skylance Guard
| Skylance |
Syndell | Drum of Ethereal Thunder
| Skylance |
2006-03-21 |
Norfolk | Mrylokar's Dagger of Vengeance
| Temple of Veeshan |
Bazum | Cloak of Thorns
| Temple of Veeshan |
Arizona | Fabled Cloak of Thorns
| Temple of Veeshan |
Frogdorr | Sal'Varae's Robe of Darkness
| Temple of Veeshan |
Rubinia | Fabled Sal'Varae's Robe of Darkness
| Temple of Veeshan |
Taladis | Fabled Shawl of Perception
| Temple of Veeshan |
Utaelr | Fabled Vyemm's Left Eye
| Temple of Veeshan |
Darci | Fabled Silver Bracelet of Speed
| Temple of Veeshan |
Darci | Sontalak's Talisman
| Western Wastes |
Traxan | Fabled Sontalak's Talisman
| Western Wastes |
2006-03-20 |
Pharren | Duskstone of the Deserts
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Oonagh | Obsidian Cummerbund
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pidagog | Chunk of Solidified Marrow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sincro | Invocation of Death's Shadow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Norfolk | Tempest Linked Bracer
| Devastation |
Yeuh | Wolf Hide Gloves of the Corrupt
| Devastation |
Alisthanar | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Ismel | Alluring Amethyst Amulet
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kumulas | Azure Robe of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Davie | Persuasive Glimmering Serpent
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Qwenya | Duskstone of the Tundra
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Swampfunk | Shadow Rage Spaulders
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Orra | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Sincro | Vule's Frozen Heart
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Flippety | Greaves of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-03-19 |
Sazik | Resplendent Leather Aegis
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Starns | Band of Broken Vows
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Frogdorr | Greaves of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-03-17 |
Adrain | Emerald of Savage Fury
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Rot | Heart of Ice
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Skex | Heart of Ice
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Tornt | Heart of Ice
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Alierias | Foundation Stone Chip
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Rot | Redblood Ruby
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Rot | Sash of Divine Retribution
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Ghorick | Pendant of Eternal Conflict
| Devastation |
2006-03-16 |
Starns | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Boffomon | Eulogy, the Bloodthirsty Blade
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Boffomon | Boots of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Gwapa | Boots of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Merci | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Ismel | Insidious Hooded Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Valious | Mitts of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Alierias | Althea's Cinching Cord
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aeryth | Duskstone of the Oceans
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nostradom | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Annubisx | Azure Cowl of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lakaa | Vermilion Batfur Cape
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Utaelr | Vermilion Batfur Sash
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sweetevill | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kissabella | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Sleeves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pouty | Runic Bloodstained Maul
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Valcrist | Forged Silver Fang
| Dreadspire Keep |
2006-03-15 |
Valious | Bazu Stone
| DoD / PoR |
Rylaar | Pendant of Insurgency
| Tunare's Shrine |
Soulrift | Bauble of the Priesthood
| Tunare's Shrine |
Banorf | Vasella's Shadowy Cape
| Theater of Blood |
Flippety | Harith's Ornament
| Theater of Blood |
Swiftjustice | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Cashan | Wristcuff of Phenomenal Power
| Theater of Blood |
Albur | Everliving Bramble Leggings
| Theater of Blood |
Ismel | Gloves of Eternal Eloquence
| Theater of Blood |
2006-03-14 |
Llayena | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Katonis | Cape of Cremation
| Lair of Suchun |
Leenyne | Smoldered Gem of Battle
| Lair of Suchun |
Illiana | Earring of the Blood Warden
| Lair of Suchun |
2006-03-13 |
Engell | Crystal Globe of Spirits
| Skylance |
Kyrina | Drum of Ethereal Thunder
| Skylance |
Frogdorr | Glowing Crystalweave Shawl
| Skylance |
2006-03-11 |
Wulftyger | Thoughtless Bauble
| Theater of Blood |
Kiiro | Gauntlets of Wailing Hatred
| Theater of Blood |
Pharren | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Valcrist | Hammer of Shadows
| Theater of Blood |
Vuuen | Sleeves of Whispered Death
| Theater of Blood |
Cashan | Cowl of Phenomenal Power
| Theater of Blood |
Iamken | Wristcuff of Eternal Eloquence
| Theater of Blood |
Wilyum | Wand of Vicious Cruelty
| Theater of Blood |
2006-03-10 |
Yinla | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Eresthor | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wilyum | Plagueborn Cape
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alisthanar | Earring of Dragonkin
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sweetevill | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Memdark | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Angellmyst | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Llayena | Ring of Deterrence
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ghitming | Flayed Flesh Handwraps
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jona | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dekana | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rhockeht | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swampfunk | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ciric | Hanvar's Hoop
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sinbyen | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wilyum | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syndell | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ciric | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Evernicus | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Hanamaru | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Norfolk | Girdle of the Fleet
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gherit | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Mace of Tortured Nightmares
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dekana | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Oonagh | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2006-03-09 |
Kyrina | Stone of Vampiric Shadows
| Theater of Blood |
Kumulas | Spaulders of Tainted Beauty
| Theater of Blood |
Rhockeht | Bracer of Superior Divinity
| Theater of Blood |
Tuvarwen | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Kiiro | Breastplate of Wailing Hatred
| Theater of Blood |
Kyrina | Stained Performance Armguards
| Theater of Blood |
Drumr | Breastplate of Vesagran
| Theater of Blood |
Rhockeht | Breastplate of Superior Divinity
| Theater of Blood |
Drumr | Bracer of Vesagran
| Theater of Blood |
Drumr | Boots of Vesagran
| Theater of Blood |
Vashti | Valik's Stone of Accuracy
| Theater of Blood |
Shoaly | Wand of Fury
| Theater of Blood |
Vashti | Entropic Nightshade Linked Shirt
| Theater of Blood |
Yeuh | Chestwraps of Transcended Immortality
| Theater of Blood |
Evelina | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Iamken | Breeches of Eternal Eloquence
| Theater of Blood |
Jaeded | Slippers of Whispered Death
| Theater of Blood |
Ftul | Primal Element Wristcuff
| Theater of Blood |
2006-03-08 |
Tericanna | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
Oonagh | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Yeuh | Lightning Singed Mantle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Booti | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Dekana | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Booti | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Llayena | Skull of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Booti | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Nizdazen | Glowing Crystalweave Shawl
| Skylance |
Pharren | Glowing Crystalweave Shawl
| Skylance |
Utaelr | Ethereal Guard of the Scrykin
| Skylance |
2006-03-07 |
Oonagh | Entropic Nightshade Linked Shirt
| Theater of Blood |
Adrain | Neckguard of the Proud
| Theater of Blood |
Adrain | Bracer of Vesagran
| Theater of Blood |
Drumr | Greaves of Vesagran
| Theater of Blood |
Ismel | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Nostradom | Valik's Flail of Might
| Theater of Blood |
Adrain | Hammer of Shadows
| Theater of Blood |
Zontar | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Jaeded | Wristcuff of Whispered Death
| Theater of Blood |
2006-03-06 |
Utaelr | Thoughtless Bauble
| Theater of Blood |
Rhockeht | Vambraces of Superior Divinity
| Theater of Blood |
2006-03-05 |
Leenyne | Mary-Anne's Ring of Insanity
| Theater of Blood |
Ghitming | Leggings of Transcended Immortality
| Theater of Blood |
Wilyum | Gleaming Pageant Spaulders
| Theater of Blood |
Adrain | Breastplate of Vesagran
| Theater of Blood |
Rhockeht | Greaves of Superior Divinity
| Theater of Blood |
Adrain | Bracer of Vesagran
| Theater of Blood |
Dekana | Valik's Partisan of Pain
| Theater of Blood |
Gherit | Vengeful Blood-Alloy Leggings
| Theater of Blood |
Itaknoir | Vasella's Shadowy Cape
| Theater of Blood |
Alisthanar | Robe of Phenomenal Power
| Theater of Blood |
Boffomon | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Lewyrn | Robe of Eternal Eloquence
| Theater of Blood |
2006-03-04 |
Llayena | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Valious | Ervaj's Neckguard
| Theater of Blood |
Annubisx | Wreath of Eternal Eloquence
| Theater of Blood |
Merci | Everliving Bramble Tunic
| Theater of Blood |
Utaelr | Primal Element Crown
| Theater of Blood |
2006-03-03 |
Demeraudes | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Adrain | Vambraces of Vesagran
| Theater of Blood |
Adrain | Greaves of Vesagran
| Theater of Blood |
Adrain | Boots of Vesagran
| Theater of Blood |
Llayena | Gleaming Pageant Spaulders
| Theater of Blood |
Taliena | Valik's Stone of Accuracy
| Theater of Blood |
Flippety | Vasella's Shield of Darkness
| Theater of Blood |
2006-03-02 |
Sinbyen | Everliving Bramble Cap
| Theater of Blood |
Norfolk | Entropic Nightshade Coif
| Theater of Blood |
Aandarudar | Robe of Eternal Eloquence
| Theater of Blood |
2006-03-01 |
Ismel | Wristcuff of Eternal Eloquence
| Theater of Blood |
Jericanna | Everliving Bramble Tunic
| Theater of Blood |
Laquorsha | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Lofwyr | Vasella's Bloodstained Bracelet
| Theater of Blood |
Adrain | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Pouty | Boots of Stolen Peace
| Theater of Blood |
Annubisx | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Adrain | Swiftcleave, the Flesh Carver
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Shoaly | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Boots
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Qwenya | Boots of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Oonagh | Left Eye of the Third Vampire
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Annubisx | Insidious Hooded Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Syndell | Gauntlets of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xilvana | Gauntlets of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Soulrift | Duskstone of the Marshes
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Discordant | Echo Trinket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pidagog | Crown of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nedrom | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Skullcap
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Doublehorse | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Sleeves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Utaelr | Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Norfolk | Woven Shadow Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-02-28 |
Vargo | Sash of Divine Retribution
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
2006-02-26 |
Sinbyen | Sash of Divine Retribution
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Rot | Heart of Ice
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Euri | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Kissabella | Dark Heart of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Swampfunk | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Ghitming | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Shoaly | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Ghitming | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Evelina | Thundercrash Girdle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Adrain | Thundercrash Girdle
| Thundercrest Isles |
2006-02-25 |
Shoaly | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Lewyrn | Lilac, Cruel Manipulator
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tornt | Azure Breeches of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Frogdorr | Rotting Talons
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Swampfunk | Vule's Frozen Heart
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lewyrn | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Vashti | Shadowmane-Hide Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Feyr | Invocation of the Last Dawn
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nedrom | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Tunic
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rylaar | Obsidian Cummerbund
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Demeraudes | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Zontar | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Pouty | Invocation of Death's Shadow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Qwenya | Daybreak, Bringer of Light
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Swiftjustice | Cuirass of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nostradom | Umbral Plate Faceguard
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-02-23 |
Angellmyst | Enameled Vambraces of Opposition
| Devastation |
Janne | Bindings of the Colossus
| Arcstone |
Rizpah | Pendant of the Elder Scrykin
| Arcstone |
Rizpah | Zomm's Wand
| Arcstone |
Rot | Chronal Stone
| Arcstone |
Angellmyst | Enspelled Wand
| Relic |
Gongaa | Enspelled Wand
| Relic |
Starns | Pendant of Eternal Conflict
| Devastation |
Nizdazen | Shadowed Stone of Hidden Flame
| Sverag, Stronghold of Rage |
Yeuh | Shademaul
| Relic |
Doublehorse | Porthio's Ring of Shadows
| Relic |
Dekana | Dragonskull of Relic
| Relic |
Merci | Sash of Seven Scales
| Relic |
Baradur | Dragonrider Plate Helm
| Relic |
2006-02-22 |
Rot | Anthemion Wardstaff
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Valious | Boots of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Nedrom | Hatchet's Rusted Brass Locket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nostradom | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Flippety | Mitts of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sazik | Sister's Tear-Stained Shawl
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Alisthanar | Sister's Tear-Stained Shawl
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Utaelr | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Ranthorn | Amice of the Tranquil
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Taliena | Crown of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sweetevill | Helm of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Boffomon | Valorium Belt of Devotion
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Evelina | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Engell | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Syndell | Runic Bloodstained Maul
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-02-20 |
Leenyne | Hoop of the Dark Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pidagog | Invocation of the Last Dawn
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vashti | Vule's Frozen Heart
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Dekana | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
2006-02-19 |
Starns | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Discordant | Tear of Deepest Regrets
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Davie | Rod of the Ruined
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Wulftyger | Choker of Unspoken Lies
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-02-18 |
Rot | Globe of Voltage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tornt | Lilac, Cruel Manipulator
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pidagog | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Doublehorse | Eye of the Lycanthrope
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nizdazen | Blighted Teardrop Necklace
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Zugh | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Corben | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ziena | Plagueborn Cape
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Evelina | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ghitming | Girplan Hammer of Carnage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Barrak | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Spartakus | Shield of the Lightning Lord
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ziena | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Beaded Hoop of Demise
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tsarsha | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kaeryl | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Feyr | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valcrist | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leifelf | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ghitming | Necklace of Stability
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Necklace of Stability
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ciric | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valious | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alieria | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ghitming | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Baradur | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Utaelr | Stud of Chilling Precision
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Taliena | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lyndar | Rigid Ring of Prowess
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2006-02-17 |
Shoaly | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Sweetevill | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Pidagog | Dragonkiller
| The Accursed Nest |
Dekana | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Tsarin | Crescent Palemoon
| Thundercrest Isles |
Nedrom | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Rot | Crescent Palemoon
| Thundercrest Isles |
Dekana | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Wulftyger | Boots of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Taliena | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Rylaar | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Leenyne | Swiftcleave, the Flesh Carver
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lyndar | Hatchet's Rusted Brass Locket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Jericanna | Althea's Cinching Cord
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xilvana | Althea's Cinching Cord
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kissabella | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Gloves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Doublehorse | Cryptwood Tonfa
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pharren | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Gwapa | Helm of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aandarudar | Azure Cowl of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-02-16 |
Tsarin | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Discordant | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Tunic
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Syndell | Oddtune, the Chaotic Minstrel
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Merci | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Pantaloons
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kumulas | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Soulrift | Ancient Cudgel of Slaughter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ciric | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Shoaly | Band of Shattered Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-02-15 |
Vashti | Coffin Fragment
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Valcrist | Thorny Vine Shoulderpads
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pidagog | Greaves of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Wulftyger | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
2006-02-14 |
Euri | Rod of the Ruined
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nostradom | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Baradur | Daybreak, Bringer of Light
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Darktide | Cuirass of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-02-13 |
Darktide | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Vargo | Tris' Embroidered Felt Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Valcrist | Alluring Amethyst Amulet
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kumulas | Invocation of Night
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-02-12 |
Kyrina | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Tuvarwen | Hatchet's Rusted Brass Locket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Llayena | Rune-Etched Vampire Fang
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ciric | Eulogy, the Bloodthirsty Blade
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Syndell | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Rylaar | Mitts of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sasha | Sister's Tear-Stained Shawl
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tsarin | Carmine Loop of Loathing
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Jericanna | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Pouty | Cryptwood Tonfa
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vashti | Crown of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Merci | Echo Trinket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-02-11 |
Valcrist | Vule's Wristcuff
| Dreadspire Keep |
Aylena | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lofwyr | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Tornt | Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vargo | Band of Shattered Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-02-10 |
Darci | Sorrowmourn Stone
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rot | Aegis of the Dragorn Elders
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Akurei | Bone Staff of Wickedness
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nendain | Globe of Voltage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Seirian | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Attokk | Notched Blade of Bloodletting
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dekana | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alierias | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tornt | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aylena | Ring of Deterrence
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Malykii | Morguecaller
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lonn | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zontar | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tsarin | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lakaa | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aenwewenae | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syndell | Girdle of the Fleet
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lakaa | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dekana | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Attokk | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jericanna | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Soulrift | Dark Heart of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Ismel | Cloak of Deepshadow
| The Accursed Nest |
Nendain | Skull of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Starns | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
Jericanna | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Nendain | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
Zontar | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
2006-02-09 |
Oonagh | Vule's Frozen Heart
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rylaar | Thorny Vine Shoulderpads
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rhyls | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Dekana | Shadow Rage Spaulders
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Alierias | Rod of the Ruined
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Starns | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Aylena | Greaves of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xilvana | Greaves of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-02-07 |
Gwapa | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Booti | Alluring Amethyst Amulet
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ismel | Azure Robe of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kumulas | Rotting Talons
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Llayena | Boots of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Illiana | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Sincro | Hatchet's Rusted Brass Locket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Discordant | Anthemion Wardstaff
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Feyr | Mitts of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vargo | Sister's Tear-Stained Shawl
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Oonagh | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Tuvarwen | Soulseeker, Death's Sigh
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vashti | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Katonis | Vermilion Batfur Sash
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Syndell | Vermilion Batfur Cape
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Engell | Indicolite Twin-Buckled Girdle
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-02-06 |
Discordant | Runic Bloodstained Maul
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Taliena | Woven Shadow Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pouty | Amice of the Tranquil
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Alierias | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
2006-02-04 |
Merci | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Sycloness | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Nendain | Cloak of Deepshadow
| The Accursed Nest |
Demeraudes | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
Pouty | Yarusha, the Storm's Fury
| Thundercrest Isles |
Euri | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Discordant | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Sincro | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
2006-02-03 |
Llayena | Choker of Unspoken Lies
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pidagog | Steam-Powered Cogblaster
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Soulrift | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Nizdazen | Narcissist's Ballroom Mask
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-02-02 |
Nizdazen | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shonster | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lyndar | Hammer of Rancorous Thoughts
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Booti | Chains of Anguish
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Starns | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nedrom | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rubinia | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Soulrift | Shield of the Lightning Lord
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Spartakus | Notched Blade of Bloodletting
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wulftyger | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Hundredfists | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ribbeet | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rot | Mace of Grim Tidings
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dekana | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nedrom | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Paulo | Blade of Forgotten Faith
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kaewin | Greatsword of Mortification
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kaewin | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leifelf | Hanvar's Hoop
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valcrist | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aramemnonas | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swiftjustice | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dekana | Sorrowmourn Stone
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Illiana | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Boffomon | Rigid Ring of Prowess
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2006-02-01 |
Llayena | Tris' Embroidered Felt Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Discordant | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Baradur | Alluring Amethyst Amulet
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sasha | Azure Robe of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Syndell | Flautist's Sorrow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Engell | Swiftcleave, the Flesh Carver
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Wulftyger | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Swiftjustice | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Darktide | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Sycloness | Gauntlets of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aandarudar | Insidious Hooded Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Soulrift | Gauntlets of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sincro | Crown of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nostradom | Vermilion Batfur Cape
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aandarudar | Echo Trinket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nedrom | Ancient Cudgel of Slaughter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Dalavar | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Valious | Armguards of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lofwyr | Pulsating Runed Pebble
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-01-30 |
Leenyne | Consecrated Ball of Silver
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lyndar | Vule's Frozen Heart
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Leifelf | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Feyr | Mail of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-01-29 |
Itaknoir | Invocation of Eternity
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nedrom | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Frogdorr | Daybreak, Bringer of Light
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Katonis | Tear of Deepest Regrets
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nostradom | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Rhyls | Face of Unfeeling
| The Accursed Nest |
Euri | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
Wulftyger | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
Boffomon | Thundercrash Girdle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Nostradom | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Lewyrn | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Xilraazz | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
2006-01-27 |
Pouty | Eye of the Lycanthrope
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ciric | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Flippety | Alluring Amethyst Amulet
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Yrenia | Azure Robe of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Soulrift | Swiftcleave, the Flesh Carver
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vargo | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Feyr | Hatchet's Rusted Brass Locket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Wulftyger | Rune-Etched Vampire Fang
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lewyrn | Insidious Hooded Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tuvarwen | Mitts of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kumulas | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Tsarin | Azure Gloves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Swiftjustice | Valorium Belt of Devotion
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Itaknoir | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Dalavar | Helm of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ciric | Helm of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lewyrn | Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lakaa | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Pouty | Ancient Cudgel of Slaughter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Alisthanar | Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-01-26 |
Wickadwish | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ciric | Shield of the Lightning Lord
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Albur | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swiftjustice | Necklace of the Steadfast Spirit
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dikay | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nizdazen | Earring of Dragonkin
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syndell | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lakaa | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tsarin | Warbeads of the Magus
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Skex | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Soulrift | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrina | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aylena | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Baradur | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lakaa | Warspear of Vexation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lakaa | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Flippety | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Spartakus | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Oglops | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Discordant | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gherit | Cloak of Wailing Woes
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Famiku | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Evelina | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Taliena | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sycloness | Stud of Chilling Precision
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2006-01-25 |
Tuvarwen | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Tuvarwen | Thorny Vine Shoulderpads
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Leenyne | Batskull Fetish
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pouty | Hoop of the Dark Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-01-24 |
Kissabella | Tear of Deepest Regrets
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rubinia | Resplendent Leather Aegis
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nostradom | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Qwenya | Band of Broken Vows
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Swiftjustice | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Rylaar | Dragonkiller
| The Accursed Nest |
Alierias | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
Tuvarwen | Accursed Earhoop of Pain
| The Accursed Nest |
Merci | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Jaeded | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
Yeuh | Yarusha, the Storm's Fury
| Thundercrest Isles |
Lakaa | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
2006-01-22 |
Rot | Carmine Loop of Loathing
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Yrenia | Tris' Embroidered Felt Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Qwenya | Alluring Amethyst Amulet
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tornt | Invocation of Night
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Merci | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Flippety | Boots of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Darktide | Eulogy, the Bloodthirsty Blade
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Darktide | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Nostradom | Piercing Ring of the Torturer
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Engell | Gauntlets of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tuvarwen | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Rubinia | Insidious Hooded Cloak
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Doublehorse | Leering Coldstone Mask
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Korranary | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Lyndar | Amice of the Tranquil
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Discordant | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Sleeves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-01-21 |
Swiftjustice | Helm of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tornt | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Lofwyr | Vermilion Batfur Sash
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Leifelf | Valorium Belt of Devotion
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-01-20 |
Dalavar | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ziena | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zontar | Necklace of the Steadfast Spirit
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Majjisofhuff | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Katonis | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Qwenya | Chains of Anguish
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rhyls | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Evelina | Shield of the Lightning Lord
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Soulrift | Notched Blade of Bloodletting
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ciric | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kalahar | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Crystalreine | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aumadyenea | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Euri | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Evelina | Morguecaller
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Karath | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Orcnis | Aegis of the Dragorn Elders
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xilvana | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Elgluth | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leifelf | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Greatsword of Mortification
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shoaly | Globe of Voltage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrina | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tsarin | Infernal Staff of Fiery Fate
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Trishya | Mace of Tortured Nightmares
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nizdazen | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2006-01-19 |
Rot | Windfury Katana
| Thundercrest Isles |
Valious | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Pouty | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Starns | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Younger | Accursed Earhoop of Pain
| The Accursed Nest |
Starns | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Alauria | Shroud of the Surging Storm
| Thundercrest Isles |
Itaknoir | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
2006-01-18 |
Leenyne | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Dalavar | Cuirass of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Euri | Greaves of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ciric | Umbral Plate Faceguard
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-01-17 |
Yrenia | Lilac, Cruel Manipulator
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Swampfunk | Blood Drinker's Fang
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Frogdorr | Persuasive Glimmering Serpent
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Engell | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Kyrina | Flautist's Sorrow
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Doublehorse | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Nostradom | Eulogy, the Bloodthirsty Blade
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Younger | Rune-Etched Vampire Fang
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Shoaly | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Valcrist | Soulseeker, Death's Sigh
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Alisthanar | Azure Gloves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vargo | Carmine Loop of Loathing
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tuvarwen | Leering Coldstone Mask
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nedrom | Amice of the Tranquil
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lofwyr | Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Sasha | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
2006-01-15 |
Leenyne | Indicolite Twin-Buckled Girdle
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Swiftjustice | Vermilion Batfur Cape
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ciric | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Nizdazen | Vermilion Batfur Sash
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vashti | Crystallized Teardrop of Vule
| Dreadspire Keep |
2006-01-14 |
Shoaly | Skull of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Rot | Lightning Singed Mantle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Doublehorse | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Flippety | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Valious | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Flippety | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Yrenia | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
Ciric | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
2006-01-13 |
Shiiver | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Soulrift | Girplan Hammer of Carnage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ciric | Shroud of Eternal Agony
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tuvarwen | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alierias | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Darci | Cape of Catastrophe
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Taliena | Beaded Hoop of Demise
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Flippety | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Deburgh | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Mesiax | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Starns | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Soulrift | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Orcnis | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alisthanar | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Baradur | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kaewin | Warspear of Vexation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rhyls | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Karath | Globe of Voltage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dalavar | Mask of Lament
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nizdazen | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Seraz | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Taliena | Mace of Tortured Nightmares
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogdorr | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kasherinae | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2006-01-12 |
Valcrist | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Tsarin | Lilac, Cruel Manipulator
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aandarudar | Azure Robe of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nizdazen | Azure Breeches of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Euri | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Kyrina | Piercing Ring of the Torturer
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Itaknoir | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Boots
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Katonis | Anthemion Wardstaff
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rot | Sister's Opulent Backstabber
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Darktide | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Nostradom | Gauntlets of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Valcrist | Mitts of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Merci | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Ranthorn | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Sleeves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pouty | Leering Coldstone Mask
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Yrenia | Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-01-10 |
Pouty | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Skullcap
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Katonis | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Castiran | Valorium Belt of Devotion
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tornt | Vermilion Batfur Sash
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-01-09 |
Gwapa | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Gwapa | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Kasherinae | Cloak of Deepshadow
| The Accursed Nest |
Lakaa | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Sasha | Skull of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Lakaa | Windfury Katana
| Thundercrest Isles |
Nizdazen | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Syndell | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
2006-01-08 |
Karath | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jericanna | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valious | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syndell | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swiftjustice | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Orcnis | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Athunder | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sincro | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Attokk | Shroud of Eternal Agony
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Flippety | Plagueborn Cape
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kinathin | Shield of the Lightning Lord
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Darci | Notched Blade of Bloodletting
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rhyls | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lewyrn | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rhyls | Hanvar's Hoop
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alierias | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrina | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Evelina | Greatsword of Mortification
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogdorr | Earring of Dark Conflict
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Evelina | Sorrowmourn Stone
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frorag | Infernal Staff of Fiery Fate
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ziena | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2006-01-07 |
Aandarudar | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Doublehorse | Hatchet's Rusted Brass Locket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xilvana | Boots of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kissabella | Anthemion Wardstaff
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Castiran | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Malcience | Sister's Tear-Stained Shawl
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Feyr | Soulseeker, Death's Sigh
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vargo | Azure Gloves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kissabella | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Leifelf | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Discordant | Band of Shattered Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kumulas | Band of Shattered Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-01-06 |
Qwenya | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Gwapa | Alluring Amethyst Amulet
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Itaknoir | Rotting Talons
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lofwyr | Invocation of Night
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-01-05 |
Alierias | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Castiran | Vermilion Batfur Cape
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Rubinia | Azure Cowl of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Dalavar | Echo Trinket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-01-04 |
Younger | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Sasha | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Nizdazen | Cloak of Deepshadow
| The Accursed Nest |
Aylena | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
Suegar | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Swiftjustice | Frosted Cuirass of Enlightenment
| The Ascent |
Evelina | Entrancing Silk Veil
| The Ascent |
2006-01-03 |
Lakaa | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Gazz | Shroud of the Surging Storm
| Thundercrest Isles |
Swiftjustice | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Kyrina | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
2006-01-02 |
Dalavar | Eulogy, the Bloodthirsty Blade
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Younger | Boots of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Flippety | Rune-Etched Vampire Fang
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Xilvana | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Younger | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Lyndar | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Pidagog | Soulseeker, Death's Sigh
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kumulas | Azure Gloves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Skex | Mitts of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vashti | Woven Shadow Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aeryth | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Swiftjustice | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2006-01-01 |
Nedrom | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ciric | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lakaa | Notched Blade of Bloodletting
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lewyrn | Bazu Claw Hammer
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leifelf | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nostradom | Shield of the Lightning Lord
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tuvarwen | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kinathin | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Demeraudes | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xilraazz | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Taliena | Necklace of Stability
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vargo | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Euri | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cuvare | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lighteagle | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xilraazz | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Famiku | Girdle of the Fleet
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ziena | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kinathin | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-12-30 |
Arrakiskhan | Supple White Tunic
| The Ascent |
Dekana | Golden Dragonlinked Chestguard
| The Ascent |
Ciric | Frosted Cuirass of Enlightenment
| The Ascent |
Dekana | Choker of One Hundred Diamonds
| The Ascent |
Nizdazen | Woven Ice Pantaloons
| The Ascent |
Akurei | Supple White Leggings
| The Ascent |
2005-12-29 |
Syndell | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Tsarin | Cloak of Deepshadow
| The Accursed Nest |
Starns | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
Fainya | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
Kissabella | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Qwenya | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Xilvana | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Vashti | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
2005-12-28 |
Lofwyr | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Merci | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Boots
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aandarudar | Azure Slippers of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Orra | Piercing Ring of the Torturer
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2005-12-27 |
Malcience | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Sincro | Sister's Opulent Backstabber
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Dalavar | Gauntlets of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Tornt | Azure Gloves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2005-12-26 |
Ranthorn | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Arrakiskhan | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rhyls | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nedrom | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Katonis | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Sleeves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pidagog | Ancient Cudgel of Slaughter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Valious | Leering Coldstone Mask
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Merci | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nedrom | Girplan Hammer of Carnage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Illiana | Chains of Anguish
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Booti | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Yrenia | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Arrakiskhan | Mace of Grim Tidings
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alanair | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Yrenia | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valious | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nedrom | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leifelf | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kissabella | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Baradur | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dinanmer | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ibino | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Hitmaker | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zimger | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Starns | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Starns | Bazu Claw Hammer
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Takhesis | Greatsword of Mortification
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-12-23 |
Younger | Bazu Stone
| DoD / PoR |
Alierias | Bazu Stone
| DoD / PoR |
Xilraazz | Dreadful Chain Arms of Corruption
| The Lodge of the Fang |
Sincro | Darter Stone
| The Lodge of the Fang |
Sasha | Stone of Focused Rage
| Snarlstone Dens |
Starns | Repugnant Undead Shiliskin Mask
| Temple of the Korlach |
Syndell | Pristine Witheran Hide Drum
| Temple of the Korlach |
2005-12-22 |
Illiana | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Swiftjustice | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Ranthorn | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Nizdazen | Skull of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Dalavar | Dark Heart of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Tsarin | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
Starns | Shroud of the Surging Storm
| Thundercrest Isles |
Suegar | Lightning Singed Mantle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Albur | Supple White Tunic
| The Ascent |
Famiku | Golden Dragonlinked Chestguard
| The Ascent |
Starns | Reflective Platinum Leggings
| The Ascent |
Ranthorn | Choker of One Hundred Diamonds
| The Ascent |
2005-12-21 |
Baradur | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Alierias | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Jericanna | Band of Shattered Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ciric | Band of Shattered Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2005-12-20 |
Nizdazen | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nimmermer | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Itaknoir | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Younger | Plagueborn Cape
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tulkor | Chains of Anguish
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tulinae | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syndell | Beaded Hoop of Demise
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tulkor | Warbeads of the Magus
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nostradom | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Malykii | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lonthin | Blade of Forgotten Faith
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Shield of the Planar Assassin
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vargo | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Flippety | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Taliena | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Hooverr | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Starns | Globe of Voltage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Yrenia | Globe of Voltage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sycloness | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Qwenya | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rhyls | Tunat'Muram's Chestplate of Agony
| Tacvi |
Taliena | Tunat'Muram's Chainmail of Pain
| Tacvi |
Taliena | Tunat'Muram's Bloodied Greaves
| Tacvi |
Nedrom | Solid Stone of the Iron Fist
| Tacvi |
Rhyls | Gauntlets of Malicious Intent
| Tacvi |
Swiftjustice | Gauntlets of Malicious Intent
| Tacvi |
Cloudfyre | Scepter of Incantations
| Tacvi |
Arrakiskhan | Zun'Muram's Scepter of Chaos
| Tacvi |
Tericanna | Zun'Muram's Scepter of Chaos
| Tacvi |
Lofwyr | Mantle of Corruption
| Tacvi |
Yrenia | Earring of Pain Deliverance
| Tacvi |
Jericanna | Earring of Pain Deliverance
| Tacvi |
Starns | Bulwark of Lost Souls
| Tacvi |
Arrakiskhan | Gloves of Coalesced Flame
| Tacvi |
Arrakiskhan | Ruby of Determined Assault
| Tacvi |
Paulo | Aegis of Midnight
| Tacvi |
Traxan | Armguards of Insidious Corruption
| Tacvi |
Qwenya | Glyphed Sandstone of Idealism
| Tacvi |
Tuvarwen | Wristguard of Chaotic Essence
| Tacvi |
Alisthanar | Ragestone of Hateful Thoughts
| Tacvi |
2005-12-19 |
Nedrom | Crystallized Teardrop of Vule
| Dreadspire Keep |
Tulkor | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Pouty | Hatchet's Rusted Brass Locket
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lakaa | Piercing Ring of the Torturer
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aylena | Boots of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2005-12-18 |
Itaknoir | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Lofwyr | Azure Gloves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Syndell | Sister's Opulent Backstabber
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Alisthanar | Carmine Loop of Loathing
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2005-12-17 |
Feyr | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Sycloness | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Sasha | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Katonis | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Taliena | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Demeraudes | Accursed Earhoop of Pain
| The Accursed Nest |
Cashan | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
Zontar | Tear of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Alauria | Supple White Tunic
| The Ascent |
Mezzaa | Woven Ice Pantaloons
| The Ascent |
Famiku | Choker of One Hundred Diamonds
| The Ascent |
Tsarin | Sash of Frigidity
| The Ascent |
2005-12-15 |
Nostradom | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Katonis | Runic Bloodstained Maul
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Taliena | Armguards of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Alierias | Pulsating Runed Pebble
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2005-12-14 |
Knorn | Flayed Flesh Handwraps
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swampfunk | Girplan Hammer of Carnage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Stormystone | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gwapa | Chains of Anguish
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tornt | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valcrist | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aumadyenea | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nostradom | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nedrom | Beaded Hoop of Demise
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrina | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Asenath | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shoaly | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leifelf | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kasherinae | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Skex | Aneuk Dagger of Eye Gouging
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Flippety | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Feyr | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nostradom | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rhyls | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rubinia | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swiftjustice | Hanvar's Hoop
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Darci | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Davie | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-12-11 |
Yrenia | Jade Water Beach Sandals
| The Lodge of the Fang |
Ciric | Reinforced Helmet of Cold Shadows
| The Lodge of the Fang |
Pouty | Gem of Feral Shielding
| Snarlstone Dens |
2005-12-10 |
Illiana | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Sycloness | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Alierias | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Syndell | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Swampfunk | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Baradur | Althea's Cinching Cord
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Jericanna | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Gloves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Discordant | Forgotten Artist's Mesh Gloves
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Valcrist | Leering Coldstone Mask
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Vargo | Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Lofwyr | Skull of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Shoaly | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
Flippety | Accursed Earhoop of Pain
| The Accursed Nest |
Rhyls | Thundercrash Girdle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Zontar | Thundercrash Girdle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Lakaa | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Gazz | Golden Dragonlinked Chestguard
| The Ascent |
Younger | Golden Dragonlinked Chestguard
| The Ascent |
2005-12-09 |
Wildwulf | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zreaper | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Saloria | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cashan | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cashan | Chains of Anguish
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nedrom | Hammer of Rancorous Thoughts
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zedmen | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kissabella | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tulkor | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lofwyr | Ring of Deterrence
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rhyls | Notched Blade of Bloodletting
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Feyr | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Baradur | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Younger | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Davie | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Soulrift | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Skex | Girdle of the Fleet
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alanair | Globe of Voltage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rubinia | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alierias | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Taliena | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Oonagh | Necklace of Stability
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dokes | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dokes | Blood-Polished Hammer
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-12-08 |
Pidagog | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Tuvarwen | Boots of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Ciric | Piercing Ring of the Torturer
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Dalavar | Boots of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2005-12-06 |
Malcience | Merciless Enslaver's Britches
| Tacvi |
Yrenia | Drape of the Merciless Slaver
| Tacvi |
Younger | Tunat'Muram's Bloodied Greaves
| Tacvi |
Pouty | Blade Warstone
| Tacvi |
Renew | Tome of Discordant Magic
| Tacvi |
Diez | Tome of Discordant Magic
| Tacvi |
Rhyls | Armguards of Insidious Corruption
| Tacvi |
2005-12-05 |
Zedmen | Vule's Wristcuff
| Dreadspire Keep |
2005-12-04 |
Engell | Shimmering Granite
| Tacvi |
Yrenia | Hammer of Delusions
| Tacvi |
Yrenia | Gloves of Wicked Ambition
| Tacvi |
Attokk | Death's Head Mace
| Tacvi |
Lyndar | Ring of Organic Darkness
| Tacvi |
Alierias | Glyphed Sandstone of Idealism
| Tacvi |
Leifelf | Xxeric's Battleworn Bracer
| Tacvi |
Feyr | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Younger | Sister's Tear-Stained Shawl
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Pidagog | Mitts of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kumulas | Carmine Loop of Loathing
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Jericanna | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Rubinia | Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Kissabella | Runic Bloodstained Maul
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Frogdorr | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2005-12-03 |
Kyrina | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alierias | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Soulrift | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Spartakus | Greatsword of Mortification
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gongaa | Skull of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Valcrist | Dragonkiller
| The Accursed Nest |
Taliena | Dragonkiller
| The Accursed Nest |
Dalavar | Girplan Hammer of Carnage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kinathin | Shroud of Eternal Agony
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogdorr | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Euri | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Itaknoir | Ring of Deterrence
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rubinia | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zontar | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gongaa | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Discordant | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Malcience | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Korranary | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swampfunk | Girdle of the Fleet
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Flippety | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ciric | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shoaly | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Karath | Aegis of the Dragorn Elders
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Orra | Hanvar's Hoop
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lyndar | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Traxan | Sorrowmourn Stone
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ciric | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-11-29 |
Rot | Woven Ice Pantaloons
| The Ascent |
Rot | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Tericanna | Supple White Leggings
| The Ascent |
Albur | Eye of Rikkukin
| The Ascent |
Joelyn | Entrancing Silk Veil
| The Ascent |
Pidagog | Fang of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Albur | Aegis of the Amber Moon
| The Ascent |
Sincro | Woven Shadow Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Dalavar | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Nicholas | Pulsating Runed Pebble
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2005-11-28 |
Yrenia | Embroidered Drachnid Silk Sleeves
| Queen Sendaii's Lair |
Tornt | Salt-Encrusted Eyepatch
| Queen Sendaii's Lair |
Tsarin | Emblem of the Hive
| Queen Sendaii's Lair |
Merci | Buckler of Unliving
| The Nargilor Pits |
2005-11-27 |
Tsarin | Thick Basilisk Hide Shield
| The Lodge of the Fang |
Yrenia | Thick Basilisk Hide Shield
| The Lodge of the Fang |
Kumulas | Stone of Focused Rage
| Snarlstone Dens |
Yrenia | Loathsome Cap of Dead Waters
| Temple of the Korlach |
Pidagog | Solidified Shadow Spine Magical Taint
| Temple of the Korlach |
2005-11-26 |
Discordant | Chaos-Imbued Leather Boots
| Omens of War |
Ziena | Glyphed Boots of Conflict
| Omens of War |
Baradur | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Sasha | Cloak of Deepshadow
| The Accursed Nest |
Rhyls | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Ziena | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Zontar | Glyphed Breastplate of Conflict
| Omens of War |
Yrenia | Merciless Enslaver's Britches
| Tacvi |
Tsarin | Drape of the Merciless Slaver
| Tacvi |
Rhyls | Greaves of the Tunat'Muram
| Tacvi |
Valcrist | Lightning Prism of Swordplay
| Tacvi |
Taliena | Girdle of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Frogdorr | Weighted Hammer of Conviction
| Tacvi |
Tsarin | Scepter of Incantations
| Tacvi |
Orcnis | Dagger of Death
| Tacvi |
Valcrist | Boots of Captive Screams
| Tacvi |
Younger | Pendant of Discord
| Tacvi |
Akurei | Armband of Writhing Shadow
| Tacvi |
Akurei | Ruby of Determined Assault
| Tacvi |
Feyr | Glinting Onyx of Might
| Tacvi |
Swampfunk | Wristguard of Chaotic Essence
| Tacvi |
Pidagog | Shimmering Granite
| Tacvi |
2005-11-25 |
Giain | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Roenald | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Inbetweener | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Phisto | Mask of Forbidden Rites
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xilvana | Ring of Deterrence
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tulkor | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gwapa | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ziena | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nedrom | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gongaa | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alisthanar | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Booti | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syndell | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rhyls | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Attokk | Warspear of Vexation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rhyls | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zontar | Blade of Forgotten Faith
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ciric | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cashan | Stud of Chilling Precision
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wickedsinger | Stud of Chilling Precision
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-11-23 |
Noudle | Runed Gauntlets of the Void
| Tacvi |
Tulkor | Zun'Muram's Spear of Doom
| Tacvi |
Joelyn | Shroud of the Legion
| Tacvi |
Albur | Kelp-Covered Hammer
| Tacvi |
Rubinia | Gloves of Wicked Ambition
| Tacvi |
Velimyr | Death's Head Mace
| Tacvi |
Tsarin | Sleeves of Malefic Rapture
| Tacvi |
Malcience | Earring of Pain Deliverance
| Tacvi |
2005-11-22 |
Taliena | Entrancing Silk Veil
| The Ascent |
Younger | Eye of Rikkukin
| The Ascent |
Traxan | Reflective Platinum Leggings
| The Ascent |
Orcnis | Aegis of the Amber Moon
| The Ascent |
Orcnis | Flowing Fabric of Understanding
| The Ascent |
Nostradom | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Younger | Crescent Palemoon
| Thundercrest Isles |
Baradur | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Swiftjustice | Thundercrash Girdle
| Thundercrest Isles |
2005-11-21 |
Gyselle | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Pidagog | Armguards of the Vampire Hunter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Qwenya | Pulsating Runed Pebble
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Engell | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2005-11-20 |
Vargo | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shoaly | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nicholas | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rubinia | Drape of the Merciless Slaver
| Tacvi |
Taliena | Jagged Glowing Prism
| Tacvi |
Swiftjustice | Greaves of the Tunat'Muram
| Tacvi |
Qwenya | Weighted Hammer of Conviction
| Tacvi |
Velimyr | Rapier of Somber Notes
| Tacvi |
Orcnis | Tome of Discordant Magic
| Tacvi |
Taliena | Boots of Captive Screams
| Tacvi |
Ciric | Armguards of Insidious Corruption
| Tacvi |
Rhyls | Aegis of Midnight
| Tacvi |
Gwapa | Ragestone of Hateful Thoughts
| Tacvi |
Gyselle | Glinting Onyx of Might
| Tacvi |
Swiftjustice | Xxeric's Battleworn Bracer
| Tacvi |
Wulftyger | Plagueborn Cape
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rhyls | Shroud of Eternal Agony
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swampfunk | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nedrom | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-11-19 |
Alisthanar | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tulaz | Gem of Unnatural Regrowth
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kumulas | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Frogdorr | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Demeraudes | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Ziena | Accursed Earhoop of Pain
| The Accursed Nest |
2005-11-18 |
Grimknot | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rizpah | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gongaa | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zontar | Shield of the Lightning Lord
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Feyr | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frorag | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Famiku | Sorrowmourn Stone
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Taliena | Aneuk Dagger of Eye Gouging
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Cloak of Wailing Woes
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Merci | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Flippety | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ciric | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nedrom | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alierias | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Noudle | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xilraazz | Aegis of the Dragorn Elders
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ciric | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ciric | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-11-17 |
Kissabella | Crystallized Teardrop of Vule
| Dreadspire Keep |
2005-11-16 |
Tulkor | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Sincro | Band of Shattered Stone
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Aandarudar | Azure Sleeves of the Diplomat
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Soulrift | Vambraces of the Fallen Saint
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Orcnis | Eye of Rikkukin
| The Ascent |
Orcnis | Woven Ice Pantaloons
| The Ascent |
Ciric | Reflective Platinum Leggings
| The Ascent |
Frorag | Crescent Palemoon
| Thundercrest Isles |
Lofwyr | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
2005-11-14 |
Vashti | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Tulkor | Skull of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Xilvana | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Flippety | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
2005-11-13 |
Frogdorr | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tulkor | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Soulrift | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tornt | Ring of Deterrence
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ciric | Cape of Catastrophe
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Demeraudes | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swiftjustice | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nostradom | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ciric | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dalavar | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nedrom | Girdle of the Fleet
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Joelyn | Warspear of Vexation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Norfolk | Necklace of Stability
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Korranary | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Taliena | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-11-12 |
Valious | Lightning Prism of Swordplay
| Tacvi |
Flippety | Tunat'Muram's Chainmail of Pain
| Tacvi |
Booti | Greaves of the Tunat'Muram
| Tacvi |
Syndell | Lightning Prism of Swordplay
| Tacvi |
Quuq | Bloodstone Blade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Alanair | Scepter of Incantations
| Tacvi |
Syndell | Rapier of Somber Notes
| Tacvi |
Taliena | Ruby of Determined Assault
| Tacvi |
Quuq | Aegis of Midnight
| Tacvi |
Tuvarwen | Ring of the Serpent
| Tacvi |
Jericanna | Glyphed Sandstone of Idealism
| Tacvi |
Alauria | Bracer of Grievous Harm
| Tacvi |
Kissabella | Glinting Onyx of Might
| Tacvi |
2005-11-10 |
Leenyne | Last Blood
| DoD / PoR |
Doublehorse | Statuette of the Tranquil
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Swampfunk | Ancient Cudgel of Slaughter
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
Zedmen | Leering Coldstone Mask
| Dreadspire, The Demi-Plane of Blood |
2005-11-08 |
Nicholas | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Theleos | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Dalavar | Beaded Hoop of Demise
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frorag | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
Feyr | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Ciric | Thundercrash Girdle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Ciric | Face of Unfeeling
| The Accursed Nest |
Zedmen | Dragonkiller
| The Accursed Nest |
Castiran | Dark Heart of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Swampfunk | Crystallized Teardrop of Vule
| Dreadspire Keep |
Xilvana | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Discordant | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Merci | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Katonis | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nedrom | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dalavar | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Bazum | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Norfolk | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Girdle of the Fleet
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nedrom | Cloak of Wailing Woes
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lakaa | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nedrom | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swiftjustice | Blade of Forgotten Faith
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Noudle | Stud of Chilling Precision
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Traxan | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valious | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-11-04 |
Famiku | Jagged Glowing Prism
| Tacvi |
Zontar | Greaves of the Tunat'Muram
| Tacvi |
Alanair | Tome of Discordant Magic
| Tacvi |
Baradur | Tunat'Muram's Chestplate of Agony
| Tacvi |
Zontar | Gauntlets of Malicious Intent
| Tacvi |
Castiran | Pauldron of Dark Auspices
| Tacvi |
Celedyr | Deathblade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Doublehorse | Gloves of Coalesced Flame
| Tacvi |
Wulftyger | Xxeric's Matted-Fur Mask
| Tacvi |
Lyndar | Armband of Writhing Shadow
| Tacvi |
Tericanna | Armband of Writhing Shadow
| Tacvi |
Doublehorse | Shimmering Granite
| Tacvi |
Sasha | Xxeric's Warbraid
| Tacvi |
Frogroc | Glinting Onyx of Might
| Tacvi |
2005-11-03 |
Rubinia | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Nicholas | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Jericanna | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Skex | Lightning Singed Mantle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Alisthanar | Cloak of Deepshadow
| The Accursed Nest |
Booti | Accursed Earhoop of Pain
| The Accursed Nest |
Tulkor | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
Joelyn | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swiftjustice | Shield of the Lightning Lord
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Malcience | Ring of Deterrence
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ziena | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogdorr | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Taliena | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valcrist | Cloak of Wailing Woes
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Theleos | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Taliena | Cloak of Wailing Woes
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sasha | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swiftjustice | Warspear of Vexation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Traxan | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jerag | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Baradur | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gyselle | Rigid Ring of Prowess
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-10-29 |
Syndell | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Dalavar | Crystallized Teardrop of Vule
| Dreadspire Keep |
Valcrist | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Zontar | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Theleos | Dragonkiller
| The Accursed Nest |
Lyndar | Lightning Singed Mantle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Orra | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Gyselle | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Wulftyger | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
2005-10-27 |
Knorn | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogdorr | Warbeads of the Magus
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valious | Notched Blade of Bloodletting
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sincro | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nostradom | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aylena | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Theleos | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tuvarwen | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Baradur | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Discordant | Necklace of Stability
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swampfunk | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alisthanar | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tuvarwen | Mace of Tortured Nightmares
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vargo | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tornt | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ciric | Sorrowmourn Stone
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-10-26 |
Lofwyr | Embroidered Drachnid Silk Sleeves
| Queen Sendaii's Lair |
Tulaz | Polished Chitin War Horn
| Queen Sendaii's Lair |
Mystterious | Elaborate Drachnid-Forged Bands
| Queen Sendaii's Lair |
2005-10-25 |
Feyr | Crystallized Teardrop of Vule
| Dreadspire Keep |
Gongaa | Nargilor-Imbued Silk Mitts
| The Nargilor Pits |
Gyselle | Shard of Nargilor Magic
| The Nargilor Pits |
Illiana | Shard of Nargilor Magic
| The Nargilor Pits |
2005-10-23 |
Pidagog | Crystallized Teardrop of Vule
| Dreadspire Keep |
Valious | Dreadful Chain Arms of Corruption
| The Lodge of the Fang |
Tulkor | Darter Stone
| The Lodge of the Fang |
2005-10-22 |
Bobdobtwo | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Darci | Fang of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Ciric | Entrancing Silk Veil
| The Ascent |
Theleos | Entrancing Silk Veil
| The Ascent |
Darci | Platinum Dragonlinked Greaves
| The Ascent |
Bobdobtwo | Woven Ice Pantaloons
| The Ascent |
Zontar | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Orra | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kumulas | Warbeads of the Magus
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ziena | Mask of Forbidden Rites
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Flippety | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ciric | Shield of the Planar Assassin
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gongaa | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ravinor | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zedmen | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zontar | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aeryth | Earring of Dark Conflict
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Theleos | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tornt | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Bobdobtwo | Stud of Chilling Precision
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nedrom | Rigid Ring of Prowess
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-10-20 |
Frogdorr | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Frogdorr | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Engell | Forged Silver Fang
| Dreadspire Keep |
Rubinia | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Nicholas | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Tulkor | Accursed Earhoop of Pain
| The Accursed Nest |
Rubinia | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Gongaa | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
Sasha | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
2005-10-19 |
Pouty | Petrified Drachnid Egg
| Queen Sendaii's Lair |
Castiran | Embossed Chitin-Plated Gauntlets
| Queen Sendaii's Lair |
2005-10-16 |
Ziena | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gongaa | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syndell | Notched Blade of Bloodletting
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Knorn | Beaded Hoop of Demise
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Korranary | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valious | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Qwenya | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zedmen | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jaeded | Aegis of the Dragorn Elders
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Noudle | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Discordant | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ciric | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ranthorn | Cloak of Wailing Woes
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lakaa | Mask of Lament
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shoaly | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrina | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-10-13 |
Pouty | Forged Silver Fang
| Dreadspire Keep |
2005-10-12 |
Leenyne | Forged Silver Fang
| Dreadspire Keep |
2005-10-11 |
Audriana | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Theleos | Accursed Earhoop of Pain
| The Accursed Nest |
Swiftjustice | Face of Unfeeling
| The Accursed Nest |
Engell | Dark Heart of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Xilvana | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Beaded Hoop of Demise
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogroc | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nicholas | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Itaknoir | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syndell | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Korranary | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Theleos | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Hakammerx | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swiftjustice | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Itaknoir | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valcrist | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jericanna | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aylena | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sasha | Stud of Chilling Precision
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-10-10 |
Canium | Blade of Forgotten Faith
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gongaa | Supple Felt Wristwraps
| Dreadspire Keep |
2005-10-04 |
Malcience | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Wickedsinger | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Darci | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swiftjustice | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sincro | Dragonkiller
| The Accursed Nest |
Mystterious | Skull of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Gwapa | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Sasha | Warbeads of the Magus
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Davie | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Knorn | Cape of Catastrophe
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Audriana | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alisthanar | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aeryth | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tulkor | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kitas | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Famiku | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nostradom | Hanvar's Hoop
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Korranary | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Famiku | Aneuk Dagger of Eye Gouging
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Theleos | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Malcience | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tuvarwen | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jerag | Stud of Chilling Precision
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-09-28 |
Valcrist | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kissabella | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Discordant | Flayed Flesh Handwraps
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gongaa | Warbeads of the Magus
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Doublehorse | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nostradom | Shield of the Planar Assassin
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quarantine | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wulftyger | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gyselle | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nostradom | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Narna | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nostradom | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Attokk | Greatsword of Mortification
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gongaa | Globe of Voltage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gongaa | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syndell | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valcrist | Mace of Tortured Nightmares
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-09-27 |
Gyselle | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Itaknoir | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Engell | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Syldan | Thundercrash Girdle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Shoaly | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
Nostradom | Face of Unfeeling
| The Accursed Nest |
Sasha | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Phisto | Lightning Singed Mantle
| Thundercrest Isles |
2005-09-23 |
Frogroc | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kitas | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wickedsinger | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gwapa | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Doublehorse | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dalavar | Shield of the Lightning Lord
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Morghulis | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jaeded | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Feyr | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Noudle | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xilvana | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tuvarwen | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kaeryl | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swampfunk | Greatsword of Mortification
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nicholas | Earring of Dark Conflict
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Davie | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Mystterious | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lakaa | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-09-22 |
Feyr | Bazu Stone
| DoD / PoR |
Flippety | Buckler of Unliving
| The Nargilor Pits |
Jericanna | Leather Sleeves of the Cursed Lich
| The Nargilor Pits |
Nostradom | Plate Boots of the Lich King
| The Nargilor Pits |
Doublehorse | Bazu Stone
| DoD / PoR |
Knorn | Hallowed Bloodclaw of Shadows
| The Lodge of the Fang |
Sasha | Jade Water Beach Sandals
| The Lodge of the Fang |
2005-09-21 |
Audriana | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Xilvana | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Zedmen | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Katonis | Accursed Earhoop of Pain
| The Accursed Nest |
Pouty | Dark Heart of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Discordant | Lightning Singed Mantle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Kitas | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Jericanna | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
2005-09-17 |
Kitas | Deadtide Plate Arms
| Temple of the Korlach |
2005-09-16 |
Theleos | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syldan | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gudaman | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alisthanar | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syndell | Gem of Unnatural Regrowth
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nicholas | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gazz | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gongaa | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sasha | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Famiku | Cloak of Wailing Woes
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrina | Mask of Lament
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Korranary | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nicholas | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Skex | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogdorr | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kitas | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aandarudar | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-09-15 |
Engell | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Kitas | Face of Unfeeling
| The Accursed Nest |
Tornt | Skull of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Xilvana | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
2005-09-14 |
Lakaa | Thundercrash Girdle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Frogroc | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
2005-09-11 |
Discordant | Solid Stone of the Iron Fist
| Tacvi |
Tericanna | Dark Tunic of the Enslavers
| Tacvi |
Fantik | Tunat'Muram's Bloodied Greaves
| Tacvi |
Difranco | Gloves of Wicked Ambition
| Tacvi |
Tulkor | Loop of Entropic Hues
| Tacvi |
Dokes | Death's Head Mace
| Tacvi |
Lolliee | Earring of Pain Deliverance
| Tacvi |
Laquorsha | Weighted Hammer of Conviction
| Tacvi |
Demeraudes | Weighted Hammer of Conviction
| Tacvi |
Syldan | Rapier of Somber Notes
| Tacvi |
Zontar | Aegis of Midnight
| Tacvi |
Tulaz | Mask of the Void
| Tacvi |
Korranary | Glyphed Sandstone of Idealism
| Tacvi |
Canium | Xxeric's Battleworn Bracer
| Tacvi |
Demeraudes | Glyphed Sandstone of Idealism
| Tacvi |
2005-09-10 |
Lewyrn | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Katonis | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Noudle | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Davie | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rubinia | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Feyr | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syndell | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aandarudar | Ring of Deterrence
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lonn | Warbeads of the Magus
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alauria | Globe of Voltage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Feyr | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aeryth | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Soulrift | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dalavar | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Itaknoir | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Joelyn | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Discordant | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Merci | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Joelyn | Sorrowmourn Stone
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syldan | Sorrowmourn Stone
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-09-09 |
Malcience | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Kissabella | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Amistic | Gloves of Wicked Ambition
| Tacvi |
Jericanna | Supple White Tunic
| The Ascent |
Dokes | Reflective Platinum Leggings
| The Ascent |
Kitas | Reflective Platinum Leggings
| The Ascent |
Kitas | Fang of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Frozenfury | Entrancing Silk Veil
| The Ascent |
Lonn | Cloak of Deepshadow
| The Accursed Nest |
Canium | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Alisthanar | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Skex | Yarusha, the Storm's Fury
| Thundercrest Isles |
Kitas | Yarusha, the Storm's Fury
| Thundercrest Isles |
Famiku | Lightning Singed Mantle
| Thundercrest Isles |
2005-09-04 |
Gongaa | Merciless Enslaver's Britches
| Tacvi |
Ranthorn | Greaves of the Dark Ritualist
| Tacvi |
Doublehorse | Solid Stone of the Iron Fist
| Tacvi |
Sasha | Drape of the Merciless Slaver
| Tacvi |
Lewyrn | Gloves of Wicked Ambition
| Tacvi |
Pand | Hammer of Delusions
| Tacvi |
Darci | Vambraces of Eternal Twilight
| Tacvi |
Aylena | Earring of Pain Deliverance
| Tacvi |
Gongaa | Sleeves of Malefic Rapture
| Tacvi |
Audriana | Weighted Hammer of Conviction
| Tacvi |
Sasha | Girdle of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Sasha | Scepter of Incantations
| Tacvi |
Lakaa | Mask of the Void
| Tacvi |
Frozenfury | Ruby of Determined Assault
| Tacvi |
Demmonik | Tome of Discordant Magic
| Tacvi |
Katonis | Glinting Onyx of Might
| Tacvi |
Xilvana | Glinting Onyx of Might
| Tacvi |
Kitas | Xxeric's Battleworn Bracer
| Tacvi |
2005-09-03 |
Quarantine | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Xilvana | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Dokes | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Phisto | Supple White Leggings
| The Ascent |
Syldan | Reflective Platinum Leggings
| The Ascent |
Dokes | Entrancing Silk Veil
| The Ascent |
Noudle | Entrancing Silk Veil
| The Ascent |
Skex | Windfury Katana
| Thundercrest Isles |
Davie | Shroud of the Surging Storm
| Thundercrest Isles |
Traxan | Yarusha, the Storm's Fury
| Thundercrest Isles |
Jericanna | Cloak of Deepshadow
| The Accursed Nest |
Syndell | Face of Unfeeling
| The Accursed Nest |
Famiku | Dragonkiller
| The Accursed Nest |
Phisto | Cape of Catastrophe
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogroc | Beaded Hoop of Demise
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quarantine | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Merci | Globe of Voltage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lolliee | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rot | Morguecaller
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Skex | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Famiku | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zedmen | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kitas | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gudaman | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rot | Bone Staff of Wickedness
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tornt | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Laquorsha | Infernal Staff of Fiery Fate
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rot | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-09-02 |
Leenyne | Relentless Guardian's Staff
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Syldan | Relentless Guardian's Staff
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Lewyrn | Silken Sleeves of Persistence
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Discordant | Cudgel of the Watchful Dragorn
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Gyselle | Twisted Crown of Consciousness
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Tulaz | Hammered Helm of Foresight
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Canium | Screaming Skull of Discontent
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Famiku | Cloak of the Faithless
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Famiku | Bracer of Corrupted Souls
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Sasha | Envenomed Leggings of Enmity
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Syndell | Bloodband of Malice
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Pouty | Earring of Mental Incursion
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
2005-08-29 |
Tuvarwen | Lightning Prism of Swordplay
| Tacvi |
Korranary | Tunat'Muram's Chestplate of Agony
| Tacvi |
Oonagh | Tunat'Muram's Bloodied Greaves
| Tacvi |
Canium | Worked Granite of Sundering
| Tacvi |
Lewyrn | Cloak of Nightmarish Visions
| Tacvi |
Famiku | Runed Gauntlets of the Void
| Tacvi |
Rot | Blade of Natural Turmoil
| Tacvi |
Difranco | Hammer of Delusions
| Tacvi |
Rot | Mindreaper Club
| Tacvi |
Alauria | Supple Slippers of the Stargazer
| Tacvi |
Valious | Ring of Organic Darkness
| Tacvi |
Loralei | Golden Idol of Destruction
| Tacvi |
Noudle | Vambraces of Eternal Twilight
| Tacvi |
Famiku | Girdle of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Vengynce | Bloodstone Blade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Noudle | Pauldron of Dark Auspices
| Tacvi |
Katonis | Pendant of Discord
| Tacvi |
Alauria | Gloves of Coalesced Flame
| Tacvi |
Infinamorte | Deathblade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Tericanna | Ruby of Determined Assault
| Tacvi |
Infinamorte | Aegis of Midnight
| Tacvi |
Doublehorse | Armband of Writhing Shadow
| Tacvi |
Tornt | Xxeric's Warbraid
| Tacvi |
Davie | Xxeric's Battleworn Bracer
| Tacvi |
Pidagog | Glinting Onyx of Might
| Tacvi |
2005-08-28 |
Quarantine | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Feyr | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Loralei | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lolliee | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Demeraudes | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tulkor | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ziena | Reflective Platinum Leggings
| The Ascent |
Syndell | Choker of One Hundred Diamonds
| The Ascent |
Theleos | Platinum Dragonlinked Greaves
| The Ascent |
Tulkor | Aegis of the Amber Moon
| The Ascent |
Swampfunk | Tear of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Lolliee | Flowing Fabric of Understanding
| The Ascent |
Kitas | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Leenyne | Face of Unfeeling
| The Accursed Nest |
Oonagh | Dragonkiller
| The Accursed Nest |
Lolliee | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Zedmen | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Doublehorse | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Engell | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kitas | Cape of Catastrophe
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shoaly | Ring of Deterrence
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jerag | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Orra | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Theleos | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogroc | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Itaknoir | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jericanna | Aegis of the Dragorn Elders
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jaeded | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Famiku | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Soulrift | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Davie | Bazu Claw Hammer
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kitas | Girdle of the Fleet
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leifelf | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Canium | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Krelek | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-08-21 |
Dalavar | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Kissabella | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Rot | Eye of Rikkukin
| The Ascent |
Slydog | Platinum Dragonlinked Greaves
| The Ascent |
Famiku | Platinum Dragonlinked Greaves
| The Ascent |
Angellmyst | Frosted Cuirass of Enlightenment
| The Ascent |
Knorn | Entrancing Silk Veil
| The Ascent |
Malcience | Flowing Fabric of Understanding
| The Ascent |
Lonn | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Kaeryl | Crescent Palemoon
| Thundercrest Isles |
Oonagh | Lightning Singed Mantle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Discordant | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Krelek | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Leenyne | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Syldan | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Hakachuk | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Castiran | Beaded Hoop of Demise
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Davie | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tulkor | Mask of Forbidden Rites
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shoaly | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Knorn | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rubinia | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Theleos | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Morghulis | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tulkor | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kumulas | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Trepiz | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Demeraudes | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Famiku | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syldan | Mask of Lament
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Audriana | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Amistic | Infernal Staff of Fiery Fate
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rot | Blood-Polished Hammer
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-08-20 |
Rot | Bloodstone Blade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Feyr | Lightning Prism of Swordplay
| Tacvi |
Rizpah | Dark Tunic of the Enslavers
| Tacvi |
Lolliee | Merciless Enslaver's Britches
| Tacvi |
Dalavar | Worked Granite of Sundering
| Tacvi |
Rot | Dagger of Evil Summons
| Tacvi |
Theleos | Runed Gauntlets of the Void
| Tacvi |
Syldan | Shroud of the Legion
| Tacvi |
Rizpah | Kelp-Covered Hammer
| Tacvi |
Demmonik | Gloves of Wicked Ambition
| Tacvi |
Lolliee | Hammer of Delusions
| Tacvi |
Tuvarwen | Ring of Organic Darkness
| Tacvi |
Demmonik | Earring of Pain Deliverance
| Tacvi |
Lolliee | Sleeves of Malefic Rapture
| Tacvi |
Kinathin | Pauldron of Dark Auspices
| Tacvi |
Lolliee | Luxurious Satin Slippers
| Tacvi |
Jaeded | Dagger of Death
| Tacvi |
Lewyrn | Pendant of Discord
| Tacvi |
Amistic | Dagger of Death
| Tacvi |
Darci | Ruby of Determined Assault
| Tacvi |
Rot | Aegis of Midnight
| Tacvi |
Korranary | Ring of the Serpent
| Tacvi |
Qwenya | Xxeric's Battleworn Bracer
| Tacvi |
Itaknoir | Ragestone of Hateful Thoughts
| Tacvi |
Knorn | Bracer of Grievous Harm
| Tacvi |
2005-08-16 |
Gudaman | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Aandarudar | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Tulkor | Eye of Rikkukin
| The Ascent |
Discordant | Tear of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Ezzelina | Flowing Fabric of Understanding
| The Ascent |
Theleos | Golden Dragonlinked Chestguard
| The Ascent |
Orra | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Hakachuk | Face of Unfeeling
| The Accursed Nest |
Shoaly | Cloak of Deepshadow
| The Accursed Nest |
Famiku | Yarusha, the Storm's Fury
| Thundercrest Isles |
Bobdobtwo | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Impsie | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
2005-08-15 |
Euri | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dalavar | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Booti | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Discordant | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lolliee | Mask of Forbidden Rites
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Flippety | Mask of Forbidden Rites
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ciric | Morguecaller
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Canium | Shield of the Planar Assassin
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrina | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Katonis | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Orra | Warspear of Vexation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Oonagh | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xilvana | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Canium | Mask of Lament
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tuvarwen | Cloak of Wailing Woes
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Castiran | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ezzelina | Stud of Chilling Precision
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Noudle | Mace of Tortured Nightmares
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-08-13 |
Oonagh | Jagged Glowing Prism
| Tacvi |
Knorn | Greaves of the Dark Ritualist
| Tacvi |
Sanadiel | Drape of the Merciless Slaver
| Tacvi |
Alisthanar | Merciless Enslaver's Britches
| Tacvi |
Jericanna | Kelp-Covered Hammer
| Tacvi |
Demmonik | Sleeves of Malefic Rapture
| Tacvi |
Vashti | Ring of Organic Darkness
| Tacvi |
Oonagh | Death's Head Mace
| Tacvi |
Darci | Girdle of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Impsie | Luxurious Satin Slippers
| Tacvi |
Tulaz | Rapier of Somber Notes
| Tacvi |
Darci | Boots of Captive Screams
| Tacvi |
Lewyrn | Xxeric's Matted-Fur Mask
| Tacvi |
Darci | Mask of the Void
| Tacvi |
Kitas | Aegis of Midnight
| Tacvi |
Engell | Glinting Onyx of Might
| Tacvi |
Cashan | Glyphed Sandstone of Idealism
| Tacvi |
Vargo | Xxeric's Warbraid
| Tacvi |
2005-08-11 |
Tornt | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Itaknoir | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Oonagh | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Pidagog | Accursed Earhoop of Pain
| The Accursed Nest |
Audriana | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
Knorn | Supple White Tunic
| The Ascent |
Famiku | Entrancing Silk Veil
| The Ascent |
Kitas | Frosted Cuirass of Enlightenment
| The Ascent |
Tornt | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Quarantine | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
2005-08-10 |
Fantik | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Baradur | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tuvarwen | Notched Blade of Bloodletting
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Beaded Hoop of Demise
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sanadiel | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syndell | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sanadiel | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogroc | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tuvarwen | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tulkor | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dalavar | Hanvar's Hoop
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Hanvar's Hoop
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Angellmyst | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Noudle | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leifelf | Mask of Lament
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gudaman | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Korranary | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Soulrift | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Rigid Ring of Prowess
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-08-06 |
Sincro | Lightning Prism of Swordplay
| Tacvi |
Tornt | Drape of the Merciless Slaver
| Tacvi |
Amistic | Merciless Enslaver's Britches
| Tacvi |
Skex | Loop of Entropic Hues
| Tacvi |
Alisthanar | Gloves of Wicked Ambition
| Tacvi |
Kaeryl | Hammer of Delusions
| Tacvi |
Narna | Sleeves of Malefic Rapture
| Tacvi |
Katonis | Ring of Organic Darkness
| Tacvi |
Pouty | Death's Head Mace
| Tacvi |
Attokk | Brutish Blade of Balance
| Tacvi |
Trepiz | Girdle of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Splinko | Girdle of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Knorn | Gloves of Coalesced Flame
| Tacvi |
Frozenfury | Discordant Dagger of Night
| Tacvi |
Jerag | Dagger of Death
| Tacvi |
Attokk | Armguards of Insidious Corruption
| Tacvi |
Attokk | Aegis of Midnight
| Tacvi |
Nicholas | Ring of the Serpent
| Tacvi |
Xilvana | Xxeric's Battleworn Bracer
| Tacvi |
Lyndar | Bracer of Grievous Harm
| Tacvi |
Soulrift | Glinting Onyx of Might
| Tacvi |
2005-08-05 |
Dalavar | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Lofwyr | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Leenyne | Dark Heart of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Canium | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Jericanna | Accursed Earhoop of Pain
| The Accursed Nest |
Gyselle | Crescent Palemoon
| Thundercrest Isles |
Tulkor | Crescent Palemoon
| Thundercrest Isles |
Pidagog | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Syldan | Fang of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Amistic | Flowing Fabric of Understanding
| The Ascent |
Mystterious | Golden Dragonlinked Chestguard
| The Ascent |
Splinko | Supple White Leggings
| The Ascent |
Tulkor | Platinum Dragonlinked Greaves
| The Ascent |
Amistic | Eye of Rikkukin
| The Ascent |
2005-08-04 |
Leifelf | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Soulrift | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogroc | Shield of the Lightning Lord
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gazz | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Knorn | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Amistic | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gudaman | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lewyrn | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Hakachuk | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gyselle | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Slydog | Aneuk Dagger of Eye Gouging
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swampfunk | Cloak of Wailing Woes
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Baradur | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cashan | Aegis of the Dragorn Elders
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Knorn | Bone Staff of Wickedness
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aeryth | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Qwenya | Infernal Staff of Fiery Fate
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syndell | Mace of Tortured Nightmares
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-08-01 |
Slydog | Darkiron Bow of Betrayal
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Kaeryl | Bracelet of the Corrupter
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Cashan | Bracelet of the Corrupter
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Gudaman | Ring of Fluid Perception
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Knorn | Belt of Inevitable Conversion
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Lutinna | Sapphire Choker of Adaptation
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Slydog | Thunderclap
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Nostradom | Belt of Intangible Clairvoyance
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Swampfunk | Helm of Inventive Perception
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
2005-07-31 |
Shoaly | Hammer of Delusions
| Tacvi |
Pouty | Greaves of the Dark Ritualist
| Tacvi |
Frogroc | Worked Granite of Sundering
| Tacvi |
Swampfunk | Worked Granite of Sundering
| Tacvi |
Ziena | Tunat'Muram's Chestplate of Agony
| Tacvi |
Qwenya | Nightmarish Boots of Conflict
| Tacvi |
Gazz | Zun'Muram's Spear of Doom
| Tacvi |
Lutinna | Blade of Natural Turmoil
| Tacvi |
Gyselle | Mantle of Corruption
| Tacvi |
Narna | Gloves of Wicked Ambition
| Tacvi |
Lewyrn | Hammer of Delusions
| Tacvi |
Kaeryl | Sleeves of Malefic Rapture
| Tacvi |
Rizpah | Bulwark of Lost Souls
| Tacvi |
Feyr | Ring of Organic Darkness
| Tacvi |
Lutinna | Girdle of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Slydog | Girdle of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Sanadiel | Dagger of Death
| Tacvi |
Catrielle | Rapier of Somber Notes
| Tacvi |
Canium | Armguards of Insidious Corruption
| Tacvi |
Malcience | Ring of the Serpent
| Tacvi |
Slydog | Mask of the Void
| Tacvi |
Ziena | Ragestone of Hateful Thoughts
| Tacvi |
Jerag | Xxeric's Warbraid
| Tacvi |
Nicholas | Glyphed Sandstone of Idealism
| Tacvi |
2005-07-30 |
Aylena | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Aylena | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Fantik | Dragonkiller
| The Accursed Nest |
Korranary | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
Kissabella | Accursed Earhoop of Pain
| The Accursed Nest |
Lutinna | Windfury Katana
| Thundercrest Isles |
Castiran | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Frogdorr | Shroud of the Surging Storm
| Thundercrest Isles |
Davie | Frosted Cuirass of Enlightenment
| The Ascent |
Attokk | Entrancing Silk Veil
| The Ascent |
Tuvarwen | Entrancing Silk Veil
| The Ascent |
Demeraudes | Reflective Platinum Leggings
| The Ascent |
Celena | Sash of Frigidity
| The Ascent |
Tuvarwen | Platinum Dragonlinked Greaves
| The Ascent |
2005-07-29 |
Phisto | Seething Fists of Slaughter
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Sanadiel | Envenomed Leggings of Enmity
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Kaeryl | Envenomed Leggings of Enmity
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Jerag | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lofwyr | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Flippety | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kumulas | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Feyr | Notched Blade of Bloodletting
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jericanna | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Taiqwon | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Korranary | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Flippety | Aegis of the Dragorn Elders
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gazz | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xilvana | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gudaman | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Norfolk | Cloak of Wailing Woes
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Davie | Earring of Dark Conflict
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Qwenya | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gyselle | Stud of Chilling Precision
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alisthanar | Stud of Chilling Precision
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-07-26 |
Attokk | Lustrous Shimmering Band
| Inktu'Ta |
Angellmyst | Relic of the Unremembered
| Inktu'Ta |
Angellmyst | Shattered Jade Band of Anger
| Inktu'Ta |
Illiana | Relic of the Unremembered
| Inktu'Ta |
Lutinna | Demerix the Painsipper
| Inktu'Ta |
Shoaly | Onyx Shard of Enlightenment
| Inktu'Ta |
2005-07-25 |
Tornt | Earring of Pain Deliverance
| Tacvi |
Gherit | Worked Granite of Sundering
| Tacvi |
Barce | Tunat'Muram's Chainmail of Pain
| Tacvi |
Lofwyr | Merciless Enslaver's Britches
| Tacvi |
Gudaman | Blade Warstone
| Tacvi |
Norfolk | Boots of Captive Screams
| Tacvi |
Traxan | Rapier of Somber Notes
| Tacvi |
Kyrina | Rapier of Somber Notes
| Tacvi |
Nicholas | Mantle of Corruption
| Tacvi |
Cashan | Gloves of Wicked Ambition
| Tacvi |
Trepiz | Nightmarish Boots of Conflict
| Tacvi |
Mystterious | Cloak of Nightmarish Visions
| Tacvi |
Narna | Dagger of Evil Summons
| Tacvi |
Impsie | Sleeves of Malefic Rapture
| Tacvi |
Lutinna | Death's Head Mace
| Tacvi |
Rot | Bloodstone Blade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Lewyrn | Luxurious Satin Slippers
| Tacvi |
Kinathin | Gauntlets of Malicious Intent
| Tacvi |
Ranthorn | Armband of Writhing Shadow
| Tacvi |
Phisto | Armband of Writhing Shadow
| Tacvi |
Illiana | Ragestone of Hateful Thoughts
| Tacvi |
Shoaly | Bracer of Grievous Harm
| Tacvi |
Alierias | Xxeric's Battleworn Bracer
| Tacvi |
2005-07-24 |
Darktide | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Discordant | Clawhammer
| The Ascent |
Vashti | Dragonkiller
| The Accursed Nest |
Aeryth | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
Kinathin | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Barce | Aegis of the Amber Moon
| The Ascent |
Tornt | Aegis of the Amber Moon
| The Ascent |
Knorn | Supple White Leggings
| The Ascent |
Lutinna | Platinum Dragonlinked Greaves
| The Ascent |
Lutinna | Golden Dragonlinked Chestguard
| The Ascent |
2005-07-23 |
Feyr | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Amistic | Crescent Palemoon
| Thundercrest Isles |
Impsie | Crescent Palemoon
| Thundercrest Isles |
Alisthanar | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
Shoaly | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Amistic | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Discordant | Beaded Hoop of Demise
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Barce | Mask of Forbidden Rites
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Baradur | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Davie | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dalavar | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xanathol | Morguecaller
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Audriana | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Splinko | Necklace of Stability
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Angellmyst | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vargo | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Davie | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Mystterious | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dokes | Aneuk Dagger of Eye Gouging
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Orra | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lofwyr | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alierias | Infernal Staff of Fiery Fate
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Knorn | Mace of Tortured Nightmares
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-07-18 |
Kumulas | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Sincro | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Katonis | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Phisto | Yarusha, the Storm's Fury
| Thundercrest Isles |
Tuvarwen | Yarusha, the Storm's Fury
| Thundercrest Isles |
Pidagog | Windfury Katana
| Thundercrest Isles |
Indiana | Dragonkiller
| The Accursed Nest |
Dalavar | Face of Unfeeling
| The Accursed Nest |
Loralei | Supple White Tunic
| The Ascent |
Slydog | Fang of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Skex | Choker of One Hundred Diamonds
| The Ascent |
Impsie | Woven Ice Pantaloons
| The Ascent |
Loralei | Supple White Leggings
| The Ascent |
2005-07-17 |
Attokk | Aneuk Dagger of Eye Gouging
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tuvarwen | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syndell | Cape of Catastrophe
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tuvarwen | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Illiana | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swampfunk | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aeryth | Ring of Deterrence
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shoaly | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Barce | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dalavar | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Daeh | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Hakachuk | Blade of Forgotten Faith
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogdorr | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Oonagh | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aylena | Bazu Claw Hammer
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Barce | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Qwenya | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogdorr | Infernal Staff of Fiery Fate
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-07-14 |
Shoaly | Kelp-Covered Hammer
| Tacvi |
Splinko | Solid Stone of the Iron Fist
| Tacvi |
Valious | Tunat'Muram's Chainmail of Pain
| Tacvi |
Celena | Tunat'Muram's Bloodied Greaves
| Tacvi |
Arhus | Tunat'Muram's Chestplate of Agony
| Tacvi |
Tuvarwen | Loop of Entropic Hues
| Tacvi |
Darci | Death's Head Mace
| Tacvi |
Frogdorr | Earring of Pain Deliverance
| Tacvi |
Narna | Bulwark of Lost Souls
| Tacvi |
Sincro | Glinting Onyx of Might
| Tacvi |
Dalavar | Xxeric's Battleworn Bracer
| Tacvi |
Darktide | Xxeric's Battleworn Bracer
| Tacvi |
2005-07-13 |
Lewyrn | Silken Sleeves of Persistence
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Groshuk | Mantle of Iron Will
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Jerag | Cloak of Flinty Resolve
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Splinko | Two-Toned Fur Cape
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Tuvarwen | Two-Toned Fur Cape
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Mystterious | Chain Gauntlets of Adroitness
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Sincro | Darkiron Bow of Betrayal
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Groshuk | Bracer of the Debauched
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Tuvarwen | Bracer of Corrupted Souls
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Lewyrn | Wand of Twisted Fate
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Lakaa | Matchless Silvery Claymore
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Valious | Sapphire Choker of Adaptation
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Quarantine | Helm of Inventive Perception
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Lewyrn | Misty Globe
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Mystterious | Pendant of Stilled Time
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
2005-07-12 |
Aandarudar | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Pouty | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Discordant | Supple White Tunic
| The Ascent |
Alisthanar | Ring of Ire Intent
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Aeryth | Greaves of Seething Rage
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Lakaa | Fang of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Oonagh | Entrancing Silk Veil
| The Ascent |
Hakachuk | Frosted Cuirass of Enlightenment
| The Ascent |
Gazz | Eye of Rikkukin
| The Ascent |
Feyr | Platinum Dragonlinked Greaves
| The Ascent |
Alierias | Sash of Frigidity
| The Ascent |
Xilvana | Accursed Earhoop of Pain
| The Accursed Nest |
Syndyania | Cloak of Deepshadow
| The Accursed Nest |
Gherit | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Nicholas | Shroud of the Surging Storm
| Thundercrest Isles |
Angellmyst | Shroud of the Surging Storm
| Thundercrest Isles |
2005-07-11 |
Syndell | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Itaknoir | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rubinia | Warbeads of the Magus
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Norfolk | Beaded Hoop of Demise
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ezzelina | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sincro | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Discordant | Mace of Grim Tidings
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xilvana | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tornt | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wickedsinger | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Arhus | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shoaly | Aegis of the Dragorn Elders
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kinathin | Hanvar's Hoop
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valious | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alisthanar | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tuvarwen | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swampfunk | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Korranary | Infernal Staff of Fiery Fate
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-07-08 |
Rot | Deathblade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Rot | Mindreaper Club
| Tacvi |
Rot | Hammer of Delusions
| Tacvi |
Frogdorr | Mantle of Corruption
| Tacvi |
Jerag | Pendant of Discord
| Tacvi |
Alisthanar | Sleeves of Malefic Rapture
| Tacvi |
Shoaly | Dark Tunic of the Enslavers
| Tacvi |
Splinko | Blade Warstone
| Tacvi |
Mystterious | Tunat'Muram's Bloodied Greaves
| Tacvi |
Norfolk | Tunat'Muram's Bloodied Greaves
| Tacvi |
Alieria | Blade of Natural Turmoil
| Tacvi |
Daeh | Cloak of Nightmarish Visions
| Tacvi |
Gudaman | Shroud of the Legion
| Tacvi |
Shoaly | Earring of Pain Deliverance
| Tacvi |
Gherit | Vambraces of Eternal Twilight
| Tacvi |
Alisthanar | Luxurious Satin Slippers
| Tacvi |
Syndell | Gauntlets of Malicious Intent
| Tacvi |
Sincro | Pauldron of Dark Auspices
| Tacvi |
Rot | Ruby of Determined Assault
| Tacvi |
Kinathin | Aegis of Midnight
| Tacvi |
Alierias | Armguards of Insidious Corruption
| Tacvi |
Zedmen | Shimmering Granite
| Tacvi |
Feyr | Wristguard of Chaotic Essence
| Tacvi |
Itaknoir | Glyphed Sandstone of Idealism
| Tacvi |
2005-07-07 |
Lofwyr | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Kyrina | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Lewyrn | Flowing Fabric of Understanding
| The Ascent |
Lewyrn | Woven Ice Pantaloons
| The Ascent |
Quarantine | Accursed Earhoop of Pain
| The Accursed Nest |
Doublehorse | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Audriana | Accursed Earhoop of Pain
| The Accursed Nest |
Valious | Clawhammer
| The Ascent |
Daeh | Eye of Rikkukin
| The Ascent |
Loralei | Aegis of the Amber Moon
| The Ascent |
Korranary | Tear of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Frogdorr | Frosted Cuirass of Enlightenment
| The Ascent |
Jerag | Crescent Palemoon
| Thundercrest Isles |
Syndell | Thundercrash Girdle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Engell | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
2005-07-06 |
Lakaa | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Soulrift | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Splinko | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kumulas | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-07-05 |
Frogdorr | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Soulrift | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogroc | Ring of Deterrence
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alierias | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Darktide | Beaded Hoop of Demise
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Hakachuk | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Amistic | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Doublehorse | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Phisto | Bone Staff of Wickedness
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syndyania | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sinnammin | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kinathin | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lyndar | Cloak of Wailing Woes
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nicholas | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Oonagh | Cloak of Wailing Woes
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swampfunk | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Katonis | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lakaa | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kissabella | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alierias | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-07-01 |
Castiran | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Castiran | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Alisthanar | Flowing Fabric of Understanding
| The Ascent |
Gudaman | Tear of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Arhus | Aegis of the Amber Moon
| The Ascent |
Jerag | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Engell | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Dalavar | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Fantik | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Lyndar | Belt of the Black Dragon
| The Accursed Nest |
Tornt | Cloak of Deepshadow
| The Accursed Nest |
Flippety | Platinum Dragonlinked Greaves
| The Ascent |
Tornt | Woven Ice Pantaloons
| The Ascent |
Alisthanar | Woven Ice Pantaloons
| The Ascent |
2005-06-29 |
Flippety | Boots of Captive Screams
| Tacvi |
Pouty | Gloves of Coalesced Flame
| Tacvi |
Illiana | Xxeric's Matted-Fur Mask
| Tacvi |
Jerag | Gloves of Wicked Ambition
| Tacvi |
Valious | Loop of Entropic Hues
| Tacvi |
Phisto | Supple Slippers of the Stargazer
| Tacvi |
Phisto | Greaves of the Dark Ritualist
| Tacvi |
Gongaa | Drape of the Merciless Slaver
| Tacvi |
Frogdorr | Greaves of the Tunat'Muram
| Tacvi |
Katonis | Blade Warstone
| Tacvi |
Discordant | Shroud of the Legion
| Tacvi |
Tuvarwen | Runed Gauntlets of the Void
| Tacvi |
Blacklace | Dagger of Evil Summons
| Tacvi |
Syndyania | Earring of Pain Deliverance
| Tacvi |
Shoaly | Golden Idol of Destruction
| Tacvi |
Soulrift | Death's Head Mace
| Tacvi |
Groshuk | Gauntlets of Malicious Intent
| Tacvi |
Rot | Bloodstone Blade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Kinathin | Brutish Blade of Balance
| Tacvi |
Trepiz | Mask of the Void
| Tacvi |
Nostradom | Aegis of Midnight
| Tacvi |
Feyr | Ring of the Serpent
| Tacvi |
Syndyania | Glyphed Sandstone of Idealism
| Tacvi |
Oonagh | Wristguard of Chaotic Essence
| Tacvi |
Kumulas | Ragestone of Hateful Thoughts
| Tacvi |
2005-06-28 |
Barce | Plagueborn Cape
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Splinko | Hammer of Rancorous Thoughts
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valious | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aylena | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ezzelina | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-06-27 |
Kyrina | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kinathin | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shoaly | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogroc | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Feyr | Beaded Hoop of Demise
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Mystterious | Mask of Forbidden Rites
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-06-26 |
Pidagog | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Phisto | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aeryth | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kissabella | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nostradom | Morguecaller
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Morghulis | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Skex | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Feyr | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogdorr | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rot | Aneuk Dagger of Eye Gouging
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nostradom | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Indiana | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kissabella | Gem of Unnatural Regrowth
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sincro | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Mystterious | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Soulrift | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gudaman | Sorrowmourn Stone
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Norfolk | Dragonkiller
| The Accursed Nest |
Norfolk | Dragonkiller
| The Accursed Nest |
Davie | Obsidian Pauldrons
| The Accursed Nest |
Malcience | Cloak of Deepshadow
| The Accursed Nest |
Katonis | Tear of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Groshuk | Clawhammer
| The Ascent |
Swampfunk | Clawhammer
| The Ascent |
Morghulis | Platinum Dragonlinked Greaves
| The Ascent |
2005-06-25 |
Tornt | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Hakachuk | Thundercrash Girdle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Alisthanar | Crescent Palemoon
| Thundercrest Isles |
Gongaa | Crescent Palemoon
| Thundercrest Isles |
2005-06-23 |
Frogroc | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Norfolk | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-06-22 |
Doublehorse | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Illiana | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kinathin | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Korranary | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dalavar | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Merci | Ring of Deterrence
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Notched Blade of Bloodletting
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-06-21 |
Lewyrn | Crescent Palemoon
| Thundercrest Isles |
Groshuk | Thundercrash Girdle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Ezzelina | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Wickedsinger | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Audriana | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Euri | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Barce | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Qwenya | Earring of Dark Conflict
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Groshuk | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Skex | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Malcience | Shield of the Planar Assassin
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shiiver | Morguecaller
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dalavar | Warspear of Vexation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wickedsinger | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogroc | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Flippety | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-06-20 |
Ezzelina | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Kernalo | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Aandarudar | Skull of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Lofwyr | Cloak of Deepshadow
| The Accursed Nest |
Gherit | Clawhammer
| The Ascent |
Jerag | Eye of Rikkukin
| The Ascent |
Alierias | Reflective Platinum Leggings
| The Ascent |
2005-06-17 |
Engell | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Korranary | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-06-16 |
Zedmen | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Oonagh | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ranthorn | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Laquorsha | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Notched Blade of Bloodletting
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Illiana | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-06-15 |
Discordant | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dalavar | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Korranary | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kissabella | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Darktide | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alierias | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Alierias | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Katonis | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zedmen | Necklace of Stability
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Tornt | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sinnammin | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Hakachuk | Greatsword of Mortification
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kinathin | Mask of Lament
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Audriana | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nishtia | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ranthorn | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-06-14 |
Pidagog | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Qwenya | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Jerag | Flowing Fabric of Understanding
| The Ascent |
Soulrift | Fang of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Syndell | Frosted Cuirass of Enlightenment
| The Ascent |
Syndyania | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Malcience | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Wickedsinger | Thundercrash Girdle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Pouty | Rod of Shaded Wrath
| The Accursed Nest |
Itaknoir | Accursed Earhoop of Pain
| The Accursed Nest |
Gyselle | Mottled Black Dragonscale
| The Accursed Nest |
Vashti | Choker of One Hundred Diamonds
| The Ascent |
Groshuk | Reflective Platinum Leggings
| The Ascent |
Shoaly | Supple White Leggings
| The Ascent |
2005-06-12 |
Phisto | Blood-Soaked Champions Scroll
| Walls of Slaughter |
Oonagh | Fractured Champion's Ring
| Omens of War |
Discordant | Zun'Muram's Scepter of Chaos
| Tacvi |
Gudaman | Zun'Muram's Scepter of Chaos
| Tacvi |
Nishtia | Hammer of Delusions
| Tacvi |
Amistic | Sleeves of Malefic Rapture
| Tacvi |
Tornt | Bulwark of Lost Souls
| Tacvi |
Oonagh | Tunat'Muram's Chainmail of Pain
| Tacvi |
Gudaman | Dark Tunic of the Enslavers
| Tacvi |
Jerag | Merciless Enslaver's Britches
| Tacvi |
Vashti | Jagged Glowing Prism
| Tacvi |
Rot | Bloodstone Blade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Cashan | Scepter of Incantations
| Tacvi |
Ziena | Girdle of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Nostradom | Deathblade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Korranary | Pendant of Discord
| Tacvi |
Valious | Boots of Captive Screams
| Tacvi |
Fantik | Ruby of Determined Assault
| Tacvi |
Syndell | Mask of the Void
| Tacvi |
Davie | Armguards of Insidious Corruption
| Tacvi |
Pidagog | Wristguard of Chaotic Essence
| Tacvi |
Ursulan | Glyphed Sandstone of Idealism
| Tacvi |
Dalavar | Glinting Onyx of Might
| Tacvi |
2005-06-10 |
Mystterious | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sinnammin | Gem of Unnatural Regrowth
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogroc | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Qwenya | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Groshuk | Shield of the Lightning Lord
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Merci | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-06-09 |
Ezzelina | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Eye of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Nostradom | Warspear of Vexation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ghorick | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lyndar | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gyselle | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Barce | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Norfolk | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Splinko | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogroc | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Earring of Dark Conflict
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Fantik | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Korranary | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Discordant | Sorrowmourn Stone
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quarantine | Skull of Vishimtar
| The Accursed Nest |
Cristomir | Cloak of Deepshadow
| The Accursed Nest |
Darktide | Face of Unfeeling
| The Accursed Nest |
2005-06-06 |
Darktide | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Ictalurus | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
Kinathin | Thundercrash Girdle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Alierias | Shroud of the Surging Storm
| Thundercrest Isles |
Tuvarwen | Golden Dragonlinked Chestguard
| The Ascent |
Lonn | Flowing Fabric of Understanding
| The Ascent |
Trepiz | Reflective Platinum Leggings
| The Ascent |
Siri | Supple White Leggings
| The Ascent |
Flippety | Eye of Rikkukin
| The Ascent |
2005-06-04 |
Soulrift | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syndyania | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shewz | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lyndar | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sincro | Cape of Catastrophe
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Itaknoir | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vargo | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Feyr | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Furiousdoja | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Groshuk | Morguecaller
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogroc | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Furiousdoja | Gem of Unnatural Regrowth
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Skex | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Angellmyst | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zedmen | Earring of Dark Conflict
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Oonagh | Aneuk Dagger of Eye Gouging
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ursulan | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gherit | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Orra | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sincro | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kumulas | Stud of Chilling Precision
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Katonis | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-06-02 |
Soulrift | Darkiron Bow of Betrayal
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Kinathin | Darkiron Bow of Betrayal
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Amistic | Bracelet of the Corrupter
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Jerag | Silken Sleeves of Persistence
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Discordant | Relentless Guardian's Staff
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Darktide | Mantle of Iron Will
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Cashan | Deathlace
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Siri | Brute's Gaudy Shoulderspines
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
2005-06-01 |
Qwenya | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Oonagh | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Canib | Shroud of the Surging Storm
| Thundercrest Isles |
Pouty | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Kinathin | Frosted Cuirass of Enlightenment
| The Ascent |
Korranary | Aegis of the Amber Moon
| The Ascent |
Cristomir | Tear of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
2005-05-31 |
Phisto | Clawhammer
| The Ascent |
Kumulas | Woven Ice Pantaloons
| The Ascent |
Attokk | Reflective Platinum Leggings
| The Ascent |
2005-05-30 |
Aeryth | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrina | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Castiran | Ring of Deterrence
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zedmen | Cape of Catastrophe
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Nanweniel | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gherit | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vellox | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Feyr | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Fantik | Cloak of Wailing Woes
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kumulas | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ranthorn | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rot | Blood-Polished Hammer
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogroc | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wickedsinger | Sorrowmourn Stone
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-05-29 |
Nanweniel | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rot | Mace of Grim Tidings
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Furiousdoja | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Fantik | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cristomir | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Katonis | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jerag | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Itaknoir | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-05-25 |
Feyr | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Noudle | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Furiousdoja | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-05-24 |
Rubinia | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Furiousdoja | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gyselle | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Oculus of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Ursulan | Crescent Palemoon
| Thundercrest Isles |
Vashti | Yarusha, the Storm's Fury
| Thundercrest Isles |
Quarantine | Entrancing Silk Veil
| The Ascent |
Ranthorn | Entrancing Silk Veil
| The Ascent |
Trepiz | Frosted Cuirass of Enlightenment
| The Ascent |
Kinathin | Reflective Platinum Leggings
| The Ascent |
Cashan | Woven Ice Pantaloons
| The Ascent |
Ranthorn | Supple White Leggings
| The Ascent |
Vargo | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shintaaro | Flayed Flesh Handwraps
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Merci | Warbeads of the Magus
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-05-23 |
Angellmyst | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lyndar | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogroc | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Illiana | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ezzelina | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Qwenya | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Syndell | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Auria | Necklace of Stability
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cristomir | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Orra | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Noudle | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Fantik | Aneuk Dagger of Eye Gouging
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Castiran | Mask of Lament
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Trepiz | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kissabella | Rigid Ring of Prowess
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-05-22 |
Trepiz | Rapier of Somber Notes
| Tacvi |
Phisto | Mindreaper Club
| Tacvi |
Loralei | Kelp-Covered Hammer
| Tacvi |
Wickedsinger | Loop of Entropic Hues
| Tacvi |
Zedmen | Blade Warstone
| Tacvi |
Garndart | Tunat'Muram's Chestplate of Agony
| Tacvi |
Canib | Greaves of the Tunat'Muram
| Tacvi |
Beranya | Blade of Natural Turmoil
| Tacvi |
Quarantine | Zun'Muram's Spear of Doom
| Tacvi |
Zedmen | Blade of Natural Turmoil
| Tacvi |
Jerag | Golden Idol of Destruction
| Tacvi |
Canib | Earring of Pain Deliverance
| Tacvi |
Fantik | Vambraces of Eternal Twilight
| Tacvi |
Engell | Gauntlets of Malicious Intent
| Tacvi |
Tatheus | Bloodstone Blade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Lonn | Luxurious Satin Slippers
| Tacvi |
Jerag | Tome of Discordant Magic
| Tacvi |
Ghorick | Armguards of Insidious Corruption
| Tacvi |
Kinathin | Armguards of Insidious Corruption
| Tacvi |
Furiousdoja | Ragestone of Hateful Thoughts
| Tacvi |
Canib | Glyphed Sandstone of Idealism
| Tacvi |
Aandarudar | Xxeric's Warbraid
| Tacvi |
2005-05-18 |
Kyrina | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Sinnammin | Glyphed Helm of Conflict
| Omens of War |
Vargo | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
Shiiver | Windfury Katana
| Thundercrest Isles |
Klawzil | Windfury Katana
| Thundercrest Isles |
Zedmen | Golden Dragonlinked Chestguard
| The Ascent |
Nanweniel | Aegis of the Amber Moon
| The Ascent |
Flippety | Aegis of the Amber Moon
| The Ascent |
Krelek | Platinum Dragonlinked Greaves
| The Ascent |
Euri | Reflective Platinum Leggings
| The Ascent |
Zedmen | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Krazor | Gem of Unnatural Regrowth
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-05-17 |
Malcience | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Furiousdoja | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quarantine | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogroc | Mask of Forbidden Rites
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-05-16 |
Syndyania | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrina | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shewz | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rot | Mace of Grim Tidings
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Furiousdoja | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kumulas | Aegis of the Dragorn Elders
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogroc | Blade of Forgotten Faith
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vargo | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Orra | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kissabella | Girdle of the Fleet
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Doublehorse | Cloak of Wailing Woes
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lonn | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Audriana | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dalavar | Rigid Ring of Prowess
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-05-15 |
Castiran | Worked Granite of Sundering
| Tacvi |
Lyndar | Dark Tunic of the Enslavers
| Tacvi |
Aylena | Greaves of the Tunat'Muram
| Tacvi |
Aandarudar | Merciless Enslaver's Britches
| Tacvi |
Valalathia | Blade of Natural Turmoil
| Tacvi |
Fantik | Runed Gauntlets of the Void
| Tacvi |
Traxan | Shroud of the Legion
| Tacvi |
Rot | Zun'Muram's Scepter of Chaos
| Tacvi |
Lyndar | Supple Slippers of the Stargazer
| Tacvi |
Gyselle | Sleeves of Malefic Rapture
| Tacvi |
Pidagog | Vambraces of Eternal Twilight
| Tacvi |
Phyde | Earring of Pain Deliverance
| Tacvi |
2005-05-13 |
Malcience | Pendant of Discord
| Tacvi |
Lyndar | Gloves of Coalesced Flame
| Tacvi |
Trepiz | Gauntlets of Malicious Intent
| Tacvi |
Syndyania | Scepter of Incantations
| Tacvi |
Wdibus | Luxurious Satin Slippers
| Tacvi |
Slithery | Mask of the Void
| Tacvi |
Lyndar | Ruby of Determined Assault
| Tacvi |
Siri | Ruby of Determined Assault
| Tacvi |
Frogroc | Shimmering Granite
| Tacvi |
Sincro | Shimmering Granite
| Tacvi |
Ranthorn | Bracer of Grievous Harm
| Tacvi |
2005-05-12 |
Pouty | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Kinathin | Windfury Katana
| Thundercrest Isles |
Lonn | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
Sinnammin | Shroud of the Surging Storm
| Thundercrest Isles |
Cashan | Flowing Fabric of Understanding
| The Ascent |
Syndyania | Flowing Fabric of Understanding
| The Ascent |
Kinathin | Fang of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Aylena | Sash of Frigidity
| The Ascent |
Wickedsinger | Reflective Platinum Leggings
| The Ascent |
Rubinia | Woven Ice Pantaloons
| The Ascent |
2005-05-10 |
Pidagog | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kissabella | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dalavar | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shewz | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-05-09 |
Aandarudar | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Loquan | Mask of Forbidden Rites
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cristomir | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Garndart | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wickedsinger | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-05-08 |
Attokk | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-05-03 |
Krazor | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wickedsinger | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Furiousdoja | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-05-02 |
Negena | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lofwyr | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Castiran | Shield of the Lightning Lord
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Auria | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrina | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vargo | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-05-01 |
Spartakus | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Norfolk | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aandarudar | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xilerate | Morguecaller
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aylena | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Illiana | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ezzelina | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Klawzil | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Greatsword of Mortification
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Itaknoir | Globe of Voltage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Siri | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wdibus | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Darktide | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shewz | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-04-29 |
Phisto | Dark Tunic of the Enslavers
| Tacvi |
Vashti | Tunat'Muram's Bloodied Greaves
| Tacvi |
Sincro | Tunat'Muram's Bloodied Greaves
| Tacvi |
Sincro | Jagged Glowing Prism
| Tacvi |
Syndyania | Luxurious Satin Slippers
| Tacvi |
Frogroc | Bloodstone Blade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Kumulas | Scepter of Incantations
| Tacvi |
Wdibus | Pendant of Discord
| Tacvi |
Phisto | Gloves of Coalesced Flame
| Tacvi |
Cristomir | Dagger of Death
| Tacvi |
Auria | Armguards of Insidious Corruption
| Tacvi |
Pidagog | Ring of the Serpent
| Tacvi |
Traxan | Mask of the Void
| Tacvi |
Slithery | Bracer of Grievous Harm
| Tacvi |
Angellmyst | Ragestone of Hateful Thoughts
| Tacvi |
Aeryth | Xxeric's Battleworn Bracer
| Tacvi |
2005-04-26 |
Ranthorn | Yarusha, the Storm's Fury
| Thundercrest Isles |
Frogroc | Frosted Cuirass of Enlightenment
| The Ascent |
Alauria | Aegis of the Amber Moon
| The Ascent |
Ranthorn | Supple White Tunic
| The Ascent |
Engell | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
2005-04-25 |
Auria | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zedmen | Beaded Hoop of Demise
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Siri | Mask of Forbidden Rites
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Krazor | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-04-24 |
Negena | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zedmen | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Orra | Shield of the Planar Assassin
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quarantine | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shewz | Hanvar's Hoop
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Aneuk Dagger of Eye Gouging
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Klawzil | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xilerate | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Angellmyst | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aamanya | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Orra | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Malcience | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Klawzil | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kissabella | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Audriana | Infernal Staff of Fiery Fate
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-04-22 |
Aylena | Tunat'Muram's Chestplate of Agony
| Tacvi |
Ghorick | Greaves of the Tunat'Muram
| Tacvi |
Sinnammin | Greaves of the Tunat'Muram
| Tacvi |
Kernalo | Blade Warstone
| Tacvi |
2005-04-21 |
Ismel | Hammer of Delusions
| Tacvi |
Morghulis | Loop of Entropic Hues
| Tacvi |
Angellmyst | Mantle of Corruption
| Tacvi |
Cashan | Cloak of Nightmarish Visions
| Tacvi |
Vashti | Shroud of the Legion
| Tacvi |
Syndyania | Golden Idol of Destruction
| Tacvi |
Arhus | Bulwark of Lost Souls
| Tacvi |
Wickedsinger | Pauldron of Dark Auspices
| Tacvi |
Kumulas | Earring of Pain Deliverance
| Tacvi |
Engell | Brutish Blade of Balance
| Tacvi |
Merci | Gloves of Coalesced Flame
| Tacvi |
Vashti | Boots of Captive Screams
| Tacvi |
Kissabella | Pendant of Discord
| Tacvi |
Frogroc | Armguards of Insidious Corruption
| Tacvi |
Syndyania | Tome of Discordant Magic
| Tacvi |
Audriana | Ring of the Serpent
| Tacvi |
Angellmyst | Glyphed Sandstone of Idealism
| Tacvi |
Canib | Ragestone of Hateful Thoughts
| Tacvi |
Krazor | Wristguard of Chaotic Essence
| Tacvi |
2005-04-19 |
Leenyne | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Feyr | Lightning Singed Mantle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Ursulan | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Klawzil | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Feyr | Entrancing Silk Veil
| The Ascent |
Gyselle | Flowing Fabric of Understanding
| The Ascent |
Aeryth | Frosted Cuirass of Enlightenment
| The Ascent |
Attokk | Clawhammer
| The Ascent |
Slithery | Supple White Leggings
| The Ascent |
Katonis | Supple White Leggings
| The Ascent |
2005-04-18 |
Dalavar | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Auria | Cape of Catastrophe
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ismel | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Frogroc | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Morghulis | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Qwenya | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Merci | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Malcience | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Itaknoir | Aegis of the Dragorn Elders
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Slithery | Bone Staff of Wickedness
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-04-17 |
Ursulan | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Theleos | Cloak of Wailing Woes
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Girdle of the Fleet
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Katonis | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kissabella | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Doublehorse | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dalavar | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Malcience | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-04-13 |
Sincro | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Trepiz | Fang of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Negena | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
Illiana | Shroud of the Surging Storm
| Thundercrest Isles |
Wickedsinger | Yarusha, the Storm's Fury
| Thundercrest Isles |
Loquan | Supple White Tunic
| The Ascent |
Lyttlex | Frosted Cuirass of Enlightenment
| The Ascent |
2005-04-12 |
Loquan | Chaos-Imbued Leather Gloves
| Omens of War |
Wiki | Cloak of the Corrupted Curate
| Walls of Slaughter |
Pidagog | Platinum Dragonlinked Greaves
| The Ascent |
Nanweniel | Sash of Frigidity
| The Ascent |
Malcience | Woven Ice Pantaloons
| The Ascent |
2005-04-11 |
Morghulis | Tunat'Muram's Chainmail of Pain
| Tacvi |
Vellox | Tunat'Muram's Bloodied Greaves
| Tacvi |
Zedmen | Lightning Prism of Swordplay
| Tacvi |
Norfolk | Jagged Glowing Prism
| Tacvi |
Norfolk | Girdle of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Loquan | Girdle of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Rot | Luxurious Satin Slippers
| Tacvi |
Wooshers | Jagged Axe of Uncontrolled Rage
| Tacvi |
Morghulis | Zun'Muram's Spear of Doom
| Tacvi |
Drego | Nightmarish Boots of Conflict
| Tacvi |
2005-04-10 |
Krazor | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Katonis | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dalavar | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cristomir | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aandarudar | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrina | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Castiran | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sincro | Notched Blade of Bloodletting
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vashti | Mask of Forbidden Rites
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrina | Girdle of the Fleet
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Itaknoir | Earring of Dark Conflict
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Garndart | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Darktide | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Laquorsha | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aandarudar | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shewz | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Klawzil | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Furiousdoja | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Merci | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rubinia | Aegis of the Dragorn Elders
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Indiana | Necklace of Stability
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-04-08 |
Aandarudar | Hammer of Delusions
| Tacvi |
Rot | Zun'Muram's Scepter of Chaos
| Tacvi |
Shintaaro | Supple Slippers of the Stargazer
| Tacvi |
Wdibus | Sleeves of Malefic Rapture
| Tacvi |
Alauria | Golden Idol of Destruction
| Tacvi |
Lyttlex | Death's Head Mace
| Tacvi |
Kissabella | Gloves of Coalesced Flame
| Tacvi |
Auria | Rapier of Somber Notes
| Tacvi |
Angellmyst | Xxeric's Matted-Fur Mask
| Tacvi |
Vashti | Ruby of Determined Assault
| Tacvi |
Cashan | Tome of Discordant Magic
| Tacvi |
Lakaa | Armguards of Insidious Corruption
| Tacvi |
Rubinia | Xxeric's Warbraid
| Tacvi |
Itaknoir | Bracer of Grievous Harm
| Tacvi |
Audriana | Ragestone of Hateful Thoughts
| Tacvi |
2005-04-07 |
Pidagog | Fractured Champion's Ring
| Omens of War |
Ghorick | Cloak of the Faithless
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Gyselle | Bracelet of the Corrupter
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Frogroc | Bracer of the Debauched
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
2005-04-04 |
Illiana | Reflective Platinum Leggings
| The Ascent |
Zedmen | Platinum Dragonlinked Greaves
| The Ascent |
Merci | Supple White Leggings
| The Ascent |
Skex | Entrancing Silk Veil
| The Ascent |
Katonis | Supple White Tunic
| The Ascent |
Kissabella | Supple White Tunic
| The Ascent |
Flakney | Windfury Katana
| Thundercrest Isles |
Negena | Shroud of the Surging Storm
| Thundercrest Isles |
Lyttlex | Thundercrash Girdle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Furiousdoja | Greaves of the Tunat'Muram
| Tacvi |
Ezzelina | Merciless Enslaver's Britches
| Tacvi |
Leifelf | Tunat'Muram's Chestplate of Agony
| Tacvi |
Pidagog | Lightning Prism of Swordplay
| Tacvi |
Vashti | Girdle of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Leenyne | Brutish Blade of Balance
| Tacvi |
Ursulan | Scepter of Incantations
| Tacvi |
2005-04-03 |
Kissabella | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Beaded Hoop of Demise
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Doublehorse | Flayed Flesh Handwraps
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Auria | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shewz | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Mask of Lament
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrina | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Garndart | Greatsword of Mortification
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Illiana | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cbus | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lyttlex | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Orra | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cristomir | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Doublehorse | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kissabella | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Klawzil | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sinnammin | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Morghulis | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leifelf | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aandarudar | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Drego | Hanvar's Hoop
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ezzelina | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-04-02 |
Laquorsha | Ragestone of Hateful Thoughts
| Tacvi |
Illiana | Glyphed Sandstone of Idealism
| Tacvi |
Gyselle | Dagger of Death
| Tacvi |
Laquorsha | Pendant of Discord
| Tacvi |
Furiousdoja | Pendant of Discord
| Tacvi |
Shewz | Aegis of Midnight
| Tacvi |
Dalavar | Armguards of Insidious Corruption
| Tacvi |
Alauria | Tome of Discordant Magic
| Tacvi |
Katonis | Zun'Muram's Scepter of Chaos
| Tacvi |
Nanweniel | Mantle of Corruption
| Tacvi |
Kumulas | Mantle of Corruption
| Tacvi |
Aamanya | Shroud of the Legion
| Tacvi |
Furiousdoja | Nightmarish Boots of Conflict
| Tacvi |
Dalavar | Ring of Organic Darkness
| Tacvi |
Ismel | Earring of Pain Deliverance
| Tacvi |
Vashti | Vambraces of Eternal Twilight
| Tacvi |
Aylena | Xxeric's Battleworn Bracer
| Tacvi |
2005-03-28 |
Morghulis | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Jayruk's Vest (chest)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Flayed Flesh Handwraps
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kernalo | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Katonis | Cape of Catastrophe
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ezzelina | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sincro | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Norfolk | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dalavar | Morguecaller
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lakaa | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Qwenya | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Laquorsha | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sinnammin | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Negena | Bazu Claw Hammer
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ghorick | Greatsword of Mortification
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Utaelr | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vellox | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sinnammin | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Itaknoir | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lonn | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Loquan | Bone Staff of Wickedness
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-03-24 |
Soulrift | Eye of Yar`Lir
| Thundercrest Isles |
Katonis | Yarusha, the Storm's Fury
| Thundercrest Isles |
Aamanya | Yarusha, the Storm's Fury
| Thundercrest Isles |
Laquorsha | Shroud of the Surging Storm
| Thundercrest Isles |
Kissabella | Tear of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Vashti | Fang of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Illiana | Frosted Cuirass of Enlightenment
| The Ascent |
Negena | Supple White Leggings
| The Ascent |
Krazor | Eye of Rikkukin
| The Ascent |
2005-03-21 |
Audriana | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Darktide | Ring of Deterrence
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zedmen | Mask of Forbidden Rites
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Castiran | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aylena | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Girdle of the Fleet
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Theleos | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xilerate | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Euri | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Graven | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swampfunk | Warspear of Vexation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cbus | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Katonis | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-03-20 |
Euri | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Audriana | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Drego | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ezzelina | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vargo | Stud of Chilling Precision
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-03-19 |
Aandarudar | Drape of the Merciless Slaver
| Tacvi |
Furiousdoja | Tunat'Muram's Chestplate of Agony
| Tacvi |
Shintaaro | Greaves of the Dark Ritualist
| Tacvi |
Theleos | Lightning Prism of Swordplay
| Tacvi |
Leifelf | Bloodstone Blade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Kumulas | Luxurious Satin Slippers
| Tacvi |
Lonn | Scepter of Incantations
| Tacvi |
Malcience | Dagger of Evil Summons
| Tacvi |
Pidagog | Blade of Natural Turmoil
| Tacvi |
Zedmen | Runed Gauntlets of the Void
| Tacvi |
2005-03-18 |
Darci | Discordant Dagger of Night
| Tacvi |
Euri | Xxeric's Matted-Fur Mask
| Tacvi |
Laquorsha | Xxeric's Matted-Fur Mask
| Tacvi |
Furiousdoja | Ring of the Serpent
| Tacvi |
Ghorick | Aegis of Midnight
| Tacvi |
Kissabella | Ruby of Determined Assault
| Tacvi |
Pouty | Mindreaper Club
| Tacvi |
Ghorick | Loop of Entropic Hues
| Tacvi |
Coffinmaker | Mantle of Corruption
| Tacvi |
Rubinia | Earring of Pain Deliverance
| Tacvi |
Theleos | Vambraces of Eternal Twilight
| Tacvi |
Wulftyger | Vambraces of Eternal Twilight
| Tacvi |
Lofwyr | Xxeric's Warbraid
| Tacvi |
Quarantine | Wristguard of Chaotic Essence
| Tacvi |
Doublehorse | Glinting Onyx of Might
| Tacvi |
Lakaa | Divine Crystal Ring
| Qvic |
Katonis | Kizash's Savage Heart Gloves
| GoD Leather Armor |
2005-03-16 |
Merci | Supple White Tunic
| The Ascent |
Xilerate | Thundercrash Girdle
| Thundercrest Isles |
Ezzelina | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Morghulis | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Valious | Platinum Dragonlinked Greaves
| The Ascent |
Euri | Sash of Frigidity
| The Ascent |
Kernalo | Choker of One Hundred Diamonds
| The Ascent |
Kyrina | Fang of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Furiousdoja | Aegis of the Amber Moon
| The Ascent |
2005-03-14 |
Xilerate | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Laquorsha | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Indiana | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vargo | Warbeads of the Magus
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leifelf | Shield of the Lightning Lord
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kernalo | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zedmen | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Skex | Cloak of Wailing Woes
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sinnammin | Earring of Dark Conflict
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leifelf | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Attokk | Blood-Polished Hammer
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valious | Rigid Ring of Prowess
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Flakney | Shield of the Planar Assassin
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ismel | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kumulas | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ursulan | Aegis of the Dragorn Elders
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Graven | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-03-11 |
Graven | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zedmen | Windfury Katana
| Thundercrest Isles |
Kumulas | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Leenyne | Stormeye Band
| Thundercrest Isles |
Angellmyst | Reflective Platinum Leggings
| The Ascent |
Alauria | Supple White Leggings
| The Ascent |
Sincro | Choker of One Hundred Diamonds
| The Ascent |
2005-03-09 |
Theleos | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kissabella | Cape of Catastrophe
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Darktide | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Siri | Cape of Catastrophe
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-03-08 |
Kumulas | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Qwenya | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Coffinmaker | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Angellmyst | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dalavar | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xarina | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Katonis | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Doublehorse | Bone Staff of Wickedness
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Canib | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aylena | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Hjukka | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Aylena | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Doublehorse | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ursulan | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Skex | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kristana | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Furiousdoja | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Illiana | Earring of Dark Conflict
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Brilnayar | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Furiousdoja | Infernal Staff of Fiery Fate
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-03-06 |
Alaeghia | Sash of Frigidity
| The Ascent |
Nanweniel | Reflective Platinum Leggings
| The Ascent |
Mortech | Eye of Rikkukin
| The Ascent |
Engell | Windfury Katana
| Thundercrest Isles |
Brilnayar | Crystallized Glass Staff
| Thundercrest Isles |
Garndart | Tear of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Kristana | Aegis of the Amber Moon
| The Ascent |
Merci | Mask of Raining Tears
| Thundercrest Isles |
Garndart | Tear of Kessdona
| The Ascent |
Kristana | Aegis of the Amber Moon
| The Ascent |
Jakotich | Aegis of the Amber Moon
| The Ascent |
2005-03-05 |
Pierze | Tunat'Muram's Bloodied Greaves
| Tacvi |
Kissabella | Greaves of the Dark Ritualist
| Tacvi |
Skex | Lightning Prism of Swordplay
| Tacvi |
Lakaa | Tunat'Muram's Chestplate of Agony
| Tacvi |
2005-03-04 |
Illiana | Nightmarish Boots of Conflict
| Tacvi |
Pidagog | Runed Gauntlets of the Void
| Tacvi |
Slithery | Gloves of Coalesced Flame
| Tacvi |
Xilerate | Deathblade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Krazor | Xxeric's Matted-Fur Mask
| Tacvi |
Rubinia | Luxurious Satin Slippers
| Tacvi |
Zedmen | Girdle of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Ziena | Weighted Hammer of Conviction
| Tacvi |
Dalavar | Aegis of Midnight
| Tacvi |
Shintaaro | Armband of Writhing Shadow
| Tacvi |
Xilerate | Armguards of Insidious Corruption
| Tacvi |
Quentis | Kelp-Covered Hammer
| Tacvi |
Alauria | Kelp-Covered Hammer
| Tacvi |
Kissabella | Zun'Muram's Scepter of Chaos
| Tacvi |
Aandarudar | Sleeves of Malefic Rapture
| Tacvi |
Zedmen | Vambraces of Eternal Twilight
| Tacvi |
Garndart | Ring of Organic Darkness
| Tacvi |
Pouty | Glinting Onyx of Might
| Tacvi |
Ezzelina | Xxeric's Warbraid
| Tacvi |
Lakaa | Xxeric's Battleworn Bracer
| Tacvi |
2005-03-03 |
Lofwyr | Warbeads of the Magus
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Doublehorse | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Darktide | Gem of Unnatural Regrowth
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Booti | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Quarantine | Patorav's Amulet (pants)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Illiana | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Katonis | Mask of Forbidden Rites
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Dalavar | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-03-02 |
Engell | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Doublehorse | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Katonis | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Siri | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Darktide | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aylena | Earring of Dark Conflict
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Orra | Greatsword of Mortification
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-03-01 |
Furiousdoja | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Sinnammin | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Nanweniel | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Angellmyst | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Blackfalcon | Rigid Ring of Prowess
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zedmen | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lonn | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quentis | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Negena | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gyselle | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Siri | Mace of Grim Tidings
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-02-27 |
Kernalo | Clawhammer
| The Ascent |
Valious | Sash of Frigidity
| The Ascent |
Wilye | Sash of Frigidity
| The Ascent |
2005-02-26 |
Siri | Zun'Muram's Scepter of Chaos
| Tacvi |
Itaknoir | Kelp-Covered Hammer
| Tacvi |
Celena | Bulwark of Lost Souls
| Tacvi |
Drego | Ring of Organic Darkness
| Tacvi |
Aandarudar | Earring of Pain Deliverance
| Tacvi |
Vargo | Ragestone of Hateful Thoughts
| Tacvi |
Nanweniel | Ragestone of Hateful Thoughts
| Tacvi |
Shintaaro | Bracer of Grievous Harm
| Tacvi |
2005-02-24 |
Kingy | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kingy | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ismel | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kissabella | Mask of Forbidden Rites
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pierze | Beaded Hoop of Demise
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Qwenya | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Italadin | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Angellmyst | Earring of Dark Conflict
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Indiana | Cloak of Wailing Woes
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Theleos | Girdle of the Fleet
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Illiana | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aylena | Gem of Unnatural Regrowth
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ezzelina | Gem of Unnatural Regrowth
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jerag | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Mortech | Shield of the Planar Assassin
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Audriana | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-02-23 |
Laquorsha | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Gyselle | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Mesphin | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Mesphin | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ismel | Aegis of the Dragorn Elders
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kernalo | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Shintaaro | Bone Staff of Wickedness
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wilye | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Theleos | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Darktide | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kumulas | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Euri | Infernal Staff of Fiery Fate
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-02-22 |
Gyselle | Shadowed Amulet of Anarchy
| Omens of War |
Drego | Fractured Champion's Ring
| Omens of War |
Lonn | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-02-21 |
Coffinmaker | Eye of Rikkukin
| The Ascent |
Theleos | Choker of One Hundred Diamonds
| The Ascent |
Sinnammin | Sash of Frigidity
| The Ascent |
Lakaa | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-02-20 |
Euri | Brimstone Spaulders
| Tirranun's Delve |
Drego | Ashen Blade of the Slaver
| Tirranun's Delve |
Theleos | Blade Warstone
| Tacvi |
Leifelf | Greaves of the Tunat'Muram
| Tacvi |
Qwenya | Tunat'Muram's Chestplate of Agony
| Tacvi |
Krazor | Tunat'Muram's Chainmail of Pain
| Tacvi |
Wilye | Runed Gauntlets of the Void
| Tacvi |
Jakotich | Cloak of Nightmarish Visions
| Tacvi |
Engell | Shroud of the Legion
| Tacvi |
2005-02-19 |
Pierze | Boots of Captive Screams
| Tacvi |
Muttilabin | Gloves of Coalesced Flame
| Tacvi |
Itaknoir | Xxeric's Matted-Fur Mask
| Tacvi |
Ghorick | Bloodstone Blade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Lakaa | Aegis of Midnight
| Tacvi |
Valious | Mask of the Void
| Tacvi |
Ziena | Ring of the Serpent
| Tacvi |
Pouty | Supple Slippers of the Stargazer
| Tacvi |
Jakotich | Kelp-Covered Hammer
| Tacvi |
Lakaa | Death's Head Mace
| Tacvi |
Vargo | Earring of Pain Deliverance
| Tacvi |
Wilye | Vambraces of Eternal Twilight
| Tacvi |
Cbus | Xxeric's Warbraid
| Tacvi |
Ziena | Glyphed Sandstone of Idealism
| Tacvi |
Engell | Xxeric's Battleworn Bracer
| Tacvi |
Airborneranger | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Jerag | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Infinamorte | Cape of Catastrophe
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Torkya | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rubinia | Ring of Deterrence
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jakotich | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-02-18 |
Airborneranger | Blood-Polished Hammer
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Malcience | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrina | Sorrowmourn Stone
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lonn | Stud of Chilling Precision
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pidagog | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kissabella | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Dalavar | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ghorick | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Sincro | Girdle of the Fleet
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cbus | Globe of Voltage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vellox | Aneuk Dagger of Eye Gouging
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ziena | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Norfolk | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Theleos | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Nanweniel | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kumulas | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Drego | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Flakney | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xarina | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Euri | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Lakaa | Hanvar's Hoop
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Mortech | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Doublehorse | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wickedsinger | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valious | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-02-16 |
Zedmen | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Illiana | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-02-14 |
Vellox | Fractured Champion's Ring
| Omens of War |
Jakotich | Chaos-Imbued Leather Leggings
| Omens of War |
Mortech | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Itaknoir | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-02-13 |
Qwenya | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Nanweniel | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Shintaaro | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Skex | Notched Blade of Bloodletting
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Flakney | Notched Blade of Bloodletting
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Merci | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wilye | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Audriana | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Drego | Greatsword of Mortification
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quarantine | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Laquorsha | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Canib | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Garndart | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kernalo | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Zedmen | Mace of Tortured Nightmares
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cristomir | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sincro | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valious | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Krazor | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valious | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rubinia | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Leifelf | Blade of Forgotten Faith
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cbus | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Skex | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Aandarudar | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Indiana | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Castiran | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kissabella | Mace of Grim Tidings
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-02-12 |
Dareos | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Dareos | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Qwenya | Band of Eternal Gaze
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Coffinmaker | Twisted Crown of Consciousness
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Rubinia | Misty Globe
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
2005-02-11 |
Slithery | Dark Tunic of the Enslavers
| Tacvi |
Torkya | Blade Warstone
| Tacvi |
Lakaa | Greaves of the Tunat'Muram
| Tacvi |
Garndart | Greaves of the Tunat'Muram
| Tacvi |
2005-02-10 |
Indiana | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Mortech | Pendant of Discord
| Tacvi |
Ziena | Pendant of Discord
| Tacvi |
Graven | Xxeric's Matted-Fur Mask
| Tacvi |
Utaelr | Dagger of Evil Summons
| Tacvi |
Skex | Blade of Natural Turmoil
| Tacvi |
Ismel | Cloak of Nightmarish Visions
| Tacvi |
Ursulan | Luxurious Satin Slippers
| Tacvi |
Klawzil | Brutish Blade of Balance
| Tacvi |
Pierze | Girdle of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Ranthorn | Ruby of Determined Assault
| Tacvi |
Drego | Aegis of Midnight
| Tacvi |
Darktide | Armguards of Insidious Corruption
| Tacvi |
2005-02-09 |
Illiana | Earring of Pain Deliverance
| Tacvi |
Gongaa | Hammer of Delusions
| Tacvi |
Negena | Kelp-Covered Hammer
| Tacvi |
Torkya | Mindreaper Club
| Tacvi |
Negena | Bulwark of Lost Souls
| Tacvi |
Angellmyst | Earring of Pain Deliverance
| Tacvi |
Sincro | Wristguard of Chaotic Essence
| Tacvi |
Castiran | Xxeric's Battleworn Bracer
| Tacvi |
Lakaa | Glinting Onyx of Might
| Tacvi |
2005-02-08 |
Sertain | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Sertain | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Doublehorse | Beaded Hoop of Demise
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Shield of the Lightning Lord
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lofwyr | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Klawzil | Notched Blade of Bloodletting
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-02-07 |
Italadin | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Audriana | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Utaelr | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rubinia | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ismel | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Itaknoir | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Skex | Rigid Ring of Prowess
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aandarudar | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Leenyne | Muramite Cruelty Medal (boots)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ezzelina | Bazu Claw Hammer
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Torkya | Earring of Dark Conflict
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Blackfalcon | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Salyen | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Aandarudar | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wilye | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Krazor | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valious | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ezzelina | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gazz | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ezzelina | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Darktide | Hanvar's Hoop
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Flakney | Hanvar's Hoop
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-02-04 |
Illiana | Shawl of the Void
| Qvic |
Battlecatt | Handwraps of Captured Magic
| Qvic |
2005-02-03 |
Auria | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Brilnayar | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-02-02 |
Norfolk | Discordant Dagger of Night
| Tacvi |
Krazor | Boots of Captive Screams
| Tacvi |
Wickedsinger | Rapier of Somber Notes
| Tacvi |
Garndart | Bloodstone Blade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Aandarudar | Luxurious Satin Slippers
| Tacvi |
Utaelr | Girdle of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Angellmyst | Dakkamor's Chestplate of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Ziena | Tome of Discordant Magic
| Tacvi |
Leifelf | Ring of the Serpent
| Tacvi |
Kyrina | Mask of the Void
| Tacvi |
Zeetah | Great Maul of the Mighty
| Tvexu |
Gyselle | Nolaen's Lifereaper Sandals
| GoD Silk Armor |
Illiana | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Pierze | Nodnol's Gauntlets of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Aandarudar | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Gyselle | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
2005-02-01 |
Angellmyst | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Skex | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Negena | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ismel | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Gherit | Sorrowmourn Stone
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wilye | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrina | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Merci | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Illiana | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ladimor | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Auria | Girdle of the Fleet
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lakaa | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Valious | Plaguebreeze
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Hanvar's Hoop
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xilvana | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swampfunk | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wilye | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Jakotich | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Theleos | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lakaa | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ezzelina | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Leifelf | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kernalo | Patorav's Walking Stick (helm)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Drego | Morguecaller
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-01-31 |
Valious | Runed Gauntlets of the Void
| Tacvi |
Gherit | Jagged Axe of Uncontrolled Rage
| Tacvi |
Lofwyr | Dagger of Evil Summons
| Tacvi |
Rubinia | Hammer of Delusions
| Tacvi |
Cbus | Gloves of Wicked Ambition
| Tacvi |
Shintaaro | Mindreaper Club
| Tacvi |
Swampfunk | Vambraces of Eternal Twilight
| Tacvi |
Negena | Golden Idol of Destruction
| Tacvi |
Ismel | Sleeves of Malefic Rapture
| Tacvi |
Leenyne | Glinting Onyx of Might
| Tacvi |
Doublehorse | Bracer of Grievous Harm
| Tacvi |
Graven | Glyphed Sandstone of Idealism
| Tacvi |
2005-01-30 |
Krazor | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Gyselle | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Sinnammin | Shawl of Nefarious Favor
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Zedmen | Darkiron Bow of Betrayal
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Audriana | Cord of the Malcontent
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Gyselle | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Vargo | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kumulas | Pendant of Stilled Time
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Drego | Belt of Intangible Clairvoyance
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Engell | Belt of Intangible Clairvoyance
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Wulftyger | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pierze | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Norfolk | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-01-29 |
Wilye | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Brilnayar | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lindaor | Muramite Chain
| Walls of Slaughter |
Negena | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Muttilabin | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Zedmen | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gherit | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Engell | Hulcror Pearl
| Walls of Slaughter |
Krazor | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Krazor | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Siri | Kizash's Savage Heart Cap
| GoD Leather Armor |
Blackfalcon | Glowing Spiritstone Necklace
| Qvic |
Rubinia | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Zedmen | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Valious | Cape of Catastrophe
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Mortech | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ziena | Amice of Ill-Will
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-01-28 |
Morghulis | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rubinia | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Laquorsha | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ismel | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-01-27 |
Pouty | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cristomir | Gem of Unnatural Regrowth
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-01-26 |
Klawzil | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Castiran | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Coffinmaker | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Krazor | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Norfolk | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gyselle | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Morghulis | Aegis of the Dragorn Elders
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Krazor | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Wulftyger | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Qwenya | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kernalo | Mace of Grim Tidings
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Indiana | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Slithery | Blood-Polished Hammer
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Castiran | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Negena | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Wulftyger | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Mortech | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Aandarudar | Globe of Voltage
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pierze | Aneuk Dagger of Eye Gouging
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Angellmyst | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kumulas | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2005-01-25 |
Auria | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Skex | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Infinamorte | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrina | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Norfolk | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lakaa | Hulcror Pearl
| Walls of Slaughter |
Malcience | Hulcror Hide Cloak
| Walls of Slaughter |
Zeetah | Velitorkin's Femur
| Walls of Slaughter |
Kernalo | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Illiana | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2005-01-23 |
Malcience | Gem of Unnatural Regrowth
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Krazor | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Krazor | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Brilnayar | Bracelet of the Corrupter
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Illiana | Cord of the Malcontent
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Leifelf | Screaming Skull of Discontent
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Illiana | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Illiana | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2005-01-22 |
Zedmen | Jagged Blade of Ice
| Tvexu |
Laquorsha | Glyphed Gauntlets of Conflict
| Omens of War |
Drego | Rayin's Legplates of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Krazor | Headband of the Endless Night
| Tvexu |
Kumulas | Silken Gloves of the Chaos
| Tvexu |
Gherit | Harlad's Greaves of Fury
| GoD Chain Armor |
Annaboo | Ixt Bone Scepter
| Tvexu |
2005-01-21 |
Sinnammin | Band of Eternal Gaze
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Auria | Hammered Helm of Foresight
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Valious | Thunderclap
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Leifelf | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Illiana | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2005-01-20 |
Itaknoir | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Utaelr | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Utaelr | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Infinamorte | Warspear of Vexation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Coffinmaker | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Norfolk | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrina | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Darktide | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wickedsinger | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ziena | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Celena | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Booti | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Swampfunk | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Audriana | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Merci | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vargo | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Audriana | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Rubinia | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Doublehorse | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kernalo | Sorrowmourn Stone
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kernalo | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-01-19 |
Cristomir | Dark Chain Circlet
| Tvexu |
Qwenya | Ruby of Steadfastness
| Tvexu |
2005-01-18 |
Valious | Armguards of Envy
| Tvexu |
Qwenya | Crown of the Forsaken
| Tvexu |
Darktide | Gauntlets of Malicious Intent
| Tacvi |
Utaelr | Luxurious Satin Slippers
| Tacvi |
Vargo | Scepter of Incantations
| Tacvi |
Cbus | Pendant of Discord
| Tacvi |
Darktide | Deathblade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Drego | Deathblade of the Zun'Muram
| Tacvi |
Lofwyr | Ring of the Serpent
| Tacvi |
Auria | Mask of the Void
| Tacvi |
Drego | Mask of the Void
| Tacvi |
Negena | Muramite's Heavy Shackles
| Tvexu |
Theleos | Shroud of Ceaseless Might
| Tvexu |
Ghorick | Longsword of Execration
| Tvexu |
Kyrina | Cape of Woven Steel
| Tvexu |
2005-01-17 |
Torkya | Bracer of Grievous Harm
| Tacvi |
Castiran | Glinting Onyx of Might
| Tacvi |
Aarica | Glyphed Sandstone of Idealism
| Tacvi |
Sinnammin | Irestone of Sharp Sight
| Qvic |
Flakney | Chaotic Black Scimitar
| Qvic |
Siri | Handwraps of Captured Magic
| Qvic |
Rubinia | Flowing Stone of Discord
| Qvic |
Valious | Nadien's Helm of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Kumulas | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Coffinmaker | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Krazor | Kanleku's Bracer of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Flakney | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Kumulas | Nunkin's Circlet of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
2005-01-15 |
Leenyne | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-01-14 |
Utaelr | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Graven | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Itaknoir | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Morghulis | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pierze | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Italadin | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aarica | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kernalo | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aandarudar | Aegis of the Dragorn Elders
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Indiana | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Itaknoir | Gem of Unnatural Regrowth
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leifelf | Blood-Polished Hammer
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Morghulis | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Morghulis | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Klawzil | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Theleos | Rigid Ring of Prowess
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lonn | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Doublehorse | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-01-13 |
Valious | Shroud of Ceaseless Might
| Tvexu |
Slithery | Cape of Woven Steel
| Tvexu |
Rubinia | Cape of Woven Steel
| Tvexu |
Lofwyr | Gemstone of Dark Flame
| Tvexu |
Illiana | Scepter of Forbidden Knowledge
| Tvexu |
Ghorick | Crown of the Forsaken
| Tvexu |
Vraa | Headband of the Endless Night
| Tvexu |
Malcience | Globe of Dancing Light
| Tvexu |
Negena | Chaos-Imbued Leather Tunic
| Omens of War |
2005-01-12 |
Doublehorse | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xilvana | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Torkya | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-01-11 |
Jiric | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-01-10 |
Doublehorse | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Slithery | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-01-09 |
Swampfunk | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Italadin | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Jiric | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Quarantine | Cloak of Regretful Transgressions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Drego | Totem of the Chimera
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Mortech | Belt of the Stagnant
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ursulan | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swampfunk | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Brilnayar | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Itaknoir | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Italadin | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xilvana | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Canib | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Merci | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Gazz | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Pierze | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jiric | Warspear of Vexation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Theleos | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-01-08 |
Drego | Polished Earring of Animosity
| Omens of War |
Graven | Herb-Wrapped Silk Sash
| Omens of War |
Blackfalcon | Fractured Champion's Ring
| Omens of War |
Illiana | Glyphed Helm of Conflict
| Omens of War |
Rubinia | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jiric | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-01-07 |
Leenyne | Xxeric's Battleworn Bracer
| Tacvi |
Vargo | Glyphed Sandstone of Idealism
| Tacvi |
Audriana | Glyphed Sandstone of Idealism
| Tacvi |
Lindaor | Great Maul of the Mighty
| Tvexu |
Sinnammin | Dakkamor's Chestplate of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Ismel | Lelyen's Bracer of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Siri | Kizash's Savage Heart Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Mortech | Kanleku's Vambraces of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Mortech | Kanleku's Helm of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Mortech | Kanleku's Boots of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
2005-01-06 |
Gherit | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sinnammin | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Doublehorse | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Torkya | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-01-05 |
Sinnammin | Crown of the Forsaken
| Tvexu |
Ziena | Crown of the Forsaken
| Tvexu |
Blackfalcon | Shroud of Ceaseless Might
| Tvexu |
Kyrina | Edge of Chaos
| Tvexu |
Wickedsinger | Cape of Woven Steel
| Tvexu |
Zedmen | Spiked Steel Baton
| Tvexu |
Bobdobtwo | Globe of Dancing Light
| Tvexu |
Muttilabin | Azure Trinket of Despair
| Tvexu |
Ziena | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Norfolk | Nodnol's Gauntlets of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
2005-01-04 |
Ziena | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Jakotich | Feratha Hide Belt
| Riftseekers |
Ziena | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Illiana | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Illiana | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Valious | Chailak's Fang
| Riftseekers |
Fantik | Crystal Dagger
| Riftseekers |
Coffinmaker | Zulaqua's Cloak
| Riftseekers |
Lonn | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrina | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Auria | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Pouty | Shoulderpads of Warfare
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Darktide | Shield of the Planar Assassin
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Darktide | Morguecaller
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Brilnayar | Gem of Unnatural Regrowth
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Doublehorse | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-01-03 |
Vellox | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Torkya | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ketaro | Velitorkin's Femur
| Walls of Slaughter |
Muttilabin | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ursulan | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Flakney | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2005-01-02 |
Fantik | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Coffinmaker | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Coffinmaker | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Aandarudar | Laced Gloves of Superiority
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Skex | Brute's Gaudy Shoulderspines
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Itaknoir | Deathlace
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Malcience | Discordant Robe of Betrayal
| Omens of War |
Celena | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Zeetah | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Valious | Bracer of Corrupted Souls
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Zedmen | Bracer of Corrupted Souls
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Italadin | Screaming Skull of Discontent
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
2005-01-01 |
Xilvana | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aarica | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Malcience | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Jiric | Lenarsk's Embossed Leather Pouch (arms)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cristomir | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ranthorn | Bone Staff of Wickedness
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ranthorn | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Xilvana | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Coffinmaker | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Utaelr | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quarantine | Rigid Ring of Prowess
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Canib | Infernal Staff of Fiery Fate
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Morghulis | Cloak of the Corrupted Curate
| Walls of Slaughter |
Vargo | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ziena | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Wickedsinger | Hulcror Hide Collar
| Walls of Slaughter |
Sincro | Hulcror's Whisker
| Walls of Slaughter |
Vargo | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cbus | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2004-12-31 |
Malcience | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Jiric | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Audriana | Visor of Distorted Vision
| Omens of War |
Pierze | Fractured Champion's Ring
| Omens of War |
Utaelr | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jiric | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Infinamorte | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2004-12-30 |
Graven | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Skex | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Swampfunk | Makyah's Axe (gloves)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cristomir | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Muttilabin | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Infinamorte | Morguecaller
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Ring of the Beast
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quarantine | Globe of Discordant Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Castiran | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Indiana | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2004-12-29 |
Lonn | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Blackfalcon | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lofwyr | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Brilnayar | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Vraa | Muramite Bow of Discord
| Walls of Slaughter |
Bobdobtwo | Hulcror Hide Cloak
| Walls of Slaughter |
2004-12-28 |
Drego | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Infinamorte | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Utaelr | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrina | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Audriana | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2004-12-27 |
Coffinmaker | Petrified Girplan Heart
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Castiran | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Merci | Gem of Unnatural Regrowth
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Mortech | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Phyde | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Gherit | Warspear of Vexation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cbus | Aegis of the Dragorn Elders
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Doublehorse | Necklace of Stability
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aylena | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Canib | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ursulan | Stud of Chilling Precision
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Riftseeker Heart (bracer)
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Qwenya | Mask of the Crackling Energy
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Drego | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Angellmyst | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Klawzil | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Drego | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2004-12-26 |
Infinamorte | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Indiana | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Gherit | Soulshatter
| Ruined City of Dranik |
Fantik | Volklana's Wristplate
| Ruined City of Dranik |
Canib | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Sinnammin | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Angellmyst | Cloak of the Corrupted Curate
| Walls of Slaughter |
Malcience | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Malcience | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Pierze | Muramite Bow of Discord
| Walls of Slaughter |
Mortech | Hulcror Hide Cloak
| Walls of Slaughter |
Lonn | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ismel | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ismel | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Aandarudar | Zulaqua's Necklace
| Riftseekers |
Devoss | Chailak Hide Mask
| Riftseekers |
2004-12-23 |
Italadin | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Qwenya | Gem of Unnatural Regrowth
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Jakotich | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Sinnammin | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Jiric | Glyphed Helm of Conflict
| Omens of War |
Ranbas | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Darktide | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2004-12-22 |
Leenyne | Golem Stone Face Guard
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Itaknoir | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sinnammin | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Castiran | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Wilyee | Crysnos, Shield of the Rift
| Walls of Slaughter |
Cristomir | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Drego | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ladimor | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Sinnammin | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Wilye | Necklace of Stability
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Fantik | Necklace of Stability
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Klawzil | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Blackfalcon | Velitorkin's Femur
| Walls of Slaughter |
Gherit | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Jakotich | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Quarantine | Crystal Mail
| Riftseekers |
Slithery | Crystal Hilted Shinai
| Riftseekers |
Drego | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Vargo | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Lofwyr | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Siri | Ancient Dragorn Signet
| Walls of Slaughter |
2004-12-21 |
Sincro | Pauldrons of the Legion
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Angellmyst | Infernal Staff of Fiery Fate
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Drego | Blood-Polished Hammer
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Siri | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Devoss | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Pouty | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leifelf | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Aandarudar | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2004-12-20 |
Leenyne | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ziena | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Angellmyst | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Blackfalcon | Frozen Bow of the Gelidin
| Riftseekers |
Kernalo | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Angellmyst | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Slithery | Kira's Slippers
| Riftseekers |
Vellox | Quellon's Belt
| Riftseekers |
Kernalo | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Celena | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Blackfalcon | Cloak of Flinty Resolve
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Angellmyst | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Cristomir | Silken Sleeves of Persistence
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Drego | Armplates of Endless Fortitude
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Canib | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Shintaaro | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Pierze | Ilsin's Cloak
| Riftseekers |
Vargo | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Vargo | Kiranus' Tiara
| Riftseekers |
2004-12-19 |
Darktide | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Merci | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Malcience | Bracelet of the Corrupter
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Skex | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Wilye | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kyrelsis | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Merci | Howling Blood-Stained Bulwark
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Flakney | Darkiron Bow of Betrayal
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Attokk | Fang of Feratha
| Riftseekers |
Doublerazer | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2004-12-18 |
Laquorsha | Shroud of Pandemonium
| Tvexu |
Quarantine | Sapphire of Capricious Magic
| Tvexu |
Laquorsha | Hardened Scale Vambraces
| Tvexu |
Laquorsha | Ixt Bone Scepter
| Tvexu |
Rhuarrc | Great Maul of the Mighty
| Tvexu |
2004-12-17 |
Sinnammin | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Drego | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Lofwyr | Lana's Crystal Shield
| Riftseekers |
Kyrelsis | Zulaqua's Necklace
| Riftseekers |
2004-12-16 |
Fantik | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Italadin | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cbus | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Audriana | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Lonn | Aegis of the Dragorn Elders
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ursulan | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Vargo | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2004-12-15 |
Mortech | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Muttilabin | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Infinamorte | Cynin's Mask
| Riftseekers |
Doublerazer | Britalic's Earring
| Riftseekers |
Laquorsha | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Aylena | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Utaelr | Lana's Crystal Shield
| Riftseekers |
Wickedsinger | Crystal Breastplate
| Riftseekers |
2004-12-14 |
Devoss | Relic of the Unremembered
| Inktu'Ta |
Malcience | Noqufiel's Wand of Infinite Enmity
| Inktu'Ta |
Drego | Stained Threadbare Cape
| Inktu'Ta |
Sincro | Soothing Earstone of Striated Clay
| Inktu'Ta |
Jiric | Shattered Jade Band of Anger
| Inktu'Ta |
Drego | Rayin's Boots of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Flakney | Kelekdrix's Sandstone of Fortitude
| Inktu'Ta |
Cristomir | Loop of Endless Insanity
| Inktu'Ta |
Skex | Earhoop of the Eighteen Eyes
| Inktu'Ta |
2004-12-13 |
Quarantine | Rune of Astral Celerity
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Canib | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Baradur | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Devoss | Blood-Polished Hammer
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Flakney | Choker of Imprisoned Visions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Sinnammin | Infernal Staff of Fiery Fate
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Illiana | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ismel | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Canib | Britalic's Earring
| Riftseekers |
Vraa | Ilsin's Cloak
| Riftseekers |
Devoss | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Angellmyst | Hulcror Hide Cloak
| Walls of Slaughter |
Drego | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Norfolk | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Infinamorte | Muramite Bow of Discord
| Walls of Slaughter |
2004-12-12 |
Vellox | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrelsis | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Itaknoir | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Quarantine | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Flakney | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Mortech | Crysnos, Shield of the Rift
| Walls of Slaughter |
Kristana | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Darktide | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-12-11 |
Bobdobtwo | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Itaknoir | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Graven | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Castiran | Blade of Forgotten Faith
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cbus | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Rune of Living Lightning
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lvyxira | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kristana | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Darktide | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Merci | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Asmira | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Infinamorte | Clawed Earring of Determination
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Lofwyr | Brazier of Endless Flame
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Ranthorn | Sleeves of the Steadfast
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Vraa | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kristana | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Mortech | Red Crystal Bracer
| Riftseekers |
2004-12-10 |
Sinnammin | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Angellmyst | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Klawzil | Matchless Silvery Claymore
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Lofwyr | Supple Slippers of Transformation
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Noudle | Sapphire Choker of Adaptation
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Angellmyst | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Darktide | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Laquorsha | Specialist's Green Earstone
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Wickedsinger | Gauntlets of Singular Mastery
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Quarantine | Chain Gauntlets of Adroitness
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Sinnammin | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Muttilabin | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Klawzil | Earring of Mental Incursion
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Daeh | Totem of Shattered Hope
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Coffinmaker | Totem of Shattered Hope
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Lonn | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Sinnammin | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Jiric | Bracer of the Debauched
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Eaglei | Cord of the Malcontent
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Vraa | Bracer of Corrupted Souls
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
2004-12-09 |
Kernalo | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Mortech | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Gyselle | Eye of Chailak
| Riftseekers |
Lofwyr | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Qwenya | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Graven | Cryston, Staff of the Rift
| Riftseekers |
Canib | Scyllus' Belt
| Riftseekers |
Mortech | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Mortech | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Gyselle | Misty Globe
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Darktide | Belt of Intangible Clairvoyance
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Laquorsha | Hammered Helm of Foresight
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Leifelf | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Quarantine | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Sinnammin | Muramite Signet Orb
| Walls of Slaughter |
Mortech | Dragorn Runemark
| Walls of Slaughter |
2004-12-08 |
Kyrina | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Klawzil | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ranbas | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Kyrelsis | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Lvyxira | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Infinamorte | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Darktide | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Eaglei | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Graven | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Doublerazer | Pyrique's Belt
| Walls of Slaughter |
Mortech | Muramite Chainmail
| Walls of Slaughter |
2004-12-07 |
Quarantine | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Klawzil | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Doublehorse | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Cbus | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Lofwyr | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Leifelf | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ghorick | Quellon's Belt
| Riftseekers |
Vellox | Crystal Dagger
| Riftseekers |
2004-12-06 |
Leenyne | Orb of Forbidden Laughter
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2004-12-05 |
Leenyne | Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Stone of Planar Protection
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Merci | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Cbus | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Utaelr | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Italadin | Blade of Forgotten Faith
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Brilnayar | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Canib | Gem of Unnatural Regrowth
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
2004-12-04 |
Ladimor | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ladimor | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Leenyne | Battleworn Dented Aegis
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Doublerazer | Relentless Guardian's Staff
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Doublehorse | Sleeves of the Steadfast
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Alauria | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Daeh | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Jiric | Two-Toned Fur Cape
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Lvyxira | Stud of Focused Aptitude
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Quarantine | Deathlace
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Daeh | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Alauria | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Eaglei | Wand of Twisted Fate
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Itaknoir | Sandals of Constant Change
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Demmonik | Supple Slippers of Transformation
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Daeh | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Alauria | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Blackfalcon | Warped Mask of Animosity
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Slithery | Seething Fists of Slaughter
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Flakney | Earring of Mental Incursion
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Darktide | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Bobdobtwo | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Indiana | Crystal Dagger
| Riftseekers |
Swampfunk | Quellon's Belt
| Riftseekers |
2004-12-03 |
Muttilabin | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Blackfalcon | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Phyde | Howling Blood-Stained Bulwark
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Audriana | Shawl of Nefarious Favor
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Aandarudar | Bracelet of the Corrupter
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Darktide | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Illiana | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Lvyxira | Hammered Helm of Foresight
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Kossos | Cudgel of the Watchful Dragorn
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Italadin | Belt of Intangible Clairvoyance
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Eaglei | Chailak Hide Mask
| Riftseekers |
Lonn | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Merci | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-12-02 |
Cristomir | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Graven | Britalic's Earring
| Riftseekers |
Quarantine | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Klawzil | Cynin's Mask
| Riftseekers |
Noudle | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Brilnayar | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Demmonik | Executioner's Cincture
| Ruined City of Dranik |
Illiana | Buckled Leather Neckpiece
| Ruined City of Dranik |
Vatra | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Sincro | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Alauria | Chaos-Imbued Leather Boots
| Omens of War |
2004-11-30 |
Utaelr | Zulaqua's Cloak
| Riftseekers |
Illiana | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Brilnayar | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Cristomir | Lana's Crystal Shield
| Riftseekers |
2004-11-29 |
Qwenya | Ring of Disdain
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Flippety | Belt of Contempt
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Pouty | Bone Staff of Wickedness
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Darktide | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Quarantine | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-11-28 |
Infinamorte | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Asmira | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Theleos | Allin's Mace
| Riftseekers |
Swampfunk | Ilsin's Cloak
| Riftseekers |
Cristomir | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Blackfalcon | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Darktide | Two-Toned Fur Cape
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Illiana | Gauntlets of Singular Mastery
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Infinamorte | Gauntlets of Singular Mastery
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Brilnayar | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Cristomir | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Infinamorte | Armplates of Endless Fortitude
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Ranbas | Mantle of Iron Will
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Wilye | Worldwalker's Staff
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
2004-11-27 |
Dialow | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Cristomir | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Illiana | Battle-Scarred Faceguard
| Ruined City of Dranik |
Alauria | Ixt-Hide Skullcap
| Ruined City of Dranik |
Infinamorte | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Infinamorte | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Infinamorte | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Wilye | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Gazz | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Aylena | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Darktide | Screaming Skull of Discontent
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Wilye | Darkiron Bow of Betrayal
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Pouty | Wristband of Spectral Corruption
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Odjawb | Fang of Feratha
| Riftseekers |
Fantik | Mask of Uncanny Sight
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Devoss | Belt of Intangible Clairvoyance
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Demmonik | Pendant of Stilled Time
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
2004-11-26 |
Merci | Kira's Slippers
| Riftseekers |
Aylena | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Aylena | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Eaglei | Zulaqua's Necklace
| Riftseekers |
2004-11-23 |
Vatra | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Celena | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Castiran | Earring of Mental Incursion
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Pouty | Leggings of Fearsome Deeds
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Vatra | Totem of Shattered Hope
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Celena | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ghorick | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Cristomir | Supple Slippers of Transformation
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Sincro | Soulskive
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Noudle | Boots of Altered Perception
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
2004-11-22 |
Eaglei | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Eaglei | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Baradur | Cryston, Staff of the Rift
| Riftseekers |
Orra | Ilsin's Cloak
| Riftseekers |
Doublehorse | Kira's Slippers
| Riftseekers |
Cujoy | Quellon's Belt
| Riftseekers |
Laquorsha | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-11-21 |
Ghorick | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ghorick | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Auria | Relentless Guardian's Staff
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Tarube | Worldwalker's Staff
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Pouty | Sleeves of the Steadfast
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Phyde | Specialist's Green Earstone
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Lvyxira | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Laquorsha | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Itaknoir | Gloves of the Adept
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Flakney | Gauntlets of Singular Mastery
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Lvyxira | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Nanweniel | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Doublehorse | Wristband of Spectral Corruption
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Noudle | Cloak of the Faithless
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Theleos | Darkiron Bow of Betrayal
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Valalathia | Muramite Bow of Discord
| Walls of Slaughter |
Flippety | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Quinthalas | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Doublerazer | Ancient Dragorn Signet
| Walls of Slaughter |
2004-11-20 |
Eaglei | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Brilnayar | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Khubla | Helm of Inventive Perception
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Lvyxira | Band of Eternal Gaze
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Cristomir | Misty Globe
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Klawzil | Frozen Bow of the Gelidin
| Riftseekers |
Demmonik | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Demmonik | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Shaman | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Cristomir | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Brilnayar | Eye of Chailak
| Riftseekers |
2004-11-19 |
Leenyne | Stone of Horrid Transformation
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Angelx | Muramite Chain
| Walls of Slaughter |
Vatra | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Noudle | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Baradur | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Phyde | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-11-18 |
Pouty | Puja's Ring of Fire
| Riftseekers |
Qwenya | Totem of Pyrilonis
| Riftseekers |
Aylena | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Vargo | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Wilye | Fang of Feratha
| Riftseekers |
Lvyxira | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Aylena | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Lvyxira | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Nanweniel | Red Crystal Bracer
| Riftseekers |
Demmonik | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Demmonik | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-11-17 |
Rubinia | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Rubinia | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Cbus | Totem of Shattered Hope
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Kyrina | Bloodband of Malice
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Lonn | Envenomed Leggings of Enmity
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
2004-11-16 |
Devoss | Bloodstone of Force
| Ikkinz |
Graven | Gem-Inlaid Ritual Cloak
| Ikkinz |
Fantik | Sharp Irestone Fragment
| Ikkinz |
Brilnayar | Aegis of Blackscales
| Ikkinz |
Khubla | Bloodlink Chestmail
| Ikkinz |
2004-11-15 |
Audriana | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Italadin | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Loquan | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Theleos | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Graven | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Graven | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Illiana | Red Crystal Bracer
| Riftseekers |
Skex | Fang of Feratha
| Riftseekers |
Aandarudar | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Nanweniel | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Muttilabin | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Muttilabin | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Loquan | Ilsin's Mantle
| Riftseekers |
Noudle | Allin's Mace
| Riftseekers |
2004-11-14 |
Itaknoir | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Rubinia | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ellysia | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Rubinia | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Lindaor | Hulcror's Whisker
| Walls of Slaughter |
Cristomir | Hulcror Hide Cloak
| Walls of Slaughter |
Cbus | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Quarantine | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Vatra | Band of Eternal Gaze
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Sincro | Helm of Inventive Perception
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Ranbas | Belt of Intangible Clairvoyance
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Fantik | Boots of Altered Perception
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Ellysia | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Graven | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Phelann | Ring of Fluid Perception
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Pierze | Sapphire Choker of Adaptation
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Laquorsha | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Pouty | Kira's Slippers
| Riftseekers |
Ladimor | Zulaqua's Necklace
| Riftseekers |
Ursulan | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Nanweniel | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ladimor | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Laquorsha | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ladimor | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Tulaz | Red Crystal Ring
| Riftseekers |
Kinathin | Frozen Feratha Eye
| Riftseekers |
2004-11-13 |
Nanweniel | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Graven | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Sincro | Vambraces of Perseverance
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Jiric | Battleworn Dented Aegis
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Theleos | Worldwalker's Staff
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Quarantine | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Flippety | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Asmira | Howling Blood-Stained Bulwark
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Bobdobtwo | Bracelet of the Corrupter
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Phyde | Cord of the Malcontent
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Devoss | Two-Toned Fur Cape
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Doublerazer | Gloves of the Adept
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Kastle | Gloves of the Adept
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Graven | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Theleos | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-11-12 |
Lvyxira | Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass
| Uqua |
Laquorsha | Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass
| Uqua |
Eaglei | Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass
| Uqua |
Tarube | Carved Stone-Link Greaves
| Uqua |
Baradur | Lavender Cloak of Destruction
| Uqua |
Jiric | Flanged Prayer Mace
| Uqua |
2004-11-11 |
Sincro | Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Leenyne | Rune of Futile Resolutions
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Ladimor | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Theleos | Cynin's Mask
| Riftseekers |
Lofwyr | Kiranus' Tiara
| Riftseekers |
Asmira | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Cbus | Muramite Signet Orb
| Walls of Slaughter |
Quarantine | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Quarantine | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Brilnayar | Dragorn Runemark
| Walls of Slaughter |
2004-11-10 |
Skysha | Pyrique's Belt
| Walls of Slaughter |
Jakotich | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Phyde | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kastle | Bazu Hide Tunic
| Walls of Slaughter |
Ellysia | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Jakotich | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Lonn | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Salyen | Zulaqua's Necklace
| Riftseekers |
Quarantine | Lana's Crystal Shield
| Riftseekers |
Jakotich | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Jakotich | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Devoss | Red Crystal Ring
| Riftseekers |
Quarantine | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Flippety | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-11-09 |
Attokk | Dark Crystal Blade
| Walls of Slaughter |
Muttilabin | Petrified Splinterstaff
| Ruined City of Dranik |
Khubla | Buckled Leather Neckpiece
| Ruined City of Dranik |
Attokk | Muramite Chain
| Walls of Slaughter |
Ezzelina | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Flippety | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Quarantine | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Flippety | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Slithery | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Theleos | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-11-08 |
Skex | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Skex | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Sanadiel | Twisted Crown of Consciousness
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Cristomir | Twisted Crown of Consciousness
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Engell | Thunderclap
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Theleos | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Phelann | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Skyia | Legplates of Abhorrent Memories
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Golorn | Earring of Mental Incursion
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Doublehorse | Seething Fists of Slaughter
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Ghorick | Fang of Feratha
| Riftseekers |
Phyde | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Phyde | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Fantik | Chailak's Fang
| Riftseekers |
Jiric | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Jiric | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-11-06 |
Kinathin | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Quinthalas | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Quarantine | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Quinthalas | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Canib | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Canib | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kinathin | Bone-Rending Battle Sword
| Ruined City of Dranik |
Doublerazer | Ixt-Hide Skullcap
| Ruined City of Dranik |
Baradur | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Baradur | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Phelann | Frozen Feratha Eye
| Riftseekers |
2004-11-05 |
Leenyne | Rune of Grim Portents
| Anguish, The Fallen Palace |
Utaelr | Deathlace
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Baradur | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Phyde | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Wulftyger | Specialist's Green Earstone
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Klawzil | Two-Toned Fur Cape
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Audriana | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Cbus | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Engell | Armplates of Endless Fortitude
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Auria | Cloak of Flinty Resolve
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Skex | Relentless Guardian's Staff
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
2004-11-04 |
Lofwyr | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Castiran | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Infinamorte | Pyrilen Bloodrunes
| Walls of Slaughter |
Devoss | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Doublerazer | Sandals of Constant Change
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Devoss | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Sanadiel | Wand of Twisted Fate
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Ryenn | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Jiric | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Jiric | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Flippety | Bracer of Corrupted Souls
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Tarube | Darkiron Bow of Betrayal
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Gazz | Howling Blood-Stained Bulwark
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Kastle | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ranthorn | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Orra | Frozen Feratha Eye
| Riftseekers |
Noudle | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Engell | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Swampfunk | Red Crystal Ring
| Riftseekers |
Sanadiel | Hulcror Hide Cloak
| Walls of Slaughter |
Tarube | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Noudle | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-11-03 |
Cbus | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Devoss | Crystal Breastplate
| Riftseekers |
Krelek | Crystallia, Sword of the Rift
| Riftseekers |
Ursulan | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-11-02 |
Cujoy | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Phelann | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Asmira | Pendant of Stilled Time
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Vargo | Misty Globe
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Kyrina | Hammered Helm of Foresight
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Loquan | Frozen Silk Wristband
| Riftseekers |
Qwenya | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Qwenya | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Cujoy | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Cristomir | Eye of Chailak
| Riftseekers |
2004-11-01 |
Skex | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Auria | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Quinthalas | Crysnos, Shield of the Rift
| Walls of Slaughter |
Lofwyr | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Skex | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Noudle | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Devoss | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Pouty | Seething Fists of Slaughter
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Doublehorse | Leggings of Fearsome Deeds
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Ursulan | Envenomed Leggings of Enmity
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
2004-10-30 |
Itaknoir | Yelnia's Tunic
| Riftseekers |
Lonn | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Vargo | Ancient Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Dreadpirate | Puja's Ring of Fire
| Riftseekers |
Quinthalas | Eye of Chailak
| Riftseekers |
Wilye | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Castiran | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Quinthalas | Flayed Tentacle Choker
| Riftseekers |
Quinthalas | Frozen Silk Wristband
| Riftseekers |
Auria | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Auria | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-10-29 |
Laelie | Pyrilen Bloodrunes
| Walls of Slaughter |
Phyde | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Orra | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-10-28 |
Salyen | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Salyen | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Eaglei | Muramite's Shield of Legend
| Ruined City of Dranik |
Jiric | Volklana's Wristplate
| Ruined City of Dranik |
Jiric | Chailak Hide Mask
| Riftseekers |
Qwenya | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Doublerazer | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Doublerazer | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Cristomir | Frozen Silk Wristband
| Riftseekers |
2004-10-27 |
Jiric | Crysnos, Shield of the Rift
| Walls of Slaughter |
Utaelr | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Lofwyr | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Utaelr | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Castiran | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Attokk | Velitorkin's Femur
| Walls of Slaughter |
2004-10-26 |
Italadin | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Zagrais | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Doublerazer | Yelnia's Tunic
| Riftseekers |
Krelek | Crystal Mail Sleeves
| Riftseekers |
Krelek | Frosted Gem of Ferocity
| Riftseekers |
Cristomir | Flayed Tentacle Choker
| Riftseekers |
Tulaz | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kinathin | Fang of Feratha
| Riftseekers |
Angelx | Eye of Chailak
| Riftseekers |
Ryenn | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Garndart | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ryenn | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Xarina | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Leenyne | Greaves of Seething Rage
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Ranbas | Greaves of Seething Rage
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Ranthorn | Bloodband of Malice
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
2004-10-25 |
Audriana | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Canib | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Solistes | Muramite Chain
| Walls of Slaughter |
Wilye | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Khubla | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Leenyne | Thunderclap
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Pouty | Headband of Heightened Cognizance
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Syldan | Hammered Helm of Foresight
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Xarina | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Zagrais | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Italadin | Boots of Shifting Time
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Tulaz | Belt of Inevitable Conversion
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Sincro | Veil of Intense Evolution
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
2004-10-24 |
Ghorick | Gauntlets of Singular Mastery
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Wilye | Dark Crystal Blade
| Walls of Slaughter |
Kernalo | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Qwenya | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Leifelf | Stud of Focused Aptitude
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Sanadiel | Laced Gloves of Superiority
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Pierze | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Golorn | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Italadin | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Garndart | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Bobdobtwo | Silken Sleeves of Persistence
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Tolomi | Clawed Earring of Determination
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Kyrelsis | Clawed Earring of Determination
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Phelann | Chailak's Fang
| Riftseekers |
Khubla | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Khubla | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Golorn | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Khubla | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Noudle | Frozen Bow of the Gelidin
| Riftseekers |
2004-10-23 |
Eaglei | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Salyen | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Vargo | Howling Blood-Stained Bulwark
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Phyde | Shawl of Nefarious Favor
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Pouty | Fangs of the Serpent
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
2004-10-22 |
Sanadiel | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Cbus | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Eaglei | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Syldan | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Salyen | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Cbus | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Slithery | Frozen Silk Wristband
| Riftseekers |
Audriana | Red Crystal Bracer
| Riftseekers |
Doublehorse | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Tolomi | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-10-20 |
Tolomi | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Tolomi | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Golorn | Red Crystal Ring
| Riftseekers |
Doublerazer | Frozen Silk Wristband
| Riftseekers |
Solistes | Dark Crystal Blade
| Walls of Slaughter |
Muttilabin | Bazu Hide Tunic
| Walls of Slaughter |
Negena | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Negena | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Krelek | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Wdibus | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Wdibus | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Wdibus | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-10-19 |
Audriana | Buckled Leather Neckpiece
| Ruined City of Dranik |
Jiric | Soulshatter
| Ruined City of Dranik |
Wickedsinger | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Wickedsinger | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Muttilabin | Protector Stitched-Hide Leggings
| Ruined City of Dranik |
Dialow | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Dialow | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Wulftyger | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Mesphin | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Jiric | Chipped Iron Ixtshoe
| Ruined City of Dranik |
Pouty | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Swampfunk | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Klawzil | Frozen Feratha Eye
| Riftseekers |
2004-10-18 |
Solistes | Pyrilen Bloodrunes
| Walls of Slaughter |
Negena | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Dialow | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Aalia | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Aalia | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Merci | Clawed Earring of Determination
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Zagrais | Armplates of Endless Fortitude
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Vellox | Vambraces of Perseverance
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Vellox | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Dreadpirate | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Garndart | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Negena | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Skex | Chain Gauntlets of Adroitness
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Wilye | Brute's Gaudy Shoulderspines
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Swampfunk | Bonecleaver
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
2004-10-17 |
Skex | Frozen Bow of the Gelidin
| Riftseekers |
Tulaz | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Tulaz | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Noodleghost | Muramite Chainmail
| Walls of Slaughter |
Tulaz | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Tolomi | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kastle | Pyrilen Bloodrunes
| Walls of Slaughter |
Tolomi | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Tolomi | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-10-16 |
Leenyne | Sapphire Choker of Adaptation
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Phyde | Boots of Shifting Time
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Krelek | Belt of Inevitable Conversion
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Audriana | Bracer of the Debauched
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Doublerazer | Wristband of Spectral Corruption
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Wickedsinger | Screaming Skull of Discontent
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Syldan | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Syldan | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Syldan | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kyrina | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kyrina | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kyrina | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Bobdobtwo | Wristwraps of Puresilk
| Ruined City of Dranik |
Jiric | Executioner's Cincture
| Ruined City of Dranik |
2004-10-15 |
Kyrelsis | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kyrelsis | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ghorick | Crysnos, Shield of the Rift
| Walls of Slaughter |
2004-10-14 |
Pierze | Scroll of Sanctuary
| Riftseekers |
Rhovanion | Chailak's Fang
| Riftseekers |
Icewalker | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Leifelf | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-10-13 |
Klawzil | Fang of Feratha
| Riftseekers |
Sincro | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Canib | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-10-12 |
Ursulan | Heatstone of Memory
| Riftseekers |
Canib | Heatstone of Memory
| Riftseekers |
Sertain | Clawed Earring of Determination
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Ranbas | Battleworn Dented Aegis
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Whew | Vambraces of Perseverance
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Regeneration | Deathlace
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Orra | Brute's Gaudy Shoulderspines
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Audriana | Gauntlets of Singular Mastery
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Lofwyr | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Canib | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kossos | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Baradur | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-10-11 |
Attokk | Pyrilen Bloodrunes
| Walls of Slaughter |
Baradur | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Skyia | Frozen Bow of the Gelidin
| Riftseekers |
Doublerazer | Chailak's Fang
| Riftseekers |
Zagrais | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Wulftyger | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Wulftyger | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Wulftyger | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kyrelsis | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Italadin | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-10-10 |
Castiran | Screaming Skull of Discontent
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Xarina | Shawl of Nefarious Favor
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Tarube | Cloak of the Faithless
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Merci | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Merci | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Syldan | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-10-09 |
Tolomi | Band of Dark Auras
| Qvic |
Ghorick | Glowing Hammer of Disdain
| Qvic |
Krelek | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Eaglei | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Phelann | Shroud of Corruption
| Qvic |
Ghorick | Trimdet's Helm of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-10-08 |
Noudle | Feratha Hide Belt
| Riftseekers |
Kyrelsis | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Kyrelsis | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-10-07 |
Croco | Pyrilen Bloodrunes
| Walls of Slaughter |
Merci | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Aalia | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-10-06 |
Xarina | Dark Chain Circlet
| Tvexu |
Kossos | Flayed-Skin Spiked Boots
| Tvexu |
Noudle | Azure Trinket of Despair
| Tvexu |
Tarube | Jagged Blade of Ice
| Tvexu |
Phyde | Irestone of Sharp Sight
| Qvic |
Jakotich | Band of Dark Auras
| Qvic |
Muttilabin | Gaelin's Woodland Cap
| GoD Leather Armor |
Wickedsinger | Luvwen's Helm of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Laquorsha | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Pouty | Gloves of the Adept
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Wickedsinger | Luvwen's Bracer of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Bobdobtwo | Laced Gloves of Superiority
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Aalia | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Aalia | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Klawzil | Brute's Gaudy Shoulderspines
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
2004-10-05 |
Tolomi | Lelyen's Robe of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Engell | Ruby of Steadfastness
| Tvexu |
Leenyne | Sapphire of Capricious Magic
| Tvexu |
Itaknoir | Shawl of the Void
| Qvic |
Regeneration | Kanleku's Gauntlets of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Eaglei | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Phyde | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Ghorick | Trimdet's Boots of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Audriana | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Regeneration | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
2004-10-04 |
Pavo | Ruby of Steadfastness
| Tvexu |
Leifelf | Gem of Peace
| Tvexu |
Jakotich | Gaelin's Tunic of Woodlands
| GoD Leather Armor |
Demmonik | Ixt Bone Scepter
| Tvexu |
Eaglei | Dakkamor's Gauntlets of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Regeneration | Kanleku's Helm of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Wickedsinger | Luvwen's Boots of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Krelek | Harlad's Bracer of Fury
| GoD Chain Armor |
Pierze | Nodnol's Bracer of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
2004-10-03 |
Kinathin | Jagged Blade of Ice
| Tvexu |
Koronaf | Dakkamor's Chestplate of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Italadin | Shroud of Pandemonium
| Tvexu |
Krelek | Headband of the Endless Night
| Tvexu |
Regeneration | Armguards of Envy
| Tvexu |
Audriana | Crown of the Forsaken
| Tvexu |
Krelek | Harlad's Gauntlets of Fury
| GoD Chain Armor |
Icewalker | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Pierze | Honed Trinket of Protection
| Qvic |
Megumi | Dakkamor's Boots of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Koronaf | Dakkamor's Boots of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Pierze | Nodnol's Bracer of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Ghorick | Trimdet's Bracer of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Pouty | Ruby of Steadfastness
| Tvexu |
Audriana | Ixt Bone Scepter
| Tvexu |
2004-10-02 |
Lehua | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Audriana | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Pierze | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Phyde | Dakkamor's Helm of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Ghorick | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Ghorick | Trimdet's Bracer of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Celena | Relic of the Unremembered
| Inktu'Ta |
Canib | Relic of the Unremembered
| Inktu'Ta |
Syldan | Luvwen's Legplates of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Skysha | Segmented Staff of Ceremony
| Inktu'Ta |
Pierze | Pikebladed Ripper of the Arch-Thief
| Inktu'Ta |
Golorn | Earhoop of the Eighteen Eyes
| Inktu'Ta |
Wickedsinger | Luvwen's Bracer of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Xarina | Onyx Shard of Enlightenment
| Inktu'Ta |
Krelek | Shimmering Jade Axe of Vengeance
| Inktu'Ta |
Pierze | Nodnol's Helm of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Tolomi | Flowing Stone of Discord
| Qvic |
Golorn | Trimdet's Gauntlets of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Phyde | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Baradur | Dakkamor's Boots of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Bobdobtwo | Nolaen's Lifereaper Sandals
| GoD Silk Armor |
Phyde | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Koronaf | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-10-01 |
Pavo | Tentric's Band of Endless Wisdom
| Uqua |
Phyde | Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass
| Uqua |
Audriana | Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass
| Uqua |
Megumi | Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass
| Uqua |
Phyde | High Priest Riwirn's Rejuvenating Pebble
| Uqua |
Regeneration | Bulwark of Uqua
| Uqua |
Icewalker | Glyph-Lined Vrex Cloak
| Ikkinz |
Wulftyger | Glyph-Lined Vrex Cloak
| Ikkinz |
Baradur | Veil of Entrancement
| Ikkinz |
Krelek | Tome of Tainted Axe of Hatred
| Ikkinz |
2004-09-30 |
Tolomi | Laced Gloves of Superiority
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Doublehorse | Gloves of the Adept
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Zagrais | Bonecleaver
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Phyde | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Itaknoir | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-09-29 |
Canium | Shard of Dark Matter
| Qvic |
Pavo | Shard of Dark Matter
| Qvic |
Golorn | Glowing Hammer of Disdain
| Qvic |
Kaelrea | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Slithery | Pressl's Bracer of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Swampfunk | Harlad's Helm of Fury
| GoD Chain Armor |
Shroomerz | Rayin's Vambraces of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Kaelrea | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Noudle | Hulcror Pearl
| Walls of Slaughter |
Itaknoir | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Sanadiel | Dragorn Runemark
| Walls of Slaughter |
Itaknoir | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Itaknoir | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Skyia | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Solistes | Crysnos, Shield of the Rift
| Walls of Slaughter |
2004-09-27 |
Tolomi | Serpent's Girdle
| Qvic |
Lofwyr | Lavender Cloak of Destruction
| Uqua |
Lofwyr | Ruby of Steadfastness
| Tvexu |
2004-09-26 |
Italadin | Shroud of Corruption
| Qvic |
Xarina | Flowing Stone of Discord
| Qvic |
Shintaaro | Pressl's Bracer of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Tolomi | Lelyen's Bracer of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Eaglei | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Wulftyger | Kanleku's Boots of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Eaglei | Dakkamor's Helm of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Qwenya | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Qwenya | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Ranbas | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Leifelf | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
2004-09-22 |
Ateena | Crysnos, Shield of the Rift
| Walls of Slaughter |
2004-09-21 |
Wulftyger | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Mesphin | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Aalia | Bane of the Stonegazer
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Xarina | Dragorn City Ember
| Walls of Slaughter |
2004-09-20 |
Sincro | Glowing Spiritstone Necklace
| Qvic |
Kinathin | Vadd's Gauntlets of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Khubla | Kanleku's Vambraces of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Dialow | Lelyen's Bracer of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Mesphin | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Mesphin | Glowing Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Golorn | Hulcror Pearl
| Walls of Slaughter |
Cbus | Dragorn Runemark
| Walls of Slaughter |
Mesphin | Greater Muramite Rune
| Omens of War |
Aalia | Dragorn Elder Scepter
| Walls of Slaughter |
Wilye | Lightning Blackened Chain Gloves
| Walls of Slaughter |
2004-09-19 |
Leifelf | Horn of Doomcalling
| Muramite Provinggrounds |
Tolomi | Lelyen's Bracer of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Baradur | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-09-17 |
Qwenya | Flowing Stone of Discord
| Qvic |
Khubla | Serpent's Girdle
| Qvic |
Eaglei | Dakkamor's Boots of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Wulftyger | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Eaglei | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Wulftyger | Kanleku's Gauntlets of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Wdibus | Lelyen's Bracer of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Khubla | Kanleku's Bracer of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
2004-09-14 |
Castiran | Shroud of Corruption
| Qvic |
Gruul | Lelyen's Sandals of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
2004-09-13 |
Catrielle | Lizard Skin Wardrums
| Tvexu |
Aalia | Silken Gloves of the Chaos
| Tvexu |
Demmonik | Lelyen's Circlet of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Tarube | Nadien's Boots of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Eaglei | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
2004-09-11 |
Corben | Fleshbiter
| Uqua |
Trisel | Lavender Cloak of Destruction
| Uqua |
Bobdobtwo | Statuette of Trushar
| Uqua |
2004-09-10 |
Splix | Ixt Bone Scepter
| Tvexu |
Tulaz | Luvwen's Legplates of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Lonn | Veil of Entrancement
| Ikkinz |
Bobdobtwo | Robe of Destruction
| Ikkinz |
Slydog | Sharp Irestone Fragment
| Ikkinz |
2004-09-07 |
Engell | Azure Trinket of Despair
| Tvexu |
Ryenn | Azure Trinket of Despair
| Tvexu |
Kaelrea | Crown of the Forsaken
| Tvexu |
Golorn | Crown of the Forsaken
| Tvexu |
Golorn | Trimdet's Vambraces of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Golorn | Trimdet's Bracer of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Koronaf | Dakkamor's Helm of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Wdibus | Lelyen's Gloves of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
2004-09-06 |
Daeh | Pixtt Brow Mesh
| Kod`Taz |
Tolomi | Aneukian Sole Linings
| Kod`Taz |
Lindaor | Aneukian Battleworn Armplates
| Kod`Taz |
Attokk | Aneukian Battleworn Armplates
| Kod`Taz |
Tolomi | Midnight Tippet of Recovery
| Kod`Taz |
Croco | Kizash's Savage Heart Sandals
| GoD Leather Armor |
Tolomi | Lelyen's Gloves of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
2004-09-05 |
Qwenya | Dakkamor's Legplates of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Golorn | Great Maul of the Mighty
| Tvexu |
Noudle | Nadien's Boots of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Rhovanion | Nodnol's Vambraces of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Flippety | Kanleku's Bracer of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
2004-09-03 |
Sincro | Effigy of Kelekdrix
| Inktu'Ta |
Kinathin | Stained Threadbare Cape
| Inktu'Ta |
Itaknoir | Cerulean Painted Veil
| Inktu'Ta |
Celena | Dakkamor's Chestplate of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Slydog | Pikebladed Ripper of the Arch-Thief
| Inktu'Ta |
Wilye | Demerix the Painsipper
| Inktu'Ta |
Salladaraa | Onyx Shard of Enlightenment
| Inktu'Ta |
Pavo | Loop of Endless Insanity
| Inktu'Ta |
Csisu | Kanleku's Boots of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Koronaf | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Demmonik | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Kinathin | Vadd's Bracer of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Croco | Kizash's Savage Heart Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
2004-09-02 |
Zagrais | Whispering Amice
| Inktu'Ta |
Kernalo | Suede Gloves of Creation
| Tvexu |
Blackfalcon | Armguards of Envy
| Tvexu |
Celena | Ring of Perfect Sight
| Qvic |
Tolomi | Mask of the Sacred Evil
| Qvic |
Wdibus | Lelyen's Sandals of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Tarube | Nadien's Helm of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Noudle | Nadien's Vambraces of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Khubla | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Khubla | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Croco | Kizash's Savage Heart Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
2004-09-01 |
Zagrais | Steel Boots of the Slayer
| Tvexu |
Muttilabin | Gaelin's Woodland Gauntlets
| GoD Leather Armor |
Kyrelsis | Silken Gloves of the Chaos
| Tvexu |
Catrielle | Hardened Scale Vambraces
| Tvexu |
Daeh | Sleeves of Cognitive Resonance
| Tvexu |
Tolomi | Lelyen's Circlet of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Traxan | Luvwen's Vambraces of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Golorn | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Croco | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Daco | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
2004-08-31 |
Tolaspmuji | Kanleku's Helm of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Wdibus | Lelyen's Circlet of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Wdibus | Lelyen's Sleeves of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Tolomi | Lelyen's Sleeves of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Tolomi | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Kinathin | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
2004-08-30 |
Croco | Darkened Coldstone
| Ikkinz |
Alierias | Gem-Inlaid Ritual Cloak
| Ikkinz |
Canium | Bloodstone of Force
| Ikkinz |
Sincro | Ring of the Brutish Beasts
| Ikkinz |
Koronaf | Mantle of Mending
| Ikkinz |
2004-08-29 |
Golorn | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Wdibus | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Wdibus | Lelyen's Bracer of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Daco | Pressl's Bracer of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Knayr | Great Maul of the Mighty
| Tvexu |
Kernalo | Flayed-Skin Spiked Boots
| Tvexu |
Merci | Azure Trinket of Despair
| Tvexu |
Whew | Earring of the Starless Night
| Tvexu |
Asmira | Earring of the Starless Night
| Tvexu |
Kyrelsis | Jade Effigy of Trushar
| Tvexu |
Itaknoir | Caduceus of Retribution
| Tvexu |
Castiran | Bulwark of Living Stone
| Tvexu |
2004-08-28 |
Karath | Cerulean Painted Veil
| Inktu'Ta |
Engell | Jeweled Stud of Madness
| Inktu'Ta |
Ursulan | Shattered Jade Band of Anger
| Inktu'Ta |
Vellox | Pikebladed Ripper of the Arch-Thief
| Inktu'Ta |
Leifelf | Sash of Enveloping Quiescence
| Inktu'Ta |
Asmira | Loop of Endless Insanity
| Inktu'Ta |
Rathendar | Shimmering Jade Axe of Vengeance
| Inktu'Ta |
Knayr | Whispering Amice
| Inktu'Ta |
Phelann | Nadien's Gauntlets of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Karath | Nolaen's Lifereaper Sleeves
| GoD Silk Armor |
Crystalangell | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Wdibus | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Flippety | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Gazz | Serpent's Girdle
| Qvic |
Knayr | Rayin's Vambraces of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-08-27 |
Brilnayar | Silversilk Pantaloons of Conflict
| Uqua |
Auria | Blade of Annihilation Anthems
| Uqua |
Slydog | Weighty Spined Shoulderguard
| Uqua |
Vaetrus | Polished Ceremonial Mask
| Uqua |
Rathendar | Flanged Prayer Mace
| Uqua |
Noudle | Lavender Cloak of Destruction
| Uqua |
Croco | Bonecast Rod
| Yxtta |
Kaelrea | Transparent Aneuk Mask
| Yxtta |
2004-08-26 |
Kripi | Gaelin's Woodland Sleeves
| GoD Leather Armor |
Kripi | Gaelin's Woodland Cap
| GoD Leather Armor |
Csisu | Kanleku's Helm of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Skysha | Kizash's Savage Heart Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Ladimor | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-08-25 |
Babs | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Juganatu | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Babs | Nodnol's Bracer of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Dreadpirate | Nodnol's Bracer of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Auria | Onyx Ring of Prayer
| Ikkinz |
Pavo | Blackstone of Radical Thought
| Ikkinz |
Maisy | Blackstone of Radical Thought
| Ikkinz |
Laelie | Darkglint Blade
| Ikkinz |
Slydog | Bloodlink Chestmail
| Ikkinz |
2004-08-20 |
Craigh | Nodnol's Boots of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Karath | Nolaen's Lifereaper Gloves
| GoD Silk Armor |
Qwenya | Dakkamor's Gauntlets of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Kyrelsis | Lelyen's Bracer of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
2004-08-19 |
Kastle | Totem of Elitist Rites
| Qvic |
Klawzil | Forgotten Greatstaff
| Qvic |
Brogle | Nolaen's Lifereaper Sandals
| GoD Silk Armor |
Tulaz | Luvwen's Bracer of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Noudle | Nadien's Bracer of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
2004-08-18 |
Vaetrus | Mask of the Sacred Evil
| Qvic |
2004-08-16 |
Sanadiel | Nolaen's Lifereaper Bracer
| GoD Silk Armor |
Vampyn | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Rhovanion | Nodnol's Boots of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Slydog | Nodnol's Gauntlets of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Csisu | Kanleku's Vambraces of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
2004-08-15 |
Knayr | Rayin's Helm of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Wilye | Nadien's Gauntlets of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Gazz | Kanleku's Vambraces of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Ryenn | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Ursulan | Nunkin's Bracer of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Ryenn | Dakkamor's Legplates of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Spinn | Ixt Bone Scepter
| Tvexu |
2004-08-14 |
Rubinia | Sleeves of Cognitive Resonance
| Tvexu |
Orra | Halberd of Endless Pain
| Tvexu |
2004-08-13 |
Alierias | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-08-12 |
Ryenn | Dakkamor's Helm of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Ryenn | Dakkamor's Chestplate of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Zagrais | Ruby of Steadfastness
| Tvexu |
Nanweniel | Dakkamor's Chestplate of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-08-11 |
Vaetrus | Stone-Worked Pauldrons
| Ikkinz |
Indiana | Sharp Irestone Fragment
| Ikkinz |
Garndart | Bloodstone of Force
| Ikkinz |
Leifelf | Bloodstone of Force
| Ikkinz |
Wdibus | Aegis of Blackscales
| Ikkinz |
2004-08-10 |
Khubla | Symbol of the Planemasters
| Time |
Klawzil | Smooth Onyx Torque
| Time |
Merci | Wristband of Icy Vengeance
| Time |
Klawzil | Cord of Temporal Weavings
| Time |
Ursulan | Spool of Woven Time
| Time |
Castiran | Shroud of Survival
| Time |
Nasiel | Mantle of Pure Spirit
| Time |
Dreadpirate | Girdle of Stability
| Time |
Snugglebunee | Ultor's Chestguard of Faith
| Time |
Pavo | Greatstaff of Power
| Time |
Leifelf | Shield of Strife
| Time |
Ursulan | Wand of Impenetrable Force
| Time |
Orra | Timestone Adorned Ring
| Time |
Klawzil | Timestone Adorned Ring
| Time |
Telkar | Boots of Despair
| Time |
Rubinia | Belt of Temporal Bindings
| Time |
Kernalo | Pulsing Onyx Ring
| Time |
Skex | Amulet of Crystal Dreams
| Time |
Jakotich | Earring of Temporal Solstice
| Time |
Ladimor | Hammer of Holy Vengeance
| Time |
Wdibus | Cloak of the Falling Skies
| Time |
Khubla | Tactician's Shield
| Time |
Telkar | Armguards of the Brute
| Time |
Telkar | Vanazir, Dreamer's Despair
| Time |
Klawzil | Edge of Eternity
| Time |
Daeh | Pauldrons of Purity
| Time |
Skex | Mask of Strategic Insight
| Time |
Tsanuri | Protective Sleeves
| Time |
Telkar | Cloak of Wishes
| Time |
Khubla | Rosrak's Greaves of the Primal
| Time |
Alauria | Cloak of Ferocity
| Time |
Kinathin | Girdle of Restoration
| Time |
Telkar | Girdle of Restoration
| Time |
Brilnayar | Glowing Chains
| Time |
Canib | Pulsing Emerald Hoop
| Time |
Castiran | Ring of Force
| Time |
Skex | Pulsing Emerald Hoop
| Time |
Angelx | Pulsing Emerald Hoop
| Time |
2004-08-09 |
Castiran | Trimdet's Chestplate of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Slydog | Ukun-Spine Spike
| Yxtta |
Bobdobtwo | Shield of Living Souls
| Yxtta |
Slydog | Plaited Slave-hair Sash
| Yxtta |
Nanweniel | Aneuk Contemplation Skull
| Yxtta |
Sanadiel | Nolaen's Lifereaper Gloves
| GoD Silk Armor |
Angelx | Jennu's Gloves of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Tsanuri | Lelyen's Sandals of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Brilnayar | Nolaen's Lifereaper Bracer
| GoD Silk Armor |
Skysha | Kizash's Savage Heart Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Snugglebunee | Ixt Bone Scepter
| Tvexu |
Ranbas | Ruby of Steadfastness
| Tvexu |
2004-08-08 |
Orra | Jagged Blade of Ice
| Tvexu |
Maisy | Hardened Scale Vambraces
| Tvexu |
Meaww | Flayed-Skin Spiked Boots
| Tvexu |
Pouty | Suede Gloves of Creation
| Tvexu |
Lonn | Earring of the Starless Night
| Tvexu |
Snugglebunee | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Icewalker | Jennu's Sandals of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Whew | Nadien's Boots of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Brilnayar | Nolaen's Lifereaper Sleeves
| GoD Silk Armor |
Lonn | Nunkin's Bracer of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Kyrina | Luvwen's Legplates of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-08-07 |
Kripi | Gaelin's Woodland Sandals
| GoD Leather Armor |
Doublehorse | Pressl's Sandals of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Celena | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Lothlorienne | Nunkin's Bracer of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Auria | Luvwen's Legplates of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Castiran | Great Maul of the Mighty
| Tvexu |
Wychway | Vadd's Legplates of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Aalia | Shattered Jade Band of Anger
| Inktu'Ta |
Nanweniel | Relic of the Unremembered
| Inktu'Ta |
2004-08-06 |
Swampfunk | Lustrous Shimmering Band
| Inktu'Ta |
Sertain | Stained Threadbare Cape
| Inktu'Ta |
Engell | Shimmering Jade Axe of Vengeance
| Inktu'Ta |
Leenyne | Whispering Amice
| Inktu'Ta |
Lonn | Loop of Endless Insanity
| Inktu'Ta |
Mindfarer | Jennu's Sleeves of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Vaetrus | Nadien's Helm of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Dreadpirate | Obsidian Orb of Bedlam
| Inktu'Ta |
Wychway | Vadd's Gauntlets of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Craigh | Nodnol's Bracer of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Lehua | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-08-05 |
Muttilabin | Gaelin's Woodland Sandals
| GoD Leather Armor |
Ursulan | Nunkin's Sandals of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Brilnayar | Azure Trinket of Despair
| Tvexu |
Auria | Lizard Skin Wardrums
| Tvexu |
Pouty | Sapphire of Capricious Magic
| Tvexu |
Doublehorse | Pressl's Sleeves of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Orra | Vadd's Bracer of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Rhovanion | Nodnol's Bracer of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
2004-08-04 |
Wilye | Jagged Blade of Ice
| Tvexu |
Blackfalcon | Jagged Blade of Ice
| Tvexu |
Kernalo | Kizash's Tunic of Savage Heart
| Tvexu |
Maisy | Dakkamor's Legplates of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Slydog | Nodnol's Boots of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Trisel | Jennu's Gloves of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Muttilabin | Gaelin's Woodland Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
2004-08-03 |
Catrielle | Luvwen's Legplates of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Engell | Vadd's Legplates of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Vargo | Earring of the Starless Night
| Tvexu |
Quarantine | Armguards of Envy
| Tvexu |
Wychway | Vadd's Helm of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Phelann | Nadien's Boots of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Asmira | Nunkin's Sleeves of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Rhovanion | Nodnol's Bracer of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
2004-08-02 |
Wilye | Headband of the Endless Night
| Tvexu |
Cbus | Azure Trinket of Despair
| Tvexu |
Muttilabin | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Wychway | Vadd's Boots of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Csisu | Kanleku's Bracer of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Phelann | Nadien's Bracer of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
2004-08-01 |
Angelx | Jennu's Bracer of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Blackfalcon | Nadien's Helm of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Skex | Nadien's Boots of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Indiana | Obsidian Orb of Bedlam
| Inktu'Ta |
Maisy | Relic of the Unremembered
| Inktu'Ta |
Sincro | Lustrous Shimmering Band
| Inktu'Ta |
Pavo | Noqufiel's Wand of Infinite Enmity
| Inktu'Ta |
Noudle | Lustrous Shimmering Band
| Inktu'Ta |
Ranbas | Jeweled Stud of Madness
| Inktu'Ta |
Brilnayar | Earhoop of the Eighteen Eyes
| Inktu'Ta |
Klawzil | Kelekdrix's Sandstone of Fortitude
| Inktu'Ta |
Shintaaro | Demerix the Painsipper
| Inktu'Ta |
Angelx | Jennu's Sandals of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Rubinia | Lelyen's Sandals of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Ranthorn | Pressl's Cap of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
2004-07-31 |
Castiran | Trimdet's Legplates of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Slydog | Jagged Blade of Ice
| Tvexu |
Megumi | Dakkamor's Helm of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Blackfalcon | Nadien's Boots of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Cbus | Nolaen's Lifereaper Bracer
| GoD Silk Armor |
2004-07-30 |
Wychway | Vadd's Bracer of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Skex | Jagged Blade of Ice
| Tvexu |
Ursulan | Globe of Dancing Light
| Tvexu |
Noudle | Shroud of Pandemonium
| Tvexu |
Vaetrus | Jagged Blade of Ice
| Tvexu |
Indiana | Nodnol's Bracer of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Brilnayar | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Suntiberian | Trimdet's Vambraces of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Cujoy | Broken Shard of Chaos
| Qvic |
Alauria | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Xilvana | Dark Chain Circlet
| Tvexu |
2004-07-29 |
Engell | Kelekdrix's Sandstone of Fortitude
| Inktu'Ta |
Klawzil | Vadd's Legplates of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Vellox | Demerix the Painsipper
| Inktu'Ta |
Vaetrus | Lustrous Shimmering Band
| Inktu'Ta |
Lehua | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Wilye | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Sandiria | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Slydog | Nodnol's Bracer of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
2004-07-28 |
Rhovanion | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Ellysia | Gaelin's Woodland Sandals
| GoD Leather Armor |
Lehua | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Csisu | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Csisu | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Blackfalcon | Nadien's Gauntlets of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Klawzil | Vadd's Chestplate of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-07-27 |
Italadin | Earthen Bracer of Fortitude
| Time |
Ladimor | Whorl of Unnatural Forces
| Time |
Wdibus | Romar's Robe of Visions
| PoP Silk Armor |
Pouty | Cord of Temporal Weavings
| Time |
Wilye | Gloves of Airy Mists
| Time |
Dreadpirate | Shroud of Survival
| Time |
Rhovanion | Shroud of Survival
| Time |
Devoss | Pauldrons of Devastation
| Time |
Loralei | Padded Tigerskin Gloves
| Time |
Loralei | Greatstaff of Power
| Time |
Ghitming | Ton Po's Mystical Pouch
| Time |
Ellysia | Earring of Unseen Horrors
| Time |
Ranbas | Boots of Despair
| Time |
Loquan | Ton Po's Chestwraps of Composure
| PoP Leather Armor |
Itaknoir | Celestial Cloak
| Time |
Negena | Earring of Temporal Solstice
| Time |
Kripi | Cord of Potential
| Time |
Wdibus | Circlet of Flowing Time
| Time |
Loquan | Shoes of Fleeting Fury
| Time |
Swampfunk | Mantle of Deadly Precision
| Time |
Rubinia | Serpent of Vindication
| Time |
Indiana | Earring of Corporeal Essence
| Time |
Craigh | Coif of Flowing Time
| Time |
Ursulan | Talisman of Tainted Energy
| Time |
Vargo | Ring of Evasion
| Time |
Kastle | Cap of Flowing Time
| Time |
Celena | Ultor's Greaves of Faith
| PoP Plate Armor |
Daeh | Necklace of Celestial Energy
| Time |
Skex | Askr's Thunderous Greaves
| PoP Chain Armor |
Skyia | Dagger of Distraction
| Time |
Negena | Necklace of Celestial Energy
| Time |
Alieria | Cloak of Wishes
| Time |
Ranbas | Dagger of Distraction
| Time |
Wilyee | Gauntlets of Disruption
| Time |
Jakotich | Veil of Warmth
| Time |
Klawzil | Girdle of Restoration
| Time |
Kastle | Girdle of Restoration
| Time |
Wilyee | Wristguard of Keen Vision
| Time |
Strikinya | Pulsing Emerald Hoop
| Time |
2004-07-26 |
Tsanuri | Lelyen's Bracer of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Megumi | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Wilye | Nadien's Boots of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Brilnayar | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Leenyne | Vadd's Vambraces of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-07-25 |
Maisy | Irestone of Sharp Sight
| Qvic |
Devoss | Glowing Hammer of Disdain
| Qvic |
Jakotich | Onyx Ring of Prayer
| Ikkinz |
Canib | Blackstone of Radical Thought
| Ikkinz |
Salyen | Blackstone of Radical Thought
| Ikkinz |
Aryhm | Aegis of Blackscales
| Ikkinz |
Skex | Mask of the Chaotic Void
| Qvic |
Slydog | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Auria | Luvwen's Helm of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Cujoy | Nadien's Vambraces of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Megumi | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Alauria | Gaelin's Woodland Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Kastle | Pressl's Bracer of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Auria | Luvwen's Chestplate of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Itaknoir | Ruby of Steadfastness
| Tvexu |
2004-07-24 |
Vaetrus | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Skex | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Celena | Dakkamor's Helm of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Nanweniel | Dakkamor's Gauntlets of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Vaetrus | Nadien's Bracer of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Kastle | Pressl's Bracer of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Karath | Stained Threadbare Cape
| Inktu'Ta |
Salyen | Shattered Jade Band of Anger
| Inktu'Ta |
Castiran | Sash of Enveloping Quiescence
| Inktu'Ta |
Quarantine | Sash of Enveloping Quiescence
| Inktu'Ta |
Leifelf | Soothing Earstone of Striated Clay
| Inktu'Ta |
Skex | Shimmering Jade Axe of Vengeance
| Inktu'Ta |
Vaetrus | Nadien's Bracer of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Sincro | Demerix the Painsipper
| Inktu'Ta |
Sertain | Onyx Shard of Enlightenment
| Inktu'Ta |
Slydog | Nodnol's Helm of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Castiran | Glowing Hammer of Disdain
| Qvic |
Ranthorn | Pressl's Sleeves of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Ursulan | Nunkin's Sleeves of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Shroomerz | Rayin's Helm of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Daeh | Nolaen's Lifereaper Sleeves
| GoD Silk Armor |
Shroomerz | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Skex | Nadien's Bracer of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Knayr | Rayin's Boots of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Ladimor | Dakkamor's Boots of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Quarantine | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Devoss | Trimdet's Gauntlets of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Kastle | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Slydog | Nodnol's Bracer of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
2004-07-23 |
Alierias | Dakkamor's Chestplate of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Merci | Ruby of Steadfastness
| Tvexu |
Brilnayar | Nolaen's Lifereaper Sandals
| GoD Silk Armor |
Suntiberian | Trimdet's Boots of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Vellox | Nodnol's Vambraces of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Klawzil | Vadd's Vambraces of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Auria | Luvwen's Bracer of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Brilnayar | Nolaen's Lifereaper Bracer
| GoD Silk Armor |
2004-07-22 |
Ranthorn | Demerix the Painsipper
| Inktu'Ta |
Xilvana | Ruby of Steadfastness
| Tvexu |
Kyrelsis | Ruby of Steadfastness
| Tvexu |
Autumnleaf | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Kernalo | Demerix the Painsipper
| Inktu'Ta |
Doublehorse | Demerix the Painsipper
| Inktu'Ta |
Engell | Vadd's Boots of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Devoss | Trimdet's Boots of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Brogle | Mask of the Sacred Evil
| Qvic |
Suntiberian | Trimdet's Gauntlets of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Autumnleaf | Nadien's Bracer of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Brogle | Nolaen's Lifereaper Bracer
| GoD Silk Armor |
2004-07-21 |
Rathool | Dakkamor's Chestplate of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Lofwyr | Jennu's Robe of Creation
| GoD Plate Armor |
Wilye | Nadien's Bracer of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Noudle | Nadien's Helm of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Autumnleaf | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Wilye | Nadien's Helm of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Castiran | Trimdet's Vambraces of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Auria | Luvwen's Vambraces of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Loquan | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Skex | Nadien's Bracer of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Muttilabin | Ixt Bone Scepter
| Tvexu |
2004-07-20 |
Brilnayar | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Castiran | Trimdet's Helm of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Utaelr | Scarred Flesh Belt
| Qvic |
Celena | Dakkamor's Gauntlets of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Maisy | Dakkamor's Gauntlets of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Muttilabin | Gaelin's Woodland Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Knayr | Rayin's Bracer of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Quarantine | Ruby of Steadfastness
| Tvexu |
2004-07-19 |
Engell | Vadd's Gauntlets of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Klawzil | Vadd's Boots of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Dialow | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Knayr | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Engell | Vadd's Bracer of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Maisy | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
2004-07-18 |
Sertain | Ruby of Steadfastness
| Tvexu |
Klawzil | Jagged Blade of Ice
| Tvexu |
Tsanuri | Silken Gloves of the Chaos
| Tvexu |
Kyrina | Lizard Skin Wardrums
| Tvexu |
Brogle | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Devoss | Trimdet's Helm of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Theleos | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Noudle | Nadien's Gauntlets of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Aavog | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Ursulan | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
2004-07-17 |
Ryenn | Irestone of Sharp Sight
| Qvic |
Orra | Vadd's Legplates of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Maisy | Scarred Flesh Belt
| Qvic |
Dreadpirate | Jeweled Stud of Madness
| Inktu'Ta |
Kyrelsis | Shattered Jade Band of Anger
| Inktu'Ta |
Ellysia | Cerulean Painted Veil
| Inktu'Ta |
Pouty | Segmented Staff of Ceremony
| Inktu'Ta |
Karath | Whispering Amice
| Inktu'Ta |
Ursulan | Onyx Shard of Enlightenment
| Inktu'Ta |
Splix | Loop of Endless Insanity
| Inktu'Ta |
Wilye | Nadien's Bracer of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
2004-07-16 |
Tulaz | Luvwen's Chestplate of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Auria | Luvwen's Gauntlets of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Cbus | Nolaen's Lifereaper Sleeves
| GoD Silk Armor |
Aavog | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Zyvalla | Nodnol's Bracer of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Sertain | Nunkin's Bracer of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Kernalo | Kizash's Leggings of Savage Heart
| GoD Leather Armor |
Italadin | Trimdet's Chestplate of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-07-15 |
Dreadpirate | Headband of the Endless Night
| Tvexu |
Pavo | Globe of Dancing Light
| Tvexu |
Kernalo | Forgotten Greatstaff
| Qvic |
Lothlorienne | Nunkin's Sandals of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Tulaz | Luvwen's Helm of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Spinn | Dakkamor's Boots of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Castiran | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Vargo | Nunkin's Sleeves of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
2004-07-14 |
Salladaraa | Dakkamor's Legplates of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Maisy | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Klawzil | Vadd's Gauntlets of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Kripi | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Knayr | Rayin's Bracer of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Klawzil | Mask of the Sacred Evil
| Qvic |
Muttilabin | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Muttilabin | Trushar's Guard
| Qvic |
Rezz | Rayin's Boots of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Engell | Vadd's Helm of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Castiran | Maul of Stonemending
| Qvic |
Scratching | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Engell | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Engell | Vadd's Bracer of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-07-13 |
Skyia | Jeweled Stud of Madness
| Inktu'Ta |
Cujoy | Lustrous Shimmering Band
| Inktu'Ta |
Lonn | Earhoop of the Eighteen Eyes
| Inktu'Ta |
Gazz | Earhoop of the Eighteen Eyes
| Inktu'Ta |
2004-07-12 |
Leenyne | Ruby of Steadfastness
| Tvexu |
Graven | Dakkamor's Chestplate of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Tulkor | Kanleku's Bracer of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Kripi | Gaelin's Woodland Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Castiran | Trimdet's Boots of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Maisy | Dakkamor's Boots of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Brogle | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Kripi | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Wylie | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Italadin | Trimdet's Bracer of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Negena | Trushar's Guard
| Qvic |
Klawzil | Vadd's Helm of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Infinamorte | Earhoop of the Eighteen Eyes
| Inktu'Ta |
Castiran | Shimmering Jade Axe of Vengeance
| Inktu'Ta |
Castiran | Trimdet's Bracer of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-07-11 |
Graven | Onyx Shard of Enlightenment
| Inktu'Ta |
Swampfunk | Great Maul of the Mighty
| Tvexu |
Gryfbane | Vadd's Legplates of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Graven | Onyx Shard of Enlightenment
| Inktu'Ta |
Kastle | Spiked Fists of Annihilation
| Inktu'Ta |
Itaknoir | Onyx Shard of Enlightenment
| Inktu'Ta |
Klawzil | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Ezzelina | Nolaen's Lifereaper Circlet
| GoD Silk Armor |
Theleos | Nadien's Vambraces of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Castiran | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Klawzil | Vadd's Bracer of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Amistic | Nolaen's Lifereaper Gloves
| GoD Silk Armor |
Castiran | Trimdet's Gauntlets of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Difranco | Lelyen's Sandals of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Tulaz | Luvwen's Boots of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Klawzil | Vadd's Bracer of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Castiran | Trimdet's Bracer of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-07-10 |
Kyrelsis | Robe of Destruction
| Ikkinz |
Merci | Glyph-Lined Vrex Cloak
| Ikkinz |
Maisy | Glyph-Lined Vrex Cloak
| Ikkinz |
Indiana | Ring of the Brutish Beasts
| Ikkinz |
Splix | Aegis of Blackscales
| Ikkinz |
Ranbas | Scarred Token of Resistance
| Yxtta |
Qwenya | Discord Deathstone
| Yxtta |
Castiran | Bone Mask of Shadows
| Uqua |
Xilvana | Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass
| Uqua |
Spinn | Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass
| Uqua |
Spinn | High Priest Riwirn's Rejuvenating Pebble
| Uqua |
Dreadpirate | Aranini's Rage
| Uqua |
2004-07-09 |
Gryfbane | Vadd's Boots of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Kyrina | Luvwen's Chestplate of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Blackfalcon | Nadien's Bracer of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Splix | Lelyen's Sleeves of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Utaelr | Jennu's Gloves of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Auria | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Baradur | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Zyvalla | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Tulkor | Ruby of Steadfastness
| Tvexu |
Leifelf | Great Maul of the Mighty
| Tvexu |
2004-07-08 |
Traxan | Jagged Blade of Ice
| Tvexu |
Maisy | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Karath | Nolaen's Lifereaper Circlet
| GoD Silk Armor |
Jakotich | Gaelin's Woodland Sandals
| GoD Leather Armor |
Lothlorienne | Nunkin's Bracer of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Maisy | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-07-07 |
Tulaz | Jagged Blade of Ice
| Tvexu |
Tulkor | Kanleku's Gauntlets of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Alierias | Dakkamor's Gauntlets of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Devoss | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Auria | Luvwen's Boots of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Rezz | Rayin's Bracer of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Craigh | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
2004-07-06 |
Ranbas | Jagged Blade of Ice
| Tvexu |
Jakotich | Gaelin's Woodland Gauntlets
| GoD Leather Armor |
Cbus | Serpent's Girdle
| Qvic |
Suntiberian | Honed Trinket of Protection
| Qvic |
Maisy | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Difranco | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Splix | Lelyen's Sandals of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Negena | Gaelin's Woodland Cap
| GoD Leather Armor |
Suntiberian | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Asterius | Gaelin's Woodland Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Morakin | Honed Trinket of Protection
| Qvic |
Ghitming | Pressl's Gloves of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Baradur | Dakkamor's Gauntlets of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Lothlorienne | Nunkin's Circlet of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Xarina | Dakkamor's Boots of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Devoss | Trimdet's Bracer of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Blackfalcon | Nadien's Bracer of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
2004-07-05 |
Brilnayar | Stained Threadbare Cape
| Inktu'Ta |
Gryfbane | Kelekdrix's Sandstone of Fortitude
| Inktu'Ta |
Kernalo | Stained Threadbare Cape
| Inktu'Ta |
Everian | Gaelin's Leggings of Woodlands
| GoD Leather Armor |
Rathool | Relic of the Unremembered
| Inktu'Ta |
Swampfunk | Jeweled Stud of Madness
| Inktu'Ta |
Whew | Shimmering Jade Axe of Vengeance
| Inktu'Ta |
Cujoy | Kelekdrix's Sandstone of Fortitude
| Inktu'Ta |
2004-07-04 |
Difranco | Lelyen's Circlet of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
2004-07-03 |
Splix | Mantle of Mending
| Ikkinz |
Cbus | Glyph-Lined Vrex Cloak
| Ikkinz |
Asterius | Veil of Entrancement
| Ikkinz |
Difranco | Robe of Destruction
| Ikkinz |
Chicago | Bloodlink Chestmail
| Ikkinz |
Chicago | Kanleku's Boots of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Karath | Nolaen's Lifereaper Sandals
| GoD Silk Armor |
Indiana | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Suntiberian | Trimdet's Helm of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Devoss | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Mindfarer | Jennu's Gloves of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Orra | Vadd's Bracer of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Chicago | Kanleku's Bracer of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
2004-07-02 |
Difranco | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Splix | Lelyen's Circlet of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Kyrelsis | Lelyen's Sleeves of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Syldan | Luvwen's Vambraces of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Jakotich | Gaelin's Woodland Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Spinn | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-07-01 |
Tulaz | Luvwen's Gauntlets of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Ellysia | Serpent's Girdle
| Qvic |
Salladaraa | Relic of the Unremembered
| Inktu'Ta |
Ghitming | Segmented Staff of Ceremony
| Inktu'Ta |
Skyia | Kelekdrix's Sandstone of Fortitude
| Inktu'Ta |
Suntiberian | Shimmering Jade Axe of Vengeance
| Inktu'Ta |
Devoss | Shimmering Jade Axe of Vengeance
| Inktu'Ta |
Splix | Mask of the Sacred Evil
| Qvic |
Sanadiel | Nolaen's Lifereaper Sandals
| GoD Silk Armor |
Spinn | Dakkamor's Helm of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Spinn | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Ezzelina | Nolaen's Lifereaper Sleeves
| GoD Silk Armor |
Karath | Nolaen's Lifereaper Bracer
| GoD Silk Armor |
Lothlorienne | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Ursulan | Nunkin's Gloves of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Salladaraa | Broken Shard of Chaos
| Qvic |
Suntiberian | Trimdet's Bracer of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Breathe | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-06-30 |
Tulaz | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Italadin | Great Maul of the Mighty
| Tvexu |
Garndart | Great Maul of the Mighty
| Tvexu |
Ranbas | Chaotic Black Scimitar
| Qvic |
Devoss | Trimdet's Bracer of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Angelx | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Ezzelina | Nolaen's Lifereaper Gloves
| GoD Silk Armor |
Morakin | Kelekdrix's Sandstone of Fortitude
| Inktu'Ta |
Zagrais | Earhoop of the Eighteen Eyes
| Inktu'Ta |
Aryhm | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Splix | Lelyen's Bracer of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Lothlorienne | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Lothlorienne | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Infinamorte | Rayin's Legplates of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Canib | Dakkamor's Chestplate of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Ghitming | Pressl's Bracer of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Splix | Lelyen's Bracer of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Negena | Gaelin's Woodland Gauntlets
| GoD Leather Armor |
Celena | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Nazerett | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Gryfbane | Vadd's Helm of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-06-29 |
Tulaz | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Indiana | Trusik Necklace of Destruction
| Qvic |
Mesphin | Kanleku's Helm of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Asterius | Gaelin's Woodland Cap
| GoD Leather Armor |
Suntiberian | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Ranbas | Vadd's Gauntlets of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Noudle | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Garndart | Shroud of Corruption
| Qvic |
Doublehorse | Handwraps of Captured Magic
| Qvic |
Rathool | Irestone of Sharp Sight
| Qvic |
Celena | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Sanadiel | Nolaen's Lifereaper Bracer
| GoD Silk Armor |
Auria | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Splix | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Spinn | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Negena | Gaelin's Woodland Sandals
| GoD Leather Armor |
Pouty | Obsidian Orb of Bedlam
| Inktu'Ta |
Haldar | Chaotic Black Scimitar
| Qvic |
Salladaraa | Dakkamor's Helm of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Itaknoir | Band of Dark Auras
| Qvic |
Zagrais | Broken Shard of Chaos
| Qvic |
Lonn | Broken Shard of Chaos
| Qvic |
Lonn | Nunkin's Sleeves of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Amistic | Nolaen's Lifereaper Circlet
| GoD Silk Armor |
Asmira | Nunkin's Sandals of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Garndart | Trimdet's Bracer of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Gryfbane | Vadd's Bracer of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Lofwyr | Loop of Endless Insanity
| Inktu'Ta |
Dalzhel | Earhoop of the Eighteen Eyes
| Inktu'Ta |
Salladaraa | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Indiana | Nodnol's Boots of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
2004-06-27 |
Megumi | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Syldan | Luvwen's Boots of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Gryfbane | Vadd's Gauntlets of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Rezz | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Aryhm | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Brilnayar | Spool of Woven Time
| Time |
Dalzhel | Earthen Bracer of Fortitude
| Time |
Csisu | Mantle of Pure Spirit
| Time |
Morakin | Necklace of Etnernal Visions
| Time |
Haldar | Visor of the Berserker
| Time |
Tsanuri | Ring of Thunderous Forces
| Time |
Morakin | Darkblade of the Warlord
| Time |
Jakotich | Gaelin's Woodland Sleeves
| GoD Leather Armor |
Aryhm | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-06-26 |
Lothlorienne | Maelin's Robe of Lore
| Time |
Brogle | Wand of Impenetrable Force
| Time |
Alieria | Timespinner, Blade of the Hunter
| Time |
Theleos | Leggings of Furious Might
| Time |
Rhovanion | Leggings of Furious Might
| Time |
Haldar | Bow of the Tempest
| Time |
Quarantine | Earring of Temporal Solstice
| Time |
Brogle | Circlet of Flowing Time
| Time |
Devoss | Tactician's Shield
| Time |
Devoss | Hopebringer
| Time |
Jakotich | Hammer of Hours
| Time |
Kyrina | Earring of Corporeal Essence
| Time |
Amistic | Ring of Evasion
| Time |
Syldan | Girdle of Intense Durability
| Time |
Ghitming | Ethereal Destroyer
| Time |
Klawzil | Ethereal Destroyer
| Time |
Quarantine | Rosrak's Greaves of the Primal
| Time |
Kenta | Cloak of Wishes
| Time |
Loralei | Necklace of Celestial Energy
| Time |
Ghitming | Cudgel of Wrecking
| Time |
Aryhm | Gauntlets of Disruption
| Time |
Daco | Girdle of Restoration
| Time |
Lofwyr | Tiny Jade Ring
| Time |
Aryhm | Cloak of Ferocity
| Time |
Kenta | Ring of Force
| Time |
Nasbus | Pulsing Emerald Hoop
| Time |
Rubinia | Pulsing Emerald Hoop
| Time |
Gazz | Ring of Force
| Time |
Vargo | Nunkin's Circlet of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Syldan | Luvwen's Helm of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Aryhm | Mask of the Sacred Evil
| Qvic |
Vargo | Nunkin's Gloves of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Mesphin | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Nasbus | Jennu's Bracer of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Breathe | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Canium | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Sertain | Noqufiel's Wand of Infinite Enmity
| Inktu'Ta |
Qwenya | Relic of the Unremembered
| Inktu'Ta |
Zalazar | Cerulean Painted Veil
| Inktu'Ta |
Laquorsha | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Alierias | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Rathool | Dakkamor's Gauntlets of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-06-25 |
Whew | Lustrous Shimmering Band
| Inktu'Ta |
Canium | Sash of Enveloping Quiescence
| Inktu'Ta |
2004-06-24 |
Nuitar | Rayin's Vambraces of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Pavo | Nunkin's Sleeves of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Gryfbane | Vadd's Bracer of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Infinamorte | Rayin's Boots of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Vargo | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Gryfbane | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Kyrina | Luvwen's Vambraces of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Jakotich | Gaelin's Woodland Cap
| GoD Leather Armor |
Icewalker | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Infinamorte | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Jakotich | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Ladimor | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
2004-06-23 |
Rubinia | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Karath | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Rubinia | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Karath | Nolaen's Lifereaper Bracer
| GoD Silk Armor |
Zalazar | Gaelin's Woodland Cap
| GoD Leather Armor |
Dialow | Lelyen's Gloves of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Garndart | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Salladaraa | Dakkamor's Boots of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Cloudous | Pressl's Gloves of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Mindfarer | Jennu's Bracer of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Canium | Trimdet's Bracer of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-06-22 |
Cujoy | Nadien's Gauntlets of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Garndart | Sash of Enveloping Quiescence
| Inktu'Ta |
Catrielle | Luvwen's Chestplate of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Mindfarer | Loop of Endless Insanity
| Inktu'Ta |
Sincro | Nodnol's Boots of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Kossos | Demerix the Painsipper
| Inktu'Ta |
Ezzelina | Earhoop of the Eighteen Eyes
| Inktu'Ta |
Qwenya | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Ranbas | Vadd's Vambraces of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Doublehorse | Prism of Dark Hues
| Qvic |
2004-06-21 |
Quarantine | Kanleku's Bracer of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Vellox | Nodnol's Bracer of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Tulkor | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Nanweniel | Dakkamor's Helm of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Aryhm | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
2004-06-20 |
Daeh | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Trisel | Jennu's Circlet of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Lonn | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Asmira | Nunkin's Gloves of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Kernalo | Kizash's Savage Heart Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Leifelf | Trimdet's Bracer of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Sertain | Nunkin's Sleeves of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Gazz | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Theleos | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Salladaraa | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Pavo | Nunkin's Circlet of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Traxan | Songblade of the Eternal
| Time |
Sincro | Bidilis' Hauberk of the Elusive
| PoP Chain Armor |
Garndart | Stone of Flowing Time
| Time |
Amistic | Ethereal Silk Leggings
| Time |
Pouty | Prismatic Ring of Resistance
| Time |
Infinamorte | Serrated Dart of Energy
| Time |
Aalia | Greatstaff of Power
| Time |
Gryfbane | Pauldrons of Devastation
| Time |
Cloudous | Pants of Furious Might
| Time |
Negena | Kerasha's Sylvan Tunic
| PoP Leather Armor |
Vellox | Leggings of Furious Might
| Time |
Ellysia | Pulsing Onyx Ring
| Time |
Mold | Wand of Impenetrable Force
| Time |
Utaelr | Magi'Kot's Robe of Convergance
| PoP Silk Armor |
Daco | Padded Tigerskin Gloves
| Time |
Trisel | Wand of Temporal Power
| Time |
Ghitming | Shinai of the Ancients
| Time |
Syldan | Amulet of Crystal Dreams
| Time |
Ghitming | Mantle of Deadly Precision
| Time |
Tsanuri | Tactician's Shield
| Time |
Skex | Coif of Flowing Time
| Time |
Strikinya | Armguards of the Brute
| Time |
Orra | Earring of Corporeal Essence
| Time |
Cloudous | Runewarded Belt
| Time |
Skex | Shroud of Provocation
| Time |
Negena | Ring of Evasion
| Time |
Daco | Protective Sleeves
| Time |
Klawzil | Timeless Coral Greatsword
| Time |
Daco | Ethereal Destroyer
| Time |
Daeh | Miragul's Greaves of Risen Souls
| PoP Silk Armor |
Snugglebunee | Necklace of Celestial Energy
| Time |
Daeh | Protective Sleeves
| Time |
Snugglebunee | Ultor's Greaves of Faith
| PoP Plate Armor |
Alauria | Shield of the Vortex
| Time |
Ezzelina | Tiny Jade Ring
| Time |
Aryhm | Shield of the Vortex
| Time |
Breathe | Veil of Warmth
| Time |
Spinn | Tiny Jade Ring
| Time |
Sperorade | Wristguard of Keen Vision
| Time |
Difranco | Wristguard of Keen Vision
| Time |
Hjukka | Smooth Onyx Torque
| Time |
Klawzil | Ring of Force
| Time |
2004-06-19 |
Asterius | Gaelin's Woodland Sandals
| GoD Leather Armor |
Itaknoir | Shattered Jade Band of Anger
| Inktu'Ta |
Lofwyr | Jennu's Sleeves of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Cbus | Earhoop of the Eighteen Eyes
| Inktu'Ta |
Dalzhel | Soothing Earstone of Striated Clay
| Inktu'Ta |
Nazerett | Trimdet's Bracer of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Orra | Shimmering Jade Axe of Vengeance
| Inktu'Ta |
Orra | Kelekdrix's Sandstone of Fortitude
| Inktu'Ta |
Leenyne | Chaotic Black Scimitar
| Qvic |
Cbus | Nolaen's Lifereaper Circlet
| GoD Silk Armor |
Utaelr | Jennu's Sleeves of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Euri | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Trisel | Jennu's Bracer of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Nasbus | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Theleos | Nadien's Boots of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
2004-06-18 |
Xilvana | Dakkamor's Boots of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Garndart | Trimdet's Helm of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Jakotich | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Kernalo | Kizash's Savage Heart Sleeves
| GoD Leather Armor |
2004-06-17 |
Rathool | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Infinamorte | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Merci | Aegis of Blackscales
| Ikkinz |
Daeh | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Asmira | Nunkin's Bracer of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Infinamorte | Rayin's Bracer of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Kernalo | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Ryenn | Dakkamor's Boots of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Ghitming | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Demeraudes | Dakkamor's Helm of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Pavo | Nunkin's Gloves of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Salladaraa | Dakkamor's Gauntlets of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Ranbas | Kelekdrix's Sandstone of Fortitude
| Inktu'Ta |
2004-06-16 |
Ellysia | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Aalia | Lelyen's Sandals of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Infinamorte | Glowing Hammer of Disdain
| Qvic |
Zontar | Glowing Hammer of Disdain
| Qvic |
Garndart | Trimdet's Boots of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Sertain | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Traxan | Luvwen's Gauntlets of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Indiana | Nodnol's Helm of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Zagrais | Kelekdrix's Sandstone of Fortitude
| Inktu'Ta |
Chicago | Earhoop of the Eighteen Eyes
| Inktu'Ta |
Swampfunk | Kelekdrix's Sandstone of Fortitude
| Inktu'Ta |
Chicago | Whispering Amice
| Inktu'Ta |
Pouty | Jeweled Stud of Madness
| Inktu'Ta |
Mesphin | Stained Threadbare Cape
| Inktu'Ta |
2004-06-15 |
Zalazar | Crescent-Emblazoned Jerkin
| Uqua |
Quarantine | Kanleku's Boots of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Ellysia | Gaelin's Woodland Cap
| GoD Leather Armor |
Syldan | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Chicago | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Nanweniel | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Ghitming | Pressl's Bracer of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Pouty | Demerix the Painsipper
| Inktu'Ta |
Tulkor | Kanleku's Boots of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Traxan | Luvwen's Gauntlets of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Graven | Dakkamor's Gauntlets of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Rathool | Dakkamor's Boots of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Zalazar | Band of Dark Auras
| Qvic |
Asterius | Gaelin's Woodland Gauntlets
| GoD Leather Armor |
Tarube | Nadien's Bracer of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Traxan | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Everian | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Nuitar | Rayin's Gauntlets of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Kernalo | Kizash's Savage Heart Gloves
| GoD Leather Armor |
2004-06-14 |
Itaknoir | Kerasha's Sylvan Tunic
| PoP Leather Armor |
Mold | Maelin's Leggings of Lore
| PoP Silk Armor |
Mesphin | Earring of Influxed Gravity
| Time |
Tulaz | Earthen Bracer of Fortitude
| Time |
Sincro | Silver Hoop of Speed
| Time |
Zyvalla | Jagged Timeforged Blade
| Time |
Daeh | Bracer of Timeless Rage
| Time |
Tulaz | Gloves of Airy Mists
| Time |
Infinamorte | Shield of Strife
| Time |
Ezzelina | Ring of Thunderous Forces
| Time |
Dialow | Ring of Thunderous Forces
| Time |
Infinamorte | Timestone Adorned Ring
| Time |
Ezzelina | Wand of Impenetrable Force
| Time |
Brogle | Zealot's Spiked Bracer
| Time |
Cloudous | Collar of Catastrophe
| Time |
Swampfunk | Leggings of Furious Might
| Time |
Kenta | Leggings of Furious Might
| Time |
Infinamorte | Earring of Temporal Solstice
| Time |
Daeh | Wand of Temporal Power
| Time |
Albur | Shoes of Fleeting Fury
| Time |
Tarube | Winged Storm Boots
| Time |
Daeh | Tactician's Shield
| Time |
Ellysia | Hammer of Hours
| Time |
Albur | Cape of Endless Torment
| Time |
Brogle | Gloves of the Unseen
| Time |
Daeh | Gloves of the Unseen
| Time |
Euri | Ring of Evasion
| Time |
Skex | Timeless Coral Greatsword
| Time |
Vampyn | Fiery Crystal Guard
| Time |
Kenta | Dagger of Distraction
| Time |
Tulaz | Dagger of Distraction
| Time |
Tulaz | Rizlona's Fiery Greaves
| PoP Plate Armor |
Taelenie | Dagger of Distraction
| Time |
Brogle | Cloak of Ferocity
| Time |
Breathe | Glowing Chains
| Time |
Infinamorte | Gauntlets of Disruption
| Time |
Skex | Girdle of Restoration
| Time |
Albur | Wristguard of Keen Vision
| Time |
Craigh | Smooth Onyx Torque
| Time |
Brogle | Mask of Conceptual Energy
| Time |
Tarube | Pulsing Emerald Hoop
| Time |
Trisel | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Graven | Dakkamor's Helm of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Vellox | Nodnol's Gauntlets of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Leifelf | Trimdet's Gauntlets of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Pouty | Kelekdrix's Sandstone of Fortitude
| Inktu'Ta |
Merci | Gaelin's Woodland Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Infinamorte | Rayin's Bracer of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-06-13 |
Rubinia | Lelyen's Bracer of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Dreadpirate | Nodnol's Boots of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Negena | Gaelin's Woodland Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Euri | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Ursulan | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Whew | Nadien's Gauntlets of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Salyen | Dakkamor's Boots of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Haldar | Shimmering Jade Axe of Vengeance
| Inktu'Ta |
Quarantine | Earhoop of the Eighteen Eyes
| Inktu'Ta |
Ursulan | Nunkin's Bracer of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Traxan | Luvwen's Boots of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-06-12 |
Ladimor | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Graven | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Tsanuri | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Nasbus | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Gruul | Lelyen's Bracer of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Haldar | Prism of Dark Hues
| Qvic |
Xarina | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Theleos | Nadien's Helm of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Asmira | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Sertain | Nunkin's Gloves of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
2004-06-11 |
Sincro | Nodnol's Boots of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Shroomerz | Rayin's Bracer of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Ryenn | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Amistic | Whispering Amice
| Inktu'Ta |
Utaelr | Loop of Endless Insanity
| Inktu'Ta |
Swampfunk | Shimmering Jade Axe of Vengeance
| Inktu'Ta |
Laquorsha | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Dreadpirate | Nodnol's Vambraces of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Asmira | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Demeraudes | Dakkamor's Boots of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Garndart | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Meaww | Kizash's Savage Heart Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Indiana | Nodnol's Bracer of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Kernalo | Kizash's Savage Heart Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Negena | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Sincro | Nodnol's Vambraces of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Syldan | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Swampfunk | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Ezzelina | Nolaen's Lifereaper Bracer
| GoD Silk Armor |
Vellox | Nodnol's Bracer of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Nuitar | Rayin's Boots of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Kernalo | Kizash's Savage Heart Cap
| GoD Leather Armor |
Ezzelina | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Negena | Gaelin's Woodland Sleeves
| GoD Leather Armor |
2004-06-10 |
Vellox | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Lofwyr | Jennu's Gloves of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Everian | Gaelin's Woodland Gauntlets
| GoD Leather Armor |
Nasbus | Jennu's Sandals of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Noudle | Nadien's Bracer of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Pavo | Nunkin's Bracer of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Ryenn | Onyx Shard of Enlightenment
| Inktu'Ta |
Mesphin | Whispering Amice
| Inktu'Ta |
2004-06-09 |
Vellox | Sharp Irestone Fragment
| Ikkinz |
Blackfalcon | Bloodlink Chestmail
| Ikkinz |
Leenyne | Prism of Dark Hues
| Qvic |
Xarina | Aegis of Blackscales
| Ikkinz |
Theleos | Nadien's Gauntlets of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Utaelr | Honed Trinket of Protection
| Qvic |
Tarube | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Whew | Nadien's Bracer of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Zagrais | Rayin's Helm of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Trisel | Jennu's Sandals of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Trisel | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Syldan | Luvwen's Gauntlets of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Lofwyr | Blazing Stone of Demise
| Ikkinz |
Negena | Veil of Entrancement
| Ikkinz |
Salyen | Gem-Inlaid Ritual Cloak
| Ikkinz |
Shroomerz | Diamond-Tipped War Javelin
| Uqua |
Trisel | Silversilk Pantaloons of Conflict
| Uqua |
Ranbas | Fleshbiter
| Uqua |
Salyen | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
2004-06-08 |
Ranbas | Vadd's Boots of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Pavo | Nunkin's Sandals of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Lofwyr | Jennu's Circlet of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Jakotich | Mask of the Sacred Evil
| Qvic |
Merci | Gaelin's Woodland Gauntlets
| GoD Leather Armor |
Garndart | Trimdet's Vambraces of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Syldan | Luvwen's Bracer of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Theleos | Nadien's Bracer of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Mesphin | Bulwark of Uqua
| Uqua |
Blackfalcon | Aranini's Rage
| Uqua |
Utaelr | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Breathe | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Canib | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Lofwyr | Jennu's Bracer of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Pavo | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Qwenya | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
2004-06-07 |
Mindfarer | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Xarina | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Italadin | Trimdet's Gauntlets of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Leifelf | Trimdet's Vambraces of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Amistic | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Xilvana | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Snugglebunee | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Italadin | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Swampfunk | Harlad's Boots of Fury
| GoD Chain Armor |
Qwenya | Dakkamor's Boots of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Sertain | Loop of Endless Insanity
| Inktu'Ta |
Quarantine | Whispering Amice
| Inktu'Ta |
Kossos | Kizash's Savage Heart Sleeves
| GoD Leather Armor |
Haldar | Vadd's Boots of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-06-06 |
Cuauhtemoc | Honed Trinket of Protection
| Qvic |
Nasbus | Jennu's Bracer of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Baradur | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Rathool | Lavender Cloak of Destruction
| Uqua |
Merci | Gaelin's Woodland Sandals
| GoD Leather Armor |
Itaknoir | Gaelin's Woodland Cap
| GoD Leather Armor |
Ladimor | Lavender Cloak of Destruction
| Uqua |
Italadin | Trimdet's Vambraces of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Quarantine | Kanleku's Vambraces of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
2004-06-05 |
Salyen | Dakkamor's Gauntlets of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Morakin | Vadd's Helm of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Morakin | Vadd's Boots of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Morakin | Vadd's Bracer of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Ellysia | Gaelin's Woodland Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
2004-06-04 |
Lofwyr | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Ellysia | Gaelin's Woodland Gauntlets
| GoD Leather Armor |
Skyia | Nadien's Boots of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Dreadpirate | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Asterius | Gaelin's Woodland Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Zalazar | Gaelin's Woodland Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Ehan | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Kyrina | Luvwen's Boots of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Ranbas | Vadd's Helm of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Dalzhel | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Ehan | Lelyen's Bracer of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Mindfarer | Jennu's Circlet of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Asterius | Gaelin's Woodland Sleeves
| GoD Leather Armor |
Rathool | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Canium | Trimdet's Vambraces of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Zontar | Trimdet's Vambraces of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Tulkor | Kanleku's Vambraces of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
2004-06-03 |
Rathool | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Canium | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Demeraudes | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Canib | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Catrielle | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Xilvana | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Kyrina | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Demeraudes | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Canium | Trimdet's Gauntlets of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Whew | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Kenta | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Zontar | Trimdet's Bracer of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Mindfarer | Jennu's Bracer of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
2004-06-02 |
Ellysia | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Vargo | Nunkin's Gloves of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Tulkor | Kanleku's Helm of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Lofwyr | Cord of Potential
| Time |
Infinamorte | Helm of Flowing Time
| Time |
Brilnayar | Wand of Temporal Power
| Time |
Daeh | Circlet of Flowing Time
| Time |
Aalia | Cloak of the Falling Skies
| Time |
Whew | Winged Storm Boots
| Time |
Ranbas | Earring of Corporeal Essence
| Time |
Asterius | Cape of Endless Torment
| Time |
Breathe | Cape of Endless Torment
| Time |
Tulaz | Edge of Eternity
| Time |
Ghitming | Runewarded Belt
| Time |
Lofwyr | Gloves of the Unseen
| Time |
Swampfunk | Earring of Xaoth Kor
| Time |
Swampfunk | Timeless Coral Greatsword
| Time |
Gruul | Romar's Pantaloons of Visions
| PoP Silk Armor |
Ladimor | Ultor's Greaves of Faith
| PoP Plate Armor |
Craigh | Ring of Force
| Time |
Vampyn | Drape of the Unending
| Time |
Daco | Cudgel of Wrecking
| Time |
Quarantine | Smooth Onyx Torque
| Time |
Canib | Hoop of the Enlightened
| Time |
Breathe | Hoop of the Enlightened
| Time |
Snugglebunee | Cloak of Ferocity
| Time |
Nanweniel | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Strikinya | Shield of Strife
| Time |
Syldan | Eye of Dreams
| Time |
Shintaaro | Ton Po's Chestwraps of Composure
| PoP Leather Armor |
Swampfunk | Greatblade of Chaos
| Time |
Theleos | Timestone Adorned Ring
| Time |
Cloudous | Hammer of the Timeweaver
| Time |
Theleos | Platinum Cloak of War
| Time |
Rezz | Platinum Cloak of War
| Time |
Craigh | Jagged Timeforged Blade
| Time |
Daco | Bracer of Timeless Rage
| Time |
Lothlorienne | Barrier of Freezing Winds
| Time |
Lothlorienne | Wand of Impenetrable Force
| Time |
Nuitar | Shroud of Eternity
| Time |
Xilvana | Earring of Influxed Gravity
| Time |
Sertain | Nunkin's Circlet of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Quarantine | Kanleku's Helm of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Canib | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Morakin | Vadd's Gauntlets of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Chicago | Kanleku's Bracer of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Negena | Gaelin's Woodland Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
2004-06-01 |
Itaknoir | Gaelin's Woodland Gauntlets
| GoD Leather Armor |
Zalazar | Gaelin's Woodland Sandals
| GoD Leather Armor |
Vargo | Nunkin's Bracer of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Utaelr | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Sincro | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Lonn | Nunkin's Gloves of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Merci | Broken Shard of Chaos
| Qvic |
Haldar | Kelekdrix's Sandstone of Fortitude
| Inktu'Ta |
Qwenya | Onyx Shard of Enlightenment
| Inktu'Ta |
Itaknoir | Gaelin's Woodland Sandals
| GoD Leather Armor |
Xilvana | Dakkamor's Helm of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Traxan | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Vampyn | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Meaww | Kizash's Savage Heart Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Nuitar | Rayin's Bracer of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Mindfarer | Jennu's Sandals of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Canib | Dakkamor's Helm of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Pavo | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Haldar | Vadd's Gauntlets of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Zontar | Trimdet's Bracer of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Pavo | Nunkin's Bracer of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
2004-05-31 |
Demeraudes | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Ellysia | Gaelin's Woodland Sleeves
| GoD Leather Armor |
Morakin | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Ranbas | Vadd's Bracer of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Graven | Dakkamor's Boots of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Skyia | Nadien's Helm of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Amistic | Earhoop of the Eighteen Eyes
| Inktu'Ta |
Tulkor | Earhoop of the Eighteen Eyes
| Inktu'Ta |
Ranbas | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Zagrais | Rayin's Gauntlets of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Baradur | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Baradur | Dakkamor's Helm of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-05-30 |
Ranbas | Vadd's Bracer of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Ryenn | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Canib | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Merci | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Zontar | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Chicago | Kanleku's Helm of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Doublehorse | Pressl's Bracer of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Cbus | Nolaen's Lifereaper Sandals
| GoD Silk Armor |
Orra | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Aalia | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Dialow | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Lonn | Nunkin's Bracer of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Everian | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Kossos | Kizash's Savage Heart Gloves
| GoD Leather Armor |
2004-05-29 |
Leifelf | Stone of Portal Calling
| Qvic |
Tulkor | Kanleku's Bracer of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Ranthorn | Pressl's Bracer of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Ryenn | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Salladaraa | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Cuauhtemoc | Jennu's Sandals of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Dalzhel | Rayin's Helm of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Ranthorn | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Merci | Gaelin's Woodland Sleeves
| GoD Leather Armor |
Morakin | Vadd's Bracer of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Dreadpirate | Nodnol's Gauntlets of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Salyen | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Cbus | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Baradur | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Leenyne | Vadd's Boots of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Kyrina | Luvwen's Helm of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Dalzhel | Rayin's Bracer of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Zalazar | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
2004-05-28 |
Vargo | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Asterius | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Baradur | Ceremonial Jade-Inlaid Cuirass
| Uqua |
Tulkor | Carved Stone-Link Greaves
| Uqua |
Morakin | Fleshbiter
| Uqua |
Nasbus | Silversilk Pantaloons of Conflict
| Uqua |
Ryenn | High Priest Riwirn's Rejuvenating Pebble
| Uqua |
Indiana | Aranini's Rage
| Uqua |
Xarina | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Everian | Gaelin's Woodland Sleeves
| GoD Leather Armor |
Itaknoir | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Leifelf | Trimdet's Helm of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Aalia | Lelyen's Bracer of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Sincro | Nodnol's Bracer of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Mesphin | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Pouty | Pressl's Cap of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Utaelr | Jennu's Bracer of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Zagrais | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
2004-05-27 |
Zagrais | Rayin's Boots of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Utaelr | Jennu's Sandals of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Ladimor | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Merci | Gaelin's Woodland Cap
| GoD Leather Armor |
Amistic | Nolaen's Lifereaper Sandals
| GoD Silk Armor |
Skyia | Nadien's Gauntlets of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Catrielle | Luvwen's Helm of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Shintaaro | Pressl's Cap of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Nanweniel | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Xarina | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Salladaraa | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Zalazar | Gaelin's Woodland Sleeves
| GoD Leather Armor |
Catrielle | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Kossos | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Mesphin | Kanleku's Vambraces of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Salladaraa | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Itaknoir | Gaelin's Woodland Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Demeraudes | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-05-26 |
Amistic | Nolaen's Lifereaper Bracer
| GoD Silk Armor |
Lofwyr | Jennu's Bracer of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Alierias | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Pouty | Pressl's Sleeves of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Doublehorse | Ring of the Brutish Beasts
| Ikkinz |
Aalia | Bauble of the Forlorn
| Ikkinz |
Everian | Bauble of the Forlorn
| Ikkinz |
Vellox | Bloodied Ritual Trinket
| Ikkinz |
Utaelr | Blazing Stone of Demise
| Ikkinz |
Kyrelsis | Lelyen's Sandals of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Italadin | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Sertain | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Graven | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-05-25 |
Everian | Gaelin's Woodland Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Swampfunk | Harlad's Bracer of Fury
| GoD Chain Armor |
Cujoy | Nadien's Boots of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Aalia | Lelyen's Circlet of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Cbus | Silversilk Pantaloons of Conflict
| Uqua |
Cuauhtemoc | Statuette of Trushar
| Uqua |
Morakin | Aranini's Rage
| Uqua |
Xilvana | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Leenyne | Vadd's Gauntlets of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Sertain | Nunkin's Sandals of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Catrielle | Luvwen's Boots of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
Wychway | Bulwark of the Blind Eye
| Qvic |
Ryenn | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Zalazar | Gaelin's Woodland Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
2004-05-24 |
Qwenya | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Nanweniel | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Leifelf | Trimdet's Boots of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Canium | Trimdet's Boots of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Sertain | Nunkin's Bracer of Pure Elements
| GoD Silk Armor |
Salyen | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Dialow | Shawl of the Void
| Qvic |
Leifelf | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Pouty | Pressl's Sandals of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Xilvana | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Merci | Gaelin's Woodland Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Haldar | Vadd's Helm of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Swampfunk | Harlad's Gauntlets of Fury
| GoD Chain Armor |
Alierias | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Qwenya | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Graven | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Graven | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Zalazar | Gaelin's Woodland Gauntlets
| GoD Leather Armor |
2004-05-23 |
Utaelr | Jennu's Circlet of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Ladimor | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Salyen | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Xilvana | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Xarina | Dakkamor's Vambraces of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Itaknoir | Gaelin's Woodland Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Orra | Vadd's Bracer of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Kyrelsis | Lelyen's Bracer of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Amistic | Nolaen's Lifereaper Bracer
| GoD Silk Armor |
Pouty | Aranini's Sandstone of Fortitude
| Uqua |
Icewalker | Statuette of Trushar
| Uqua |
Skyia | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Canium | Trimdet's Helm of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Aalia | Lelyen's Gloves of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Sincro | Nodnol's Gauntlets of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Cujoy | Nadien's Bracer of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Kyrina | Luvwen's Bracer of Melody
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-05-22 |
Shroomerz | Spool of Woven Time
| Time |
Zagrais | Shroud of Eternity
| Time |
Haldar | Cord of Temporal Weavings
| Time |
Utaelr | Bracer of Timeless Rage
| Time |
Catrielle | Gloves of Airy Mists
| Time |
Tarube | Gloves of Airy Mists
| Time |
Ranbas | Band of Primordial Energy
| Time |
Morakin | Band of Primordial Energy
| Time |
Shintaaro | Ton Po's Mystical Pouch
| Time |
Itaknoir | Mask of Simplicity
| Time |
Parit | Cloak of Retribution
| Time |
Amistic | Wand of Impenetrable Force
| Time |
Tarube | Timespinner, Blade of the Hunter
| Time |
Ehan | Belt of Temporal Bindings
| Time |
Itaknoir | Belt of Temporal Bindings
| Time |
Kernalo | Shinai of the Ancients
| Time |
Kastle | Shoes of Fleeting Fury
| Time |
Kripi | Shoes of Fleeting Fury
| Time |
Tarube | Band of Prismatic Focus
| Time |
Ghitming | Bracer of Precision
| Time |
Kenta | Bracer of Precision
| Time |
Infinamorte | Vanazir, Dreamer's Despair
| Time |
Infinamorte | Talisman of Tainted Energy
| Time |
Infinamorte | Armguards of the Brute
| Time |
Gazz | Symbol of the Planemasters
| Time |
Cbus | Symbol of the Planemasters
| Time |
Tarube | Runewarded Belt
| Time |
Brilnayar | Pauldrons of Purity
| Time |
Morakin | Ethereal Destroyer
| Time |
Devoss | Cloak of Wishes
| Time |
Skex | Cloak of Wishes
| Time |
Alieria | Dagger of Distraction
| Time |
Euri | Drape of the Unending
| Time |
Brilnayar | Shield of the Vortex
| Time |
Amistic | Glowing Chains
| Time |
Utaelr | Wristguard of Keen Vision
| Time |
Morakin | Smooth Onyx Torque
| Time |
Morakin | Ring of Force
| Time |
Infinamorte | Ring of Force
| Time |
Mesphin | Kanleku's Bracer of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Itaknoir | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Leenyne | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Dreadpirate | Nodnol's Bracer of the Scoundrel
| GoD Chain Armor |
Canib | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Xarina | Broken Shard of Chaos
| Qvic |
Mesphin | Kanleku's Gauntlets of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Dialow | Lelyen's Circlet of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Lofwyr | Jennu's Sandals of Creation
| GoD Silk Armor |
Pouty | Totem of the Sightless
| Qvic |
2004-05-21 |
Kenta | Honed Trinket of Protection
| Qvic |
Kenta | Nadien's Bracer of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Kossos | Kizash's Savage Heart Bracer
| GoD Leather Armor |
Swampfunk | Harlad's Bracer of Fury
| GoD Chain Armor |
Pouty | Orb of Trushar's Breath
| Qvic |
Dreadpirate | Bulwark of the Blind Eye
| Qvic |
Demeraudes | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Merci | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Kyrina | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Shintaaro | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
2004-05-20 |
Pouty | Pressl's Bracer of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Haldar | Vadd's Bracer of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Ladimor | Honed Trinket of Protection
| Qvic |
Xarina | Honed Trinket of Protection
| Qvic |
Canium | Stone of Portal Calling
| Qvic |
Itaknoir | Gaelin's Woodland Sleeves
| GoD Leather Armor |
Haldar | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Cujoy | Nadien's Helm of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Xarina | Dakkamor's Helm of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Pouty | Mace of the Dark Realm
| Qvic |
Itaknoir | Gemstone of Intellect
| Qvic |
Qwenya | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Zalazar | Glyph of Souls
| Qvic |
Skyia | Nadien's Bracer of the Archer
| GoD Chain Armor |
Alierias | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Salyen | Dakkamor's Bracer of the Divine
| GoD Plate Armor |
Leifelf | Trimdet's Bracer of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Rubinia | Mask of the Sacred Evil
| Qvic |
Dreadpirate | Blade of Dark Rituals
| Qvic |
Italadin | Trimdet's Helm of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Orra | Vadd's Helm of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
Kyrelsis | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
2004-05-19 |
Kossos | Kizash's Savage Heart Cap
| GoD Leather Armor |
Cloudous | Deathwrap of Rites
| Ikkinz |
Vellox | Deathwrap of Rites
| Ikkinz |
Ranbas | Rageshale of Bolstering
| Ikkinz |
Negena | Fleshthreader's Mace
| Ikkinz |
Ketaro | Cranial Bludgeoner
| Ikkinz |
Utaelr | Aegis of Blackscales
| Ikkinz |
Nanweniel | Ring of Chaotic Vision
| Qvic |
Quarantine | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Cujoy | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Xarina | Blackstone of Radical Thought
| Ikkinz |
2004-05-18 |
Xarina | Ring of Chaotic Vision
| Qvic |
Kyrelsis | Lelyen's Circlet of Entrancement
| GoD Silk Armor |
Valalathia | Stone-Worked Pauldrons
| Ikkinz |
Kyrelsis | Bauble of the Forlorn
| Ikkinz |
Quarantine | Kanleku's Gauntlets of Spirits
| GoD Chain Armor |
Italadin | Trimdet's Bracer of Chivalry
| GoD Plate Armor |
Graven | Bauble of the Forlorn
| Ikkinz |
Leenyne | Vadd's Helm of Elite Combat
| GoD Plate Armor |
2004-05-17 |
Zagrais | Rayin's Bracer of Abhorrence
| GoD Plate Armor |
Shintaaro | Pressl's Gloves of Balance
| GoD Leather Armor |
Meaww | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Pouty | Jewel of Focus
| Qvic |
Aalia | Silversilk Pantaloons of Conflict
| Uqua |
Cujoy | Polished Ceremonial Mask
| Uqua |
Sincro | Carved Stone-Link Greaves
| Uqua |
Dialow | Lavender Cloak of Destruction
| Uqua |
Leifelf | Flanged Prayer Mace
| Uqua |
2004-05-16 |
Ghitming | Protective Sleeves
| Time |
Ghitming | Necklace of Celestial Energy
| Time |
Devoss | Nebulous Pixtt Oculus
| Kod`Taz |
Alieria | Muramite Flurry Armcovers
| Kod`Taz |
Dreadpirate | Muramite Flurry Armcovers
| Kod`Taz |
Skyia | Cord of Temporal Weavings
| Time |
Itaknoir | Earring of Influxed Gravity
| Time |
Dialow | Ethereal Silk Leggings
| Time |
Morakin | Raex's Chestplate of Destruction
| PoP Plate Armor |
Ghitming | Cap of Flowing Time
| Time |
Asmira | Barrier of Freezing Winds
| Time |
Sincro | Gloves of Airy Mists
| Time |
Shortok | Greatstaff of Power
| Time |
Aalia | Sandals of Empowerment
| Time |
Shintaaro | Pants of Furious Might
| Time |
Shintaaro | Veil of the Inferno
| Time |
Autumnleaf | Temporal Chainmail Sleeves
| Time |
Pouty | Tactician's Shield
| Time |
Skysha | Shroud of Provocation
| Time |
Sincro | Earring of Xaoth Kor
| Time |
Takayn | Shield of the Vortex
| Time |
Infinamorte | Cloak of Ferocity
| Time |
Takayn | Smooth Onyx Torque
| Time |
Ghitming | Pulsing Emerald Hoop
| Time |
Ghitming | Cloak of Retribution
| Time |
Gruul | Gloves of the Unseen
| Time |
Kyrina | Veil of the Inferno
| Time |
Tulaz | Shroud of Provocation
| Time |
Tulaz | Cloak of Wishes
| Time |
Swampfunk | Girdle of Restoration
| Time |
Gruul | Glowing Chains
| Time |
Gruul | Circlet of Flowing Time
| Time |
Kenta | Mantle of Deadly Precision
| Time |
Aryhm | Wristguard of Keen Vision
| Time |
Aryhm | Pulsing Emerald Hoop
| Time |
Aryhm | Tiny Jade Ring
| Time |
Amistic | Wand of Temporal Power
| Time |
Everian | Hammer of Hours
| Time |
Tsanuri | Pauldrons of Purity
| Time |
Tsanuri | Romar's Pantaloons of Visions
| PoP Silk Armor |
Mindfarer | Talisman of Tainted Energy
| Time |
Cloudous | Padded Tigerskin Gloves
| Time |
Gruul | Romar's Robe of Visions
| PoP Silk Armor |
2004-05-14 |
Cuauhtemoc | Bauble of the Forlorn
| Ikkinz |
Valalathia | Bloodlink Chestmail
| Ikkinz |
Dreadpirate | Eye of the Onyx Guardian
| Uqua |
Mindfarer | Statuette of Trushar
| Uqua |
Italadin | Bloodstone of Force
| Ikkinz |
Fumm | Bloodstone of Force
| Ikkinz |
Dreadpirate | Sharp Irestone Fragment
| Ikkinz |
Dalzhel | Diamond-Tipped War Javelin
| Uqua |
2004-05-13 |
Traxan | Primal Eye
| Yxtta |
Tulkor | Primal Eye
| Yxtta |
Pouty | Primal Eye
| Yxtta |
Mindfarer | Ruby Ring of Embellishment
| Yxtta |
Slithery | Trusik Bone Earring
| Yxtta |
2004-05-12 |
Ellysia | Ikaav-Scale Sleeves
| Yxtta |
Kyrelsis | Veil of Scars
| Yxtta |
Dialow | Runed Stone Worker Finger
| Yxtta |
Nasbus | Statuette of Trushar
| Uqua |
Skyia | Aranini's Rage
| Uqua |
2004-05-07 |
Cujoy | Bloodied Ritual Trinket
| Ikkinz |
Ellysia | Bauble of the Forlorn
| Ikkinz |
Rubinia | Robe of Destruction
| Ikkinz |
Lofwyr | Statuette of Trushar
| Uqua |
Utaelr | Statuette of Trushar
| Uqua |
Wulftyger | Bulwark of Uqua
| Uqua |
Eneaya | Sharp Irestone Fragment
| Ikkinz |
Aalia | Robe of Destruction
| Ikkinz |
Cbus | Robe of Destruction
| Ikkinz |
Ranthorn | Bloodied Ritual Trinket
| Ikkinz |
Pouty | Bloodied Ritual Trinket
| Ikkinz |
Qwenya | Gem-Inlaid Ritual Cloak
| Ikkinz |
Thrankul | Darkened Coldstone
| Ikkinz |
Quarantine | Bulwark of Uqua
| Uqua |
Leenyne | Aranini's Sandstone of Fortitude
| Uqua |
Catrielle | Lavender Cloak of Destruction
| Uqua |
Garndart | Flanged Prayer Mace
| Uqua |
Nazerett | Flanged Prayer Mace
| Uqua |
Italadin | Flanged Prayer Mace
| Uqua |
Canium | Flanged Prayer Mace
| Uqua |
Canium | High Priest Riwirn's Rejuvenating Pebble
| Uqua |
Sincro | Eye of the Onyx Guardian
| Uqua |
Qwenya | Onyx Pebble of Learnedness
| Uqua |
Sertain | Onyx Pebble of Learnedness
| Uqua |